Spring Break

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#6 of Spring Break

Raine leaves Rodger at home with Reuben, whilst her and Nathan go on a 'girly' shopping trip - he takes her to one of his favorite places, an adult shop, and gives poor Raine's credit card a thorough hiding...

Spring Break

Chapter Six

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

6th July, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Raine blinked, then stared, before he muzzle fell open and she stared unseeing, before Nathan laughed nervously, then tenderly closed Raine's muzzle.

"You - " Raine moaned, looking at Rodger, who swallowed and hung his head, ashamed and guilty.

"Hey, there's no harm in fantasies, young one!" Nathan spoke, trying to be stern, but then giggling shyly.

"I mean...Rodger...and...you - " Raine murmured, then shook her head.

"It was just an idle fantasy - " Rodger whimpered. "He's...beautiful, shy, gentle, loving..."

"Oh, he is - " Raine shuddered, then gently lifted Rodgers muzzle, placing her paw under his chin. "You know me my beloved, I won't judge you. Not now, not ever. I love you with all my heart, I'd just - well - just never imagined..."

"I can believe that, I don't exactly - look like the type that would..."

Nathan nodded, then cuddled both Raine and Rodger. "Bah, enough of this sappiness, you'll both get me crying!"

Raine sniffled and laughed weakly, before she returned Nathan's affectionate cuddle, then kissed him on the forehead, before she cuddled Rodger tight and nuzzled his ears.

"I mean, I wouldn't be adverse - if- Nathan and Reuben agreed..." Raine whispered into the wallaby's ears.

His eyes widened and he moaned, before pushing back and staring into her eyes.

"I'm kidding my love, my parents are very - open- in their sexuality, but some boundaries shouldn't be crossed."

"Oh, I don't know - " Nathan pondered, tapping his fingers against his chin as he thought. "A handsome wallaby buck..."

Raine snorted then slapped his chest with a paw - not hard, but not gently either, before she growled at him, flattening her ears.

"I'm kidding!" Nathan squealed, then held his paws up in a submissive gesture.

'I know you are, you big lovable fool, its why I adore you." Raine laughed, and with that, the tension in the room was broken, the three of them sharing a good laugh together.

After a few moments, Raine stood up, then leaned down and kissed Rodger between the eyes and pressed his head against her belly, caressing the back of his head and nape.

"Rodger? Nathan and I have a shopping trip planned today, will you be alright with Reuben for a few hours?"

"We do?" Nathan squealed.

Raine glanced at him, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "We do...now, go shower and get ready!"

"Yes, mistress!" Nathan stood, then bowed, tipping a wink to Rodger, before Raine smacked him sharply on the rump, making him jump and squeal.. "Ooh!"

"Go!" Raine laughed helplessly.

Nathan turned his head, giving a blep at her with his tongue, before he flicked his tail up and flagged it. Rodger moaned and Raine rolled her eyes, before he walked out the door.

"He's_such_ a tease!" Raine chuckled, before she straddled Rodgers hips, sliding her paws over his shoulders, her thick, luxurious brush flicking from side to side, as she gazed into his eyes. "You...really..."

Rodger shivered, feeling Raine wasn't wearing any underwear beneath her skirt, the warmth of her quickly working on him.

"Its...a fantasy my love, truly. I'd never, dream of trying anything with Nathan - or Reuben. You're more than enough for me, and I pray, I am for you."

"Of course you are!" Raine chuckled, then cuddled him close, licking his ears.


Raine was walking down the hallway, pondering what she had forgotten, before she heard a loud cervine squeal of fright and surprise, then a crash from the bathroom. Running down the hallway, her tail swishing and ears flat in panic, she began pounding on the door.

"Dad...are you alright in there?"

"I'm,,,fine honey.." Come a weak giggle. "Gods, I haven't done _that_since I was a teenager..."

Reuben paused, raising an eyebrow, before he sipped his coffee and shook his head slowly. "My dear daughter? Just...don't ask...he's in there trying out some new toy he ordered...think about it for a moment..."

Raine frowned, then her mouth fell open and she blushed, then giggled. "Oh..."

"_Oh_indeed - lube, wet floor, cloven hooves..." Reuben chuckled weakly, then knocked on the door. "You alright honey?"

"I haven't been rutted like _that_in years!" Come the awkward squeal, and panting breaths.

"Dad!" Raine giggled.

"I rest my case..." Reuben snickered, as he ruffled Raine's ears and wandered off towards the lounge room. "That Doe..."


Raine rested her forearm on the window sill, whilst Nathan drove Reuben's car.

"Oh, here, stop here!" Raine squealed and gestured.

"Here?" Nathan frowned, then shrugged, indicated and pulled over, parking the car in the lot.

Nathan got out, then looked up at the sign that hung over the building. "Bed, Buck and Beyond?"

Raine giggled, then took her fathers paw in his, and led him through the doors.

"Trust me Dad..."

"Okay..." Nathan frowned in confusion.

Raine rolled her eyes and chuckled.


Two hours later, Nathan couldn't stop giggling like a Doe, as he glanced sideways at Raine, then pulled into another parking lot and got out. Raine looked up at the sign, before she blushed and glanced at him.


"Trust me little one, you'll love this place - I do!" Nathan smiled.

Nervously, Raine stepped out, feeling her brush frizzle with her nervousness, before she pulled it around beside her, holding it against her thigh and petting it subconsciously.

"I'm not so sure Dad, its...not _really_my kind of place!"

With a soft snort of disbelief, Nathan grinned and took her paw and nearly dragged her into the adult shop. As they entered, a belly tinkled merrily and a young Eastern Grey Kangaroo Doe stood up from where she'd been behind the counter, then smiled and waved at Nathan.

"Hey stud!" She called, coming around the counter and moving to cuddle Nathan.

"Oh, please - Kelly - this is my dear daughter, Raine, Raine, honey? This is Kelly, owner and proprietor of this shop! You name it, Kelly has it, can get it, or - whatever!"

"Pah, you flatter me buck!" Turning to look at Raine, who giggled shyly, her eyes wide as she looked at the assortment of toys, leather craft and some things, she couldn't imagine, let alone describe. "So, Nathan - what tickles your fancy today?"

Nathan wandered off with Kelly, as he looked at various things, one of which, he picked up off the counter. He had to grunt to lift it, before he started slapping what looked like a shire stallions member, over his shoulders and chuckled.

"Hey, Raine?" Nathan squealed. "How's this? Think I'd like it? Ooh, what about Rodger?"

Turning her head to look, Raine moaned, both paws flying to her cheeks as she stared incredulously.

"Dad - stop, please! You're embarrassing me!"

"So that's a no?" Nathan giggled, then put it back on the counter.

Kelly chuckled and shook her head. "I know your predilections dear Hart, but, no...how is Reuben, anyway?"

"He's as eager and willing as always!" Nathan snickered. "I love_rutting season!"_

"Oh, I'm sure you do!" Kelly laughed. "Now, what can I do for you?"

"It's...more about my dear, sweet daughter - " Nathan blushed and giggled shyly.

'Me?" Raine squeaked.

"Yes, you!" Nathan told her, resting his paws on his hips. "I want my daughter to be happy, and besides - that adorable Wallaby of yours? I'm sure there's _something_here, that'd make him squeal!"

'Dad!" Raine moaned, blushing again. "You need a filter for your brain!"

Kelly chuckled. "Raine? It's alright, really! I've known this upstart Doe ever since he was sixteen...he's one of my best customers!"

"I'm not a doe..." Nathan grumbled good naturedly.

'Sure you're not..." Kelly winked at him. "you're a big, strapping, dominant stag!"

"Hey!" Nathan giggled and Raine laughed long and loud.


Raine loaded her purchases into the car, then sat and scratched the back of her head. "Even with a discount, that was some...spending, I think my credit card will melt, and we're not finished yet!"

"We're not?" Nathan blinked.

"No," Raine smiled. "Next stop, the mall - we need to get you some new sexy negligees and so on, first, I'm starving..."

'I'm not food - " Nathan muttered, before he favoured Raine with a lopsided grin.

"No, but I'm sure there's some tips you could give me, on eating a Buck!"

"Raine!" Nathan squealed, then giggled. "You're definitely taking after me- aren't you?

"I am my mother's daughter!" Raine snickered, then kissed Nathan's cheek adoringly. "Come on, lets go before I start imagining you _as_lunch!"

With a good naturedly huff, Nathan put the car in gear and drove off, Raine's laughter following in their wake.

To Be Continued...

Spring Break

Spring Break Chapter Five © Cederwyn Whitefurr 5th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Reuben laughed softly, then Raine heard the sound of a kiss to what she assumed was the nose of Nathan. "Nathan, dear... don't take this the wrong way, but you're...

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Spring Break

Spring Break Chapter Four © Cederwyn Whitefurr 5th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Next morning, Rodger was walking back towards the shared bedroom with Raine, clutching a glass of water between his paws, when the bedroom door of Nathan and Reuben...

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Hunters Moon - Epilogue -

Hunter's Moon - Epilogue - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 5th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Sitting before the cracking fireplace, deep in the woods, sat Katie and her son James. "It's been quiet - " James whispered, as he poked the fire with a stick,...

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