Hunters Moon - Epilogue -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#6 of Hunters Moon

A mother takes her teenage son into the woods, to undergo the 'passage of manhood' - to hunt and claim a stag as a trophy - to prove himself. Little do they know, these woods are guarded and protected - the deer here, are friend to the two guardians - and they're not shy about showing themselves - or proving their dominance...

Hunter's Moon

  • Epilogue -

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

5th July, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Sitting before the cracking fireplace, deep in the woods, sat Katie and her son James.

"It's been quiet - " James whispered, as he poked the fire with a stick, stirring the burning logs and watching as cinders flew up into the sky. "I thought we'd find our trophy buck by now!"

"Patience young one!" Katie smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Hunting deer takes patience and perseverance. We still have a week left of hunting season left, plenty of time for you to claim your first!"

With a shudder, James poked the fire again. "I just - don't feel_the need to hunt a creature of the wood, claim his head as some grisly trophy. What _is the point of it? How does this mean I'm a man now, because I shot some poor deer?"

"Its - its a coming of age, amongst males, you're eighteen in two days, so - "

"I just...don't see the point!"

"Its...never-mind - " His mother sighed. "Lets turn in, got a long day tomorrow!"

"You're right, I still don't think its right though - they got just as much right to life as we do..."

"Maybe so, but, its been a tradition of young men, for, well, feels like forever, come on - lets get to bed, dawn comes all too early!"


They slept the night through, oblivious that their words and appearance had been seen since they arrived...


Next morning, James crawled out of his sleeping bag, as naked as the day he'd been born, then slipped out of the tent. He rubbed at his eyes, stretching and yawning loudly, blinking in the pre-dawn light that dappled through the trees. As he wandered off, thoughts of breakfast and the day ahead, he was oblivious to his surroundings. He stood at the edge of the clearing, holding himself in one hand, before a strong stream of urine sprayed forth and he sighed in relief. As he shook himself off after what felt like an eternity, he began to turn - then froze as a leathery muzzle, just behind it, a patch of white, then two large brown eyes peered at him from the forests edge.

"Woah - " James gasped.

He froze, staring wide eyed at the Whitetail deer that took a shy step forwards, then continued staring at him, its muzzle falling open and some half chewed leaves and twigs falling to the ground with a wet plop. Its ears snapped forwards as it stared, and James felt his breath catch in his throat.

"Hey..." James whispered.

Flicking a ear, the deer crept another half step closer, its body quivering with surprise and alarm. It seemed to not know whether to stand its ground, or run. As the zipper on the tent purred open and his mother stuck her head out, the deer's head snapped around like a whip and stared at her, before it uttered a strange, bleating cry.

"Don't...move - " His mother whispered, barely loud enough to hear.

"I'm..." He began.

Branches rustled and snapped, as another furred head pushed forwards, its large, six pointed antlered head thrashing at them, before it stepped half into the clearing and stared, like the first one.

"Two..." James mother murmured. "Look at that stag!"

James looked, before the smaller deer's head snapped back the other way and locked gazes on him.

"Hey...easy - " James whispered, as he nervously held his hand out towards it.

With a soft grunt, the Buck tossed his head, then stepped out, before he threw back his head and roared, the loud vocalisation echoing off into the trees.

"Lower your gaze!" His mother grunted. "He's perceiving it as a threat - he'll charge!"

James dropped his gaze instantly, quivering with fear and trepidation. With a snort, the stag shook his head again, before he twisted it around and used a hind cloven hoof to scratch at the base of his antlers. Both humans watched, the son in awe and amazement, the mother with a look that would have dropped the stag in a heartbeat. Almost as if he perceived her emotions, he paused in scratching his head, then looked at her again and again, he grunted that loud challenge.

"Try me..." His mother suddenly snarled. "I'll make you into hamburger - go on, scat!"

Waving her hands at him to frighten him off, the Stag merely snorted and scratched at the ground with a front cloven hoof, then tossed his head again.

"GO!" Katie screamed, but the stag merely snorted and stepped even closer.

"Mom - " James murmured. "What do we do..."

Glancing at the guns that were out of reach, his mother seemed to think of making a break for one. Watching her, the stag turned his head to look at them, then he looked back at her and shook his head again, slowly lowering his head until the razor sharp antlers pointed at her. His point was well made - as she realised he'd impale her before she took two steps towards them.

"Alright...alright - " Katie quivered, as she knelt and placed her hands in her lap.

With a snort, the stag stepped closer again, before he stretched his head out, his leathery nose almost touching her naked body. He stood and quivered, before sniffing her.

'Hey!" Katie yelped in surprise.

"Mom...what's...going on - hey, no!" James squealed, as the other deer followed the stag, then flicked her ears and lowered its head, sniffing at his limp penis. "NO, stop...stop that!"

"What...what sick, perverted game is - " Began Katie, before the stag nudged her with his nose and his hot, moist tongue slurped her cheek, his tail giving a slight flag from side to side.

"Hey, no! I don't have any...anything you want!" Katie squealed.

Insistently, the stag closed the distance, then he licked her forehead and nuzzled her again.

"What...what do you want? Go away - shoo!" Katie squealed, as she tried fending off the increasingly frisky stag.

"Mom!" Jack shrieked, as the doe nuzzled his penis, then licked it from head to tip and flagged her tail, before she bleated softly, her hot breath washing over him.

"No...not...damn it - go away!" Katie moaned, pushing the stag's head away, but he merely returned and nuzzled again.

Jack froze in fear, before the doe nuzzled his limp member with his nose, then she snorted and in one swift movement, slid it into her muzzle and began slurping.

'Urgh!" Jack gasped in alarm and growing pleasure.

Her tongue was incredibly hot, the saliva quickly lathering his firming member as the doe closed her eyes and her flagging tail quickened. It was almost as if she was enjoying herself as she felt him growing more aroused.

" him - " Katie squealed, as the stag grunted and with a thrust of his head, knocked her over onto her back, then he stood over her, gazing down at her.

" me!" Katie wailed in fright, then slapped his chest.

He merely grunted and shuddered, before kneeling his front legs down, pinning her to the ground with his weight. As his hind legs followed, Katie gasped, feeling the firm, quivering length probing against her thighs.

"No, no!" Katie screamed, slapping him harshly. "No, I'm...not going to mate with you! What sick trick is this...what do you..."

He grunted and snorted, his hot breath washing over her face, before he pricked her shoulder with his blunt teeth and grunted again - his intentions clear. Katie began sobbing, as he wriggled his hind hips and moved forwards a few inches - then he grunted as Katy involuntarily moved and he slid himself into her with one smooth thrust.

"Fuck..." Katie gasped, as she felt all nine inches of cervine member thrust into her, the stag beginning to pant and tremble. "Get...get off..."

He ignored her, his quivering growing, as he humped twice, then Katie shrieked as he gave a quick, sharp thrust and pushed himself as deep as he could, his penis throbbing and pulsing great spurts of hot, sticky Cervid semen into her womb.

"Urk!" Katie moaned, feeling her vaginal walls gripping this stag's member and squeezing, encouraging him to lick her face and begin humping again. His furred testicles felt like warm orbs pressed against her thighs, they were heavy and full - as he eagerly mated this human again with little rest.

Jack squealed himself, as the Doe's tongue and her powerful, forceful even, slurps and throat muscles quickly aroused him - then as she swirled her tongue over the penile head, Jack squeaked and his semen spurted into her muzzle and throat. With a startled flinch of her head, the doe shuddered - then opened and eyes, her tail flagging wildly.

"I...oh god I just..." Jack moaned, as he felt the last of his gift slurped from his shaft and the doe eagerly licked him clean. "I just..."

"FF....fuck...fuck..." Katie gasped, as the stag humped her thrice, then he against shot another powerful spurt into Katie's body.

His grunts of pleasure unmistakable - as were hers, as she bucked beneath him, her own orgasm crushing her mind in the unnatural, but insane pleasure. This buck rutted her like he would a doe - apart from the bone crushing lunge. He was probing and sliding into places, no human had ever even come close to finding, within her. His penis, whilst not 'human sized' in width, was more than enough to please her - and its length was mind-destroying.

With a snort, the Doe lifted her head, before she turned about and her tail snapped upright, as she looked back at the young human and bleated, her tail flagging fasting and faster, before she pushed back against him. His firm length rubbed against the underside of her tail, as Jack moaned and shook his head.

"No...I...I can't - I won't..." Jack panted, still overcome with the last orgasm.

Again, the doe looked at him and bleated, pushing back more insistently as she nodded and flagged her tail against his belly.

"Mom...this...she wants me too..."

His mothers moans and grunts from the buck, were his only answer, before he shivered, and took his penis in one hand and timidly pressed it against the doe's pale slit - watching as it hungrily split apart and he started to mount her.

"I...ooh - " Jack moaned, his hands resting on the doe's back, before she bleated and shoved herself backwards, sliding him to the base and she squealed loudly. He felt her vaginal folds and walls clutching at his member, before he moaned helplessly.

Panting, the Doe didn't realise what it _really_would feel like, but her fright was quickly replaced by pleasure, as James slid his paws down her flanks and gripped her hips, as he began humping against her, until his body slapped against her groin with loud thumps.

Gasping, the Doe squealed and bleated, the Stag grunted, and both seemed to be enjoying their respective mating with their strange partners. For nearly an hour, the stag rutted his mother - bringing her four orgasms. Each one come faster than the one before it, before he grunted and stood up, panting and shaking.

James experienced the pleasure of two orgasms in modestly quick succession, his semen spurting into the Doe, who squealed and trembled with each one. So forceful were they, she felt like she was being rutted by a feral stag! It surprised her, but she eagerly milked him of every drop. Finally, he crumpled onto her back, his arms sliding down her sides, as she grunted and splayed her paws out, holding the weight of the unconscious human still within her.

Gently, she knelt down, then rolled slightly and with a sickening slurp from her nethers, she dismounted him and she lay there, panting heavily and shuddering. As the stag rose and shook himself, he looked at the human woman - whose eyes were closed, deep, exhausted breaths coming from her. He nuzzled her and she didn't even twitch.

Carefully, he stepped back, then shook himself again, feeling his last few droplets of semen dribble onto the ground, before he glanced at the doe, then at the guns. She nodded and both of them stepped over to them, before gripping the leather strap with their mouth. Half dragging, half carrying them, they took them into the forest and dropped them off the edge of a steep cliff, then watched them as they tumbled and broke apart.

Turning to the Doe, the stag nuzzled and rubbed against her neck, before he smiled and shook himself.

"That was...certainly something!" Pelnak sighed in pleasure.

"You_were_ a little rough with her love!" Cassiopeia chuckled, before licking her lovers throat and nuzzling his chin.

"You weren't exactly - holding back either!" Pelnak snorted, as he lifted his head up, as Cassiopeia licked his chin and throat, tasting his salty sweat.

"I've been mating humans for a lot longer than _you_love!"

"Oh, I don't doubt it - so - how was he? You seemed to enjoy yourself immensely!"

"For a child, I'm assuming, almost an adult - well - yes. Also, as an added advantage..."

Cassiopeia twisted her head and nuzzled her belly, then looked meaningfully at Pelnak, whose eyes widened.


"Relax love," Cassiopeia chuckled and nibbled delicately at his throat. "The fawn that grows within my belly, is yours...not that I couldn't conceive to a human - it is - a lot harder, they're not as...well..."

Pelnak snorted, then frowned and nibbled her ears, giving her a sharp nip, before he growled quietly in mock anger.

"You're_sure_ its my fawn..."

Cassiopeia rolled her eyes, then nipped him back and nuzzled under his chin.

"Absolutely my love...I'm certain!"


Spring Break

Spring Break - Fall - Chapter Three © Cederwyn Whitefurr 5th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Driving them home, Reuben glanced in the rear view mirror of the convertible, before he spoke up. "So, Rodger, how did you and Raine meet?" "Sir?"...

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Spring Break

Spring Break - Fall Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr 5thJuly, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Reuben sipped his coffee, whilst gazing at Nathan, who paced back and forth in the arrivals lounge, his paws wringing together and ears slicked...

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Spring Break

Spring Break © Cederwyn Whitefurr Chapter One 4th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. "Happy birthday dear pup!" Nathan squealed, as he flounced over, then smothered Raine in his arms, pulling the young arctic fox vixen close and slathering her muzzle...

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