Spring Break

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#2 of Spring Break

Raine flies home to her two gay stag father's, calling them first to say she is +1 - this leads to confusion and nervousness in both, Reuben is calm but Nathan is beside himself with worry and doubt. He's a nervous flyer, and fears the worst when he finds out Raine's plane is delayed. When it lands, both him and Reuben are in for quite a shock - as Raine isn't alone...

Spring Break - Fall

Chapter Two

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

5thJuly, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Reuben sipped his coffee, whilst gazing at Nathan, who paced back and forth in the arrivals lounge, his paws wringing together and ears slicked back.

"Nathan,love, you're going to wear a hole in the concrete beneath the carpet! Calm down, I can smell your nervous scent from here!"

Nathan paused, resting his quivering paws on the steel railing, as he gazed out the window, watching planes taxi, takeoff and land. His whole body trembled, his hooflets clicking on the railing in a nervous tempo. He whined quietly, an uncharacteristic sound from a deer, before he began pacing again.

"So much can go wrong - " Nathan whimpered.

With a sigh, Reuben rolled his eyes then stood and walked over to where his effeminate partner paced. Reuben placed his paws on Nathan's trembling shoulders, then stopped him in his frantic pacing.

Lifting Nathan's head up, Reuben gazed into his lovers eyes with a look of compassion and adoration.

"Now, stop being such a silly doe!" Reuben whispered, caressing his lovers cheeks with his thumbs. "Her plane is only delayed an hour, its not the end of the world!"

"I'm just - " Nathan quivered.

"I know honey, believe me, I know. I'm nervous too, when she called and said she was a plus one - well, naturally, we _are_deer - so being high strung is natural to us. You my dear, silly hind - are taking it to extremes!"

"I just...do you think she's with fawn?" Nathan blurted out, eyes the size of dinner plates.

With a snort, Reuben shook his head, his ears slapping from side to side. "No, we raised her right, there's _no_way she is with fawn silly! She's a Vixen, not a Doe! Besides, as I said, we raised her right. She's not some little princess we need to guard and protect. As she said last time, she's a grown woman now, you need to trust in her Nathan, as I do."

Nathan smiled weakly, then gave a timid nod.

"I'm making such a scene!" Nathan blushed, then glanced left and right.

"No, you're not, stop being silly love. You're nervous, I understand that - its one of the things I love most about you..."

Nathan giggled like a Doe, then blushed deeper, hanging his head. "Not here, please!"

With a snort, Reuben laughed at the misunderstanding. "Oh, believe me - if we could get away with it, I'd bend you over that railing and_really_ make you a Doe..."

"I love rutting season!" Nathan giggled shyly, keeping his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't wait to get home!"

"You can, and you will - " Reuben growled, but the smile he gave his lover spoke volumes. "If I can control myself, you can! We don't want to scare poor Raine again, like that one time..."

Nathan blinked, then giggled helplessly and squirmed, his tail frizzling. "That wasn't _my_fault!"

"Not your fault...how?" Reuben snorted. "You squealed that loudly, poor Raine thought I was murdering you!"

Nathan blushed and hung his head, trying to stop himself from giggling hysterically, before he scuffed the floor shyly with one cloven hoof, looking all shy and bashful.

"Wasn't my fault..." He muttered.


Nathan was beside himself, trembling, sweating and stepping from one cloven hoof to the other, as he waited next to Reuben. Reuben shook his head slowly, as the baggage carousel started, and the double doors at the end of the hall hissed open.

"I can't wait!" Nathan squealed, and started clapping his paws together, the hooflets clicking.

"Nathan, calm yourself, before you have a heart seizure!" Reuben chuckled, as he too felt excited - but controlled his emotions better.

"It's been months, feels like years since I got to hold our little girl in my paws, to give her a hug and love her!"

Raising his eyebrow, Reuben turned his head and gently nipped Nathan's ear, making the younger buck squeal.

"OW - what was that for?"

"Think about what you just said - " Reuben snorted, then kissed his partners ear gently.

"I...oh - OH- " Nathan blushed and moaned, his paws flying to his muzzle. "I never meant like that!"

"I know that, now, calm down, please? Poor Raine will just fall apart, if you're carrying on like some hind!"

Giggling like a school girl caught at mischief, Nathan stood, then his body started trembling ,his cloven hooves clicking against the concrete floor.

"I'm going to get a tranquilliser pistol - I swear!" Reuben muttered, shaking his head.

Poking his slender tongue out at Reuben, Nathan pbbbbt at him, then went back to gazing longingly at the door. Finally, through the crowd of humans and anthro's he spotted the flash of white fur. He squealed and began bouncing up and down, waving his arms like he was at some concert.

"Raine!" Nathan squealed, his voice on the threshold of pain.

"Dad?" Raine blinked, then laughed nervously and ran to him, crushing him in a tight hug.

"Eek!" Nathan squealed, then giggled and returned the affectionate cuddle.

"Don't break him honey, that's _my_job..." Reuben snickered, then stepped up behind her and hugged her between himself and Nathan. "Welcome home honey."

"Dads, please!" Raine squeaked in embarrassment.

Reuben stepped back, then smoothed down his shirt as he become all masculine and dominant.

Extricating herself from Nathan, who clung like a leech to her, Raine laughed delicately, before she gestured to someone behind them. Both deer turned, to see a wallaby nervously stepping from one long foot to the other. His beautiful coat was brushed and over his slender shoulders he wore a green polo shirt, with matching shorts. His most distinguishing features, was the reddish/brown fur on the back of his ears, which formed a shroud type look down his neck.

"Reuben, Nathan? This is Rodger, my - partner - " Raine smiled, as she walked over and took one of the wallabies small paws and held it, before she kissed his cheek. "Rodger? These are my fathers I told you about, Reuben, and Nathan..."

Nathan blinked, then squealed and ran over, smothering the timid wallaby in a hug, nearly lifting him off his feet.

"I'm so happy to meet you!" Nathan gushed. "Raine never said she was dating, let alone - "

"Dad!" Raine moaned. "You're doing it again!"

With a squeal, Nathan blushed and put down Rodger, who shuddered and coughed softly.

"Hi..." Rodger panted, then flicked an ear, before nervously looking up at Reuben.

His ears slicked back, as Reuben towered over him.

"Hello, sir - " Rodger stammered nervously, holding out an effeminate looking paw.

"Hello," Reuben kept his face impassive, but a glance from Rein that Rodger didn't see, made Reuben smile as he took the offered paw - noticing how small it was compared to his own. "A pleasure to meet you Rodger!"

"Now, can we get out of here?" Nathan whined softly.

"I just need to get our bags - " Raine chuckled.

Turning to the obviously distressed wallaby, she smiled and kissed his cheek again.

"It's alright honey, really! They're big softies, trust me, you'll love them!"

"I already do!" Nathan giggled, then cuddled Rodger again, this time, the timid wallaby tenderly hugged back and laughed nervously.

"Dad, be gentle!" Raine snorted. "Rodger's only small, I know how enthusiastic you can be with your hugs!"

"Sure, sure," Nathan snickered, then let Rodger go. "He's adorable Raine, I love him!"

"He's mine, Dad - " Raine spoke sternly, tapping the stag on the nose with a leathery finger pad.

Reuben laughed quietly, as Nathan's ears slicked back and he adopted a cute, innocent expression.

"Oh, you wound me! I'd never have thought such things!"

"Sure you wouldn't love - " Reuben chuckled. "Sure you wouldn't..."

As the two stag's turned to get Raine's and Rodger's suitcases from the carousel, Rodger stepped up onto his toes and whispered into Raine's ears.

"Is he serious? What have you gotten me into?"

Raine laughed, then wrapped a warm, white furred arm around Rodgers shoulder and cuddled him, then kissed his cheek again.

"Nathan's _such_a joker and a tease - trust me, he's just playing with you! Truly, he respects boundaries and such, and knows I'd tan his hide if he tried anything!"

Rodger blinked his large dark eyes, then laughed nervously and swallowed.

To Be Continued...

Spring Break

Spring Break © Cederwyn Whitefurr Chapter One 4th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. "Happy birthday dear pup!" Nathan squealed, as he flounced over, then smothered Raine in his arms, pulling the young arctic fox vixen close and slathering her muzzle...

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Captain Darius Hudson - Expedition One -

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