Spring Break

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of Spring Break

Spring Break : Raine, an orphaned Artic Fox Vixen, was raised from three months old, by a pair of loving, gay, Whitetail stag anthromorphs. They never hid anything from her, always being truthful, open and honest with the young kit. Their relationship was 'unconventional' to say the least, but Raine loves both her Cervid fathers with all her heart and mind. Now, home from college over summer for two weeks, Raine celebrates a special day for this young Vixen - her twenty-first birthday. It promises - as always with these two - to be both exasperating - and amusing.

Spring Break

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

Chapter One

4th July, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

"Happy birthday dear pup!" Nathan squealed, as he flounced over, then smothered Raine in his arms, pulling the young arctic fox vixen close and slathering her muzzle and neck in licks, his saliva leaving glistening trails through her white fur.

"Dad!" Raine squealed and blushed, her ears flattening as she giggled. "I'm not a little pup anymore! I'm a grown woman, or hadn't you noticed?"

With a sniff, Nathan leaned back. Gazing into Raine's glacier blue eyes, as his own started to shimmer with tears. "You'll always be my little pup - used to cuddle you when you were a small child! Hold you in my arms, cradle you when the storms come and you'd shake so!"

"Dad, please - " Raine blushed, then placed her white paws on his cheeks. Using her fingers to caress the black stripe on his cheekbones, she smiled and kissed him lovingly on the forehead. "You'll make me cry in a minute!"

"My little puppy - all grown up!" Nathan sniffled, then giggled shyly and wiped his eyes with the backs of his fingers. "Look at me, being all sentimental and soppy!"

Raine held him tight, as she licked his cheeks, tasting the salty tears.

"You're never soppy dad - " Raine smiled, as she touched noses with him, a distinctly personal and loving touch. "You _can_be silly - its why I love you!"

With a huff, Nathan stepped back, then gave her a crooked grin, before he flicked his ears back and heard the faint clop of hooves.

"Shhh, here comes Reuben - " Nathan rolled his eyes, then giggled again. "He's got a toy up his tail, I swear it!"

"Dad!" Raine blushed and giggled, slapping her paws to her muzzle, trying to stifle the giggles. "I need to go get a towel..."

Passing Reuben in the hallway, Raine rolled her eyes and made _that_face at Reuben, who glanced at her wet, saliva sticky facial fur, then laughed quietly and nodded to her. Raine made her way to the bathroom, where she washed her face, then as she dried herself off, her eyebrows met in a frown.

Returning to her bedroom, she passed theirs and glanced inside. On the wall above the headboard was about a dozen cracked dents in the plaster, making Raine's eyes widen, before she clasped her paws to her muzzle to stop her childish giggles.

"Definitely a few more than last time I was home..." Raine snickered.

Above each one, was written the date, time and 'Nathan's Concussion'.

Raine struggled to hold her giggles to herself, as she went back to her bedroom, then raised an eyebrow at Reuben, who gazed back with a confused frown on his cervine face, before Raine tapped her head and raised a pale eyebrow. Reuben blushed, his inner ears turning crimson, before Raine laughed long and loud - she couldn't hold it in anymore.

Reuben stopped at the doorway, his proud, majestic form almost filling it, before Nathan tipped a sly wink to Raine, kissed her cheek and began walking out. As he passed Reuben, he grinned then reached down and gripped the front of his boxer shorts, watching as Reuben gasped and twitched.

"Whatcha been feeding this thing?" Nathan smirked, as he stepped up onto tippy-hooves and kissed his lover on the cheek.

"Insolent Whitetails!" Reuben grunted, then laughed, his voice and rich.

"Dad,please!" Raine giggled. "Get a room you two!"

"Sure!" Nathan giggled, then his tail flagged from side to side.

"That buck, I swear - " Reuben grumbled good naturedly, then come over and stood beside Raine's bed. "May I?"

Raine scootched back, sitting cross legged on the bed, then patted the warm spot where she'd been sitting.

"Honey - " Reuben began. "Its - its difficult for me to talk too you like this - "

Raine's left eyebrow quirked, as she inhaled his nervous scent. "What's wrong dad?"

"It's your birthday, your twenty-first - a special day for a young person! I, that is, we- we've been arguing a lot lately...Nathan and I -"

Raine swallowed, then hung her head and fidgeted with her paws in her lap.

"I'm sorry honey, we tried to keep it from you, and that was wrong of us. We're a family, we hide nothing back from each other - we never have! Now, as I said, its your birthday, Nathan and I were - well - we've never had a fawn - "

'I'm not a fawn dad," Raine smiled weakly, looking at him from behind her pale lashes.

"You know what I meant!" Reuben looked sternly at her, then smiled an caressed her pale cheek. "So, as I said, we've never had a child - so - we were at a loss as to what to buy you for a present."

Raine fidgeted again, before she blinked away the tears that threatened, and leaned forwards and kissed him on the forehead, right between the eyes.

"I have the best present ever Dad...two beautiful, sweet bucks, who love me with all their hearts, as I love them!"

"I - I know that love," Reuben snorted, then nodded. "It's not the same! This is a special day, you deserve to be fettered treated like a princess and so on, on this, your special day."

Raine squirmed and blushed, her ears slicking back. "Dad? I know money has been hard for you and Nathan - there's no need, truly! I'll go shopping, buy myself something nice, it can be from both of you, okay?"

Reuben snorted again, then he shook his head, the four spikes on each antler glistening in the early morning sunlight that streamed through her window.

"Honey...no...please?" Reuben sighed softly. "I know we've never been able to give you everything your heart desired..."

"Dad? Shhh - " Raine smiled, as she held a paw to his furred lips. "Its all good, I know how you both struggled to feed me, clothe me, put me through school and everything..."

"It's...not much - " Reuben smiled weakly, as he reached behind him then from the waistband of his boxer shorts, he brought out a small velvet case. Carefully, he held it in his paws a moment, gazing fondly at it. "This belonged to my maternal grandmother. Passed on to my mother - and was meant to be passed onto her daughter. Fate...conspired, so when my mother passed, she left it to me. Now, I'm giving it to you - may you, one day, give it to your daughter."

He opened the case, its hinges creaking, as he pulled a silver locket from the jewellery box. It was moonstone, beautifully shaped and polished into a crescent, a stag leaping over it. It was hung off an incredibly fine silver chain. Carefully, he un-clipped it, and reached forwards, placing it around her neck and clipping it back up.

"Happy birthday, my dear, sweet pup - I wish it was something more..."

"I...dad - this is - " Lost for words, she held it tenderly on one paw, looking down her muzzle at it.

"Its precious to me, now, its precious to you daughter. May it watch over you and keep you safe."

Raine looked at it, lost for words, as her muzzle hang open and she cradled it in her paw, it resting on the leathery paw pads.


Dressed in a polo shirt and cargo pants - her preferred clothing, Raine bounced into the kitchen before Nathan squealed and giggled, his hand in the cookie jar.

"Dad!" Raine giggled. "Naughty! You know better than that!"

"One cookie?" Nathan grunted, then smirked. "Won't hurt...hey!"

"On the lips today, on the hips tomorrow!" Reuben growled, as he plucked the cookie from Nathan's paw and put it back in the jar.

'Awww - " Nathan grumbled, then winked at Raine, before his eyes widened, seeing the beautiful necklace around her neck. "Oh, dear hart, that looks beautiful on her!"

"I knew you'd approve love," Reuben smiled. "I've been keeping it for just this special occasion! Now! Time for a serious chat with our dear daughter!"

Nathan rolled his eyes. "Really? Now?"

Raine frowned, putting down her orange juice and looking from Reuben, who looked stern and serious, to Nathan, who shook his head and looked lost and bewildered.

"What..." Raine began, ears flattening.

"Honey? This is long, long overdue - " Reuben began, as he placed a pale paw on Raine's paw. When you're ready to find that special man in your life..."

"Or woman!" Nathan giggled shyly, then yelped as Reuben shot him a look.

Composing himself, Reuben resumed. "Remember Raine, meet him in the winter. It will give you plenty of time to get to know him before rutting season."

Nathan giggled and glanced at Raine, who frowned, looking at Nathan, who blushed, his ears turning crimson, before he swallowed and nodded. "Trust me on this love... Oh, and Reuben? Hon? ... Foxes don't have a rutting season."

Reuiben frowned, then reached up and scratched the back of his left ear, looking confused. "You're sure?"

"it's true, dad!" Raine nodded.

Reuben snorted through his nostrils. "Oh? ....well that's a shame."

Nathan giggled. "They can breed all year round!"

Reuben blinked, then glanced at Nathan, before giving him a smile and raising an eyebrow. "Really? I'm impressed, maybe I should get rid of this old has been stag, and find myself some young vulpine male!"

Nathan stared, wide eyed, ears flat in submission. "You never complain during the fall."

Reuben groaned. "I'm joking love! Besides, you_are_ aware, there's three whole other seasons...."

Raine stared wide eyed, before she moaned. "Daaaa-aaaads!"

Both stag's turned to look at the wide-eyed and blushing arctic fox.

"WHAT?" they asked in unison.

"Enough, please!" Raine giggled in embarrassment. "I'm...not a puppy anymore, I'm a grown woman! I know all this, and besides, well, I haven't yet - found someone to spend my life with, be they male - "

Just as Nathan opened his muzzle, Raine continued.


"So, do you, like, have any toys?" Reuben asked her, raising his eyebrows.

"Reuben!" Nathan squealed, wide eyed and shocked at his partners audacity.

"Dad!" Raine blushed worse, hanging her head.

"What?" Reuben asked, turning to look at Nathan, who squirmed like a fawn caught with his paw in the cookie jar. "You enjoy that toy you got for your last birthday!"

"That's...different...." Nathan murmured. "We shouldn't be talking about this, not in front of the P.U.P."

Raine raised both eyebrows, before she rose and walked over, then draped her white arms over Nathan's shoulders, then made a mock throttling gesture, before she leaned down and nipped the side of his throat.

"Dad...I'm_NOT_ a P.U.P anymore...and to answer your questions, Reuben? Yes...I do..."

Nathan squealed at the bite - it wasn't hard - but his prey instincts were strong in him, before he giggled and Reuben stared at Raine, who laughed quietly and kissed Nathan on the furred cheek. Quietly, she went back to her chair and sat down again, Nathan's laughter ringing in her ears as Reuben sat silent and shocked.

"Want to compare notes later?" Nathan smirked, making Raine squeal and giggle in embarrassment.


Nathan frowned and he slapped his forehead. With a squeal like a maiden doe, he stood up, then dashed off out of the dining room. His cloven hooves clacking loudly on the hard floor.

"Where's he going?" Raine asked, her eyes narrowing as she frowned.

"You know Nathan!" Reuben laughed softly. "He'd forget his head if it wasn't screwed on!"

Raine gave Reuben a stern look, before she rolled her eyes and laughed, her voice filled with love for her two fathers. "True that."

As they settled down for breakfast, Raine leaned forwards and smelt her delicious meal. It was cooked to perfection, how Nathan was such a brilliant cook, neither Reuben or Raine knew. As she waited, she sipped some orange juice from her glass, sighing in pleasure at the sweet citrus taste of freshly squeezed oranges with the pulp blended through.

Nathan come back, his hooves making him skid sideways, before his hip crashed against the wall with a loud thud.

"Jeez Dad, be careful!" Raine squealed, eyes widening.

"I'm...fine!" Nathan lied, as he stumbled over, then in his haste, he dropped the present he held clutched in his paws, making him bend over to pick it up, his wedge-like tail flagging in happiness.

"Keep that up - " Reuben grunted, as he grinned. "I'll bend you over this table!"

"DAD!" Raine squealed in embarrassment.

"Wouldn't be the first time love!" Nathan giggled, before he stood back up and handed the present to Raine.

"I...I don't want to ask, but...what's this?" Raine asked.

"Open it!" Nathan beamed at her, in his nervousness dancing from one cloven hoof to the other. "Its from Reuben and myself!"

Raine blinked, before she undone the bow that tied it shut, then slid the card out of the envelope. Reading it, she felt tears start to well up in her eyes, before she sniffled. Carefully began unwrapping what felt like a book, or a painting - something like that.

Soon, she held a beautiful bound book in her quivering paws. Opening it, she heard the leather creak, and she stared wide eyed at the book, a huge picture of her as a pup on the first page.

Turning the page, she seen the adoption papers, the next was Raine as a pup, Reuben and Nathan behind her. Next page was her first day home, the next her first steps...

It went on and on, Raine starting to cry unashamedly, the emotions overflowing in her as she looked one from beautiful memory to another. Finally, she reached the end, and there was the three of them - the photograph a week old - standing on the beach at sunset, both stag's with their arm around her shoulders - the words 'forever family' in an arch over the top of the photograph.

Raine had no words for her two stag adopted fathers - no words to do justice to the beautiful gift they had given her, she would forever cherish.

To Be Continued...

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