Captain Darinus Hudson - Expedition One -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Taken as a ''slave' the young Whitetail Archeologist is fearful and nervous. He's surrounded by predators, any one of which could make him into a hot lunch for the tribe of Apex Predators. When he's taken to the Chieftain's lodgings, he fears the worst - but this young Stag finds out his fears were misfounded, he's not to become some sacrifice, or worse, cooked for their evening's something he's never imagined...

Captain Danirus Hudson

First Expedition

Chapter Two

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

4th July, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Danirus found himself in the primitive, yet ornate, chieftains residence. Here, he was stripped of his clothing until he stood naked and shamed. He self-consciously used his paws to cover his sheath, then started trembling so badly people would think he had malaria.

Slowly, the large wolf walked around the stag, examining him from all sides, before grunting something and sitting on a wooden throne and resting his chin on a paw. Not sure what he was supposed to do, Danirus kept his head down and assumed the most instinctual response he could. He was meek and submissive, before this strong, masculine and dominant wolf.

What have I gotten myself into - Danirus thought to himself. Stupid, stupid young Buck!

As if sensing his thoughts, the Chieftain stood and walked over to him, before reaching down and lifting Danirus's head up and staring into those green eyes - seemingly peering into his very soul.

"Your magnificence - " Danirus began, swallowing the lump in his throat. "I - "

With a low growl, the chieftain glared down at the quivering stag, then gripped his muzzle just behind the nose and squeezed firmly. Danirus took the hint and shut his muzzle, but he couldn't control the fear which flooded his body.

Again, the wolf walked around him, this time, trailing his paw across Danirus's trembling form. Danirus wanted to squeal like a doe, he was scared beyond anything he'd imagined possible - he couldn't help it - then he felt his tail gripped and pulled upright - which _did_make him squeal. Pain lanced from his tail as he was held by the wolf, who grunted something and a low, deep chuckle come from behind him.

What does he want with me? Danirus mind wailed in panic. I know so little of this culture! Half of what was written was third or fourth paw, distorted and embellished...

A paw landed on his shoulder and Danirus squealed in fright, his mind focusing back on the here and now, not idly fantasising about what barbaric rites they would do to him. Would he be served up as a honour to the chieftain? Would they sacrifice him to whatever God or God's they believe in? Would they...

Padded footsteps approached, but Danirus kept his head down and eyes closed, as the chieftain spoke at length with someone- Danirus was grateful for his ancestors senses now - as he smelt another wolf, this ones scent different - and the pungent smell of something else he couldn't identify.

Opening his eyes a crack, he glanced sideways at a smaller, but no less impressive silver furred wolf, who was a young one - if Danirus's quick glance w as any estimation. He too was naked - this Danirus' mind filed away. Mayhaps they were comfortable in their natural fur? It wasn't uncommon amongst more primitive tribes he had studied through books and in lectures.

Gesturing towards Danirus, the elder and presumably, his son? Danirus wasn't sure, but the touches and body language affirmed this belief, spoke at length, before the youngster come over and looked down at the trembling buck. He too walked around Danirus, examining him.

_I feel like some piece of choice meat..._Danirus mind whimpered.

With a series of strange, almost guttural barks, growls and other words, the youngster nodded, then picked up a ornate clay pot, from which the strong, pungent smell wafted.

Some sort of ceremonial drink, before the sacrifice?

Danirus didn't have the answers his mind sought...until he saw the younger kneel down and the elder began stroking and caressing his sheath. Quickly, it retracted, then he dipped two fingers into the pot and slid them out. Some pale, sticky substance clung to the fingers. With a gasp, the wolf began lathering his paws with it, before he got some more and began rubbing his full length - including the large knot.

What is he doing? Is this some...barbaric ritual before they'll cut my throat and bleed me out? Here? I don't understand...

Slowly, the Chieftain grinned, then walked over to Danirus, before placing his paw over Danirus head, some of the sticky fluid soaking into the fur, the smell of it not unpleasant - just strong and overwhelming his sense of smell.

Again, the Chieftain walked around behind Danirus, before he was cruelly pushed forwards, only by quick thinking, did he stop himself from muzzle planting on the floor. Bracing himself on his knees and paws, he swallowed and his head began shaking in a negating manner.

No, no, no! He wanted to squeal, feeling the Chieftain's paw grip his tail again.

It was pulled up - partially because Danirus raised it as it was pulled, then he gasped as the youngster moved in, his own erection poking Danirus under the chin.

They're going too...urk!

_Danirus's eyes bulged, as he felt the youngster grip his muzzle, then push himself into the stag's muzzle, moments before the Chieftain gripped Danirus' hips and pulled him back, starting to mount him as well._Danirus gagged, he wasn't capable of crying out - as both wolves began to use him in an intimate, sexual way.

Whilst the youngster panted and whined softly, thrusting himself against Danirus' muzzle, the chieftain growled and gripped the stag's hips, then began pounding. Danirus eyes bulged, wide and tears shimmering, as he was violated in such a bestial fashion. Yet the pain from his rump was not as severe as he thought it'd be excruciating at the very least...

He blinked away the tears, tasting the firmness of the wolf member in his muzzle, tongue swirling and salivary glands pulsing their hot, sticky wetness over it which helped. Squeezing his eyes closed, he concentrated on what he was doing, knowing, well suspecting, if he done well, it might buy him another days life.

His eyelids snapped open, then he gagged helplessly, the squeal in his throat muffled as he felt his hips pulled up and back, then the Chieftain grunted as he shoved forwards. That knot strained against Danirus tight sphincter, which already felt like it was strained beyond its abilities. With a pop, the knot pushed inside and Danirus's eyes watered, as he felt himself tied to the wolf.

Expecting agony from his violated rump, Danirus was surprised, sure, there was discomfort, pain even, but _nothing_like what he expected! Soon, pain faded to a dull ache, as the chieftain pushed further forwards and began panting, his paws resting in Danirus back as the younger wolf who had mounted his muzzle, began whining and dancing nervously from one foot paw to the other.

_No, oh, please, please don't..._Danirus' mind shuddered.

With a low, almost subsonic whine, the younger wolf gripped Danirus cheeks and shoved forwards, sliding his knot into Danirus muzzle, forcing the stag's mouth as wide as it could go, before his hot, sticky semen spurted down Danirus throat in a dozen strong spurts.

"URK!" Danirus gagged, he couldn't help it.

For nearly two and a half hours, his paws aching and knees joining in, the Chieftain mated with Danirus, until at last, he gripped the stag's hips and whined long and loudly, his knot throbbing and stretching. Danirus squealed helplessly, the feel of the wolf's knot pressed hard against his prostate, brought him to an orgasm he'd never experienced in his life.

Almost simultaneously, both wolf and stag ejaculated - one inside, the other all over his belly, chest and then the floor, as Danirus gasped and hung his head, tears trickling down him muzzle. He'd never_imagined sex could feel like _this- this was beyond anything he'd imagined possible! Whatever that strange liquid was - he was certain it helped ease the pain - and somehow - lengthened the time it took for the male to orgasm.

With a wet squelch, the wolf pulled back and his knot popped out as Danirus felt sticky semen dribbling from his violated rump - but he didn't mind - the pleasure released wave after wave of endorphins into his mind and he knelt on paws and knees, panting and saliva drooling from his muzzle.

He felt elated and scared in equal measures - from the panting of the wolves and their expressions, sure, he wasn't trained in understanding their body language - but he assumed, rightly, he had pleased them..sure, it was unnatural and frightening for him! Yet, there was something - elusive - something his mind couldn't grasp. Oh, he knew how it'd be received 'back home', him being buggered like a beast, used like some cheap harlot...

Still, the fear lingered. The fear that if he failed, these apex predators probably wouldn't show him mercy or compassion. They were predators, he was prey. Presently, he was their captive, he knew that now. All he could do was his best, try to please them, make them adore and love him for what he could was he felt, his only hope...

To Be Continued...

Captain Darius Hudson - Expedition One -

Captain Danirus Hudson Expedition One Chapter One © Cederwyn Whitefurr 2nd July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Captain Danirus unconscious form was lashed to a large branch by the ankles and paws, before being carried down the mountain on a secretive...

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Captain Danirus Hudson - Expedition One - Prologue -

Captain Darius Hudson Expedition One - Prologue - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 2ndJuly, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Wiping a rag across his forehead, "Captain" Danirus Hudson, the Captain part of his title, was from his days serving her Majesty in the Great...

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Blacktail Sanctuary II - The New Keepers -

Blacktail Sanctuary - The New Keepers - Chapter Three © Cederwyn Whitefurr 2nd July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Kelly showed Kristen around the sanctuary, impressed with the young Vixen's knowledge and eagerness to learn. They explored the park,...

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