Spring Break

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#3 of Spring Break

Raine reveals to her two fathers, her Wallaby partner, Rodger. Rodger feels embarassed, even out of place, but both Stag's show him love and affection, in their own way, making him feel like he's part of the family. He confides in Raine, before he's startled by a loud bang from the hallway. Raine just laughs, as she knows what's going on, subtly informing Rodger. Fall is here, and the cervine instincts are strong - perhaps too strong...

Spring Break - Fall -

Chapter Three

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

5th July, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Driving them home, Reuben glanced in the rear view mirror of the convertible, before he spoke up.

"So, Rodger, how did you and Raine meet?"

"Sir?" Rodger squeaked, then shuddered and coughed delicately. "We were introduced at a student meeting by a mutual friend. One thing lead to another, well, dear Raine is so beautiful!"

"She is, isn't she?" Nathan giggled, turning so he could look back at them, sitting in the back seat.

"My - last partner, she was a Corgi, of all things!" Rodger stammered, feeling Reuben's eyes on him from the mirror. "I love and adore Raine, so I didn't think the size difference between us - would be insurmountable!"

Raine smiled, then cuddled the wallaby and smooched his ears, nuzzling into them with her cold, wet nose.

"Don't worry Dad's, he may be small it stature, but he's got the heart of a stallion! I can assure you, young Rodger here, he's quite_capable - of taking care of things - _down under!"

"Raine!" Rodger squealed in embarrassment.

Nathan's laughter was loud and long, as he started wiping away tears from his eyes and in the rear view mirror, Reuben's eyes widened.

"Oh my!" Nathan gasped and shuddered.

Raine smiled sweetly, but the way she flattened her ears Nathan could tell she was deeply embarrassed. Yet they had raised their daughter right - no secrets were withheld from each other, and they prided themselves on openness and honesty.

"Just you wait until we get home young Raine..." Reuben growled softly, but he too had a smile on his face.

"What?" Raine giggled, looking sweet and innocent.

Nathan burst into hysterical giggles again as he shook his head. "Relax Rodger, its just us being, well, us!"

Rodger blinked, then laughed nervously, as he placed a paw lightly on Raine's thigh and nodded to Nathan. "Yes, sir, Raine has told me all about you two."

"Oh, has she just?" Nathan smirked. "Don't believe half of what you've heard - or _will_hear..."

"Nathan - " Reuben snorted.

"What?" Nathan giggled.

"_You_just wait until you get home..."

"You promise?" Nathan gasped, eyes widening as he smiled broadly.

"I swear - " Reuben sighed, then concentrated on driving.


When they arrived home, Reuben insisted on carrying their bags for them, as the lovesick wallaby and arctic fox could barely keep their paws off each other.

"Isn't young love grand?" Nathan murmured to Reuben.

"Ours isn't exactly _stale_love!" Reuben chuckled, and lightly kissed Nathan's cheek.

"Mmm, such a teasing buck!"

Raising an eyebrow, Reuben snorted and put down the suitcases, as he unlocked the door. He hefted the suitcases then walked inside, grunting.

"What do you have in here Raine? A body?" Reuben snorted.

"No, just some toys for dear Nathan - he might find them fun!"

"You...what?" Reuben gasped.

"I'm joking Dad, sheesh!" Raine laughed as she stepped up and kissed his cheek. "Relax, you're too high strung - oh - "

Raine frowned, then sniffed him again, pressing her cold, wet nose against Reuben's nape and taking a deep breath.


Reuben's ears slicked backwards as he shivered and coughed nervously. He gave Raine a look, which she understood perfectly, then Raine giggled nervously.

Rodger frowned, then missing the silent message that passed between buck and Vixen, he stepped inside, as Nathan held the door open, watching the young wallaby from behind and his eyebrows raised. He admired the wallaby's muscular form, whilst effeminate like his, his thighs were well defined as was his body.

I can see why dear Raine loves him- Nathan's mind pondered. He's a fine looking young buck!


Raine sprawled, as naked as the day she'd been whelped, on the queen sized bed, whilst Rodger nervously paced the room - having taken his shirt off, but still retaining his shorts.

"I never expected them to be so - well - so _open_in their affections and so on!"

Raine rolled over onto her belly, crossing one pale leg over the other, her toes curling as her foot paws pointed towards the ceiling.

"They're really something, aren't they?" Raine chuckled. "I love them to pieces, both of them. Sure, Reuben can be a bit - well - priggish, but trust me love, get to know him, and you'll see the real side of him! He's funny, smart, loving and gentle to a fault!"

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Rodger flopped backwards and crossed his paws over his chest and stared up at the ceiling, before Raine positioned herself, so her nose touched his and she gazed into his eyes.

"Penny for your thoughts lover?"

Rodger blinked, then smiled and his tongue flickered and licked Raine's nose.

"I think my thoughts are worth more than a penny!"

"Mmm, no doubt - but you seem pensive and troubled honey, whats wrong? Trust me, they _adore_you!"

Rodger smiled and reached up, to caress Raine's cheek fluff. "I don't dispute that, at least Nathan isn't backwards in showing it - has he always been so..."

'Nathan's, well - he's Nathan!" Raine giggled an leaned down to nibble lightly at Rodger left ear. "He wears his emotions on his sleeve, I'm certain of it. He's loving, gentle, shy...he should have been born a doe! He's such an amazing partner for Reuben, those two are inseparable!"

"I got that impression!" Rodger giggled and timidly kissed Raine, before she snorted through her nostrils, wrapping both paws around the back of his head and kissing him long and deeply.

"No need to be shy my sweet, gentle wallaby!" Raine chuckled at him, caressing his cheek with the back of a paw.

"I - I love you, so much - but well - they're...deer can hear -really - well and -"

"You're worried what they'll say if we get up to naughtiness? Raine smirked.

"Well, we're in their house and - " Rodger stammered, his eyes widening.

A loud crash come from the hallway, followed by a high pitched cervine squeal and a grunt.

"What was that?" Rodger squealed in fright, starting to sit up.

"That?" Raine laughed delicately, as she pressed a paw against Rodger's chest, pushing him back down on the bed. "That was probably Nathan...."

"Shouldn't we..." Rodger began, before his words were muffled, as Raine pressed her lips against his, her paws on his shoulders, holding him down.

"Mmm hmm" Raine murmured deep in her throat, her eyes closing in pleasure as she flickered her tongue over Rodgers.

For a few moments, they held their passionate kiss, before Rodger shuddered and squirmed.

"You sure?" He panted, his voice hoarse with repressed desire and longing.

"Quite- " Raine giggled as she flicked her ears back. "Its, well - you probably don't know, why fall is so - stressful - for deer, do you?"

Gazing up at her, Rodger frowned, before realisation spread across his muzzle and it fell open, his eyes widening.

"Its - oh...now I...it affects them that badly?"

Raine nodded and kissed his nose again. "It does, sure, they're anthromorph's like us, but - well - fall is_their breeding season! We may be descended from our feral brothers and sisters ... Well, we _evolved, matured and so on, but some instincts are impossible to break.

There come a long, loud piercing squeal and a thud that shook the room, followed by a low, weak moan.

"Number fifteen!" Raine squealed loudly and chuckled.

"Number - fifteen?" Rodger frowned.

Raine caressed her lovers cheeks again, then nodded. "Poor Nathan - good thing they keep deer tranquilliser handy!"

Frowning, Rodger thought for a moment, before he blushed and moaned. "Oh - I...oh dear..."

Raine merely laughed and nodded, before she began licking sensuously along Rodgers ear edges, feeling the wallaby squirm and giggle beneath her. "Indeed! Get used to it honey, trust me - do what I do, wear ear plugs when we go to bed tonight, it - helps..."

Rodger gazed up at her, before he began laughing quietly, his paws pressed against his muzzle. "They're..."

"That was pretty quiet, actually!" Raine snickered.

Rodger stared up at her, eyes like dinner plates as he moaned softly. Raine merely shrugged her shoulders and laughed delicately, then kissed him again.

To Be Continued...

Spring Break

Spring Break - Fall Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr 5thJuly, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Reuben sipped his coffee, whilst gazing at Nathan, who paced back and forth in the arrivals lounge, his paws wringing together and ears slicked...

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Spring Break

Spring Break © Cederwyn Whitefurr Chapter One 4th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. "Happy birthday dear pup!" Nathan squealed, as he flounced over, then smothered Raine in his arms, pulling the young arctic fox vixen close and slathering her muzzle...

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Captain Darinus Hudson - Expedition One -

Captain Danirus Hudson First Expedition Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr 4th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Danirus found himself in the primitive, yet ornate, chieftains residence. Here, he was stripped of his clothing until he stood naked and...

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