Spring Break

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#7 of Spring Break

Raine and Nathan share a 'girly' day out, Raine racking up a large credit card bill, before going home and telling the stern Reuben, she wanted to do it for Nathan and Him. Rodger doesn't miss out, even if the shy Wallaby protests about her spending money on 'toys' for the Bisexual Red Necked Wallaby. Nathan chuckles, almost tormented into spilling the 'secret' about Reuben's 'birthday present', but Raine steps in and saves him.

Nathan and Rodger go off, Nathan telling Rodger all about his 'toys' and offering to show them to him, whilst Raine rounds up Reuben, getting him to 'spill the beans' about what Nathan's like as a lover. At first, Reuben is all prudish and shy, but Raine insists, reminding him - multiple times - they keep no secrets, and she's not a puppy anymore.

Spring Break

Chapter Seven

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

6th June, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Nathan parked the car in the undercover lot, before he looked sideways at Raine, who frowned and looked at him.

"Rain, my dear, sweet daughter - " Nathan began.

"Dad? Don't worry about it - today is mother/daughter day, remember? I can cover it, its fine!"

"I feel so - guilty!" Nathan squirmed. "You're getting in so much debt and there's no way I can..."

"I want you to be happy, you need nice things - and I'm sure some of those toys - well - better you than me dad!"

Nathan giggled nervously, before he glanced in the rear view mirror and wiped away the tears from his eyes, before he opened his door and slipped out. Raine followed and led him into the mall.

For hours, they browsed and shopped, Nathan's arms aching from the multitude of bags, boxes and other things he was carrying.

"This _all_can't be for me!" Nathan moaned.

"Most of it, yeah!" Raine chuckled.

"Honey, no...." He grumbled. "You can't -"

"I can, and I am!" Raine sternly told him, then tapped a finger on his nose. "A whole new sexy wardrobe, for a sexy doe!"

'Shh!" Nathan squeaked, gazing around in fear.

"A doe, we got a doe here!" Raine yelled, gesturing at Nathan, who wanted nothing more than vanish into the floor,

Apart from a few strange looks, nobody batted an eyelid.

"See dad? Nobody cares! We're not living in the dark ages here - homosexuality and such was abolished as a crime like, sixty years before you were born!"

"I can't help it - " Nathan giggled, before he slumped into a padded chair, the bags and boxes falling to the ground. "I need a moment, my hooves are killing me!"

Raine rolled her eyes and chuckled. "I can't begin to imagine, this concrete floor and hooves!"

Nathan rolled his eyes, rubbing his ankles until feeling returned.

"So," Raine giggled. "What do you want for lunch?"

"Some Whitetail Buck!" Nathan snickered.

'Dad- " Raine moaned, then laughed. "I'm serious!"

"So am I!" Nathan said in a deadpan voice, then he laughed as well. "Well honey, you _know_I'm a vegetarian, what do you recommend?"

"If you were truly a vegetarian, you'd not want some Deer meat!"

"Tease!" Nathan snorted, then stood up and shuddered, before he picked up the purchases.


Finally, they come home, and Raine helped carry in the bags, before Rodger come into the room, his eyes widening.

"What on earth - " he began, looking at the piles of bags, boxes and other items.

"Raine run me ragged!" Nathan moaned theatrically, placing the back of his paw against his forehead.

"Love, how did we afford - this?" Reuben asked, as he entered and stopped, staring at the piles.

"You didn't Dad," Raine smiled. "I did, not _all_of this is for Nathan, a few - "

Nathan snorted. "Very few..."

Raine chuckled and kissed Nathan on the side of the muzzle. "Are for me, most of them, are for Nathan. He needs a whole new wardrobe, of sexy lingerie and some - "

"Some?" Reuben's left eyebrow raised.

"Some new toys I imagine...besides, I got dear Rodger some too!"

"Me?" Rodger squealed, his muzzle falling open.

"Yes, you my love - I think you might enjoy some of these - or using them on me!" Raine giggled.

"I - " Reuben began, then looked at Nathan, who merely shrugged his shoulders and giggled, then high-five Raine.

"You owe me $10 dad - " Raine grinned, then held her paw out to Nathan.

"A bet is a bet - " Nathan snorted, then dug into his trouser pocket and pulled out his wallet, then pressed a folded note into her paw.

"You...what?" Reuben blinked, looking from Raine to Nathan and back again.

"Raine bet me ten dollars, that you'd do exactly what you done!" Nathan giggled. "Well played Raine, you know him better than I do it seems!"

"I...hey!" Reuben snorted, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I really don't feel comfortable about discussing - " Rodger whimpered.

Raine giggled and cuddled him close, then nuzzled his ears. "Honey? We don't have any secrets in this house - we're totally open and honest with each other - it makes for a more harmonious household!"

'Well,almost no secrets..." Nathan snickered.

Nathan squeaked, as Reuben gripped his tail and pulled it gently. "Spill it Doe..."

"I...I can't - " Nathan moaned, stepping from one cloven hoof to another. "I promised!"

"Raine?" Reuben asked, continuing to gently pull Nathan's tail, feeling the effeminate buck squirming.

"Dad, please - its your birthday gift, please don't make dear Nathan tell, I want it to be a surprise!"

"Fine..." Reuben snorted, then nipped Nathan's nape, making Nathan squeal and giggle.

Reuben let Nathan's tail go and snorted. "You'll get _yours_later Nathan..."

"I look forwards to it!" Nathan giggled.

"Raine, I never asked you too - " Rodger blushed, flattening his ears. "I know I hid what I am from you, I'm sorry about that - but - sweety, you didn't need - "

"I wanted to make my dear Wallaby happy! What would you do, if I was at work, and you were home alone? You can't be expected not to at least entertain yourself, surely?"

"I mean I - " Rodger stammered, then hung his head.

Nathan giggled, then placed an arm around the wallaby's shoulders, and led him out of the room.

"Come with me, have a look over some of mime..."

Raine chuckled and shook her head. "Nathan's _so_going to corrupt my dear wallaby..."

"Quite possibly!" Reuben snorted, then laughed and hugged Raine close to his chest and nuzzled her ears. "So, honestly, what inspired -this - "

Reuben gestured a the bags, boxes and other things.

"As I said Dad, Nathan needed new - things - so I thought I'd help out, its the least I can do - what did you two spend, to raise me, put me through school, and now, college?"

"That's different - you're our daughter!" Reuben snorted, giving her a stern look.

Raine returned the look, until Reuben smiled weakly and lowered his gaze. "You're not exactly - well, wealthy love..."

"No, but I got a loan, to buy some school text books, rented a lovely place off campus - you ever tried sleeping in a dormitory?"

"I can't say I have - " Reuben admitted.

"Don't, just - don't - trust me. Anyway, Rodger's not exactly - short of a few quid, if you understand me."

"Please tell me you're not spending _his_money?" Reuben gasped.

"Not much, he gives me a generous allowance to spend how I wish, so I've been saving it up and - well - Nathan will love his new toys, not as much as he loves you of course! Some beautiful new negligee's, panties and..."

Reuben coughed and blushed, before he tugged at his short collar.

'What's the matter dad?" Raine asked innocently, yet her lips curled into a huge smile. "Getting a little...hot?"

Raine could smell the stag's growing arousal, and she chuckled and kissed his nose and hugged him, before she blushed and leaned back, pressing her paws against his shoulders, feeling something pressed against her belly.


"I...I'm so sorry - " Reuben blushed worse and began stammering.

"I never...knew...no wonder Nathan adores you!" Raine laughed, then hugged her father again. "Wow...I think Rodger was, well - endowed!"

"Raine!" Reuben moaned and looked at her. "Manners young Vixen!"

With a chuckle, Raine kissed him under the chin and cuddled him again. "Level with me dad, how _does_it feel? What's he like as a partner?"

'Raine, love - I - " Reuben squirmed and blushed worse, looking down at the floor.

"I'm not a puppy dad, you always told me, no secrets in this house - so - spill it!"

Reuben stammered and nervously giggled, before he led Raine to the kitchen where he poured them both a glass of orange juice, then led her outside to the patio. Sitting down, Raine sipped her juice, before she set it aside and leaned forwards, resting her paws on her chin.


"He's...well, its not, like it is, I imagine - between you and Rodger - "

Rolling her eyes, Raine laughed and snorted. "Dad? Rodger - well - sometimes, he likes too...you know...I don't mind it, really!"

"He...oh - " Reuben stared at her.

"Hey, if its alright for Nathan to do it, why not me?"

Shaking his head slowly, Reuben shuddered. "Well, he's - kind, sweet, gentle, such a kind, loving partner - never complains..."

"You're trying to brush me off like I would a flea dad, stop stalling!"

"He...he's gifted - very - gifted...I've never, mated with a female before and - "

"I know that," Raine chuckled. "Well?"

"So, I can't speak from experience like that- but, yes he is wonderful. I can, well, indulge...my baser instincts, with Nathan, and know he's more than capable of not being harmed, as unnatural as it may sound."

"Pah, unnatural? Two consenting adults - what's unnatural about it?" Raine snorted, as she sipped her drink again.

"Well, yes. He's got such a beautiful tongue...how - how he does that swirling thing, its like his tongue grows fingers or something..."

"Oh..." Raine blushed, getting the mental image. "Really? Rodger's tongue and muzzle - Mmm, gods, I swear..."

"Now, now - " Reuben slapped her paw gently. "Anyway, he doesn't mind doing things with me..."

"Dad? I'm not a puppy! No need to hold back, I can well imagine what Nathan can do with his tongue and muzzle - what's it really like?"

'In rut - well - as you know, my baser instincts are hard to repress - usually, to my shame and guilt, I rut him like I'm a feral buck...either under his tail - or in his muzzle."

"Ouch..." Raine murmured, as she sympathetically rubbed at the back of her neck.

"I usually - tell him when I'm close, so he holds me down on the bed, but - sometimes, it just happens.... Well, yes, I love him dearly, he is - one of a kind. Did I ever tell you the tale, when we were only bachelors, about the night he dragged me to a gay club, we were, and are, in an open relationship - both looking around. He went in there, looking for a big, strapping male...and ended up with _all_of the males, after him, even the submissives?"

Raine stared, wide-eyed, before she burst into hysterical laughter.

"I'm serious...he couldn't walk for nearly two weeks after _that_night...."

To Be Continued...

Breaking in the 'Doe'

Breaking in the Doe © Cederwyn Whitefurr 6th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Roe paced anxiously, the young Whitetail's tail was flickering from side to side, as he nervously nibbled at his hooflets on his left paw. It was a terrible habit, he...

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Spring Break

Spring Break Chapter Six © Cederwyn Whitefurr 6th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Raine blinked, then stared, before he muzzle fell open and she stared unseeing, before Nathan laughed nervously, then tenderly closed Raine's muzzle. "You - " Raine...

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Spring Break

Spring Break Chapter Five © Cederwyn Whitefurr 5th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Reuben laughed softly, then Raine heard the sound of a kiss to what she assumed was the nose of Nathan. "Nathan, dear... don't take this the wrong way, but you're...

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