Tis The Season

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#3 of Tis The Season

Holly awakens, to feel herself dehydrated and desperate for a drink - but for some strange reason, her muscles refuse to obey her commands...

Tis the Season

Chapter Three

8th July, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Holly gurgled, one outstretched paw weakly scratching at the faux fur rug as consciousness reluctantly returned to her mind. It was like some frightened animal, one timid inch at a time, ready to turn and run a the slightest threat.

Her mind was like a vast ocean, devoid of thought nor reason, her mouth dry like the Sahara and tongue feeling like a seasoned chunk of wood. She couldn't even summon a single bit of saliva, to try and ease the feeling.

Groggily, she got to her cloven hooves and wobbled, feeling like she was drunk. Her head swam and spun, body feeling disjointed and - heavy - mumbling, holly stumbled to the kitchen, her paws fumbling with the tap before she managed to turn it on. Taking a glass, her hooflets rattling against it, she barely got it half filled before the urgent need for that water overwhelmed her.

Drinking it down, she felt her tongue loosen and mouth hydrate, before she coughed and put the glass down.

"Cameron - " Holly gurgled, as she gripped the bench and began to turn, her mind still whirling. "Cameron..."

"Ugh - " Come a low gurgle from the living room, then the thud of a cloven hoof hitting the floor.

"Cameron!" Holly squealed, as she stumbled and nearly fell, then frowned.

I know how to walk - whats wrong with me...

"Holly...no, don't -" Come the choking sob.

Holly clung to the wall, as her leg muscled throbbed and ached like she'd run a marathon, before clutching at the archway to the living room - then her paws flew to her muzzle and she creamed long and loud in Cervid terror.

Where her partner, a kind, gentle and loving buck had been - was now a crumpled, female doe, hooflets gripping the faux fur rug and trembling helplessly.

"Holly..." Come his voice from this doe - but it was feminine, and when Holly's knees gave out and she slid to the floor, she gasped as a sudden, sharp pain lanced from her groin.

"No...it...it can't be - " Holly squealed, as her paws slid downwards, expecting to feel her full,sensual breasts. Instead, she felt the taught muscular pectoral muscles that quivered beneath the white fur. "No, no, no!"

Paws slid lower, down to the belly, and she gasped, feeling the large, furred sheath that was there - and the firm orbs encased in the heavy scrotum- from which the pain had originated.

"I'm a buck!" Holly screamed, her paws flying to her head, then she felt the large bony antlers - hooflets clicking against them as she began tugging, trying to tear them from her very skull.

'Holly - don't - " Come Cameron's sob, as he weakly lifted his head. "Honey - please, listen to me..."

'What happened to us?" Holly wailed in fright, her eyes wide and tears starting to shimmer. "Who did this! How did they do this?"

"I...I don't know - honey - you're...beautiful!"

'I'm a freak - I'm not a buck, I'm a doe and...and...oh no..."

Cameron, shuddering and panting, managed to grip the edge of the recliner and start to pull himself up.

"No...It's not possible, it was just a frivolous wish - made in jest at the - "

_"_Holly, what did you do?" Cameron grunted, as he struggled to pull himself into the recliner, then lay there, panting and sweating from the exertion.

"I...made a wish - I wished..." Holly trailed off, then slammed her head back against the wall in grief and frustration, before she squealed as the antlers thudded hard. "Ow..."

'Told you..." Cameron's weak laugh come to her ears. 'Now, honey, what was the wish? Please - it's important!"

'I wished...you would know what I felt, and I would know how it was for you - when we mated and..."

"Oh no - " Cameron moaned softly.

"It come true...didn't it?" Holly sobbed heart-brokenly. "Be careful of what you wish for...you might just get it..."

"I'm...you - a doe - and you're - a buck...how?"

'Those - gifts - they were some sort of...magick?"

Holly shook her aching head slowly. "Magick like that_doesn't exist - _it can't!"

Weakly, Cameron gestured at himself and raised an eyebrow. "I beg to disagree my beloved..."

"Oh, Cameron - it was a stupid, silly wish - how did I know..."

"Sweety, please, come on - don't cry honey!" Cameron murmured as he struggled from the couch and using his paws, dragged himself across the room then cuddled her gently. "You're...a beautiful buck - if I had a mirror, I'd show you!"

"I'm not a buck!" Holly wailed again, then tried clawing at her muzzle, as if she were wearing some sort of suit, but Cameron's paws gripped her wrists and pulled them away before she could hurt herself.

"No, honey - it's...real - feel it - feel me!"

He placed her paws on his furred breasts, at first, Holly resisted, before he shuddered and she timidly touched them.

"They're...real?" Holly frowned. "No, I'm dreaming - this is some shared hallucinogenic dream and - "

With a sigh, Cameron reached over and placed both paws on Holly's sheath and lightly caressed. Holly's eyes widened and she gasped, as the unmistakable pleasure seared through her nerve endings.

"I never imagined - "

"No, you probably didn't...we stags are hyper sensitive, especially during the rut - not so much out of it, but we can still - well - derive pleasure..."

"I...you mean, all this time..." Holly murmured, still in shock.

"Yes love, now you understand why I'm rather - sensitive and can be quite twitchy. It felt...good, didn't it?"

Resting his paws there, Cameron gave another gentle sliding motion and Holly's hooflets dug into her palms as her fingers clenched.

"Trust me love, I know how this must feel for you..." Cameron giggled softly, before he looked down and raised an eyebrow slowly. "Oh..."

Holly gasped and panted, feeling the sheath begin to bulge, before it slid backwards quickly and painlessly, the pleasure of Cameron's fingers along the exposed length making Holly gasp.

"Easy little one, well - not _quite_so little...oh my..." Cameron shuddered, eyes wide as he found himself holding at least eleven inches of cervine penis between his clenched fingers.

"Cameron - I've never..."

With a quiet chuckle Cameron felt the smooth length, gently sliding a finger along it, as Holly squealed and bucked in his grasp.

"Woah...easy!" Cameron laughed nervously.

'Sorry - " Holly gasped. "It...is it meant_to...to do _that?"

Cameron looked, as the tip began dribbling a slippery clear liquid, that drooled down the head and slicked down Cameron's furred fingers. "Yes love, it is...I've never - well - you're _quite_a buck! I thought I was blessed and...well..."

Holly blinked, as Cameron lowered his head and used his soft tongue to delicately lap at the shaft, before he frowned and pulled his head away, right before Holly shrieked and bucked again.

"Woah...gah...how_do_ you stand this?" Cameron asked, before sliding his tongue along his forearm and shuddering.

"It's...an acquired...taste honey - " Holly giggled, feeling the growing ache in her masculine loins. "I don't know if I can...well - stand much more!"

With a snort, Cameron braced his paws on holly's shoulders, before he straddled her hips and lifted himself up. Carefully, he slid one paw to the base of Holly's sheath and nervously gripped it - positioning the quivering members tip against his own increasingly wet folds.

"Cameron...what are you..." Holly's mind washed away.

With a strangled gasp, Holly's breath caught in her throat. Cameron squirmed and slid himself down - feeling the sensation of having a buck mount him for the first time as a doe.

"I...I...urk..." Holly squeaked, then gripped Cameron's forearms and in one sharp, brutal thrust, buried the entire length into Cameron, then squealed as powerful jets of hot, sticky cervine semen was thrust into Cameron's young body. He bit his lip and moaned, feeling the pain of the sharp thrust he wasn't prepared for - then the hot pulses that flooded his Cervid womb and vaginal tunnel, as only a deer can do.

"Gah..." Cameron grunted, his tail frizzled and vaginal walls clutching at Holly's member with a slick, firm grasp.

Holly was incapable of speech, as she whimpered and drove her hips sharply against Cameron's again, more semen spurted and Holly gave into the feral urges. She began rutting Cameron like a feral buck - barely managing three or four thrusts before orgasm after orgasm was offered unto the dark, hot depths of this willing doe.

Finally, after twenty minutes, Holly went limp and boneless, Cameron panting and shaking, as he slipped his paws beneath Holly's armpits and held the exhausted buck up.

"Holly, gods, I've never...how - " Cameron was lost for words, feeling the doe body squeezing and milking the stag - who had nothing left to give.

Already, Cameron could feel the semen dribbling from his groin. Its slithered its way down Holly's sheath, sticky and warm, as he shuddered. Almost too afraid to move, the firmness of Holly's length inside him, Cameron coughed and his whole body quivered.

"Cam..." Holly gurgled, barely conscious, so overcome by the orgasms that had shredded her mind.

"Shh, rest my love," Cameron panted, then licked holly's forehead tenderly. "Just rest now..."

holding his beloved close, Cameron shuddered again, feeling the cooling semen within him, sticking to places he had never imagined, as he heard Holly's exhausted breathing slow, then become a deep, rhythmic patter. Holy had passed out.

'Now, I know what she experiences..." Cameron giggled shyly, then licked holly's forehead again, cuddling his lover close.

To Be Continued

Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Beggars Can't Be Choosers Chapter Five © Cederwyn Whitefurr - Revision Two - 8th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. For nearly three hours, Kalais shared the pleasures with his new Vulpine acquisition, Raefox. Raefox had never imagined a master as...

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Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Beggars Can't Be Choosers Chapter Four © Cederwyn Whitefurr -Revision Two - 8th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Her dark pupils dilating, Katelyn paused just inside her masters bedchamber and let her eyes adjust to the darkness. Blinking...

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Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Beggars Can't Be Choosers Chapter Three - Revision Two - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 8th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. His mind in turmoil, emotions of distress, confusion and lust fighting within him, Kalais swept from the dining room, his long robes...

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