Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#5 of Beggars Can't Be Choosers

After a very pleasurable few hours with Raefox, Kalais feels relieved and pleasured beyond words. He is proud of his new servant, happy and delighted with him - in both his manners and his willingness to help his master with certain 'frustrations. After breakfast, where Katelyn takes the still timid young Vulpine under her arm, as it were, she tells him - if you please our master well, his rewards can be lavish indeed. This is true, as Master Kalais takes -very- good care of his servants, who serve out of loyalty and love for him.

Later, Raefox finds himself brought to the grand library - where he is startled to find himself effortlessly trapped by Master Blaze's magicks. Master Blaze quickly examines the Vulpine, his mind open like a book, and is repulsed and horrified at what he see's. He asks his owner, Master Kalais, if he can try to help this insecure, timid Vulpine, and Master Kalais agrees. Together, they weave their magicks, and intend to strip away all the bad memories of Raefox, leaving him only with nice, pleasant ones - and as Master Blaze insinuates - He's sure that Kalais will ensure they're -very- pleasurable memories indeed...

Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Chapter Five

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

  • Revision Two -

8th July, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

For nearly three hours, Kalais shared the pleasures with his new Vulpine acquisition, Raefox. Raefox had never imagined a master as gentle, kind or as pleasurable - as what this enigmatic young Whitetail stag was proving to be. Kalais had no issue with being tied during their lovemaking - if anything, his gentle paws would caress and massage the trembling smaller fox - who quivered in fear and pleasure - both emotions striving for mastery over him.


When at last Kalais had exhausted Raefox, bringing him multiple orgasms - each greater than the last, they lay on Kalais's regal bed, the gasping and shuddering young Vulpine laying on the older Whitetails body, as Kalais stroked the shivering young fox, comforting him and nuzzling his ears.

"You have nothing to fear, little one - " Kalais murmured. "I promise you - do as I ask - and you shall be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. Your past life - is just that - behind you. I can teach you pleasures you have never imagined - I will never grow angry with you, force you to do unspeakable things...or anything that which you have been made to do, or taught - is no longer relevant."

"Master - " Raefox whimpered, lifting his head off Kalais' chest to gaze into his eyes, his quivering fingers tracing over the black muzzle stripe on Kalais' cheek.

Kalais tongue flickered over the probing finger, then gently drew it into his muzzle, as he began playfully suckling it. "Mmm?"

"Master - you..why did you - I...I'm not used too a master..." Raefox stammered, his eyes widening in suppressed fear.

Kalais stroked the quivering Vulpine, gently calming him and smiling at him - before wrapping his strong paws around the fox's lower back and tenderly cuddling.

"My...pleasures - " Kalais began, then chuckled delicately. "Well, I'm not like pleasures lie more with another male. Oh, don't misunderstand me - I like females, but I prefer males - much like yourself. You are kind Raefox - you're still very very afraid of me - and i will promise, I shall do all I can, too break this unnatural fear you have. You are a shy, gentle creature - with a good spirit inside you...and're a wonderful partner, whom I would love to share my bedchambers with...quite often."

Raefox stared up at the Whitetail, who smiled and caressed Raefox's slender neck with his fingertips, before cradling him close again.

"You...master I mean - " Raefox murmured.

"Shush now young fox," Kalais whispered. "You've had a long day, you deserve to get some rest..."

Kalais tenderly rolled Raefox over, then stood and pulled a heavy nightgown over his naked form - before he went to his bedroom door and opened it. Peering out into the candlelit hall beyond, he chuckled and reached for the bell cord. Giving it a gentle tug, h knew that Katelyn would soon come at the summons to her masters request. Sure enough, within minutes, Katelyn's cloven hooves could be heard quietly clopping down the hall, and despite having been woken, she was dressed in a plain gown, that modestly covered her live form - her mane brushed and tail also immaculate.

"Master?" Katelyn enquired, clasping her paws before her and bowing her head respectfully.

"Good evening Katelyn," Kalais smiled, then tenderly kissed the shy young filly's forehead. "Please show Raefox to his bedchambers - and fetch him something - if he is hungry, from the kitchen, that will be all."

"Yes master, of course." Katelyn bowed again, then waited patiently as Raefox carefully made his way to the bedroom door, a loose nightgown covering his body.

Katelyn bowed to Kalais, who smiled and kissed her forehead again, before he turned and gently placed his paws on Raefox's shoulders - giving him an affectionate kiss on the forehead as well. Katelyn shyly took the trembling young fox's paw in her own, then led him down the candlelit hallway - her hooves clicking softly - almost as if she was afraid to make a loud this grand, well-appointed mansion. Making a polite enquiry of Raefox, who denied being hungry, Katelyn nodded and led him to a bedchamber off the main hall. This bedroom was bigger than most of Raefox's former masters houses - and he stared in wonder, before turning to look at Katelyn.

"All this...just for me?" Raefox squeaked, gesturing with quivering paws at the opulence and finery.

Katelyn frowned, then gave a weak chuckle. "Master Kalais takes good care of his servants - and yes, this will be your private chambers, unless master Kalais deems otherwise. You have a private area where you may bathe, a water closet, and other amenities. If you wish something, the kitchen is available to you at any time - all Master Kalais expects is your loyalty - and that you will not abuse such. Now, if that is all, I will wish you a good evening - I suggest you bathe, then get some sleep - Master Kalais may well request your company - early in the morning."

"Wait...I...I mean - " Raefox gasped, then clutched Katelyn's forearm, making the young filly stop - before she paused and turned her head to look at Raefox from the corner of her eye. "Does he...I mean..does Master Kalais - has he..."

With a sad smile, Katelyn gently disengaged Raefox's paw from her forearm, then smiled weakly. "Master Kalais has not yet claimed me - "

Raefox blinked, then as realisation set in, he felt a hot blush rising in his cheeks, ashamed at asking a young filly such a personal question. Katelyn turned and retired to her own bedroom, closing the door quietly behind herself, leaving Raefox feeling like an utter fool...


Next morning, he was woken by Katelyn, who made the young fox bathe in warm scented water. She choose some appropriate clothing for him - then once he was dressed and groomed, Katelyn brought to the private dining hall of Master Kalais. Raefox stared in confusion, then outright awe, as he looked at the wide variety of food that lay on the table. Master Kalais sat at the far end, delicately picking and choosing from the fruits, salads and vegetables, and he smiled at his new acquisition, before gesturing to the table.

"Please, help yourself - there is more here than I can hope to eat myself! Besides I'm strictly a vegetarian, I don't eat meat!" Kalais chuckled, then even Katelyn managed a slight giggle, quickly stifled. "Well, I meant I don't eat...never mind - "

Raefox looked over the assorted food - not having any idea where to begin, as Master Kalais continued browsing. He chose choice bits and pieces, before delicately selecting a strawberry and shyly nibbling at it, his eyes closing in delight, As the sensual tastes overwhelmed him. Raefox reached out a paw, then fearfully pulled it back, not used to eating a meal with his master present - or even having such fine food to choose from. Master Kalais noticed the shy young fox's hesitation - and he nodded, biting the tip off a long carrot.

"Its alright! Please, sit, eat you're underweight for your height, and I'd like to fill you out a bit more. Go on, this food is perfectly fine - eat whatever you like." Kalais smiled, as he took another dainty bite of his carrot.

Katelyn stood patiently to one side, her paws clasped behind her white gowned back, eyes staring straight ahead. To all accounts and purposes, she looked like a living statue. She existed, in her mind, to serve Master Kalais - and she would eat her morning meal later, after her master. When he was satiated and finished the meal, she would clean up after him, not a thought of disappointment or frustration. After what she had heard last night. She knew that Master Kalais also knew, she had heard him and his new servant - and Katelyn had spend much of her young life living and working with Master Kalais, she was too well trained to even let a single thought cross her mind over it.


After their morning meal, Kalais retired to his library, where he sat himself in a leather chair and began reading. Katelyn quietly cleaned away the breakfast dishes - and Raefox retired to his bedroom, where he lay on the wide bed, feeling the goose-down and feather mattress moulding and reshaping itself. It conformed quickly to his vulpine body. His stomach full, Raefox felt content and happiness for the first time in his life.

Katelyn knocked politely on the door, before she opened it, carrying new sheets, pillow covers and a coverlet.

"Did you enjoy your repast?" Katelyn asked, raising her eyebrows.

Raefox burped, then blushed and flattened his ears. "Sorry..."

"No need to apologise little one, that is considered a complement! Master Kalais would like, I assume, you to fill out more. I do not know who cruelly treated you so, but I am sure - they shall be...dealt with...."

Sinister overtones in the filly's voice wasn't lost on Raefox. His eyes widened and he moaned, then began shaking his head from side to side.

"No, please - they'll find me and..."

"Shush, easy!" Katelyn growled quietly, then shivered and closed her eyes. "I apologise, my anger at such sometimes gets the better of me. Needless, Master Kalais - _will -_extract vengeance upon them."

"They...they won't come after me?"

'No, little one...Master Kalais is a powerful Mage in and of his own right, believe me - they won't like that which his wrath bestows upon them, for what they done to you...and probably, others...I promise..."


As promised, Kalais' vengeance was - quite- wrathful, but also, insightful. They never harmed another creature - for they were turned into foxes themselves, teleported to the King's Private Hunting Grounds - where, they met an end fitting to their crimes...


That afternoon, Kalais summoned Raefox to the grand library, where the stag sat, his back to a roaring fireplace, a large, ponderous tome sitting on the table before him, a bees wax candle helping to illuminate the ancient script on the book.

"Master?" Raefox nodded, then bowed before his new owner.

"Raefox my darling - " Kalais smiled, as he placed a paw on the book, then closed it, a mystical glow shrouding the book for a moment, before it faded.

"I exist to serve, master." Raefox stammered, his ears flat and body posture nervous.

"There is no need for fear my servant - have I raised a paw against you in anger?"

'No - master - " Raefox stammered. "It is...just fear master, I am..."

"Fear is a powerful enemy - " Come a soft snort from the dim shadow, before a golden furred equine, dressed similarly to Kalais stepped over, standing behind and slightly to the side of Kalais' chair.

"This is Master Blaze, Master Blaze? My newest servant, Raefox."

Blaze stepped over to Raefox, his deep, soulful eyes seemingly to look into and through the trembling vulpines body to his very soul.

Waving a paw, Blaze enveloped Raefox in a bluish shimmer, as he analysed the ties of magick that bound the helpless Vulpine in their grasp.

"He is damaged, greatly - " Blaze grunted. "You were wise to call me Master Kalais. I believe I can help him, if you permit?"

"I permit, I wish him to be freed of the torture that was done to him, the terrible memories that must hurt him so. I wish to make new memories with him, pleasurable ones - "

Master Blaze snickered, then turned his head to look at the Whitetail.

"Like what we have shared over the years?"

Raefox moaned softly, feeling himself to be a small, insignificant insect, at the mercy of two powerful magus.

'Indeed - " Come Master Kalais' chuckle.

"So mote it be - " Master Blaze nickered in laughter. "You chose a beautiful companion, Master Kalais."

"That may very well be so, now - shall we?"

Rising, Kalais raised his own paws, his magick glowing from his paws, before tendrils of emerald swirled and ensnared Raefox, blending and combining with Blaze's magicks.

"This is for your own good, young Raefox - trust me..." Kalais murmured.

"I do - master - I do..." Raefox whimpered. "I am your slave, I exist to serve..."

To Be Continued...

Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Beggars Can't Be Choosers Chapter Four © Cederwyn Whitefurr -Revision Two - 8th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Her dark pupils dilating, Katelyn paused just inside her masters bedchamber and let her eyes adjust to the darkness. Blinking...

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Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Beggars Can't Be Choosers Chapter Three - Revision Two - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 8th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. His mind in turmoil, emotions of distress, confusion and lust fighting within him, Kalais swept from the dining room, his long robes...

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Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Beggars Can't Be Choosers Chapter Two - Revision Two - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 8th July, 2019 All rights Reserved Kalais continued nibbling on the carrot, as he paced the dining hall and pondered. When he heard the soft clip-clop of Katelyn's...

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