Its All Fun And Games

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#3 of Its All Fun And Games

Jack, trapped by the Spirit, is helpless as a 'friend' from the Fur Meet comes for a visit. Little does this friend know, that Jack is imprisoned in the suit - to him, it looks like an amazingly detailed and expensive realistic suit. It introduces itself as a 'friend' of Jack...but nothing is further from the truth...

It's All Fun and Games

Chapter Three - Learning Lesson's

© Cederwyn Whitefurr,

9th June, 2019,

All Rights Reserved.

Jack spent the next two days, under the cruel tutelage of the Spirit, who forced him to learn to walk on the cloven hooves. It never relented, never relaxed, just when he collapsed from exhaustion, it forced him to stand again. It was merciless, driving him without giving his exhausted, frightened body time to rest. Just when he mastered one thing, it took control over him again and again, until it was finally satisfied.

That will do little one, I'd rather not have you broken and whimpering just yet! Now, I believe you're to have a visitor, one of those from the interesting...

"Leave them alone!" Jack wailed in frustration and fear. "They're innocent, leave them out of this damn you!"

Damn me? Oh, how human like your thinking is, and how small and narrow minded your species are. Such, pitiful, fragile things - can you not open your mind to the experiences and sensations I can offer you? Must we do this the hard way?

Jack was helpless, as the possessed fur suit compelled his unwitting muscles to walk to the door, he fought it with everything he had, but it was irresistible. He watched as the paw reached out and grasped the door handle, the hooflets clicking one at a time as they enclosed upon it. Without hesitation, it opened the door, and the young man on the other side gasped, his eyes widening in surprise.

"What - " He stammered, the pizza he held in his hands falling from his limp fingers.

"Hello there," Spoke a voice, rich, vibrant, feminine and smooth as silk, the subtle undertones of seduction hinted at. "I'm afraid Jack isn't - available - right now, please, come in, sit!"

Kneeling down, the human picked up the dropped pizza, then he stumbled inside, his eyes unable to peel themselves away from what his perceptions told him was an incredibly detailed and well made realistic fur suit.

Leave him alone you bitch - Jack swore in his mind, unable to resist or fight it physically, he tried to do it mentally.

A bitch is a female canine, you'll find I'm not one of those - now - be good, I don't want to have to fight you, you wouldn't enjoy what I can do to you if you take that path...

"Wow - " Muttered the young man, as he slipped past the doe, then flopped into a chair. That suit is incredible, who made it? I've never seen one so - "

He rose, then timidly reached out a hand, before remembering his manners. "I'm Peter, please, may I?"

Smiling at him, the doe chuckled delicately, then nodded. Peter reached out, timidly caressing the furred cheek, feeling the synthetic fur under his fingers.

"Incredible - it feels so - warm and life like, the markings - your fursona - its a Whitetail Doe, isn't it?"

"It is indeed!" Replied the doe with a shy smile hidden behind what appeared to be the fur-suits head. "Please, Peter, I'm Kendra - make yourself at home, I'm Jack's - friend - I'm staying with him for a while, so, make yourself at home!"

Peter continued to lightly touch and caress the suit, walking around it and marvelling at the incredible workmanship. Everything was done to the most exquisite detail, It's hooves were polished and cloven as they should be, the black muzzle stripe was the precise length and appearance, the black ear tips - all of it, was as close to real as it could be.

"Such - incredible work, amazing - must have cost you a fortune to have this made Kendra!"

Kendra smiled and laughed shyly, turning her head to the side and giggling. "Would I be lying if I said it cost me my soul?"

In complete overload, Peter trailed his fingers lightly down Kendra's back, then along the wedge-like tail, feeling it twitch slightly.

"Your tail, is it anamatronic?"

"No, sadly, just some very clever - work by the creator, go on, give it a gentle caress, watch what it does!"

Peter stroked the tail, then released it, watching as it began flagging from side to side, before slowly coming to rest.

"Outstanding quality, you must come to the meet one day, I'm surprised we haven't seen you around before!" Peter exclaimed, as he walked back around, then took one of the gloved hands in his, turning it over and back again, gazing at the short, blunt hooflets. "Resin?"

"Yes, thankfully specially treated, so they don't chip and shatter as easily. I'm glad you like my suit, Peter, now, please, tell me a little more about yourself! I'm - _very -_interested..."

Peter, for the love of the Gods, run you fool! Jack wanted to scream, but the spirit kept control over him, silencing his pitiful pleading.

Lounging languidly on the couch, Kendra rested her head on her paw, crossing one long, pale leg over the other as she sat and watched Peter with attentive interest.

"Well, I'm 23, human - obviously -" He began.

"Obviously- " Smiled Kendra, then laughed quietly, her eyes becoming half lidded.

"I'm studying at University, hoping to graduate in three years time, its a lot of hard work of course!"

"Nothing in life comes free -" Kendra nodded. "There's always - some- price to pay..."


For hours, Peter and Kendra talked about general things, before Peter rose and stretched, then nodded politely to Kendra.

"I got to admit, you have some fortitude, being in suit all this time, isn't it uncomfortably hot in there?" Peter asked, as he fumbled for his car keys.

"It is pleasant enough - " Kendra chuckled. "I'm quite used to it - guess you could say, I was _born_into it."

"It - it's been a pleasure, meeting you Kendra, truly! You're funny, witty, have an amazing suit and - "

Kendra rose from her reclined position on the couch, before she walked over, the muffled hoof steps on the carpet, before she shyly trailed a single hooflet lightly along Peter's jawline, then leaned close and stared into his eyes.

"Must you go so soon?" Kendra whispered, her breath warm and inviting.

"I don't understand - what do you, I mean - " Peter blinked, his confusion written large on his face.

"Oh, I think you understand - " Kendra nodded twice, as she delicately walked her right hooflets down his chest, dragging them carefully over his shirt. "Jack's not home tonight - just you - and_me_..."

"You, I mean - " Peter stammered, his face turning pale as realisation started to set in.

"Shh - " Kendra smiled, as her hooflets trailed over his belt, then slid down his zipper and with a gentle grasp, she wrapped her furred fingers around the growing bulge in his jeans. "Mmm, it's been _far_too long..."

"Kendra! Hey, whoa - I'm not that kind of - " Peter began, then he squealed as Kendra pushed him back against the wall, her paws gripping his shoulder as she pressed against him and rubbed the deer like nose under his chin.

"You say no, but your body disagrees - come now - it'll be our little - secret, nobody needs to know, a sweet, strapping young man like you..."

Kendra looked him in the eyes, then slid both paws down his trembling chest and caressed his groin, her hooflets plucking at his belt. Peter's mind was conflicted, sure, Kendra was sexy, he couldn't deny that. Her voice, her mannerisms - all of it - her beautiful figure hugging suit that highlighted all her voluptuous curves...

Peter squealed as he felt the belt unbuckled, then in one smooth whipping motion, Kendra slid it free and smiled at him, before letting it fall to the floor.

"I'm not sure this is such a - " Peter began, but Kendra placed a paw over his mouth and he silenced, torn between his confusion and the rising arousal he could not control.

With a sliding motion, Kendra slid Peter's jeans to the ground. He stepped out of them, and Kendra held him at arms length, as she looked down at his silk boxer shorts, the obvious erection straining the elastic almost to breaking point.

"Oh my yes..." Kendra whispered, as she moved back to slide her paws around his hips and pulled him close. "Such a handsome young man, so full of life and spirit, just the way I like them..."

Peter's mind whirled, he was torn between his fear and his sexual desire, then when Kendra slid his penis free, he moaned in longing and desire. Kendra smiled, leaning forwards to press her furred breasts against his t-shirt, one paw wrapping itself around his member, before she chuckled softly and eased forwards - guiding him into herself - and Peter's mind vanished in a heartbeat...

To Be Continued...

Its All Fun And Games

It's All Fun and Games Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr, 28th September, 2017, All Rights Reserved. Jake gasped and moaned - it was like he was a prisoner in his own body, helpless as the hooflets walked their way down his slender, pale belly,...

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