Its All Fun And Games

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#2 of Its All Fun And Games

Will Jake retain his humanity, or will he submit, becoming the good little doe, his mind imagines his fursona to be? He is tormented, as the fur suit spirit takes control more and more, then teaches him what it's capable of - showing him pleasure beyond anything he's ever imagined.

It's All Fun and Games

Chapter Two

© Cederwyn Whitefurr,

28th September, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

Jake gasped and moaned - it was like he was a prisoner in his own body, helpless as the hooflets walked their way down his slender, pale belly, then feathered delicately across the vertical folds of the new doe's labial folds.

"Oh - " Jake grunted, hips snapping forwards and fingers spreading the pale folds, as he felt the tail twitch before it snapped upright and frizzled out to twice its size.

I have such pleasures to teach you little Doe, I've not even begun to show you...

Jake gasped, squirmed and moaned, falling to his furred knees, as he felt compelled by whatever spirit had seemingly taken control of his new body. Fingers fluttered over the folds, then two of them slipped down to their base, the leathery pads brushing against the sensitive clitoris, then began stroking and flickering over it, as Jake writhed and gasped helplessly. Pleasure built on pleasure, as he felt the sensitive nub of flesh being tickled, caressed and manipulated, until he thought his heart would surely burst in his chest - his breath caught and hung, as white hot flames of lust, desire and passion built inside him - then without warning, the teasing fingers ceased and splayed their slick, wet furred length over his thighs.

"No, please...oh please...don't...don't stop - " Jake wept, the tears sliding down the pale tan cheeks and spattering onto the carpet.

I think that will do, I can't have my new plaything getting ideas now, can I? Come that cold, mocking voice in his mind. Oh, I know how that feels little Doe, I was young once, curious about myself and my pleasures...yes, I know how close to the sweet release you were - but does this not make it all the sweeter? To be denied that which your heart desires - to be dragged on a torrent of sexual exstacy to the point where you will willingly throw yourself off the cliff of sexual release...then to be so cruelly pulled back and denied that release?

"Why are you doing this to me?" Jake moaned, struggling to regain the control over his new body, but as helpless as a newborn fawn, his struggles only making him flop over onto his side and lay there panting and shivering.

Why? Why indeed - does it matter why? You and I are going too - shall we say - enjoy each others company young one, my, this body you have blessed me with is young, fit received that which your heart desired - now its time to pay for the gift you have been given - in a way only I know how...

"You can't do this to me - what right do you have to control me like some...some puppet?" Jake snarled, then he squealed as a paw was raised then slapped across his muzzle, hard enough to bring a flood of tears.

Think of it as a contract, you got what you always desired - I get - well, you'll see soon enough little one...

"I never agreed to this! I wanted a fur suit, to be popular, to make friends and have fun - "

You got what you desired - you got your fur suit, but maybe, not quite how you envisioned it - come now, will it be so bad? You'll be loved and adored, males will flock to you, to feel your soft, velvet like fur, to partake of your knowledge of sexual pleasures your feeble human mind has never imagined - oh my yes, the pleasures I will have with such a wonderful, young body such as this - but that is for later - you're no good to me if you can not learn how to walk in this body - let alone anything else!

As suddenly as it had come over him, Jake felt the spirit, or whatever it was, release him from his immobility, and he pressed his paws against the carpet and struggled to rise. Muscles responded and even connected differently, as he found out, before dragging his cloven hooves across the carpet and clinging to the furniture, as he slowly stood and wobbled on his cloven hooves, then squealed as his legs crumbled beneath him and he slammed down hard onto the floor again.

Come now little Doe, surely you can do better? Come the mocking laughter, that scraped like fingernails across his mind.A fawn can walk and run within moments of being born - are you a fawn, who lays there bleating for its mother? No, you're a full grown adult Doe - maybe it was a mistake in choosing you, as you don't seem to have the depths I seek!

"Fuck you!" Jake snarled his anger rising.

Fuck me? An interesting thought - I've heard all about some furries - how they have some rather - interesting - sexual you have any perchance? I'd like to experiment, see what works for me, but no - I doubt you'd have any...

Again, those fingers trailed through his mind, picking up thoughts, impressions and feelings, and letting them trickle through its furred fingers, before seizing on one, its eyes widening in surprise and pleasure.

My, a virgin Doe? How've never mated, have you little one?

"That's none of your business!" Jake wailed, as he clutched at his head with the paws, seeking to drive the spirit out.

Oh, the pleasure I'm going to have with you little one...

"This isn't right, I'm not some...puppet, you can just drive around whatever it is, you're planning to do to me..." Jake wept bitterly, as she tugged at the long ears, then screamed in pain and released them.

Hurt me, you're only going to hurt yourself little Doe...remember that, now, let us see what we shall see, shall we? How about that lovely young human male, with the wolf fur suit - think he'll enjoy what an experienced, talented Doe can do?

"I hate you - " Jake wept, as he slumped over in the chair, paws massaging aching thighs and calves.

No doubt little Doe, but you can't deny you got exactly what you wished for - you wanted to become what your mind envisioned! You wanted to be a pretty young Whitetail Doe, who would be petted, and cuddled, loved and adored...

"This isn't what it was meant to be like! I'm's all a fantasy, anthropomorphic people aren't real - I'm imagining all this, its some drug fuelled illusion and - "

Jake gasped, as the fingers feathered the labial folds, then slid inside and pinched the sensitive clitoris, making him writhe and squeal like a Doe in the height of rutting season.

Sure it is, and that pleasure you just had - was all in your mind...give yourself to me little Doe, I can make this pleasure seem like a minor tickle...

"What do you want from me?" Jake wept, before he used the paws to wipe away the tears that trickled down his muzzle.

You'll find out - in the fullness of, let me show you what I can do, just with my paws - shall I?

Jake was helpless, as the spirit inhabited him again, the furred fingers spreading the warm folds and other fingers tweaking, tickling and caressing the sensitive clitoris, bringing pleasure mounting on pleasure, before the spirit sighed and rose, effortlessly walking to the fridge, then fumbling at the handles and growling quietly, before it managed to pull open the door and it used Jake's eyes to scan over the contents, before a smile spread slowly across it's furred lips.

Ah, here we go -

It's slickened furred fingers wrapped around a large carrot, before it pulled back and slammed the door to the fridge, then walked casually down to the bedroom, where it sprawled languidly on the bed, one leg cocked, the knee pointing at the ceiling, whilst it gently rolled the carrot between its paws, gazing down at it with a thoughtful look.

I don't know wether to demonstrate my skill with my muzzle - or somewhere else -

"No,'t - " Jake stammered, yet he was helpless to override the spirit's control over his body.

Teasingly, it wrapped long, slick fingers around the carrot, then opened it's muzzle to wrap its soft, supple tongue around the tip, gently lowering the carrot and sliding it into the gaping muzzle, furred lips forming a tight seal as it pulled the carrot back up, then held it again - the carrot shining with warm saliva. Again the carrot was lowered, this time it slid easily into the back of the throat, long tongue curled around near the end of the carrot and gripping tightly as it released the carrot and began swallowing, strong contractions of the throat muscles making the fur ripple in time to the swallowing motion.

Imagine this, as someones warm, firm penis down our throat - the sensual pleasures of it all - the salty drink that would be spurted into our muzzle and throat, strong muscular contractions milking them of every last, tasty drop...

Jake could imagine it well, as the spirit withdrew the slick, wet carrot, then rolled it languidly between its paws again - before trailing the wet tip down the fur of the chest and belly - then pressing it against the tight labial folds - easily sliding it completely inside, so the labia squeezed down - strong vaginal muscles crushing the carrot's firm length as the spirit sighed and squirmed in pleasure, feeling the carrot acting as a primitive sex toy inside it.

How long would a human last - you feel the muscular contractions, I can do things, you mere humans could never begin to imagine! Do you know how a doe can squeeze down - willingly contracting some muscles, rippling others, and intentionally keep the male from orgasm, with just her vaginal control over her muscles? No? I'm almost tempted to find some plaything - and demonstrate my gift I have given you...but not yet, you and I still have much too...too...

Jake screamed, loud and feral, as the Doe's hips arched up off the bed, the spine crackling, as an un-imagined orgasm struck like a bolt of lightning from the heavens, causing the wedge-like tail to flicker across the bed covers, paws contracting and squeezing the coverlet, as the body writhed and trembled, sweat quickly dampening the fur as the spirit sighed in sweet relief and its body crumpled onto the bed before powerful muscular contractions squirted the carrot free and it slipped out and onto the bed.

This is but one of the pleasures I can share with you, little doe... A carrot makes a poor - example - it doesn't have the sensation, nor the hot spray of an aroused male when he mates with us - but you can not deny, that was pleasure beyond anything your mortal mind could encompass...and that wasn't even me at full arousal yet...think on that...

Jake gasped and his muzzle fell open, as he was returned control to a body that felt like it'd been electrified. Muscles spasm and twitched, sweat soaked the fur from ear tips to ankles, and fingers were locked tight on the coverlet, as he felt a warming patch of fluid spreading from his groin and soaking into the frizzled tail.

"I've never...ever..." Jake moaned, his body weak and trembling.

Oh, you enjoyed that? Such fragile, easily pleased creatures you humans are - wait until I'm truly aroused little have no idea what I'm capable of, but I think this is enough - discussion - for now, you need time to adjust to your new form...I do hope you're a quick learner..

Jake shuddered and he managed to roll over onto his side, before his sweat soaked paw crawled across the coverlet and his paws ached as they reached over to his bedside table, hooflets gouging and scratching at the laminate, before he managed to snag the badge he wore to conventions, before staring down at it, his eyes widening in horror and fear - as instead of the anthropomorphic doe he envisioned his fursona as...the picture rippled and warped, before it dropped from his nerveless paws, as the image of a smiling human stared back up at him from beneath the laminate...

To Be Continued...

(ZOO) Caught On the Wrong Side Of the Fence

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