(ZOO) Caught On the Wrong Side Of the Fence

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Cederwyn wanders a forest, searching for deer he's heard roam freely here - until he's caught by a Dire Wolfess and her Husky feral companion - she tells him he's tresspassing, and teaches this shy, effeminate Buck, how they 'treat' tresspassers...

Caught On The Wrong Side Of The Fence

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

29th June, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Cederwyn walked, naked as the day the hybrid Mule Deer had been born. His nostrils flared, as he lifted his head, inhaling the scents all around him, deep in the forest. His dark brown eyes glanced about, as his floppy ears hung down the back of his neck.

His cloven hooves brushed against the ground, every step light and deliberate, as he sniffed the air again, then a weak smile touched the corners of his lips as he kept quietly moving.

He felt at ease, here in this forest, away from people who laughed and taunted him for being what he was - half Human and half Mule Deer - but here, he let all his stress and anxiety just flow away. He knew deer lived in this forest - he'd found their hoof prints in mud at the creeks edge, and now, he longed to get a look at these wild cousins.

He was lost in thought, wondering what kind of deer they were - were they Fallow? Whitetail's? Red Deer or Sika - he wouldn't know until he found them - or they found him. Because of his scent, he was fairly certain no deer would come within screaming range of him, but he just wanted to see them running free and wild.

After a few hours of wandering the woods, Ceder sat on the edge of a fallen tree, then wished he'd brought himself his satchel and some snacks. He didn't each much, so a handful of trail mix or something like that, would have really hit the spot, as he felt his stomach growl. Placing his hooflets against his stomach, he frowned, it wasn't his stomach that growled...it was something - behind him...


Ceder froze, his natural cervine instincts locking him in place, as he quivered helplessly.

Don't show fear to a predator -

His mind whispered, but he couldn't help it - he trembled like a fawn, knowing this was inviting whatever was behind him, to sense he was easy prey.

Again, that low growl come, and Ceder nearly wet himself in fear. He couldn't control his feral like emotions as they overrode his more human ones. Carefully, he put both his paws on the log and swallowed, trying to regain a semblance of control - before he'd squeal like a doe and run as fast as his furred legs would carry him.

"I think we got ourselves a deer - " Come a voice behind him. "Nice tracking Woofie!"

"I'm - " Ceder stammered, before his throat constricted.

"You're trespassing," Come the voice again, feminine, but dominant in its strange sounding voice. "I suppose you didn't notice the signs..."

"Truthfully - " Ceder squeaked. "There were no signs, no fences, no - I'm sorry, please, if you let me go, I promise..."

"Let you go? Come the voice as it laughed, more a growl than a human-like laugh. "Come now, not without seeing what we caught ourselves, I won't!"

"I - " Ceder whimpered, fear gripping his entrails.

"Get up, turn around - real slow deer..._real_slow..."

Ceder whimpered, before he stood up, then held his paws splayed out as he turned around, his muzzle falling open as he looked into the jade green eyes of the Wolfess who towered over him, like he was a fawn, a husky sitting beside her, his eyes locked on Ceder.

"Uh..." Ceder whispered, his eyes accidentally staring at the large, furred breasts, then lifting to look into the Wolfess' eyes.

"Get a good look fawn?" She smiled, revealing teeth that looked like they could snap his bones in one bite.

"I'm sorry, I've never met a - " Ceder stammered, hanging his head shamefully.

"Not surprised!" She laughed weakly, then walked around him and Ceder squealed when she gripped his wedge-like tail in her right paw.

"Never seen a deer like YOU either..." She leaned close, inhaling his scent, before she frowned and walked back around, then gazed down and her eyes widened. "My..."

Ceder blushed, his inner ears turning a brilliant crimson, as he realised she was looking at his nine inch long furred sheath.

"I'm a..."

"With a lovely package like that - I imagine you'd be some sort of..."

"I'm a mule deer cross - " Ceder stammered shamefully.

"I'd have guessed, not exactly your - usual- deer, that's for sure. Now, since you're here, and on private property...I'm afraid I'm going to have to teach you a lesson young fawn..."

'I'm not a fawn - " Ceder whispered and swallowed.

"No, you're not...but I bet you'll squeal like one..."

"I...please - let me go?" Ceder whimpered in fright. "I never meant too cause any trouble..."

"Oh, no - trouble - young one, but still - you need a lesson, one I'm sure Woofie here will happily - provide - "

Woofie stood up, wagging his tail as he stepped towards Ceder, who blinked and shook his head violently from side to side.

"No, you don't...understand - "

"I think I do...at least Woofie does...now, are you going to be a good doe? Or do I need to 'convince' you..."

Ceder sobbed, then dropped to his knees in submission, bowing his head and his tears trickling down his muzzle as he dreaded the punishment he thought was coming.

He expected to get beaten bloody, possibly even have the husky set on him, what he wasn'_t_prepared for, was when Woofie huffed at him, then Ceder squealed and felt strong paws on his back, the dew claw scratching and drawing blood on his ribs, before the male dog began grunting and thrusting against Ceder's rump.

'No, please..." Ceder squealed.

He tried to stand, but the Wolfess grinned and clutched Ceder under the jaw and lifted his head up, to look into the terrified stag's eyes, before Woofie growled and thrust. His firm length was driven into Ceder's body quickly, his grip tightening as Ceder squealed and shuddered.

"Good boy Woofie, how is he?" Asked the Wolfess, as she smiled and kept her gaze on Ceder, watching the hybrid start sobbing and crying.

Woofie wagged his tail again, then began eagerly thrusting - and Ceder whimpered, feeling the tight knot strain against his anus.

"Please...don't - " Ceder whimpered.

With a sharp thrust, Woofie drove his knot inside Ceder, who shrieked long and loud, as the canine tied to him, then licked the back of Ceder's head and his ears, as he kept humping eagerly.

"No, please...stop - stop him!" Ceder wept, the tears sluicing down his muzzle.

"A bit late..."

Woofie grunted and kept humping, enjoying the feeling of tying this hybrid with, to what Ceder thought, was something way bigger than even his favourite toy he used at home...

At last, Woofie finished humping Ceder, settling into a eager tail wagging and huffing against Ceder's ears. Ceder moaned, feeling the painful ache in his rump working against him, and he panted heavily, his arousal coming quick as the Husky's knot was pushing tight against the deer's prostate.

"Oh, enjoy a strong, masculine male under your tail little doe?"

"No..." Ceder whimpered, then began shuddering. "Please make him...him..."

Ceder bucked his hips, then squealed as his penis flicked and sprayed thick, ropy jets of his semen onto the forest floor, his whole body tensing with the shock of his orgasm - brought by the Husky who resumed eagerly humping the strange buck.

"Nnn....no, oh please...please...don't!" Ceder squealed, before the husky gripped his nape and began panting, flooding Ceder with hot, sticky canine semen. It seemed to go on and on, as Ceder squealed and struggled, making the Husky bite down harder.

"Was he good Woofie?" Snickered the Wolfess, as she caressed Cederwyn's wet cheeks. "No need to cry little doe...not yet, anyway!"

"Please...I'll - I'll never tell anyone...I promise!"

"No, you won't - you think Woofie frightened you? Oh, honey, he was being gentle - you should see him when he's excited!"

Ceder shuddered and then he squealed. They were tied for nearly three quarters of an hour, the throbbing knot and canine penis buried deep inside Ceder. He felt every twitch and movement, they were tied like he'd never been tied before. He was overfilled with the hot, sticky canine semen inside him, his back aching and knees feeling the strain. He was bent under the canine who panted heavily behind his red flushed ears, helpless and incapable.

"Think he's learned his lesson, Woofie?" Asked the Wolfess, with a predatory grin.

Woofie huffed and thrust twice more, again, his penis and knot throbbed as he shot another load into the squealing buck, then lapped at the sweat slick ears. Barely reduced in its frightening width, the knot squirmed and the husky yelped, before he pulled cruelly backwards. Ceder started to shriek, but the Wolfess held his muzzle shut, so his plaintive cries were muffled.

Again and again, the Husky tried to dismount - before at last, there come a wet pop and Ceder bucked, as the knot and length slid out of him - a large spatter of the canine's semen gushing out as Ceder panted frantically through his nostrils.

"Good little doe..." Snickered the Wolfess, as she held Ceder's muzzle shut, gazing into his tearful eyes. "Now, will you trespass again?"

Ceder shook his head weakly, it was all he was capable of, as his whole body shook as if stricken with fever.

"Are you absolutely certain little doe? I think Woofie liked you...might not be such a bad idea, if you come back again sometime... I'd be interested to see if _I_could make you squeal...like Woofie did..."

Ceder swallowed, then looked up into her eyes, before he whimpered and shuddered, feeling exhausted and aching.

Somehow, he knew this enigmatic Wolfess, wasn't joking...


Nottingham Wood

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Blacktail Sanctuary II - The New Keepers -

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