Blacktail Sanctuary II - The New Keepers -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#2 of Blacktail Sanctuary II - The New Keepers

Kristen follows Kelly, who shows her around and explains the sanctuary. Later, Stephen (Kelly's husband), meets the newest Keeper, and Kelly and Stephen share some playful banter between each other, leaving the poor Vixen a bit bewildered and confused - until Kelly chuckles and tells her that although she is no longer 'of breeding capability' it hasn't diminished her libido, if anything, Kelly confesses - claiming that her 'change of life' freed her from the fear of conception - and has opened her up to more pleasurable lovemaking with her beloved partner.

Kristen is in love with the deer, meeting two of Jasmine's offspring, Pelnak, the stag, and Jess, the doe. WIll Kristen be accepted by the deer whom she has been told will beome her responsibility, and their herd?

Blacktail Sanctuary

-The New Keepers -

Chapter Two

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

28th June, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Kelly was still surprisingly spry of hoof, considering her age, and she led the young,intimidated Vixen to the deer enclosure. Here, Kelly paused and turned to face Kristen.

"Okay, here, as you know from your indoctrination, is the deer enclosure. Obviously, we like to keep the gates locked, we don't want our Deer roaming all over the park! It will be your job to ensure they've got water, feed and are generally in healthy condition."

"I understand." Kristen nodded. "I adore deer, I think they're...oh..."

Kelly looked at Kristen, then chuckled. "My dear, its fine - yes, you don't have to flatter me. I am a Deer Anthromorph, a Whitetail, or if you prefer - "

"Odocoileus virginianus!" Kristen blurted, then slapped her paws to her muzzle, going wide-eyed.

Kelly raised an eyebrow at her, then smiled and nodded. "Very good! Not many know that, well, not - quite - accurate, as that's the Latin name for the feral deer. I see you've done your homework!"

"I didn't mean, I mean to say - " Kristen stammered in guilt, having felt she'd overstepped her boundaries.

"It's fine, it shows initiative and promise! I'm sure you'll make an excellent keeper. A lot of us study hard and learn a lot of the names of our feral inhabitants here, you never know when you might get asked! Now, shall we?"

Kelly unlocked the gate, then swung it open enough for them to slip through, before she closed it, it clanking shut and the electronic lock scrambling itself.

"Are electronic locks standard in this sanctuary?" Kristen asked.

"Yes, we like to ensure out animals are safely locked away in their enclosures. Of course, this is the staff entrance, where the public are forbidden to go. We have other gates designed for them to use. As much of our deer are friendly towards our kind and humans - they often come here and hand feed them, it doesn't hurt to be careful. Especially around the rut - our dominant stag, he can be quite aggressive, and the younger ones as well."

Kristen hovered close to Kelly, who chuckled and walked casually, pointing out the numerous Whitetail that grazed the grass. There come a loud snort, then a high pitched bleating before the thundering of cloven hooves. Kelly giggled and held her paws up, before she snapped a sharp command and the young buck skidded to a halt, all four hooves gouging the earth.

"It's alright Kristen, this is Pelnak, one of - my daughters - last fawns."

Kelly smiled, then touched her velvety nose to that of the stag, who snorted softly and blinked, before nuzzling Kelly's muzzle and paws happily. Kristen carefully held her paws out, and Pelnak blinked, before he took a shy step back and Kelly snorted, then stamped a cloven hoof with a loud thud, making Pelnak squeal and bleat at her.

"Pelnak, don't be rude!" Kelly growled, then tapped the stag lightly on the bridge of his muzzle.

'He...understands you?"

"Of sorts - its more the touch and the tone of my voice, not to mention my scent. He knows me well, he accepts my 'dominance' over him, I trained him myself, so he's no threat, really."

Turning back to the Stag, Kelly rested her paws on her hips, then stared the buck down, who bleated and quivered, before he lowered his antlered head and trembled, before timidly stretching his neck out to sniff at Kristen's paws.

"Good boy, there, see? She won't hurt you!" Kelly smiled, then stroked the stag's neck gently. "Good boy, that's it - get a good smell - she's going to be one of your keepers!"

"I - " Kelly stammered, eyes widening. ""

"You are, you've shown you know about deer - so what a perfect place to state your new career as a Keeper? Pelnak here, once he knows you, well, he's beautiful! He's sweet, gentle - mostly - can be a little pushy, but don't let him walk all over you!"

Pelnak flicked an ear, then snorted softly at Kelly, who turned on him and tapped his muzzle again. "Stop that, you know I'm telling the truth!"

With a shake of his four antlered head, Pelnak resumed shyly nuzzling at Kristen, imprinting her scent and her appearance on his young mind.

"Pelnak's an adult, but because of his - well - his 'mixed' parentage, of sorts, he doesn't possess the true stag's size and musculature. Don't mistake him for like, a yearling, or a two year old - he's much, much older than that!"

Pelnak flicked his ears again, then nuzzled Kelly's chin.

"Yes, I love you too - " Kelly giggled, then slipped a hand into her khaki uniform pants pocket and produced a small paw full of pellets, which Pelnak happily nibbled from her palm.

"You..." Kristen began ,then chuckled softly.

"Well, yes, some Keeper's often carry treats in their pockets for their most loved animal friends - I'm not adverse to them myself - they're actually pretty good!"

Kristen stared at her, then realised when Kelly's muzzle creased into a smile, that Kelly was pulling her tail. Both doe and vixen shared a chuckle, before Kelly gave Kristen a handful of the pellets.

"Go on, he loves them, I'm sure, they're like some form of cervine crack!"

Nervously, Kristen held her paw out, and Palen glanced at Kelly, before he delicately used his lips an tongue to eat them out of Kristen's paw.

"His tongue - its so soft!" Kristen gasped, her triangular ears flattening.

"All deer's tongues are like that, its one of our most loved, well...never-mind!"

Kristen was a moment, before she glanced sideways at Kelly, who giggled and squirmed.


"Oh indeed...hey! Here comes my partner now - Stephen!" Kelly yelled out, as Kristen timidly stroked Palen's neck. "Over here honey!"

Stephen approached, the second deer twin following along at his side, before he stopped and smiled, resting a hand on the doe's neck.

"Oh! Hello there, you must be the new Keeper, a pleasure to meet you!" Stephen exclaimed, holding out a hand.

Nervously, Kristen shook hands and squirmed. Having two of the retired head Keepers here, it made her feel self-conscious and skittish.

"Oh, relax already!" Kelly snickered, then rested a paw on Kristen's shoulder.

"Sorry - " Kristen murmured. "I used to visit here as a child, I never imagined - being able to go behind the scenes, let alone get a job here!"

"It's not all roses and sunshine!" Stephen chuckled, as he kissed Kelly lovingly on the side of her muzzle. "It's a lot of long, thankless hours and can be tedious and back breaking work at times - but..."

"But?" Kristen asked, eyes widening in fright.

"Well, if you love and care for animals, the way we do - it stops _feeling_like work, and more like you're achieving something to make the world a little brighter and better! Of course, having a beautiful young Doe like Kelly here, to work with and -"

Kelly snorted, flicking an ear, then playfully punched Stephen in the shoulder.

"OW, hey..." He laughed, then hugged Kelly tight. "I love you too, you worn out old nag!"

"Who you calling worn out?" Kelly retorted, raising an eyebrow. "I'd sooner sleep with Pelnak here, he'd prove to be a better mate!"

"I - " Kristen blushed, her ears going flat.

"Oh, don't worry honey - " Kelly chuckled. "Just us old farts, having a playful jab at each other. We've been mated now for...what's it been Stephen? Thirty..."

"Forty years, since I got on my knees, and begged this sweet, beautiful Doe to marry me...and she said yes! I've regretted it ever since..."

Stephen yelped, as Kelly snorted and slapped him on the shoulder, then he grinned at her.

"You'll get _yours_later..." Kelly mock-growled at him, but the smile on her muzzle showed her love and affection for her mate.

"Mmm, promises!" Stephen snickered. "Anyway, welcome to Blacktail Sanctuary! I hope you'll fit in around here, don't let this old, tick-riddled Doe lead you astray though!"

"Go away Stephen, before I give you a well deserved beating..." Kelly smirked, cocking one cloven hoof.

"Oh, please, you'd be likely as most to break a hip, let alone a sweat!" Stephen sniggered, as he kissed Kelly's cheek again, then hugged her tightly.

With a wave, he wandered off, and the doe he was with stared up at Kelly, then bleated softly, her wedge like tail flagging slowly from side to side.

'Yes Jess, I have some treats for you too honey!" Kelly chuckled, then reached into her pocket and produced more pellets.

"Are you two...really - " Kristen began, then blushed in shame.

"Really? Oh my yes, what? Just because we're 'mature' doesn't mean a Doe looses her sex drive, between you and me...Jess, stop that!"

Kelly swatted the doe lightly on the neck, as Jess tried to get into Kelly's pockets to get the treats.

"Sorry, as I was saying - I think, from my own experience - that my libido has increased as I aged... Of course, between us girls, not having to worry about conceiving now - it's made a huge change to me!"

"I just, I don't mean to pry and be rude, but -"

"It's fine, truly - I'm a very open minded and honest creature, not, of course, everyone is! It's - good to encourage your curiosity, within reason of course! Yes, I've undergone the 'change of life' as human women call it. I no longer come into heat - thankfully - I swear, I nearly broke Stephen, human men...well..."

Kristen stared, open muzzled, as Kelly laughed and draped a arm over the vixens shoulder.

"I'm going to like you Kristen, I think we'll get along just fine..."

To Be Continued...


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