To Be Or Not

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#2 of (ZOO) (Inteli-Pet Corporation) - To Be or Not

Greyfurr and his Inteli-Pet Companion, Patches, share a lovely night together, experiencing their bond as only rodents can - with frequent and vigourous lovemaking

To Be Or Not

Chapter Two

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

28th June, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Greyfurr filled the bath, before he slid into it, leaning back and placing his head against the thick towel at the end, his toe tips and tail tip poking above the water. He'd jut got settled, enjoying the hot, steaming water, when the water splashed and he felt Patches clamber in to the bath, then squeak and chitter at him.

"Well, of course its hot!" Greyfurr chuckled, as he opened his eyes and gently scratched her behind the ears.

Squirming and sloshing water out of the bath, Patches nuzzled under his chin and placed her paws on his shoulders, before settling in to enjoy the company of her owner and lover.

For an hour, the two of them, cuddled in the bath, Finally, Patches squeaked and wriggled herself, nibbling at Greyfurr throat and waking him out of the light doze he'd been in.

"What?" Greyfurr murmured, then snorted and woke himself up, before he giggled softly and scratched Patches under the chin. "Sorry love, I must have dozed off - good thing you're with me!"

Chittering at a thousand miles and hour, Patches nuzzled, nibbled and squeaked, obviously impatient and frustrated with him not understanding her.

"Alright, alright!" Greyfurr sighed, then cuddled her gently. "I _did_promise you some play time, didn't I?"

Patches twitched her whiskers, then launched into a length series of squeaks and chittering's.

"Alright!" Greyfurr chuckled, as he gently pushed her back, then climbed from the bath, carefully helping her out. "Let's get dried off first, shall we?"


Once they were both dried, Patches ran off eagerly to the bedroom, Greyfurr following her, his pale tail swishing from side to side.

Here, he found Patches already on the bed, using her paws to claw and scratch at the coverlet, making herself a nest, before she lay down and tucked her tail beside her - watching him with love and eagerness from her dark eyes.

"Hey, don't ruin the bed love!" Greyfurr chuckled as he slipped onto the bed and placed his paws on her shoulders, then licked her lovingly between the ears. "So, what does my dear, sweet girl want tonight?"

Patches squeaked and climbed to all four paws, before she twirled and ran in circles, eager and excited, before he snorted and lightly slapped her on the rump.

"You know better than that, now, come on, settle down!" He chided her gently.

Patches squeaked, before she flopped on the bed and seemed to think for a while, before she nuzzled at Greyfurr's belly, her soft tongue lapping at his sheath.

"Hey, easy..." He squeaked, then blushed and giggled. "I know _that_is what you want love, shall we make love tonight? What really would please you?"

Patches looked up at him, before her gentle paws gripped Greyfurr's sheath and began licking it.

"Oh..." Greyfurr gasped, then quicker than he'd like, he was brought to swift erection under Patches eager licks and her gentle paws.

"Mmm..." Greyfurr grunted, as he looked down and Patches ever so delicately wrapped her paws, one above the other, on his exposed member, so she could hold it and start licking the tip.

Gasping, Greyfurr shuddered in exstacy, his mind reeling as his beloved rat partner pleasured him. Her tongue was long, supple as a willow sapling and incredibly warm. It didn't take long for her to lick from tip to sheath base and back again - his member slick with her warm saliva.

Gazing up at him, she chittered before she looked down at it, then back up into his eyes.

"I don't know what you want honey, so, let me try something with you, I know how much you enjoy it - as do I!"

He gently pushed her backwards, then crept behind her and laid down on his belly, before he nibbled at her tail, until she lifted it up. His fingers tickled her labial folds gently, as she squeaked and rose up with her hind feet, as he smiled and nodded. Now, with unrestricted access, he rolled over onto his back and slid his head under her. His cold nose brushed against her pale folds, before he smiled happily and used his sensitive tongue to begin lapping at her warmth.

Patches squeaked and trembled, lifting her hindquarters higher, as Greyfurr chuckled and used his paws to lovingly caress her groin, as he eagerly licked, sucked and even tenderly nibbled the rat's warm labia. He worked his tongue deeper, savouring the taste as she responded quickly to his tongue, before he gasped and felt her paws wrap themselves around his member - her tongue beginning to work on him.

"Oh honey..." Greyfurr squeaked in delightful pleasure. "Good girl, that's it lovely...mmm, good..."

He pressed his incisors against the top of her labia, his tongue poking, swirling and delving into her depths, as she squeaked and squirmed. Using her tongue, keeping his penis firmly gripped in her soft paws, she pleasured him as best she could.

For two hours, he soaked her folds and vaginal walls and depths with his saliva, gasping from time to time as her tongue flickered over the urethra slit - almost bringing him to orgasm multiple times.

Finally, he grunted and pulled his head away, before Patches paused and twisted herself about as only a feral like rat can, gazing back at him in wonder and confusion.

"No honey, I won't do that to you, I know how frustrated you get, when I try to clean your muzzle! Now, be good, let go, and I'll pleasure you how nature intended for our kind - alright?"

Patches pondered, then gave his length another lick, before she obediently release him from her grip and stepped away. He rolled himself back onto all fours, then gripped her thick tail near its base and pulled it aside, patches squeaking and quivering in anticipation.

"Easy sweetheart - " Greyfurr murmured.

As he moved in close - his large scrotum and testicles rubbing against the bed covers, before he slid his paws around her hind legs and gripped her tight. This encouraged her to depress her spine, lifting her wet folds off the bed and gave him better access. He moved his hips forwards, probing carefully, before he grunted and clutched her tighter, as he slid himself deep inside her.

"Oh you feel just as wonderful as always - " Greyfurr gasped, his body shaking with the incredible pleasure of mating with her.

Patches looked back at him, wriggling her hips slightly as she pushed down and he gasped, feeling her fully take his rat hood into her body.

"Good girl!" Greyfurr grunted, as he started a frenetic, almost feral humping against her - the ache in his scrotum growing by the second as it sought the release of the life giving sperm trapped within.

Patches vocalised louder and squirmed in his tight grip, her pleasure unmistakable as she depressed her back even further - allowing Greyfurr to push deeper.

"Not...not..." Greyfurr grunted, before his will was suppressed and he pulled her tight and back, a copious flood of his semen spurting deep into her reproductive tract.

Patches squealed, feeling her lovers grip intensify, right at his moment of orgasm, but she didn't shy away - if anything, she enjoyed this experience and willingly gave herself to her lover without fear or reluctance.

"Urk..." Greyfurr gasped, as he slumped onto Patches back, then nuzzled her as he began panting heavily. "Dammit, I'm sorry love..."

Patches squeaked again, then wrapped her tail around his, holding him gently as she shuddered. She didn't mind it if he took his time, or like this, it was all over in moments - she knew from first paw experience, he'd be eager and willing to breed her multiple times during the night.


Next morning, after a dozen mating between him and patches, Greyfurr felt drained, physically, sexually and emotionally. He lay with her, her warm back pressed tight against his belly, the musky scent of their lovemaking filling the air. It wasn't long, before the voice of his AI woke him from his exhausted sleep.

"Good morning Doctor Greyfurr, its 5:45 am, it is time for you to get up and have your morning shower. I trust that your lovemaking with Patches was satisfactory?"

With a grunt, Greyfurr shuddered and Patches eyes snapped open like window shades, as she wriggled her hips against his belly, feeling his still firm erection firmly inside her.

"Patches, love," Greyfurr moaned and rubbed at his eyes with his paws. "I couldn't if I tried honey...truly. Last night...that was wonderful, I don't know how you can do that!"

"Doctor - " Come the insistant voice of the AI. "You will be late for work -"

"I know, I know - " Greyfurr gasped, as he slid himself free of Patches eager folds, then shuddered. "I'd love to stay here with you my dear companion - but work calls, and I need to go, but I'll be back tonight, I promise, you be good for me, alright?

Patches blinked, then squeaked at him, before rolling over onto her belly, and I seconds, she was back in a deep, exhausted sleep.

"How I envy you..." Greyfurr chuckled, as he rolled off the bed and stood, then sat back down, clutching his head in his paws as the room spun around him.

"Doctor - " Come the voice again.

"I know!" He snapped irritably, as he stood up and made his way to the shower.

"Shall I prepare your breakfast, sir?" Come the reply.

Greyfurr paused, then he frowned. It almost sounded as if the AI was getting short and curt with him, then he shook his head, imagining it, and stepped into the shower, the hot, stinging water blasting through fur and flesh as he started scrubbing himself.

To Be Continued...

First TIme For Everything - Chapter Three -

First Time For Everything Chapter Three - Finale - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 27th June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. At the hospital, James was beside himself with grief and concern. He paced wildly, wringing his paws together, until the Elk Doctor come...

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To Be Or Not...

To Be Or Not... Chapter One 27th June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Greyfurr, so called, as the anthropomorphic rat had a light grey 'hood' over his head and down his shoulders to mid-way down his upper arms. He wiped a gloved paw over his forehead,...

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Moonfall Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr 27th June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Sprawled beside her mate, watching the wolf sleep off the excesses of last night, Luna chuckled quietly and pondered. It was at least two hours before he was meant to...

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