To Be Or Not...

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of (ZOO) (Inteli-Pet Corporation) - To Be or Not

Doctor Greyfurr, an anthropomorphic Rat, works for the Inteli-Pet Corporation. They've had 'mixed results' with their 'hybridisaton' project, trying to splice human and animal DNA together, to give their 'subjects'' the ability to speak, reason and learn. They're close - very close - and he's quietly optimistic, knowing a lot is riding on this.

Until now, they've been able to make subservient creatures - that's the easy part - now? They're facing their greatest challenge - to take it further - to give the animals the ability to think, to reason and above all - to speak.

He has an early 'prototype' of the sucessess - a female rat like him in every way that matters - as she was cloned from his own genetic material. She understands english perfectly well, but lacks the vocal cords to speak with him. He doesn't love her any the less though - even if some of his colleagues 'know' he is her lover, and she is his - he is discreet - and his 'companion' can't tell anyone anyway...

To Be Or Not...

Chapter One

27th June, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Greyfurr, so called, as the anthropomorphic rat had a light grey 'hood' over his head and down his shoulders to mid-way down his upper arms. He wiped a gloved paw over his forehead, then flicked away the nervous sweat as he stood before the board. Humans and anthro's alike stared back at him, their faces and muzzles impassive, as the young rodent stammered and fidgeted, wringing his pale pink paws together nervously.

"I think your case was made, Doctor - that will be all - " Spoke the CEO, as he dismissed the obviously distressed rat. "Thank you, now, moving on..."


Greyfurr returned to his office, his eyes squeezed closed and his mind mentally berating himself. "Idiot...your moment to prove yourself and you go and..."

Slumping into his chair, he nervously flicked his tail up beside him, then like a child's security blanket, he cuddled it tight against his chest and closed his eyes.

"Why did I just put both my feet in my muzzle - " He moaned quietly. "My big moment to reveal our hard work, and I go to pieces!"

"How'd it go?" A young Elk asked, barging into his office, before his muzzle fell open and he flattened his ears, before backing out and knocking gently on the glass partition. "Sorry, Doctor Greyfurr, I didn't mean to be so rude, sir!"

Waving a paw, Greyfurr gestured to the chair opposite him.

"You're alright, you're my staff, my door is always open to you, any time - no need to stand on formality with me!"

Smiling nervously, the young Elk, barely with two tines on his small antlers, bowed respectfully and slid into the offered seat, clutching his tablet to his chest. "Sir, I think we've done it - at last!"

Blinking, Greyfurr held out a paw, and the Elk quivered, before he handed over the tablet. Tapping at it with a claw, the rat began scanning over the information, his eyes flickering in the tablets light as he sped-read it, then handed it back.

"Have you begun the simulations?" He asked, leaning forwards on his desk, clutching his paws on the blotter.

"Not yet...sir." Stammered the Elk, "I wanted to bring the latest information to you in person, sir - it's...looking good, isn't it?"

"This is promising - very promising!" Greyfurr smiled and nodded. "Excellent progress, We're not there yet- but this is truly fine work, commendations to you and your staff. I'm very impressed and your report is concise, to the point and succinct. Go, run the simulations! Keep me appraised, and once again, great work - you show much promise!"

Nodding, the elk's smile spread across his muzzle. "Yes sir!"


Greytail returned to his home, in the more modest sector of the town, his paw print allowing him access as the AI that ran his home spoke.

"Good evening Doctor Greytail, the temperature is a comfortable 72 degrees Fahrenheit, Patches is in your bedroom, would you like me to prepare your evening meal sir?" Come the feminine voice from concealed speakers.

"Thank you, no, Francine. I am fine."

"As you wish Doctor, I exist to serve."

Greytail sat on the entryway chair, then pulled his specialised boots off his feet. Wriggling his clawed toes, he flexed and stretched them experimentally, feeling them crackle and stretch.

"That feels so much better..." He muttered to himself as he rose and headed down the hallway, towards the kitchen.

Here, he made himself a light meal - nothing too heavy, before he sat at the table and picked idly over it.

At work, his mind was rigidly structured and ordered. It needed to be at its sharpest, he knew that. He prided himself on this ability, expecting the best from himself, and those who served under him. He placed high expectations on himself, this was reflected by his hand picked staff - who went above and beyond even his expectations and aspirations. He could not be more proud of them.

Here at home, he let down the rigid control, relaxed and at ease. Stress from work just was left at the door. Here, he was truly, himself - the cares and stresses of work were ignored outright. He relaxed and rested his chin on a paw, his fingers splaying out and claws lightly pricking the flesh. His musing was interrupted, as he heard the skittering of claws and then the almost ultra-sonic squeak from his companion - and lover.

She was identical to him, in every way that mattered - the fur colouration, the hood, everything - except where he was male - she was female. She crept over to him, then squeaked at him again and laid her head on his lap. He smiled at her and gently stroked her head lovingly with the back of a paw.

"Hello Patches," He whispered. "Have you been a good girl for me?"

Patches nuzzled at him, standing up on her hind paws, before she squeaked and chittered at him. He didn't understand a word, but she seemed quite animated and chatty tonight.

"Alright Patches, alright!" He squealed, feeling her sharp incisors nibbling at his throat. "I know my love, come on, lets go."

Patches dropped back to all fours and scampered off down the hallway, before she squeaked and slid sideways, thudding into the wall with her hip.

"Careful!" Greyfurr chuckled. "Do not go hurting yourself love!"

A torrent of chitters, chips and squeaks echoed back to him.

"I know you understand me!" He chastised her. "I just wish our technology had advanced enough to grant your kind the ability to speak..."


He shed his clothing, dropping it into the automated washer, then stretched his paws up over his head, interlacing them and feeling his spine crackle from tail base to skull. Patches wound her long, sinuous tail around his hips, before she clambered up, gripping his fur with her paws and licked his nape.

"I missed you too my dear, sweet girl!" Greyfurr chuckled. "I know, its not fair, you have to stay home all day, whilst I'm busy working...well, I'm hope now - so - I think you deserve to play, don't you?"

A high pitched squeaking and chittering ensued, going of for several minutes, as she gesticulated with her paws and nuzzled at his chin and shoulder.

"Alright, I get the message!"" Greyfurr laughed delicately, as he cuddled her close, feeling her heart thudding in her chest and her warm, sensual fur.

Standing before the mirror which shimmered into existence, Greyfurr ran his paws from his throat, down his belly, along the sides of the sheath and crouching over, he brushed his fingers across the large, ovoid scrotum, the same colour as his paws. His tail swished from side to side, being as long as his body, and he sighed in pleasure.

He kept his figure trim, not underweight, but not overweight either - as tempting as it was at times, to skip meals when he was deep in research or work in the laboratory. He knew his body intimately, from tip of his large, rounded ears, to the pale tip of his pink, hairless tail.

With a sharp nip, Patches made her frustration abundantly clear, making him squeal and jump, before he chuckled and scratched her lightly behind the ears.

"Alright!" Greyfurr laughed quietly. "I know, I shouldn't tease you so my love, now, do you want to share my bath with me?"

Patches blinked, looking from the bath to him and back again, before she swished her tail and chittered, nuzzling against his sheath.

"Hey! Bath first, playtime - later - alright?"

To Be Continued...


Moonfall Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr 27th June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Sprawled beside her mate, watching the wolf sleep off the excesses of last night, Luna chuckled quietly and pondered. It was at least two hours before he was meant to...

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Moonfall Chapter One © Cederwyn Whitefurr 27th June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Luna snorted, then flicked her black tipped ears, before the young Whitetail yawned delicately and her pale green eyes opened a crack. Her nostrils flared, inhaling the...

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M-H - First Time For Everything - Chapter Two -

First Time For Everything Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr 26th June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Greytail giggled, helping the shaking buck into the shower, holding him up with one paw as he adjusted the temperature, then retrieved the bottle of...

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