M-H - First Time For Everything - Chapter Two -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#2 of First Time For Everything

Alex and his lover, Greytail, share theior pleasures with each other, willingly and freely, but Alex's rutting season is strong, and an unfortunate incident occurs, bringing their pleasurable lovemaking to a dramatic end...

First Time For Everything

Chapter Two

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

26th June, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Greytail giggled, helping the shaking buck into the shower, holding him up with one paw as he adjusted the temperature, then retrieved the bottle of special soap their kind used. He lathered James from neck to groin, paying particular attention to the sheath and furred testicles, before James grunted and twitched, one cloven hoof slapping wetly against the ground.

"Hey!" Greytail squealed, then giggled again. "Watch it love, I don't want a broken foot!"

With a gasp, James shuddered and turned his face into the water, scrubbing at his muzzle and ears, before shaking his head and gazing down at his partner. "Sorry, you know how ticklish I am!"

Raising an eyebrow, Greytail wrapped his left paw around the firm sheath of the stag and began sensuously stroking.

"No...stop - " James gasped, his body quivering, before he bucked and Greytail blinked, then laughed quietly, looking down at the fully exposed length that he held lightly in his paw.

"There's my bucky..." Greytail murmured. "Such a small thing really, makes me wonder if it'll ever grow up? I've seen bigger wicks on a candle!"

"I swear - " James grunted, as he placed his paws on Greytail's shoulders.

"Promises!" Greytail smiled, as he kept both paws wrapped around the firm length, then licked his lovers throat and chin adoringly. "Always promises...now, lets see just how frustrated my stag..."

James snorted, then gripped Greytail's shoulders, pushing him back against the shower wall, before sliding his paws under the kangaroo's hips and lifting him up, then in one quick movement, thrust once and buried himself deep inside Greytail's body.

"Oh - " Greytail gasped, clutching at James's shoulders with his paws, using his heavy tail to help support his weight. "Very frustrated!"

"Shut - " James growled, nibbling at Greytail's ears as he pulled back and thrust again, making the kangaroo squirm in pleasure. "Up...or I'll rut you like it was rutting season!"

"Mmm, yes please!" Greytail snickered, placing his long feet against the wet shower wall, propping himself up better with his tail.

James grunted, feeling Greytail's body adjusted, as he shuddered and began thrusting with a strong, forceful thrust, his groin slapping against the kangaroo's cloaca with wet smacks. Again and again, Greytail squealed and grunted in pleasure and contentment, as the stag humped him with a wild, almost feral intensity.

Greytail grunted and shuddered, his paws gripping at James's shoulders tightly, before the stag began to quiver.

"No...not...yet!" James panted in Greytail's ears. "Not..."

His body ignoring him, he thrust hard, then tilted his antlered head back and grunted like a feral stag, his penis throbbing with the overriding urges. Greytail squealed as he felt the hot explosive orgasm spurted into his willing body, its heat warming him from the inside out as he shuddered and clung to his partner.

"Oh...that feels...so good - " Greytail gasped.

"Fuck..." James gasped, feeling like he'd run a marathon, his lungs heaving and body shaking.

"You did my love," Greytail murmured, caressing his lover gently. "Deeply, thoroughly and most pleasurably! Now, you've eased your frustrations - feel better?"

"I...I shouldn't do that, I know better than that!" James whispered, then nuzzled into Greytail's left ear. "You deserve better than being rutted like that!"

Greytail flicked his ears, giggling softly, as he cradled his quivering lover tightly, feeling the pleasure as his beloved stag was still firmly within him, the warmth of his gift filling him.

"Who said I didn't enjoy it, when my stag shows his dominant side?" Greytail asked, as he nuzzled James. "I may be a kangaroo, sure - a buck even - but doesn't mean I don't love and cherish moments like this!"

James quivered, before he lifted Greytail up and crouched, gently placing the kangaroo back on the floor of the shower. With a sigh, he stood up and turned away, placing his paws against the wall and let the hot water run down his back. Greytail shuddered and moved close, sliding his paws around his lovers hips and nuzzling his nape, holding him close.

"I love you, you know that, don't you - " Greytail whispered, his paws lovingly caressing James's belly.

"As I love you honey, truly - " James murmured, feeling his repressed instincts trying to seize him. "I hate rutting season, truly, it - its hard enough, being a - "

"Shhh," Greytail murmured, as he turned James around, then cuddled him close, playing with the stag's wedge like tail. "You always overthink things love! It's no good for you! Just - enjoy the moment, with me, as I do with you!"

James sniffled, then gazed down his muzzle at his lover, who lifted his head and pressed his lips against those of the quivering stag. For a heartbeat, James fought the emotions, before he submit and pressed his lips hard against those of the kangaroo, who smiled and happily kissed his lover deeply and with relish.

After several moments, James broke the passionate kiss and shuddered, before he laughed nervously and cuddled his beloved kangaroo tightly.

"You're too kind for your own good, now, how about dinner? I'm famished!"


After a sensual dinner, both herbivores were satiated and relaxed, the shower and lovemaking working its usual magic on James. They retired to their bedroom, where James lay on his back and Greytail lay next to him. Greytail lay with his head on his lovers chest, listening to the slow, relaxed heartbeat of the stag.

"Mmm, much better - bucky is much more calmer and less stressed and tense, now, roll over love - I want to give you a present!"

James's eyes fluttered open and he blinked twice, before Greytail snickered and pushed him gently. Rolling over, James put his chin on the pillow and sighed in restful exhaustion. Greytail straddled his lovers calves, then began using his soft paws to massage and knead the tight knots he found in James's back.

"Urk - " James gasped, as Greytail grunted and pushed down hard, feeling the tense muscle.

"Tsk," Greytail snorted. "Bad posture is bad! I've told you, tell them to get you a proper anthromorph's chair, that gives your body the proper support it needs!"

"Easier...ow!" James squealed, as Greytail's elbow twisted on his tense lower back.

"Shush little Doe - " Greytail muttered. "Just take some deep breaths and relax, it'll feel so much better when we're done!"

James grunted and moaned, feeling his lover find out the tight muscles and the knots. His skilled paws working them lose, until James was a quivering puddle on the bed, his eyes drowsy and pillow wet with his drool.

"Ugh - " James moaned quietly.

"Broken deer is broken!" Greytail laughed, then playfully batted at the wedge like tail, watching as it began flagging from side to side.

"Deer is relaxed..." James murmured, his voice muffled by the pillow.

"See?" Greytail grinned. "I told you it'd make you feel better!"

James muttered something incomprehensible, as a quiver ran through him from ears to hooves. Greytail lay on his lover, nuzzling and licking his ears, before James gasped and felt Greytail's length tickle against his labial folds.

"Oh...honey - I never thought..." James whispered. "I've been so neglectful of you and your own desires..."

Placing his paws on the back of James's head, Greytail snickered and pushed the Stag's head down firmly, pinning him to the bed.

"Shush, let me pleasure you love, I'm more than capable of...making my dear doe squeal."

"Don't I...oh..." James murmured, as Greytail pushed his hips forwards, then James lifted his, giving easier access to his partner.

"Shhh - " Greytail snickered, sliding his claws down James's spine, then gripping him around the hips and lifting him up higher, until James was almost kneeling on the bed - giving Greytail's length the access it needed as he began a sensual thrusting. His scrotum rubbed against the underside of the deer's tail, as he panted and sighed in pleasure.

"You feel so good - " James murmured, paws gripping the pillow as Greytail tightened his grasp on James's hips.

"It's - not easy, making love like this, but I know how it pleases you love, so, stop yapping like a puppy and just let your kangaroo please you..."

With a gasp, James shut his muzzle, keeping his head down, as he knew how accidentally he could flinch with his antlered head, and end up trying to stab poor Greytail.

Greytail slid one long foot forwards, then the other, so he was sitting on the bed, his weight distributed between his feet and his tail, as he eagerly thrust harder and harder, driving his full length into the tightening cervine's folds.

"Good little doe - " Greytail muttered, as he smiled and leaned down, licking his lover's nape. "That's my girl, nice and warm, aren't you..."

"Uh - " James sighed in pleasure, feeling Greytail's eager mounting, the firm length of the kangaroo rubbing against the sensitive clitoris every time he thrust back inside.

Greytail laughed quietly, before he snorted and gripped harder, pulling James up slightly as he began frenetically humping like a feral buck mating a doe.

"Mmm!" James panted, feeling the instincts and the pleasure of his doe side taking control over his mind.

"I'm gonna make you come little doe - see if I don't!" Greytail growled playfully, as he bit down on James's shoulder.

With a squeal, James's muscles contracted tight at the bite, and Greytail moaned and slammed his hips forwards and up, before he grunted and clutched James's hips tight. Pulse after pulse of his semen spurted into James's depths as he squirmed and the strong contractions made Greytail yelp helplessly.

"Urk!" Greytail gasped, his muzzle hanging open and saliva dripping from his tongue, his nostrils flaring with each panting breath. "Damn...you...doe!"

"That feels so good..." James whispered, the pleasure undeniable as his muscles milked the kangaroo dry.

A strong musky scent filled the air, as Greytail panted and sweated, unable to stop himself as he clung to James's hips and rested his body on his lovers.

"Is my kangaroo broken already? Why, its only just starting...surely you can do better, can't you?" James playfully teased, lifting his head enough to speak clearly.

Greytail snorted, then nipped sharply on James's nape, making James squeal in surprise and pleasure.

"I was going to say..." James began, as he felt Greytail slide out and shudder.

With a snort, Greytail smacked James on the rump hard, but this only aroused the deer more.

"It's...not my fault, we kangaroo's don't have a rutting season, like you deer!"

"I never blamed you my dear, sweet buck - " James chuckled, as he rolled over and stretched languidly, sliding his paws down his belly and thighs. "I don't know about you - but feeling a males gift inside me...it feels...beautiful."

Greytail scratched at his left ear, using his claw on the back of his left foot - something James never failed to find fascinating.

"I wouldn't know..." Greytail admitted, before he shook his head and lowered his foot back onto the bed. "I'm not a doe..."

Raising an eyebrow, James looked down, then up at Greytail, who giggled and placed his paws on James's exposed member and gently caressed it, feeling the stag gasp and buck once.

"My, my, my...so eager, so - needy - how _is_the temptation love? Is it an insatiable urge to breed like it is with feral stags?"

"No...quite - " James admitted, as Greytail slowly moved forwards, sliding himself into position carefully, then using his strong hind legs to stand up as James positioned himself beneath Greytail. "It - it is a frustrating thing, to be aroused at the slightest thing. To feel the urges within you, yet only through great difficulty, do we anthromorph stags suppress it."

"Oh, I can't begin to imagine - " Greytail murmured, before he carefully pushed himself down, feeling his sphincter spread open as the Stag's length slid easily into him. "Oh you feel so good, nice and..."

James gasped and his fingers crushed the bed cover, as he fought the instinct then and there to thrust like a feral. Greytail blinked, then placed his paws on his lovers chest and took a quick breath, before he dropped his hips and pressed his cloaca tight against James's retracted sheath.

"Urk!" James gasped, as Greytail sheathed him and thudded onto his groin. "Easy love..."

"Hey, you try taking a stag!" Greytail smirked, then began gently caressing and stroking his lovers chest, whilst rocking gently against him.

"Are you forgetting - " James grunted and twitched, biting his tongue for a moment as he fought his control. "I'm...part doe as well - I could take a stag's lunge, it wouldn't be...that...that..."

"No!" Greytail snorted, then slapped James's chest hard. "Don't you dare - not yet!"

James shrieked and snapped his hips up, ejaculating quickly, before there was a loud crunch as Greytail's head was propelled by the lunge into the bedroom wall. His skull connected with the plaster, leaving a dent and huge cracks that radiated out of the plasterboard, before he wobbled and fell backwards onto the bed.

"Greytail!" James squealed, as he was violently dismounted.

"I...what..." Greytail moaned, as he clutched his head between his paws, giddy and unsettled. "Wow...what was...was..."

Panicking, James's paws swept the bedside table clear, before he moaned and rolled over, fumbling for the phone. Quickly, he dialled the emergency line, and looking a the barely conscious kangaroo, he didn't waste time - he rang the ambulance, gave them his address and dropped the phone, gently holding Greytail against his chest, feeling the sticky warmth at the back of Greytail's head.

"Oh, my dear, sweet...naive young kangaroo..." James moaned, all thoughts of lovemaking and pleasure fleeing his mind. "What did I do?"

To Be Continued...

M-H - First Time For Everything - Chapter One -

First Time For Everything Chapter One © Cederwyn Whitefurr 26thJune, 2019 All Rights Reserved. James sat at his desk, the dark brown of his forehead creased, as he reached up and scratched idly at the base of his antlers. It wouldn't be long now...

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Alone © Cederwyn Whitefurr 25thJune, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Simon clutched the pencil in one pale paw, before he squeezed it and the pencil snapped. Sharp slivers dug into his leathery pads, but Simon was oblivious to the pain and the trickle...

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Roo's Coming of Age - Chapter Five - Finale

Roo's Coming of Age Chapter Five - Finale - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 24th June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Roo stood in the doorway, the carrot he held in one paw falling to the floor, as he stared wide-eyed at his mother and Christopher. "Roo..."...

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