Roo's Coming of Age - Chapter Five - Finale

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#5 of Roo's Coming Of Age

Roo is confused, scared and upset, when he stumbles across Christopher and Kanga playing the beast with two backs, but Kanga goes to have a talk with her young Joey, explaining some things, later, Christopher comes to apologise to Roo, but maybe, the young Roo isn't as 'naieve' as he appears...

Roo's Coming of Age

Chapter Five - Finale -

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

24th June, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Roo stood in the doorway, the carrot he held in one paw falling to the floor, as he stared wide-eyed at his mother and Christopher.

"Roo..." Kanga began, then shuddered and hung her head, ears slicking back. "You know - "

Roo turned and fled, his choking sobs echoing down the hallway.

Kanga shuddered, then looked down at Christopher, who winced and gently pet Kanga's thighs. "It was bound to happen one day - you haven't had the talk with young Roo yet?"

Frustrated, Kanga pushed back with her hind legs, then Christopher grunted as Kanga dismounted him and crept off the bed. Smoothing down her fur, she looked over her shoulder at Christopher, then sadly shook her head.

"No, I - I better go deal with this...I'm sorry!"

Christopher rolled onto his side, then smiled weakly. "Kanga, honey? Its not your fault, how were we to know Roo would come home? Need some help, or emotional support honey? I can clean up and - "

"This is something I need to do myself, I'm sorry Christopher..."


Kanga stood outside Roo's room, gently using her claws to knock on the door.

"Go away!" Roo squealed in misery.

Kanga sighed, stepping from one long foot to the other in indecision. "Roo, honey? Please let me in - we need to talk..."

Timidly, Kanga pressed against the door with her shoulder, before it opened and she heard Roo scramble away. Quietly, she stepped in, then closed the door behind her. She seen Roo curled up on his bed, clutching his small tail between his thighs and paws, his back to her and body shaking. Kanga fought her urge to cry, her heart torn in half at seeing her Joey crying so.

"Roo, please - " Kanga whispered, as she timidly come over, then sat on the edge of the bed.

"Go away!" Roo sobbed, curling up tighter.

Placing a paw on Roo's shoulder, she felt him flinch and she sighed again, then forcibly rolled him over onto his back.

"Roo, what Christopher and I were doing - its a beautiful, enjoyable thing! He wasn't hurting me, I promise you. When a doe and a buck love each other, as you and I do..."

"He's not a buck!" Roo wailed, then tried to roll over away from her.

Kanga pulled him up and clutched him tight to her chest, feeling him kick and squirm, until her warmth calmed him and he burst into loud, choking sobs.

"No, he's not a 'buck' in the truest sense Roo." Kanga whispered, as she held him firmly, but with gentleness. "Christopher and I, well, we've been, lovers and partners for many years. As I said, when two, a female and a male, well, they love each other a lot. They share their love in what seems like strange and frightening ways. You remember what you and I done yesterday?"

Roo looked up and quivered, then sniffled. "That's different!"

Kanga laughed quietly, then licked Roo's forehead and turned him about, sitting him on the bed. Lifting his chin, Kanga looked down at him.

"No, my dear, sweet, naive Joey. It's not 'different. Well, it - is - just not how you may think. It was pleasant, sharing our love together, wasn't it?"

Roo sniffled, then wiped his forearms across his nose and tried to look away, but Kanga held his muzzle firm.

"I don't understand mother - "

"I know you don't honey, but - well, its like what I shared with Christopher. He was mating me, Just as you did yesterday. It's a beautiful, gentle and pleasurable thing, for two to share their love in that way. Just like you and I, he didn't hurt me, its - its hard for me to describe, really. Trust me, its a gentle, sensual and pleasurable thing we share. There's no need to be afraid, or angry young Roo, please, believe me - what you and I share, here in our home - that is just as valid as what Christopher and I share, do you understand? Besides..."

Kanga rubbed her pouch, seemingly oblivious she was doing it, as she pondered how to word her thoughts so he would better understand her. Roo nuzzled her pouch, then looked up at her, his eyes frowning slightly as he nuzzled again and sniffed her.

"Mother whats wrong? You seem - distracted and - and I can smell your scent, its - beautiful and..."

Kanga blushed, then licked Roo's ears lovingly. "Yes, that's the scent of a well pleased doe. I know you've only had a small taste of what I can teach you little one - truly - "

Roo nuzzled her pouch again, the sniffed deeply through his nostrils, as his eyes widened and his senses told him what his young mind could not comprehend.

"I think...I understand now..." Roo whispered, as he nuzzled at Kanga's pouch.

"Easy little one, you know how sensitive that is, besides, you're not a little joey anymore! I can not tell a lie though, it - it does feel nice...."

A knock on the door startled both marsupials, before Christopher stood at the doorway, looking pale and nervous, clutching his hands before him.

"Roo, can I come in please?"

Roo looked up at his mother, who gazed back. "It's your room Roo, you decide."

Roo peered around from beside his mother, then he swallowed nervously and nodded. Christopher come over, then sat on the bed, before glancing at Kanga, who blushed and squirmed - before she realised how sticky Roo's bed cover was, where she sat.

"Roo, I - " Christopher began, before he swallowed nervously. "I can not begin to imagine how it must have looked to you..."

Roo twitched, but bravely held back his tears, as he reached out a quivering paw and placed it on Christopher's thigh and looked down, his eyes widening, before he looked up and his muzzle fell open.


"I...oh - "Christopher blushed deeply, as he realised what Roo meant.

"Yes, I'm human, you're - well - you're a sweet, gentle kangaroo buck. There are differences young one, obviously. Kanga very much - well we both - very much, enjoy our love and friendship we have."

Roo looked down again, then swallowed nervously, before turning his head and looking at Kanga.

"That...he..." Roo stammered.

"Often and many times," Kanga told him truthfully. "It doesn't hurt me little one, if anything, its a wonderful feeling."

Roo shuddered, as if he was thinking about it, then timidly looked up at Kanga, who frowned and looked down at him, before she nuzzled him between the ears. Roo sniffed Christopher, who blinked, then he looked back at Roo.

"I think...I understand now..." Roo looked at his paws, turning them over and back, then he glanced at Christopher, then at Kanga. "I don't understand...Mother's pregnant...and I'm...Christopher's son?"

Kanga's muzzle fell open, as she stared at Christopher who likewise stared back, his own mouth hanging open.

"'re - " He began.

"I..." Kanga swallowed nervously.

"I'm going to have a little joey brother, or sister!" Roo giggled, then hugged Kanga and Christopher.


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Roo's Coming of Age - Chapter Three -

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