Roo's Coming of Age - Chapter Three -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#3 of Roo's Coming Of Age

Kanga enjoys an early morning present from Roo, before she needs to go bathe - but what's a doe to do, when a young buck doesn't quite fulfil his side of their mating?

Roo's Coming Of Age

Chapter Three -

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

19th June, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Roo's dreams were vivid, his mind opened to new possibilities and questions - what more would his beloved mother, Kanga, teach him? He had never mated before - until Kanga showed him - and the pleasures of that mating were fresh and vibrant in his mind. They were influencing the young Kangaroo's dreams - unconsciously, he squirmed, then gasped and trembled as another orgasm was squirted into Kanga's hot, willing depths.

"Mmm, well, good morning Roo - " Kanga smiled, as she reached down and stroked Roo's head.

Roo yawned widely and blinked, then used his sensitive paw pads to rub at his sleepy eyes.

"Mother, I had such a dream..." He whispered, still more asleep than awake.

"Oh, believe me little one," Kanga smiled and cuddled her son close to her belly. "That was no dream - you shared with me your gift - again, for this I am thankful."

"I - " Roo stammered, his eyes widening as he looked up into Kanga's loving gaze.

"Yes my dear, sweet Roo, you did indeed." Kanga nodded, before she stroked his ears lovingly.

Flicking his ears, Roo frowned, as he tried to find the words to describe the post orgasmic emotions that filled his young mind. " feels so - "

"Believe me little Roo," Kanga grinned, as she cuddled him tight, enjoying the feeling of him inside her, the warmth of his body against hers. "Truly, you will make some Doe, very happy when you grow up."

"I don't want to grow up!" Roo groused, as he nuzzled against Kanga's chest.

"Oh, it will happen dear Roo, whether we like it or not. It is the way of the Wood, we are born, helpless, weak and dependant on our mothers. Months later, we take our first tentative steps from our mothers pouch - just as you did - then we grow more, learn and explore, before long - the pouch is a distant memory to in being carried within it."

Roo sighed, listening to his mothers soft, gentle voice, before he lifted his head and looked up at her again. "I don't understand - I haven't slept in your pouch now for nearly four winters! I'm not a little joey anymore!"

"No, you're not - hence why I am teaching you, that which was taught to me by my mother, one day, you will teach your own Doe Joey, what I have taught you."

"Girls are..." Roo began, then he frowned and thought about the pleasures he had shared with Kanga.

"Not so icky, are they?" Kanga laughed quietly, then rested her paws on the back of his nape, gently scratching him.


Kanga bathed, then she sighed quietly, before her paw reached out and took a strange device from a cupboard beside the bath. Looking at it, Kanga filled it with warm water and some special liquid from a clear, unmarked bottle. Holding it in both her paws, she slipped it into the water, then gently eased it up into her cloaca. With a light squeeze of the rubber bulb, Kanga gasped as warm water and liquid washed and cleaned her vaginal passage. Again she did it, until she was certain any trace of Roo's semen had been slurped into the device, before she placed it back on the floor beside the bath.

"As much as it was pleasant - " Kanga whispered to herself, leaning back in the bath and sighing. "I do not want another Joey...yet."

Enjoying the almost scalding water, Kanga's eyes slid half closed as she sighed in pleasure and relaxed, letting the hot water ease away her concerns and frustrations. Roo had been - well - he was young, but already, he was shaping up to be a loving, gentle buck - and when he grew up...

Kanga flushed, then giggled shyly, as she imagined how pleasurable it would be to make love to Roo when he was a full grown Buck. Already, where it mattered most - he was impressive for his teenager age - sure, a little small in stature, but he would grow soon enough.

Frustration built, then Kanga slapped the bath water with a paw, splashing water over the side. With a squeak of alarm, Kanga's ears flicked, thinking Roo would come running.

Kanga had greatly enjoyed Roo's tentative forays into lovemaking - but it left her annoyed and frustrated. As she had told him, his own pleasure was one thing - but a Doe also required pleasure. After her bath, Kanga reminded herself to teach him other things - most importantly - how to bring a willing Doe to orgasm.

"He's young - " Kanga talked to herself, then sighed and a slow, pleasing grin spread over her muzzle. "He will learn, but first...may as well do what he could not..."

Kanga rummaged through the cupboard - a cupboard she knew Roo couldn't reach, before her claws touched something she knew intimately well. With her claw tips, Kanga rolled it out of the cupboard, then she yelped as it nearly fell into the bath - barely managing to catch it in her paws.

It was to all accounts and purposes - a human-like penis, the head, the intricate veins that dotted its length - a length Kanga knew, suited her own pleasures well. It was about 9 inches long, about three in diameter, and as Kanga looked lovingly at it, a tremble ran through her, rippling the water. Made from Silicon, the penis was textured and shaped just like a humans - albeit, Kanga imagined - a human a bit larger than 'normal'. As she only had Christopher, who wasn't exactly small, to judge from - Kanga giggled quietly.

Shamelessly she slid her paws below the water. Giving it about ten minutes of soaking in the nice, hot water, Kanga twisted it around in her paws, then she bit her lower lip and eased it towards her wet, willing cloaca. Taking a few short breaths, Kanga grunted in pleasure as the slightly ridged head pushed into her cloaca and she sighed, feeling her labia stretched and her vaginal walls grip at the head of the toy.

"Oh - " Kanga gasped in delight. "This good..."

Giving herself a moment to stretch out, Kanga twitched slightly, pushing it a little deeper, then pausing and relaxing, before easing it almost to the base. Using her short, blunt claws to grip the end, Kanga slid it back out so only the head remained within her, then she bit her lower lip and grunted - thrusting it back inside herself with a more energetic movement.

Water sloshed and splashed, as Kanga began masturbating herself with the toy, quicker and quicker, harder and faster, as her head slumped back against the special head rest she had installed, perfectly shaped to support her head and neck.

"Oh, oh...oh yes..." Kanga moaned, her mind dreaming of Roo, fully grown, thrusting within her, his paws around her upper arms as the strong musky scent filled the room. "Yes...yes Roo, oh...right...right there, that' - "

Kanga squirmed and her vaginal muscles squeezed and trembled, as she lost herself in the pleasures of her masturbation. Before she was truly ready, Kanga bucked against the toy - sliding it inside herself, then powerful muscular contractions crushed down on it and she grunted like a feral. Wave after wave of pleasure filled Kanga, nerve's over-firing and her cloaca gripping at the toy hungrily.

"No...not...not...yet..." Kanga moaned, her paws shaking, before she reached orgasm with a rush of endorphin's and her whole body bucked wildly, water splashing over the side of the bath.

"Damn it - " Kanga moaned, feeling the intense pressure released within her body.

A knock on the door startled her, before she heard Roo's curious call.

"Mother, are you alright?"

"I'm - " Kanga swallowed, then tried to make her voice sound normal - no easy feat.

"Mother?" Roo asked, his voice growing concerned.

"I'm just finishing up Roo, I'll be down for breakfast soon, I promise!"

Kanga squirmed, before she reluctantly slid the toy out of her cloaca, holding it between her paws. She could almost hear the concern and worry in Roo's voice.

"Can you please make me some oats, Roo? Oh, and a large glass of orange juice, please?"

"Sure Mother!" Roo's excited reply come, as he happily bounded off and his foot paws thudded on the staircase.

Sighing, Kanga lay in the bath for a few moments more, before she grumbled quietly and put the toy on the edge of the bath, then using her quivering paws, Kanga pushed her self up and stepped out. Reaching down, she pulled out the plug and dried off her toy, before placing it back on the shelf in the cupboard, closing it quietly.

Drying herself off, Kanga shook herself, then patted dry some parts that were still damp, before using another towel to slick down her fur, before she left the bathroom.

"Breakfast is ready Mother!" Roo called out to her.

"I'm coming dear Roo - " Kanga laughed quietly, soon, Roo would understand the _other_meaning of that word...

To Be Continued...

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