Deep Conditioning - Chapter Sixteen - Finale -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#16 of (Z00) (Inteli-Pet Corporation) Deep Conditioning

Stephen resorts to desperate measures, his final resolve, is to break Rosie of her deeply imprinted conditioning - will it work, will it break her, as it broken Palen, or does this Doe have a strength of will to face down the imprinting, and override it's control over her?

Deep Conditioning

Chapter Sixteen

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

18thJune, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Holding Rosie's muzzle between his palms, Stephen stared into her eyes, as she gazed back, her muzzle slowly falling open and her ears slicking back, nostrils flaring as she inhaled quietly, her mind reeling as she caught the growing frustration and anger in her beloved master.

"Do I not please you?" Rosie whispered, eyes widening further.

With an exasperated sigh, Stephen nodded, but kept his eyes fixed on hers. "More than you know my love. I know you're scared, I realise that - but - I must do this, for your own good."

Frowning, Rosie tried to back away, something in her mind compelling her.

"Stand!" Steven suddenly snapped.

Rosie froze like a statue, his order overriding her fear and wish to turn tail and run.

"Rosie, my dear, sweet - beautiful doe - " Stephen sighed as he stood up and paced in angry frustration back and forth. "You remember, you once said no to me, do you remember that?"

"I - " Rosie sniffled, tears welling in her eyes.

"Answer me!" Stephen yelled at her, hating himself for having to suddenly be so cruel with her.

"YES!" Rosie squealed, ears flat against her neck before she burst into tear, dropping her head and crying heart-brokenly.

"Honey, I love you, you know that - but I don't love what I ordered done to you, I thought I did, truly, but having seen Palen, I know it is wrong, oh so wrong! If I could undo it all, I would in a heartbeat!"

"Please, I'm so scared master!" Rosie whimpered, kneeling down and placing her head on the floor, as if expecting to be beaten for daring to speak back to him.

"No, that's not what you are - " Stephen growled at her, as he crossed his arms over his chest and stared down at her, his rage and guilt palpable. "Get up, or so help me Doe, I'll hurt you so badly, your ancestors will be afraid!"

"Please!" Pleaded Rosie, as she began shaking. "What did I do wrong?"

"Listen to me, now!" Stephen snarled, bringing all his anger to bear on her, hating himself to his very core, for what he was about to do to her, but knowing it was for her own good - he just prayed Rosie had the strength to endure. "When I tell you to get up, you better - "

Rosie sprang to her hooves, before Stephen sighed and smacked her across the muzzle. Shrieking, Rosie wailed and cringed, her eyes filled with tears as she looked at him.

"I did what you asked me to do - " Rosie moaned. "Why am I being punished?"

"Because, that's not you Rosie! Do you hear me? That's the conditioning they forced on your young, empty mind - it is controlling you, you're intelligent, brilliant even! You are not some mindless robot, who follows its directives because it knows nothing else - "

Without warning, he slapped her again, this time with enough force to make Rosie drop to the ground, shrieking in fright and pain.

"Stop it, please - you're hurting me, you're going too - "Rosie's muzzle shut with a snap.

"I'll do more than...wait, what did you just mean? What were you about to say?"

Rosie shook her head violently, cringing as she sprawled before him, looking away and keeping herself as submissive as she could.

"Last chance before I kick your head out that beautiful tail of yours..."

"You'll kill my fawn!" Rosie suddenly screamed in terror. "I hate you!"

Stephen stared, before he crouched down and grabbed her by the chin, lifting her to her hooves, then he wrapped his arms around her neck and held her tight. Rosie struggled and pulled away, but he held her tightly, until she broke down and cried like a fawn who had lost its mother.

"There, that's a good girl, you can do it Rosie, I believe in you...fight that conditioning, come on, you can do it - if not for yourself, what will it do to your..."

Stephen's mind caught up to him, and he gasped, falling backwards onto his buttocks, as the realisation slammed him between the eyes like a sledge hammer.

"You're..." He gasped, wide eyed and disbelieving.

"I'm with fawn!" Rosie shrieked, her eyes narrowing into feral rage, as she rose and took a tentative step towards him.

Shaking his head, Stephen couldn't believe it - either her being with fawn, or her sudden, unexpected anger. Rosie had _never_shown a side like this - ever - she was submissive, completely and utterly.

"Touch me again and I'll - " Rosie snarled, her dewlaps curling back, gums wet with her saliva.

She began shaking, then suddenly, her eyes widened and she moaned, her anger sluicing away like it was going down a plug hole.

"I...I - " Rosie's voice cracked, before she shook her head and staggered, her eyes confused and glazed, as if some titanic battle was doing on in her mind.

"Fight it Rosie, do it for the love I have for the real you, and your fawn...come on, you can do it..."

"I...can't - " Rosie screamed, as she shook her head violently.

With a sob, Stephen looked at her, before he grabbed her by the left ear and wrenched with all he had. Rosie's scream was loud, deafening and filled with such agony, Steven feared he'd gone too far. Suddenly, She tore her ear free then reared up, both front cloven hooves smashing into Steven's chest and he gasped, as he was violently kicked to the floor.

As he lay gasping and choking, Rosie moved forwards, her eyes filled with such horrendous anger and a look of pure murder in her eyes. Rearing back, she trembled on her hind hooves - before Stephen looked up at her and he closed his eyes, expecting Rosie's sharp cloven hooves to crush his skull like an eggshell...


It never came...

Both hooves smashed onto the floor with a loud hollow clop - mere millimetres from either side of Stephen's head. Rosie stood over him, her whole body shaking and soaked with sweat, as she squeezed her eyes closed and a low, choking sob come from her throat. Stephen slowly opened his eyes, just as Rosie looked down, then her eyes rolled back in her head and with a convulsive shudder, she collapsed unconscious onto him.


For nearly three days, Rosie was unconscious, despite anything Stephen tried to do to awaken her, even resorting to violently slapping her shoulder - nothing worked. He kept a close eye on her, whenever he could, checking to ensure she hadn't died during the night - covering her body with blankets and even laying with her, sharing his warmth with her.

Finally, Rosie's left ear gave a slight twitch, and she flinched. Stephen awoke almost instantly, then placed a hand on her shoulder and began sobbing in relief.

"Come on darling - please, come back to me...I'm here, I love you, and I never wanted to hurt you - ever..."

Rosie's tongue tried to speak, but she was weak, dehydrated and in immense shock, her body quivering from ears to hooves. Stephen rubbed her all over, trying to encourage her blood supply to warm her chilled body. As he trickled some water over her muzzle, watching as Rosie even struggled to lick at it, she was so weak.

"Good, good girl, come on, that's it honey..." Stephen encouraged her, rubbing her harder.

"I..." Rosie croaked, then went limp, before shuddering again and her eyelids slowly opened the tiniest crack. "Ste - "

"Yes honey, its me, Stephen! You remember, don't you - come on sweetheart, please! I - I need you Rosie, I love you, I'd do anything to help you, now, come back to me honey...please?"

Giving her a few more trickles of water Stephen lifted her head up and twisted it slightly, so she could smell the bowl of water - then she gave a single lick and her head fell back down.

"Step - " Rosie's voice was faint, weak and exhausted. "You - my - "

"Good girl!" Stephen commended her, rubbing her throat and feeling her try to swallow. "Here, please, drink some more water honey, that's it - good girl!"

He felt her gag and choke, before she coughed up most of the water - but even a little helped her start to build saliva back up in her mouth, which she swallowed and it helped ease her dry, scratchy throat.

"Step...hen - " Rosie gasped, then dropped her head into the bowl, her nostrils blowing bubbles as she took two quick swallows, and Stephen pulled her head out.

"Yes!" He wept unashamedly, laying behind her, awkwardly holding the bowl as she took another drink. "Great Rosie, wonderful - good girl, you're doing so well!"

"Stephen - " Rosie's head wobbled, and she shook it, long ears snapping from side to side, before she squeezed her eyes closed and sobbed, the ache in her ear almost unbearable. " - "

"I'm sorry, truly Rosie, I'm so very, very sorry - I was - angry and frustrated, I had no right, but I did it not to be cruel love, but to try to help you - to break that conditioning forced on you! To make you free of it, of everything they done to you!"

"I'm.." Rosie's eyes blinked slowly, before she took another, greater drink from the bowl and lifted her head, water dribbling from her muzzle. "I'm....not..."

"Get up!" Stephen snapped suddenly, slapping her on the rump, knowing this was her ultimate test.

"Nnn..." Rosie squealed at the slap, then her eyes narrowed and she glared over her shoulder at him. " I will...will not!"

Stephen blinked, then he burst into tears, laying on Rosie and cuddling her tight against him, leaving the poor Doe confused and bewildered. He cried and cried and cried, as Rosie's heart melted, before she nuzzled his face and began licking his salty tears.

"You're - not being compelled anymore -"

"Nnn, no - I...I feel - different, is still there, the...the memories of what...that they did how they imp...imprinted me, their orders are..there but I don't - I don't feel...I need to obey." Rosie stumbled over the words, her muzzle wreathed in a look of absolute confusion and bewilderment.

"You' " Stephen wept, and cuddled her even tighter, until Rosie began to cry as he was accidentally hurting her.

"I'" Rosie gasped, as he let her go.

"Yes, my dear, sweet, beautiful Doe - you're really you now, no longer forced against your will to obey my orders. Now, you can tell me no, make your own mind, own decisions, on what you want to do, when _you_want to do it, do you understand?"


"I know honey, poor Palen is still recovering, but you had that strength within you Rosie - I didn't know you had it in you, maybe, maybe it was because you're with fawn - protecting the life of your _did_you conceive a fawn, anyway?"

Rosie swallowed, then took a long, deep drink of the water, before she shivered and glanced sideways at him, before looking away.

"I...lied - " Rosie sniffled, then squeezed her eyes closed. "They...they sterilise me - I shouldn't...something didn't work. Now, because I am - partly - human, of sorts - "

Stephen stared at her, then it all sank into place. "Of course - they would have..."

"Our ability, to talk - to think - is part of our...humanity?" Rosie stumbled with the word, her forehead frowning as she thought long and hard.

"Not quite honey, but yes, part of you, no doubt, is human-like at least. Parrots can talk, but they're no more human than say, I am, to a feral Whitetail Doe. Do you understand?"

"No..." Rosie sniffled, then lay her head down, ears slicked back and a weak tremble ran through her as she half-closed her eyes.

"All that matters love, is you're free - both you - and Palen, are free of the cruel domination that was imprinted on you. I accept the guilt love, truly, it was my own desires and urges, that made me get you both imprinted with the...deep conditioning, making you no better than living sex dolls. Truly, I can not express how sad and ashamed I am - for you are both intelligent, sentient and living, breathing creatures! You deserve the right to live your lives free - to make your own decisions, choose your own path in life!"

"We" Rosie asked, lifting her head slightly.

"Not in the truest, legal definition love - I wish I could give you both that, truly, but here, at my estate, you are free to do what you both wish. No more, will you be 'ordered' to do something, to mate with me, when I desire it - "

"We...mated?" Rosie frowned, then looked up at him, before she used a long back leg and the cloven hoof to scratch at the back of her sore ear. "How did...did we - ?"

"You don't remember parts of what happened these past months, do you?"

"No..." Rosie sniffled, then closed her eyes and a deep, exhausted sigh come from her.

"We were - are - lovers and partners, as is Palen. The miniature horse here with us. You and I, well, before you were broken of the conditioning, you were my lover. My mate - we mated here, in your bedroom, or in mine - sometimes, other rooms - you were trained to perform sexual acts upon, you are free, free my love, to choose to mate with me - if you desire it - or refuse, it is your choice. I will never, ever, force you...I promise you."

Rosie swallowed and lifted her head up, so she could talk without difficulty, before she frowned and shuddered again, then swallowed and timidly looked up into Stephen's eyes.

"I to learn...please?" Rosie asked, then nervously flagged her tail twice.

" wouldn't hurt your fawn?" Stephen asked. "I don't know the first thing about a pregnant doe..."

"'re not a...stag, Stephen - we could, even late into the pregnancy, still - mate if you wished. Just...just be...gentle, please?" Rosie whispered, torn between her nervousness and her growing trust in him, and her concern for the multiplying cells in her womb.

"How...I mean, I know how - but..."

Rosie shivered, then weakly stood up, before Stephen supported her, and she hobbled to the mattress she used as her bed, then knelt down on it. Stephen looked at her, then he nodded, before he quickly shed his clothes and Rosie took her first -true- look at Stephen's penis, that hung semi-erect already.

"Oh..." Rosie gasped, eyes widening.

"It's alright Rosie, we've mated many times, and it doesn't hurt you love, just, be mindful, stay kneeling, please?"

Rosie nodded and flickered her tail again, as Stephen knelt behind her, then tapped her gently on the rump. Rosie lifted her hind hips up, as he put three pillows between her hind legs, which lifted her rump up to a more easily accessible place.

"Okay, easy now girl - "

Stephen panted,d as he held himself in one hand, tenderly rubbing his penile head against Rosie's labial folds - then began to ever so gently push forwards. Rosie grunted, feeling the human begin to mount her, her folds parting before the firm member, as Stephen gasped and shivered - Rosie's tightening vagina hot and surprisingly receptive to him.

Rosie's tail was upright, pressed against Stephen's belly, before she grunted and panted, squirming slightly and Stephen gently pushed the last half inch into her, his scrotum rubbing against Rosie's udder.

"Oh - " Rosie gasped, feeling Stephen deep inside her, her instinctive reaction was for her vaginal muscles to contract against him.

"Rosie...oh...oh god, honey, please...please don't - " Stephen moaned, as he placed his hands on her back and quivered.

Rosie looked back, before Stephen gasped and pushed hard against her, Rosie's eyes widening as Stephen twitched and his orgasm erupted within her, Rosie's body immediately squeezing and milking him of the hot, sticky fluids that spurted from his penis.

" - " Stephen gasped, lost in the pleasure of the release within her, before he come back to his senses and a weak grunt escaped him. "Rosie, honey...I'm sorry.."

Rosie stared at him, then she squeezed her labial folds and her vaginal passage tight, making Stephen gasp, before a smile slowly spread across Rosie's muzzle and her eyes slid partially closed.

"What makes you think you're done, young buck?" Rosie snorted through her nostrils. "What about me?"


Their conditioning broken, both Rosie and Palen lived the remainder of their lives with Stephen, his friends, his lovers and his companions for their end of days.


Rosie gave birth to a young doe fawn, nearly seven months after conceiving. She was beautiful, her delicate fawn spotted coat, and Rosie, having never fawned before, amazed Stephen with her ancestral knowledge - and raised the fawn with care, love and diligence.

In time ,the fawn grew up, and she would often lay near the wall, watching with curiosity as Rosie and Stephen would make love - until the day that Rosie sensed her fawn, now a five year old doe - was ready - and she chose Stephen as the kind, gentle partner, to teach this young Doe everything he had taught Rosie...


Rosie passed away peacefully in her sleep, aged 18.

Palen was found dead out on the back lawn, aged 23.

Stephen had his beloved companions cremated, their ashes individually placed in beautiful mahogany boxes, their names and ages inlaid in gold at the bottom. They were both placed at either end of the fireplace mantle, where they would forever be close to him - and live on in his memories.


Rosie's Doe become Stephen's lover, friend and trusted companion - the Doe following him everywhere he went on his property, sleeping with him in his bed, and she was with him, when he suffered a fatal heart attack at 43.

After her death, two weeks later, it was whispered amongst those who knew what Stephen, Palen and Rosie and the doe had shared - that the doe had died of a broken heart, lost and bereft of her mate.

Stephen's ashes were scattered over his estate - his beloved companions scattered with him - so they could be together - one last time...


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