Awakening - Chapter One - A Story for Corvincorax

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of Awakening

Awakening is a story inspired by dear Corvincorax, here on SF. Take a bow my friend, you're getting your wish.

Number 3984, is the first successful hybridisation to survive. It is a cervine taur, from the waist down, she has the body of a feral Whitetail Doe, from the waist up, she had the body of an anthropomorphic doe. It is written in 'her POV' - from first memories, mind a clean slate before she 'awoke' - she knows nothing, her mind is fragmented, still forming and building connections between synapses and growing. Once she is delivered to her new 'master' - she will be named, and imprint on him, obeying him loyally, faithfully and without hesitation or denial.

Such is the way of the Intel-Corporations 'Inteli-Pet's' - they are fully aware, sentient and can converse in whatever language is imprinted on their virgin minds, yet she is the first - the only taur - they've ever made, she will forge the way for others - or fail horribly...


Chapter One

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

18thJune, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

I float...

I am...

Yet I am not...

I am filled with nothing...

Yet everything is a part of me...

I know nothing...

Yet I know everything...

I am...



Groggily, my pale golden eyelids fluttered. They felt like - I do not have the words to describe the sensation. Pain, pain makes me scream and struggle as I feel the coldness of something beneath me. Light, so bright it burns like...something I do not know. All I know, is it causes pain - and fear!. Squeezing my eyes closed, I feel something trickling down my fur, my...muzzle? Yes, muzzle - that is what it is, I hear - sounds, indistinct, yet loud, oh so loud, ears flattening against my neck, I wish I could stop the sounds. Beeps, whistles, buzzing - then - voices, garbled, distorted - it hurts, oh how it hurts me so - crying out I wail for it to stop, make the noises stop - make...

A sharp pain in my neck - something - cold chills my blood, it claws at me, drags me back into the dark - I go willingly, afraid - I am...



Many of their early attempts suffered traumatic and often horrific birth defects, or didn't survive the birthing process itself. Many of the clones were so malformed, they even sickened the most strongest of stomachs amongst the staff who made them.

From their mistakes, they learned, they adapted, they - changed - at last, they were on the very edge of truly achieving their decades long goal.

They moved on to actual hybridisation..

Hundreds of thousands of hours had gone into it, the genome splicing, the DNA analysis, thousands of aborted fetuses grown in their labs at the Inteli-Pet Corporation.

All had died, or been killed for various reasons, they continued to learn, to adapt and to change, so close they knew the very next one could be the one - to make the millions spent in research and development, the time, the effort and the frustration as failure after failure plagued this project.

Until at last, by accident, a young researcher was going over the coding that created them, he was tired and overworked - he made a simple error in the code - an error that was to have fortuitous circumstances...


With joyous noises, the doctors and nurses celebrated their triumphant success.

"We've done it - " Spoke a man, as he pulled the mask from his face, and looked down at the creature before him.

His eyes and those of his devoted staff looked down - at the half Whitetail, half anthromorph that lay unconscious, a mask afixed to its muzzle, pumping oxygen into her lungs.

It was a new specimen - after decades of failures - they had finally produced this, a Cervine Taur. From the Anthromorph waist down, it was identical to a feral Whitetail doe in every respect.

Her fur, the right shades and feel, the slender legs, the cloven hooves - even the large, pale pink of her udder and the four teats. Further back, it shared the sexual anatomy of its feral cousins and the nearly twelve inches of wedge like tail, the underside of which was a brilliant white.

"Congratulations all - " Come a voice from a speaker mounted on the wall.

Looking down, the Doctors stood around the form of their newest creation - It had taxed their bio-division who had slaved away for decades, to produce this, this _thing_that lay on the cold examination table, hooked up to monitors, heart rate machines, other machines that beeped and whistled and recorded.

All but one - had died or been a failed experiment - now, through fate or by design of some higher being, was born this one - who was, according to the genetic profiling, DNA structure and a thousand other medical tests and examinations - was - perfect.

They did not see these creatures as either animals nor at best, anthromophs, they were - just a product. Like a toaster, or a car, or something like that. Even though they had sentience and intelligence - albeit imprinted on their minds - minds that were devoid of anything apart from their autonomic responses and feral instincts.

They were imprinted when they were birthed, full grown and developed, the imprinting either giving them the ability to think, to speak and on par with 'average' human intelligence.

For double the fee - a 'companion' could be given the deep conditioning - which imprinted on their virgin minds, methods, techniques and ways to sexually pleasure their master, or their mistress - to the best of their ability.

This proved a two edged sword, as the Government issued a decree that any human caught in a morally compromising position with such a 'companion', they would be put to death, their 'companion' tortured and then put to death as well.

So, they were deeply imprinted with such conditioning, that they were prohibited from engaging in sexual activities, where others could see them, or their 'master/mistress'. It was the only time a companion could say no, to their owner, as the conditioning was so deeply imprinted on them, it was only secondary to their primal drive and conditioning - not to cause physical or mental harm to a human, or through actions, allow a human to be harmed by them.

This worked out well, as the Corporation skirted the letter of the law, whilst demand for these 'special' companions, exceeded their most gross expectations.


I am...aware...awake, heavy eyelids flutter open, sense of smell returns, as I cast my weak gaze around me. I feel - sensations - feelings, thoughts wander through my mind, disjointed and fragmented. I feel, pressure beneath me, like I am - standing - yes, standing up. Lifting one hoof, I place it on the ground, then another, then another. I feel muscle and fur move as I come to understand this - this - body, yes that is what I am, a body, it moves, I feel it expand and contract as I breathe, I feel the heartbeat that beats from my two hearts.

Ears flick and strain, but I hear nothing, but the blood in my veins. Looking down, I see movement. Then things - appear before me, gold coloured things. Confused and searching for answers in my mind, it comes to me - hands - these are hands, the fingers move independently, ending in - hooflets, black, short blunt nails.

Timidly, I take my first, stumbling steps, I am, to all accounts and purposes, newborn. I have no references with which to base my experiences on. I have - memories - they flicker and fade away as I mentally grasp for them, my mind hurts me so, I sense it is also new - making new connections, strengthening and making me - me.

I hear the click of something, turning my body is difficult, I stumble and fall, but the thing on which I stand is soft and gives under my weight, as I lay there, trying to work out how to stand - for my legs are trembling and quivering, I staggered back to my hooves and stand gasping for breath.

"Identify!" Comes a sharp command from a bipedal creature, shorter than me.

"I am - Number 3943." Comes a sound,then I realise, its me - I made it - but I do not remember speaking.

"Acknowledgement protocol successful." Speaks this biped, as it holds something in its - hands - yes, hands, it does something with this thing, then nods to itself.

"Number 3943, kneel down."

My knees fold beneath me, I fight them, but they obey, something in my mind - it - it compels me to obey, even though I command this body.

Now, this biped is taller than me - but only just. It walks closer, then reaches out and snaps something - fingers - either side of my head. My head turns to follow the sound, first right, then left, then right again.

"Auditory protocol successful." It repeats.

My dark nose flares, nostrils widening as I smell its scent. My mind has no name for this, but files it away in some dark part of itself.

"You are female, a doe - do you understand?" It asks me.

"I am female, a doe - " I repeat back, is automatic, I didn't even realise I would speak.

"I am a human, male - " It tells me, gesturing at itself.

"You are...male, human - " I answer, eyes narrowed in confusion, before my mind makes the mental connection.

His scent, covered by something - but I still smell it, and it imprints on me, human, male, slight musky scent. I understand now.

"Now, you are to be taken to your new master, he will do with you, as he wishes, you will obey and conform to his whims, do you understand?"

"I will - obey." I am forced to speak again.

"Be sure you do, number 3943." He does something with his face, it, it smiles, yes, that's it.

He keeps smiling, then there is a sharp pain in my neck, I squeal and try to rise, but my body refuses to obey me. Coldness again grips me in its merciless grasp, and my vision fades and blurs, before my eyelids close and I fall to the floor.

I am no longer aware...

To Be Continued.

Awakening - Chapter Two - A Story for Corvincorax

Awakening - A Story for Corvinax Chapter Two - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 18th June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Darkness... I'm made walk... Something around my head is tight,... It frightens me... I pull back and squeal, scared, but it pulls me...

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Rutting Season

Rutting Season © Cederwyn Whitefurr 17th June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Kendra leaned back on edge of the bed, her dark chocolate gloved paws splayed out, her pale hind legs the same, as she gasped and moaned. Her belly heavy with her first child,...

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Nakai the Buck

Nakai the Buck © Cederwyn Whitefurr 17th June, 2019 All; Rights Reserved. Nakai sat cross legged on the deer skin rug, which his mind idly thought as he rested his paws on his furred knees, was ironic. A Whitetail of the Blacktail Tribe, Nakai had...

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