Don't Dream Its Over - Chapter One -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Ashtail and Greytail are two young Kangaroos, who share a dark secret, yet their love is unconditional and as deep as can be.

Don't Dream Its Over

Chapter One

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

23rd June, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Ashtail sprawled on her milk white belly. Her dark brown eyes half lidded, as she yawned delicately, then crossed one long foot over the other, her toes bent at an almost unnatural angle. She rested her chin on light coloured paws, as she watched her brother, who fought with the cabling behind the large, flat screen TV.

He was a beautiful reddish brown, from the long, sensual ears, down his back and to his hips, where the fur paled to a sort of greyish silver.

"Oh for the love of - " Greytail grumbled, then come a crack and he squealed, leaping back and rubbing his aching paw.

"That sounded painful - " Ashtail giggled, before she plucked a baby carrot from the bowl in front of her and delicately nibbled on it.

Snorting, Greytail grumbled again, his ears folding back as he moved back behind the television, then wiggled a few cords, unseated the HDMI cable and reinserted it. Audio and video flickered on the screen, then the television glow light up the room.

"Not just a handsome young Buck after all - " Ashtail snickered. "There might be a brain in that head after all!"

Standing up, Greytail rubbed his paws from his chest to his belly, before he balefully glared at Ashtail and snorted, placing his paws on his hips.

"I'm the elder here, you should be more respectful - " He spoke sternly, looking all authoritative and austere.

Ashtail raised one eyebrow, before she chuckled delicately and shook her head, her soft ears slapping from side to side.

"You? You couldn't dominate the skin off a custard!" Ashtail laughed at him.

Snorting, he flexed his muscles, trying to look all dominant and an alpha buck. Ashtail smirked, before she drew her long legs up and stood. Her feet were muffled on the thick dark carpet as she walked over to her brother. He stood a good two feet taller than her, so she stood on her toes.

Taking her paws, she placed them either side of the pale muzzle. Her eyes met his dark green ones, before she smiled mischievously. Pulling his head down, she licked him sensuously between the eyes, then patted his muzzle with her fingers.

"You keep telling yourself that little Joey..."

Greytail snorted, then flicked his ears and reached out, grasping Ashtail by the shoulders and pulling her close.

"Little?" He snorted, then nibbled up one ear, then down the other.

"Mmm - " Ashtail sighed, tilting her head forward, giving her beloved brother better access to her ears. "My little Joey..."

"Keep teasing, I'll show you little..." Greytail growled into her ears, as he cupped one with his paw, gently curling his fingers around it.

"Promises - " Ashtail giggled, then placed a paw on her brothers chest, and gently pushed him backwards. "We'll miss the movie if you keep it up -"

With a sigh, Greytail stepped back. He winked at Ashtail, then lay down on his back, legs widely spread. Ashtail took his offer, laying with her own back against his belly. Her head resting on his chest as she lay down, then he reached around her and began gently scratching her chest with his claws.

"Mmm - " Ashtail murmured, placing her paws over his, and gently squeezing.

"Shhh - " He whispered, as he licked the cup of one of her pale ears again. "Our movie is starting..."

Ashtail placed the bowl on her belly, before taking another carrot and nipping the top off it, chewing slowly and thoughtfully. She adored her brother, in every way and means, and he returned that love and affection.

They were of mixed parentage; their father an Eastern Grey, their mother a Red Kangaroo. Ashtail took after her father, and Greytail their mother. Both had somehow inherited their father's pale tail, but without the grey kangaroo's black tail tip.

Those who didn't know, thought they were just best friends - a Buck and a Doe - mistaking them as such, without realising they were actually siblings.

Ashtail squealed and jumped, as Greytail slid a paw down her belly, slipping it into her pouch and lovingly caressing, before he withdrew it and snagged a carrot from the bowl.

"Damn it Greytail!" Ashtail shuddered, then rolled her eyes up to stare into his smiling muzzle. "Don't you know its downright rude to reach into a Doe's pouch, without asking?"

"Sure it is..." Greytail snickered at her, then lightly kissed her nose. "Not with you its not! Admit it, you liked it just as much as I did."

Trying to stay mad at him, Ashtail squirmed then giggled. "You'd never dream of doing that with another Doe, I bet..."

Greytail lifted his muzzle up, as he tapped the middle claw on his paw against his chin, gazing up at the ceiling and thinking.

"Oh, I don't know - might be nice to see what another Doe can do to me, there's always opportunity and..."

Greytail yelped as Ashtail snorted and slapped him hard on his right thigh - her claws pricking the flesh beneath the fur.

"Very funny - " Ashtail growled, then a smile curled her muzzle. "I know you'd never leave me, nor I you."

With a giggle, Greytail reached down and wrapped his paws around his sisters throat, cuddling her gently. Ashtail snuggled in closer, her eyes half-closed as she turned her attention back to the movie, Greytail resting his head on top of hers and continuing to gently hold her with his paws.


After the movie, Ashtail sighed softly, before she set aside the empty bowl that had held their snacks and she stretched one long hind foot, curling the toes until they cracked. With a shudder, Greytail looked down at her.

"I wish you wouldn't do that - " He squirmed and laughed nervously. "It really sets me on edge."

"Sorry, but it feels so..." Ashtail flexed the other foot, cracking the toes on that one. "Good..."

Helping her up, Greytail shook himself and stood up, twisting himself left and right, to free up his stiffening muscles. Ashtail turned about, then wrapped her arms and paws around his back, cuddling him tightly.

"You smell so good - " Ashtail admitted, as she leaned back and brushed a few crumbs of carrot off his chest. "Even if you have the manners of a pig!"

"Hey!" Greytail snorted, placing his paws on her shoulders and leaning back.

"Truth, now - my dear, sweet Buck - off to the shower with you!"


Both as the naked they were born, Greytail adjusted the shower,. Ashtail slid her paws around her brothers hips, then nibbled at his neck, her body quivering as she had to stand on her toes to reach.

"Mmm, keep it up little Doe..." He growled, mock-threateningly.

"You wouldn't dare, I know you older brother, you're all talk and bluster! We both know I'm the dominant in this relationship!"

"Only because I let you!" Greytail snickered, then twisted about and wrapped his paws around her hips, as he pressed his muzzle against hers and began kissing her passionately.

Ashtail's protests were silenced, as her eyes widened, then closed as she felt her brothers slick tongue flicking against hers. She grunted, then gasped, as he slid his paws down and lifted her up off her feet. His strong muscles quivered and he slid his paws around her thighs, sliding her legs either side of his as he held her tight.

"Oh - " Ashtail breathed, as she leaned back, carefully placing her paws on his hips, feeling her tail barely touching the floor. "Joey wants to play, does he?"

'I'll give you - play - " Greytail murmured, as he stepped into the shower and pressed himself against his sister, pinning her to the wall as the hot water cascaded down her head and body.

To Be Continued...

Don't Dream Its Over - Chapter Two - FINALE -

Don't Dream Its Over Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr 17thApril 2023 All Rights Reserved. Ashtail giggled, feeling Greytail slide both paws from her wet, sodden throat down her chest and gently pressed his leathery palms against her tautly closed...

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Awakening - Chapter Five -

Awakening Chapter Five © Cederwyn Whitefurr 21st June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. My master fell onto my back, gasping and panting with exertion and the sweet scent of his release. I knelt there, conflicting feelings flowing through my mind a I...

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Roo's Coming of Age - Chapter Three -

Roo's Coming Of Age Chapter Three - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 19th June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Roo's dreams were vivid, his mind opened to new possibilities and questions - what more would his beloved mother, Kanga, teach him? He had never mated...

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