M-H - First Time For Everything - Chapter One -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of First Time For Everything

James is an exceptionally rare Stag - born as a hermaprodite, its wasn't until the young buck reached puberty, that the Vet discovered he was truly - capable of either siring a fawn, or conceiving one. As rutting season approaches, its a time of grief, stress and frustration - as the two sides of this enigmatic young cervine fight amongst themselves, to decide dominance. Thankfully, his beloved partner, Greytail, an Eastern Grey Kangaroo - helps him through this time - willingly pleasuring both buck and doe - to help his lover with this difficult season to come.

First Time For Everything

Chapter One

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

26thJune, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

James sat at his desk, the dark brown of his forehead creased, as he reached up and scratched idly at the base of his antlers. It wouldn't be long now he mused quietly, before rutting season.

It was a stressful time for a deer - doubly so - if you were one of the exceptionally rare kind who was born as neither buck nor doe. James had been born as a hermaphrodite - sharing the sexual organs of both sexes. His parents were in dismay, fearing their child would face insurmountable obstacles in its life.

James, when he come of age, self-identified as a buck, and now, in is mid twenties, he sported a beautiful curving set of antlers and had hidden his shameful secret from almost everyone. He was, to his colleagues, a buck in all ways that mattered, his vocal patterns, his mannerisms and how he dressed in suitable attire.

His mind wandered for a moment, as he leaned his head back, light blue eyes closing behind dark eyelids, as he sighed and his mind summoned memories from when he was only a young fawn, beginning puberty.


A Vet had been at first astounded, and later, he had helped this confused young Buck with his emotional problems and coming to grips with who and what he was. When James reached puberty, it was discovered this deer was fully capable of either siring an offspring as a buck - or conceiving one as a doe.

Both reproductive organs were fully functional - during his season, James ovulated like a Doe, with the hormonal changes this brought with it - and come rutting season, the testosterone and masculine side of him almost overwhelmed him. He was on various medications to help ease this traumatic time - they helped calm his turbid mind - allowing him to focus and suppress the more aggressive instincts that taunted him.


A loud thud snapped the stag out of his revelry, before he squealed and nearly toppled out of his chair, heart thudding in his chest and eyes wide in fear and confusion.

"Nice of you to rejoin us - " A human growled, and James swallowed nervously. "Meeting in five, had you forgotten?"

"Sorry sir," James moaned, as he shook his head and tried to reign in the thundering heartbeat.

James was thankful that humans didn't possess the anthromorph's senses of smell - he'd been lost in his own mind, and scaring a stag was often not smart. A part, primitive and brutal - wanted to use the sharp antlers to discourage the perceived threat brought on by fear, another part wanted to squeal like a hind and run for the hills.

"James...you alright?" Someone asked, concern in their voice.

"I'm - fine, really - " James lied, as he stood up and retrieved his papers.


Work dragged on and on, James thought he'd surely go mad with the tedium of it all, until at last, it was over and he could go home. Being a stag was a pain, as he couldn't drive whilst he had is antlers, so was forced to walk. Subway was out, busses were a no-no and cars? Not a chance...he kept telling himself he'd buy a convertible one day...

He walked home, his cloven hooves clicking on the ground as his mind discarded the boredom, stress and frustration of work - his mind turning to a relaxing bath, a good meal and his beloved kangaroo partner, Greytail.

Tugging his coat tighter around his furred neck, James felt the first drizzle of the cold winter rains spatter down, but he wasn't adverse to them - a light shower was an inconvenience, not a life-threatening moment. As it become slightly heavier, he increased his steady gait, something in his mind warning him it was about to unleash a rain storm.


James slumped through the door, his heavy, thick coat dripping water and puddling around his cloven hooves, as he struggled to shed it then hung it on the hook. Feeling his wet, sodden clothes and the fur beneath, James grumbled quietly and began peeling off the soaking clothing.

"Gah..." James grumbled, holding the dripping jacket and shirt in his left paw, before letting it fall to the floor with a squishing sound. "Next is..."

"Hey!" Come the squeal from the hallway. "This isn't some college dorm you know!"

James blinked, then looked up, a smile creasing his muzzle. "Greytail my love, you're home early tonight!"

Greytail come down the hallway, then stopped and crossed his paws over his chest, one long foot tapping against the wooden floor, the claw clicking.

"What happened to you..." Greytail asked, as he stepped closer, then began looking James up and down.

"What does it look like?" James laughed weakly, holding his paws out and half-undressed.

"I haven't seen you this wet...well, I _could_make a joke about rutting season and - "

James eyes narrowed, as he reached out and used his pale paws to clamp the kangaroo's muzzle closed.

"Do, it, I dare you..."

Greytail's ears flicked, as he mumbled something, then Jame's released him and began undoing his belt.

"Let me love, please - " Greytail snickered, as his more dexterous fingers unbuckled it and pulled it free. "Now, for the big reveal!"

"Watch it Joey - " James growled quietly.

"Oh, please..." Greytail smirked, as he unbuckled James trousers and slid them partially down, nose to sheath with James. "Mmm, yummy, such a delicious little snack right here..."

"I'll give you little in a minute - " James muttered, as he placed his paws on his lovers shoulders, then stepped one pale grey leg out of the wet, clinging pants then the other.

"Feeling up for it little fawn?" Greytail snickered, then slid a paw into the frilly panties James liked to wear, his middle finger sliding easily into the warm folds.

"Uh - " James moaned, hips arching forwards and wet tail flagging, spattering water droplets over the wall. "Oh that - "

"Such a good little girl, aren't you?" Greytail laughed softly. "I don't know what I like more - the buck in you, or should I say - the buck in ME - or the doe..."

"Keep it up - " James panted, his hooflets beginning to curl on Greytail's shoulders and a weak tremble rippling through him.

Greytail flicked his ears, then giggled and slicked them back, before placing his leathery paws on James belly and his nose brushed against the warm labial folds before his sensual tongue began licking and probing.

"Uh - " James gasped, eyes wide and head tilting back, before he gripped Greytail's ears with one paw, the other pushing the Kangaroo's head closer.

With a weak snort, Greytail blinked, then smiled as he began pleasuring his beloved partner. Tongue flicking and exploring, Greytail use his paws to hold apart the pale folds as his tongue flickered over Jame's sensitive clitoris.

"So...hot and - " Greytail murmured.

Gripping the kangaroo's ears tighter, James snorted and moved forwards.

"If you're talking, you're not - oh..." James gasped as Greytail's tongue probed deeper, his muzzle pressed firmly against the warm folds.

Greytail breathed in the scent of his lover, as the arousal within the deer grew quickly. Sweet vaginal secretions quickly wet his furred lips and muzzle, as he pressed it as hard as he could, his tongue lapping and swirling inside the tight depths.

"No...no...stop - " James panted, his body trembling. "I'm..."

Greytail ignored the impassioned moans and trembles, before he snickered as James wrenched his ears and the pleasure of feeling his lover orgasm filled his muzzle and nostrils. Jame's folds crushed down on Greytail's muzzle, squeezing and trembling, as the release gripped him in its merciless grasp.

"Oh Greytail - " James gurgled, then crumpled against the wall and slid down it, body shaking and making him pant heavily.

Greytail stood up, rubbing his ears, before he used that gifted tongue to lick his muzzle, then wiped it over with his paws and licked them as well.

"Wow, my dear girl was all pent up and stressed - feel better now love?"

Shuddering from post-orgasmic pleasure, Jame's looked up and gave a weak nod, before holding his paws up to his lover. Greytail laughed quietly, then gripped James by the forearms and pulled the shaking buck back to his cloven hooves, then helped him down the hallway.

" You need a shower, warm you up and then a good feeding!" Greytail told James sternly, but the love and compassion in his eyes.

"I'll eat a insolent little Joey in a minute - " James gasped and clung to Greytail, his partner practically carrying him to the shower.

"Is that any way to please a kangaroo?" Greytail snorted, then laughed shyly.

James just shuddered and moaned in response.

To Be Continued...

M-H - First Time For Everything - Chapter Two -

First Time For Everything Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr 26th June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Greytail giggled, helping the shaking buck into the shower, holding him up with one paw as he adjusted the temperature, then retrieved the bottle of...

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Alone © Cederwyn Whitefurr 25thJune, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Simon clutched the pencil in one pale paw, before he squeezed it and the pencil snapped. Sharp slivers dug into his leathery pads, but Simon was oblivious to the pain and the trickle...

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Roo's Coming of Age - Chapter Five - Finale

Roo's Coming of Age Chapter Five - Finale - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 24th June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Roo stood in the doorway, the carrot he held in one paw falling to the floor, as he stared wide-eyed at his mother and Christopher. "Roo..."...

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