
Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of Moonfall

Luna is a Whitetail Doe, but unlike her anthropomorphic brothers and sisters, she was born as a feral in appearance. Her lover, the sweet, gentle and kind Timber Wolf, Alistair, won this shy Doe's heart, much to the horror of her parents. After a night of drinking with Alistair, Luna discovers that alcohol and her don't really mix - she's got the hangover from hades, and decides there's really only one good cure...


Chapter One

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

27th June, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Luna snorted, then flicked her black tipped ears, before the young Whitetail yawned delicately and her pale green eyes opened a crack. Her nostrils flared, inhaling the scents as she struggled to wake from the deep sleep.

Her pale nose wrinkled and she sneezed delicately. Her shared bedroom reeked of a strong, masculine wolfish scent. Usually such a smell would make one like Luna want to run for the woods.

A small smiled curled her lips, as she stood up and shook herself - a few errant strands of fur falling to the floor. Her four cloven hooves buried in the thick carpet, as she leaned forwards, bending her front legs, then stretched out the back ones, her spine crackling.

Blinking owlishly, she yawned delicately again, then shook herself from nose to tail. Shaking her head to clear away the lingering fog that clung to her mind, she took a hesitant step, then another, feeling the sleepy muscles start to stretch out.

"Urf..." Luna grunted, stretching again and feeling her pale fawn coloured pelt ripple. "No more drinking, I swear!"

Her throat dry like a desert, Luna crept from the bedroom, her cloven hooves clicking on the tiled floor. To her sensitive ears, and her aching head, it sounded like gunshots as each hoof come down. She made her way to the kitchen, where she reached out with her nose and touched the sensor on the sink. Cold water began cascading from the faucet as she twisted her head to the side and began greedily drinking the ice cold fluid.

Feeling slightly better, Luna frowned, then used her right hind hoof to scratch the back of her head, before she shook it gently and looked around. Their house was still mostly shrouded in darkness, and Luna's eyes flicked to the clock on the wall before she blinked and stared, as it flashed 4:50 at her.

Breakfast...I need breakfast... Luna's hungover mind whispered to her, making her wince, almost like someone was shouting in her ears.

As quietly as she could, she crept over to the cupboard, grabbing the rope her partner had kindly affixed to it for her. Gripping it in her mouth, she took two steps backwards and the cupboard swung open. Peering into the dimness, Luna frowned and wondered what she could get into. She didn't have paws like her partner - so it limited her ability to find much to eat. With a frustrated sigh, she knocked down a box of cereal and used her nose to push it out into the kitchen.

Here, she used one hoof to stand on the box, whilst her teeth gripped the packaging and pulled it out - scattering muesli, oats and other dried fruits.

"I'd prefer to eat off a plate - " Luna grumbled quietly to herself. "Alas, this will have to do!"

Laying herself down, her long legs folded underneath her, Luna began nibbling delicately at the spilt cereal. She knew Alistair would be mad at her for making such a mess, but wasn't he partially at fault for not leaving her bowl filled? Crunching on the cereal, Luna's head pounded in time to her jaw movements, making her wince and shudder. There wasn't a part of her that didn't hurt - her head felt like it was swathed in cotton wool, her ankles ached from the playful misadventures from last night and -

An urgent message filtered through Luna's fogged mind, as she groaned and staggered back to her hooves, before carefully walking towards the electronic door. As she approached, it beeped once - thankfully quietly, then read the microchip in her nape and slid open. Feeling the pre-dawn breeze ripple over her fur, Luna inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with the crisp, clean air.

Again, that urgent need gripped her, and Luna moaned softly, her hooves clicking on the large tiles of the patio, before she stepped out onto the grass. Feeling the cold dewy grass tickle her ankles, this only encouraged Luna to hasten her steps.

"Alright already!" Luna sighed, as she stepped away, then found a place far enough away from the house, before she squatted and her tail flicked up. At first, the urge dissipated and Luna sighed in frustration.

"Really?" Luna grumbled, her hind quarters quivering. "You needed to go like five seconds ago - "

After a few more moments frustration, Luna finally won the battle between herself and her bladder and she urinated long and strongly. Smell of it wafted past her nostrils - part deer urine, part...

Luna shook her head and chuckled softly, remembering what she and Alistair had done last night - well - what she remembered doing...

For what felt like an eternity, Luna fulfilled her need to urinate, before at last she stood back up, feeling the cold dew settling on her fawn coloured pelt and the adorable - according to Alistair - fawn spots on her rump, she never lost. Instinctively, her pelt quivered and rippled, before she walked back inside and the electronic door shushed closed behind her.

Wet cloven hoof prints were left as Luna walked back to where she'd scattered the cereal, then she laid back down and began eating again. Each mouthful she chewed slowly and thoughtfully, before she swallowed it and picked up another. Luna prided herself on her impeccable manners when it come to eating, always chewing her food well before she swallowed - unlike Alistair..

That wolf.

MY wolf...

He gobbled his food like he was starving, shovelling it in and swallowing half of it, without chewing it once. Luna was shocked at his manners, but she loved the black furred wolf with all her heart. His table manners may be lacking in style and sophistication, but he made up for it in numerous other ways.

Smiling with pleasure and love for her mate, Luna resumed eating, lost in her mind and memories. Her parents had been horrified when she first introduced him to them - a Doe, their_Doe - mating with some Wolf? It was almost scandalous, Luna was prey - he was a predator - an _Apex Predator...

"Oh, he preys on me alright - " Luna chuckled softly "Just not the way my parents could have imagined..."

With a snort, Luna yelped as she bit her tongue, tears welling in her eyes as she poked her tongue out and tried to look at it.

"I beef fe fongue!" Luna murmured.

Shaking her head, she winced and tasted a few droplets of her own blood, then swallowed and sighed.

"Silly doe, stop fantasising and concentrate on what you're doing!" Luna chastised herself.

Finally, eating her fill, she looked at the mess, then sighed softly.

"Alistair's going to kill me..."

Quietly, she returned to their shared bedroom, gazing lovingly at her partner, who slept flat on his back, dark furred mzuzle hanging open and a soft snore coming from his, that wonderfully talented tongue lolling from his mouth.

Carefully, Luna crept back onto the bed, gently nuzzling the wolf with her nose.

"Mmph - " Was all she got out of him, as one arm flopped over her neck.

Frowning, Luna nudged him again, then realised he was truly dead to the world. A bomb would't wake him up from the slumber which had seiozed him.

"Tsk," Luna giggled softly, then lay down, her hind legs folded back, her front ones under her chest, as she enjoyed the sensation of his arm over her neck. "Lazy wolf..."

For twenty minutes, Luna laid there, her eyes half closed as she flagged her tail slowly. Growing restless, she slipped out from beneath her lovers arm and carefully scratched at the back of her left ear with her cloven hoof then shook her head. Tapping the alarm clock with her chin, she turned it off, before gazing back at the sleeping wolf.

"I'll be your alarm clock today lover - " Luna smiled, as she gazed lovingly at him.

To Be Continued...

M-H - First Time For Everything - Chapter Two -

First Time For Everything Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr 26th June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Greytail giggled, helping the shaking buck into the shower, holding him up with one paw as he adjusted the temperature, then retrieved the bottle of...

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M-H - First Time For Everything - Chapter One -

First Time For Everything Chapter One © Cederwyn Whitefurr 26thJune, 2019 All Rights Reserved. James sat at his desk, the dark brown of his forehead creased, as he reached up and scratched idly at the base of his antlers. It wouldn't be long now...

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Alone © Cederwyn Whitefurr 25thJune, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Simon clutched the pencil in one pale paw, before he squeezed it and the pencil snapped. Sharp slivers dug into his leathery pads, but Simon was oblivious to the pain and the trickle...

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