
Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#2 of Moonfall

Moonfall - Chapter Two - Luna decides to pleasure her wolf lover, in a gentle, kind and loving way - but it seems she may have taken on more than even she can handle!


Chapter Two

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

27th June, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Sprawled beside her mate, watching the wolf sleep off the excesses of last night, Luna chuckled quietly and pondered. It was at least two hours before he was meant to get up. Luna's mind assimilated fragments from last night, then she raised an eyebrow and shook her delicate head slowly.

"How did we do that!" She pondered, as her mind replayed some memories from last night.

Wrinkling her nostrils, Luna smelt the lingering scents from their pleasurable night. Her unmistakable scent of a pleased doe, the bitter, almost acrid scent of dried semen on the coverlet, other smells she couldn't identify - but overriding most of them, the beautiful, musky scent of her dear, beloved wolf.

More thoughts struggled to form in her mind, fragments, disjointed memories and feelings - but they were elusive and skittered away from her as she mentally ran after them.

"Time to make new memories!" Luna smiled, then licked her lips and began exciting her salivary glands - partially for what she had in mind - partially at the thought of a delicious gift she would receive.

Carefully, Luna knelt over her lovers sleeping form, nuzzling at his furred sheath with gentle caresses.

"Mmph - " Come the low growl from the wolf beneath her, but he slept on, oblivious.

Luna breathed out through her nostrils, her warm breath parting the hairs of the sheath as she licked it from slit to base. Already, he grunted and like a ground hog peering from its burrow on the last days of winter, the pale pink tip peeked from the tip of the sheath.

"Good boy - " Luna giggled shyly, as her dainty tongue licked the sensitive prize her efforts uncovered. "Don't be bashful love...your doe wants her present!"

As if listening to her; more to do with her licks and tentative nuzzles, the penile length slid from the sheath and flopped against his sleeping belly. Luna looked down at the exposed offering, pleased and aroused by it. At nearly seven inches long and at full tumescence, about three wide - not including the knot - Luna swallowed the mouth full of saliva her overexcited glands produced.

"There it is!" Luna whispered, as she ran her leathery nose from its tip to the base. "Now, how best too..."

Closing her eyes, Luna used her lips and her dexterous tongue to move it so it stood upright, before she lowered her head and began slurping like a hungry fawn. Alistair grunted and swatted a paw over her muzzle, making Luna's eyes widen in surprise. He slept on, oblivious to what his beloved doe was doing.

Carefully, she tilted her head, sliding her muzzle down so her furred lips brushed the sheath as she eagerly began suckling. Already, a few dribbles of the sweet pre-ejaculatory fluid spurted into her willing throat and she quivered in expectation and pleasure.

"Not yet - " Luna thought to herself, intentionally slowing her eagerness. "I want to enjoy this..."

As she felt the tight knot forming in the sheath, Luna flagged her tail and pushed her head down - easing the gift from its tight confines and swirling her tongue over and around it as she closed her lips around the rapidly growing girth. Eagerly, she continued to pleasure him - content in her talents - as Alistair whined quietly and squirmed, lost in the pleasures his mind perceived as a beautiful dream.

Luna gasped quietly, her eyes widening as she felt the knot fill her muzzle, making her jaws ache. He was _quite_a wolf, she knew that from first hand experience, but having her lover tied to her like this, well...she wasn't inexperienced, if anything, this was much more pleasurable for her than the _other_way - not that Luna would ever tell him so...

For nearly thirty minutes, Luna suckled like a fawn, her ears back swept and body quivering, before Alistair began to squirm and tremble - and Luna giggled deep in her throat - before she squeezed her lips firmly around his sheath and felt his powerful orgasm as it gushed into her throat. Swallowing as fast as she could, she felt the hot, viscous semen spurted down her throat and some began to backwash her muzzle.

"Mmmphh!" Luna gurgled, eyes widening in fright.

He could be - enthusiastic - in his orgasms, Luna knew this, but this was beyond even his usually copious offerings. Desperately she swallowed the hot liquid, throat rippling again and again, as a few errant dribbles escaped her lips and slid down his sheath, soaking the fur. At last, it eased and slowed, Luna panting quickly, her sides heaving, as she swallowed the salty offering and her tail flagged with lust and wanton abandon.

Keeping her head firmly pressed against his belly, she waited patiently as the last few spurts come - and she felt like he jaws would dislocate, so tightly did his knot tie her muzzle to his groin. Fifteen minutes after his orgasm, he grunted and mumbled incoherently - the firmness easily enough for Luna to slip her muzzle free and begin swallowing an working her jaws.

"Well then - " Luna nervously giggled, feeling the hot fluids in her belly, warming her from the inside out pleasurably. "That wasn't expected..."

"Urf - " Come a weak growl, as Alistair grunted and his paw swatted the back of Luna's head.

'Ow!" Luna yelped. "Watch it you big lug!"

"Lun..." Alistair gurgled, as his eyelids tried to open. ""

"No, its a wild deer...who do you think it is?" Luna snorted, then laughed delicately.

"I was having - " Alistair yawned widely, his canines prominent in the dawn twilight that filtered through the window.

"It was no dream dear one - " Luna snickered, as she used her tongue to lick him clean.

Alistair gurgled and writhed, his eyes screwing shut as he quivered. When she was finished cleaning him, she carefully crept up his body and laid on him, her warm udder pressed firmly against his still trembling member, as she licked his throat and nibbled him on the chin.

"Not...a dream?" Alistair murmured, still more asleep than awake.

"No dream love, thank you for your lovely gift, you know we deer just_adore_ salt..."

"You..,." Alistair blinked, then used his paw pads to rub at his eyes. "Sure I'm not..."

With a snort, Luna nipped him gently on the throat. "I assure you lover, it wasn't no dream! Nothing like a nice, hot salty drink to start the morning, now, stop being lazy and get up..."

"I'm not lazy - " Alistair whined, as he squirmed on the bed, then wrapped his strong aroma around Luna's neck and cuddled her lovingly. "I'm just - thinking the bed accepted me, and I'm reluctant to break its trust!"

With a snort, Luna nipped him again. "Lazy wolf is lazy, get up already, you'll be late!"

"Late for what - " Alistair grunted, as he stroked her ears with one paw, then lifted her chin up with the other. "Forgetful doe is forgetful - today is a public holiday! I don't have to go to work today!"

"Its - " Luna frowned, trying to clear her fogged mind. "It is?"

"It is.." Alistair chuckled, then in one quick movement, gripped her hips and rolled over, pinning her on her back him laying on top of her. "'re all mine, my sweet, delicious little doe!"

Luna squealed and giggled helplessly, she didn't mind laying on her back, especially with Alistair's warm body covering her like a blanket.

"I got all day, to teach a naughty doe how to behave..." Alistair growled, as he nibbled her throat and cuddled her tightly.

"Promises, promises!" Luna squeaked, gazing up at him with a look of love and adoration. "Mayhaps I should be naughty more often?"

Alistair snorted, then moved his hips and Luna gasped, as she felt him slide against her, then inside her.

"Oh - " Alistair gasped, as he twitched, feeling Luna's willing folds accept him with eagerness, the warmth of her blasting rational thought from his mind.

"So...eager..." Luna panted, eyes widen in pleasure.

Placing a paw on her muzzle, he silenced her, before he began thrusting and Luna grunted, feeling him thrust hard, then the tightening ache in her groin as he tied with her and shuddered.

"Uh..." Luna gasped, as he took his paw off her muzzle, then placed them on her forelegs.

"Feels good, doesn't it little one?" Alistair growled at her, then used his broad, rough tongue to lap at her head.

"Mmm - " Luna giggled and squirmed, gazing up at her lover with love and adoration. "So...needy puppy..."

Alistair moved slightly and Luna gasped, her back crackling as she arched her hips against him.

"Easy love," He snickered, wrapping his paws around her back and holding her tight against him. "You're not a bitch, careful, alright?"

'Oh..." Luna grunted, as she wriggled into a slightly better position, before sighing in pleasure.

Alistair snickered and lovingly cuddled and held her for an hour, as they shared their lovemaking. Finally, Alistair whined and bit his lower lip, as he tentatively began humping her, feeling the ache in his groin growing - before he gave a quick jerk of his hips and Luna squealed long and hard - her orgasm crushing her mind beneath its merciless grip, seconds before Alistair thrust once, pushing himself as deep as he dared and his own release flooded her body.

"Urk..." Luna gasped, then giggled and her body quivered from ears to hooves.

"Plenty...more where that come from - " Alistair growled in her ear, then nibbled it playfully.

For fifteen minutes, he remained sheathed inside of her, both of them sharing their love and their bond, before his knot eased and he carefully pulled back - the wet pop of him sliding free and Luna's moan making him giggled softly, before the wet splash of his semen and her own fluids spattered over his penis and the bed, soaking into her tail.

"Oops - " Alistair snickered. "Messy doe, aren't you?"

" fault!" Luna groaned.

"Shower time, can't have you sticking to things!" Alistair snickered, as he sat on the edge of the bed, his penis dribbling a little.

Luna lay on her back, panting and shuddering, before Alistair gripped her front ankles and rolled her over, then helped her kneel.

"You alright honey? You seem a little under the weather today!"

"What_did_ you make me drink last night?" Luna grunted, feeling her stomach flop over and squirm a little, as she gazed up at him.

"Me?" Alistair smirked. "Honey, I didn't _make_you drink anything! Does my dear doe have a hangover?"

Luna's eyes narrowed, before she groaned and rested her head on her forelegs, shuddering. Alistair snickered again then bounced off the bed like a hyperactive puppy, suffering no ill-effects from the alcohol.

"Come on, don't make me carry you to the shower!"

"You might have too - " Luna laughed weakly. "I don't think my legs can carry me..."

To Be Continued...


Moonfall Chapter One © Cederwyn Whitefurr 27th June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Luna snorted, then flicked her black tipped ears, before the young Whitetail yawned delicately and her pale green eyes opened a crack. Her nostrils flared, inhaling the...

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M-H - First Time For Everything - Chapter Two -

First Time For Everything Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr 26th June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Greytail giggled, helping the shaking buck into the shower, holding him up with one paw as he adjusted the temperature, then retrieved the bottle of...

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M-H - First Time For Everything - Chapter One -

First Time For Everything Chapter One © Cederwyn Whitefurr 26thJune, 2019 All Rights Reserved. James sat at his desk, the dark brown of his forehead creased, as he reached up and scratched idly at the base of his antlers. It wouldn't be long now...

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