Nottingham Wood

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of Nottingham Wood

Marion and Robin lay in post-consumate bliss on the bank of a swiftly flowing creek, expressing their love and affection for each other. It isn't long, before Marion confesses in Robin, asking if he misses his days of thievery and banditry, now his group has disbanded, and the evil Prince has been overthrown. Their reminiscing is broken, by an unexpected visitor...

Nottingham Wood

Chapter One

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

29thJune, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Marion, no longer a maiden, lay with her paws encircling Robin, her brush draped over his thighs, as she panted and nuzzled her outlaw lovers throat, then nibbled it delicately.

"A copper for your thoughts my love - " Marion whispered..

"Mmm," Robin chuckled, then turned his head to kiss her between the eyes. "I would think my thoughts would be worth more than a single copper piece!"

Marion laughed, that adorable, delicate chuckle she had, as she stroked her paw down Robin's chest, feeling the sweat lingering there. They had shared passionate lovemaking, just moments before - and both Vixen and Fox were bathing in the sweet afterglow of their consummation.

"Do you ever miss it?" Marion asked, trailing a claw lightly along his furred sheath.

"Ooh - " Robin panted, then gently reached down and took her black furred paw in his and squeezed it tight, his other paw resting on Marion's furred breast. "I both do, and do not. Sure, it was entertaining, to run rings around the Sheriff and that incompetent Prince - I believe they'll be serving life sentences..."

"Yet?" Marion prompted him, feeling his fingers caressing her erect nipple.

"Yet, the dissolution of my gang - they've all gone their separate ways, our mission is complete, peace has returned to the Kingdom and - well - I have the most fairest and beautiful of rewards - apart from my head not adorning a spike!"

Marion chuckled, then rolled herself onto him, gazing into his eyes. "I am, in one way, sorry for that which you lost lover. I can not hope to replace your band of hooligans and brigands!"

"Hooligans and brigands?" Robin snorted, then kissed her forehead, before he cuddled her close. "Maid Marion, you wound me so, like an arrow to the heart!"

"Liar - " Marion chuckled as she caressed the fluff on his cheeks.

"Me? Lie? Never..." Robin chuckled.

"Sure you...wouldn't - " Marion snickered, then nibbled his chin.

Robin submit to Marion's ministrations, as she nuzzled, kissed and licked him, rubbing herself against him, so their scent and sweat blended and mixed. For two hours, they lay, naked as the day they'd been whelped, neither cared nor thought anything of it.

"Life will change for you, you rascally bandit! No more stealing from the rich, to give to the more..."

Robin silenced her, by pressing his pale lips against hers, his tongue licking and probing against her sharp canines, before he sought out her tongue and began passionately kissing her, his paw around her head and pulling her close.

"Mmm!" Marion moaned softly, her brush switching from side to side.

"Can I steal a kiss?" Robin smirked.

"Anytime..." Marion purred, as she gazed through half lidded eyes at the fox beneath her.

A rustle of leaves near them, and Marion rolled off Robin, a short, sharp dagger in her left paw before he even realised it - as she crouched and began scanning the shrubs and trees, her ears pricked forwards and alert.

"Where'd you have that - " Robin began, before Marion shushed him, placing a paw on his belly.

Robin rolled to his feet, then fetched his bow and quiver, hurriedly knocking an arrow and going back to back with Marion, both Vulpine's on high alert, their tails frizzled out and ears flicking too and fro,

"Come out - whoever you are!" Marion growled, her paw gripping the dagger tighter and tighter.

Again the branches and leaves rustled before a glimpse of something was seen and a fearful black nose poked out from under a low shrub.

"I'm warning you - " Marion snarled, her fear mixed with her rage and shame at being caught.

Marion's eyes widened, before a nose was followed by a pale white muzzle, which turned to a reddish-brown fur, white patches around the eyes and short, triangular ears with black tips. It squealed and flattened itself on the ground, the ears snapping backwards.

'It's a fox..." Marion blinked, then laughed nervously, the tension draining from her as she dropped the dagger, point first, into the soft loam, then crouched down.

"I'm sorry little brother - " Marion whispered, as she held her paws out. "It's alright, come on, we won't hurt you..."

Timidly, the Vulpine crawled on its belly, eyes wide and fearful.

"Its a fox..." Robin blinked, then he laughed nervously and lowered the bow, sheathing the arrow back in its quiver.

Scared, the fox cringed, before Marion snorted softly at Robin, then knelt down , continuing to hold her paws out to it.

"Robin, how would you know its a fox? Come on, that's it - " Marion encouraged it,

"I know the smell of my own kind, can't you smell him?"

Marion blinked, then squealed as the fox ran to her and leapt into her arms, nuzzling giantess her as she caught it and cuddled it tenderly.

"You're...right - it is a fox - " Marion blushed, then adjusted her hold, so she wasn't feeling her upper arm pressed against the young Vulpine's sheath and furred scrotum.

Robin blinked, then he chuckled softly, before turning around and gazing at the half-starved fox that cowered in Marion's arms.

"Poor little brother - " Robin sighed. "Look at him, scrawny, half starved - he's young, very young - barely an adult. Makes me wonder why he can't hunt, doesn't seem anything wrong with him..."

"Needless, its one of the forests children - we have a right to feed him up and care for him!"

"Aye, Marion," Robin sighed, then favoured her with that lopsided grin of his. "We do..."

"First, you might want to get dressed - " Marion whispered at him.

"Me? Pah, if you insist - how about yourself, you might want to cover up..."

Marion blushed, then her brush flicked too and fro, before she felt Robin slip a cloak over her shoulders.

"Guess this will do - " Marion blushed deeper, as she lightly tickled the fox under the chin.

"Indeed..." Robin smirked, as he slipped his pale green tunic over his head, then set the cap on his furred head,


Back at the clearing they called their home, Marion cuddled the fox gently in her arms, gazing down at him and trailing her index finger lightly from his chin down to his belly.

"Friendly little fellow - " Marion whispered. "Doesn't seem to mind laying on his back and being gently stroked."

"Neither do I - " Robin smirked, then yelped as Marion pinched him on the tip of his brush.

"We got this little one to care for - I'm sure he doesn't want to watch us!"

"Oh, I don't know - might be interesting..."

"Keep it up Robin, ad I'll ensure you never grow older - " Marion glared at him, before she flicked her ears and chuckled. "You've got a one track mind!"

"Me?" Robin smiled weakly. "I'm innocent - you're the fair maiden who was locked in that tower all those years...what did you do in there anyway?"

"None of your business!" Marion blushed and looked down at the fox she held in her arms.

Robin chuckled, before he sat on a lot and began plucking a duck he'd hunted earlier, for their evening meal.

"Such a shy, nervous little brother - " Marion whispered, trailing her fingers lightly down the fox's chest again. "It's alright, you'll be safe with us, just rest little one."

Gazing up at her, the fox quivered, before he sniffled nervously.

" name is Todd..." He whispered.

To Be Continued...

Moonfall - Finale -

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