Raped by the Bouncer
Winding up the bouncer leads to harsh consequences for a certain dragon...
One for a dragon - enjoy the rougher side!
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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe
Characters © respective owners
Iron Author
Pain Play
Raped by the Bouncer
Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)
Commissioned by Pyros Byrnur
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"What do you mean I can't come in?"
The dragon frowned and shook his head, eyes narrowed in a red face of scales, the cockiness not yet wiped from his muzzle, although that was soon to come. He was dressed smartly enough for the classy bar (they didn't serve beer from the tap in there, that was for sure) but the bouncer looked him up and down shrewdly, a gryphon with a white head and wickedly hooked beak, his forearms folded across his chest as if he needed to make himself appear even broader and more intimidating than he already was. His avian half was that of a bald eagle while his feline lower half could only be seen in the flick and curl of a long, brown tail, the only evidence of his agitation.
But that was okay. He'd get to see further evidence of that frustration and sweet, sweet aggression soon enough.
"Leave immediately," the gryphon said, his tone affecting something akin to boredom, although it could not have, surely, have been that. "We are at capacity and neither are you on the list."
He spoke formally, too formally, but the lines were all recited from memory while his sharp eyes did the work of checking for danger, further threats. There was no telling just who could try to force their way in to see furs who were up on the social rankings, whether or not they had any kind of ill-intent. It remained to be seen and he was most certainly not good at his job because he let anyone and everyone into the bar.
Pyros, however, frowned and swayed back and further, paws clenched into fists: as if that was going to get him anywhere.
"I_am_ too on the list! Sirienne... She said..."
But he couldn't quite remember what she'd said as he tipped off-kilter, the bar and the flashing, tasteful lights dancing before him. Dimly, he was aware of the gryphon's chest shifting in a sigh, tired of the interaction already and, most likely, already longing for a restful night's sleep and a more relaxing evening for himself by far, if not for his job that required him to be out and about at untimely hours of the night and, oftentimes, the dawn too.
"Sirienne... It's all good, I can go in..."
"Dragon, get that tail of yours out of here and don't ever come back or we're going to show you a reason for it."
He slipped from routine, the clipped words breaking the barrier of his beak as if he was crunching bones. If Pyros, right then and there, had not already had a drink or two in his system (it didn't take much to render him slightly under the influence), perhaps he would have walked away. Maybe he would not have jabbed the bouncer in the chest and bared his teeth and maybe he most certainly would not have ended up in just the situation that he did, in the end.
"Just who the fuck do you think you're talking to, buddy?"
It was not that bad of a statement to make, in the grand scheme of things, but there was no one thing that could set off a fur like the gryphon. Drawing himself up tall, his shoulder blades pushed back, the gryphon's feathers ruffled up, fixing him with a stare that was far more than simply steely. Pyros didn't run. He should have run.
"You're going to regret that."
And then a heavy paw curled around his neck, impossibly large, hauling him off his feet and into the very bar that he'd been trying to gain entry to in the first place. Through the bar, laughing furs, a squalling dragon who didn't know what was good for him. The lights glanced off shimmering glasses with bubbles - champagne, clearly. Nothing else would have been good enough for them, not even things like the imported Japanese beers and the sake that was passed around, everything a speciality regardless of where it came from. Nobody cared about what it cost and Pyros gasped, his shirt-collar tightening around his throat as he scrambled and kicked out to no avail.
Despite his height and bulk, the gryphon handled the dragon as if he weighed nothing at all, dragging him across the floor more to show Pyros just how low he was in the grand scheme of things. His status did not denote him walking privileges and other patrons of the classy bar laughed at him, knowing that something was going on but surely expecting that he was just another one who had had a few too many to drink and needed to be evicted swiftly.
Yet the gryphon did not intend to throw the dragon out by any means and would keep him there for as long as he felt that he needed to learn a lesson. There would be another bouncer to take over from him and, well, they all had their fun from time to time too. But this kind of fun was something that the poor, red dragon was not going to be walking or even limping away from anytime soon at all.
Into a back room, the daze of luxuriously pulsing music swamping him, crawling over every last inch of his body as if it was entering the very fabric of his being. The gryphon stood over him imperiously as he writhed and twisted on the floor, grunting as if a sucker-punch had been landed straight into his cut, cutting and hitting viciously deep.
"Let me go," Pyros slurred, although even his heartbeat picked up in pace, some part in the back of his mind realising that things were terribly, terribly wrong. "I... I won't do anything. I'll just go... Really."
And he could not have denied his arousal still, the crude, sickening twist of it in the pit of his stomach. The darker a situation became, the more he wanted to see it through to its sorry end and the gryphon's eyes darkened as he lunged for him, beak sinking painfully into his shoulder.
It took a moment for the pain to register but the scream that ripped itself from Pyros' throat would not be heard by any other patron of the bar, everyone too wrapped up in their own fun and pleasure to take note of anything that could be happening to him. Claws ripped through his shirt, not caring whether or not they caught his scales and flesh, lines of red scoring his body as he was forcibly stripped all the way down. And nothing Pyros did got the gryphon off him, so very easily overpowered as if his fighting back meant nothing at all, but the thrust of a hard and ready cock into his maw as the larger stud drake yanked down his work trousers.
He should have expected it. It was what their kind - bouncers and those otherwise hopped up on the power of such similar positions - did best and were well-known for, but that did not stop the dragon from grunting and wrenching his head back. He was on the verge of using his teeth too when the gryphon spat, a smear of saliva drooling down his cheek as he tore into the drake with a clawed fist, the talons poking out deliberately so that he could not help but score across his cheek. Pyros groaned, dazed enough for a moment that he could not think of fighting back, head spinning as that cock plunged 'home' once more.
"Fucking cunt..."
But he wasn't that, not a cunt, not a... What was he saying again? Stars leapt and danced before his eyes even though they were open and the dragon heaved away, fighting tooth and claw, his mind screaming at him to free himself. And yet his traitorous shaft hardened up in but an instant, despite his refusal to acknowledge such a thing, some part of him that maybe he had been trying to bring out all along stirring up wantonly at being treated so roughly. His head swam and a groan of pain sank sweetly into a moan of something else entirely, heart in his mouth as that smooth length sawed up into the back of his throat, not taking anything less as an acceptable answer at all. No, he would have what he wanted from the cocky dragon regardless of anything else and nothing else would do!
Yet Pyros still squirmed, cock hardening with only a shred of underwear remaining to cover his throbbing length. It would have been impossible, of course, to deny his arousal, but he could not try to as his mouth was wrenched forcefully from that cock, coughing and gagging and spluttering as he was suddenly allowed breath again. But he didn't even have a moment in which to regain his senses, his breath and his rationality, before he was heaved up against the wall, pinned against it with a much bigger, heftier body slammed into his back.
"Are you even going to put up a fight?"
That had Pyros snarling, although it was hard to really sound any measure of convincing with a gryphon grinding up under his tail and his own shaft throbbing wantonly, spilling dollops of pre-cum as pain lanced through him. Oh, he wanted it even if he would not admit to it and maybe it had just about been his plan to be used so roughly and crudely all along, although he had anticipated it being with another fur entirely to the gryphon. He would do too and there was something stringently delectable about the raw, powerful sensation of his claws slicing through his scales, a wrench of his tail bringing tears to his eyes and a punch to his stomach forcing him to double over at just the right moment.
No words came out but a cock went in, brutally crammed up under his tail without even a drop of lube. It was just as well that Pyros was at least a little aroused but that did not stop a cry of pain ringing from his lips, a paw clamped around it swiftly as the gryphon swore.
"Fucking shut up!"
A heavy paw on his cock, squeezing and pinching, claws biting. Unable to breathe, the dragon froze, every inch of his body screaming at him to fight back and yet he could not - not without risking that his poor, abused, now bleeding cock was going to face a worse fate again. It should have hurt more than it actually did but that was the funny thing about adrenaline as it pumped through his veins, taking the edge off everything and allowing that cock to bury itself up to the hilt in his arse, thankful only for the fact that it was not layered with ridges like the cocks of other gryphons and dragons, of course, too, that he had had the kinky pleasure of enjoying in the past.
Blood in his mouth, the gryphon laughing. Everything seemed dulled besides the plough of his shaft slamming in over and over again, working his arse ferociously as if, maybe, he was the last fuck that the gryphon would ever be able to take for himself. He was sure that he was a gryphon who could steal whatever he wanted away for himself, however, yet Pyros clenched his jaw within that hard, unyielding paw as he was driven into repeatedly, used as nothing more than a vessel of pleasure, a cum-dump at its finest.
It was what he wanted...wasn't it?
He had no choice in the matter either way as the gryphon did not even bother holding back, slamming in roughly and pinning him to the wall with his bodyweight, crushing him, whenever he thought that the dragon in question was squirming just a little too much for his liking. He'd cum over and over again that night but there was no turning back from the hot spill of cum as he roared out his pleasure, leonine tail thrashing, spilling a hot load of cum into that willingly unwilling dragon arse, tight and milking his cock for all it was worth.
He hated it. But he loved it too. Pyros' head spun and spun and spun, breath clawing at his windpipe. For some things, there was no true explanation.
As he leaned against the wall, panting heavily and cock twitching for more, his orgasm denied thus far, the gryphon let out a low, rasping chuckle that sent a chill of terror into the dragon's very bones.
He'd bitten off more than he could chew.
He'd_definitely_ bitten off more than he could chew.
The night of terror was only just beginning.