Cuckolded by Her Mother: Chapter 36
#36 of Cuckolded by her Mother
Kao lusts for a dragoness and the twists of the dark family fall ever deeper...
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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe
Characters © respective owners
Cuckolded by Her Mother
Chapter Thirty-Six
Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)
Commissioned by Fyrdrgon
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A break had to come sooner or later, the meaning of that collar around Fyr's neck coming to light in the darkest of fashions. It had to be the way of it, of course, even as she kept herself busy and out of the house, going back and forth between looking after Fideal and getting on with the chores. Now that she had some standing in the household again, at least when it came to managing what was going on, it was easier to get things done and make sure that all ran in order. She added more geese to her flock, the pond that had been dug needing a bit of life to it, although it was still a little bare around the edges where she had not yet the chance to establish the reeds: that would come in spring. The cold air licked at her scales, heralding the encroach of winter, but it was not yet cold enough that the tough dragoness needed more than a light jacket on when she was hustling and bustling about, always with something to do.
It was the way of it but it was hard on her body and even Scott showed signs that the physical work and labour was getting to him. He was more of a technical sort, the type that could be set to doing the wiring or electronics side for hours on hours but struggled with the labour of a ranch. He was into construction and that was just what he'd spent so very much of his life tackling, especially when he'd moved back near his parents, something that came more easily to him than anything else. He was a stoat, however, and he could learn, applying himself to any and every task that chanced to come his way, even if it was not something that he was particularly good at.
All work and no play, on the other hand, led to a very dull life and it was Scott, in all actuality, that accidentally let on the idea he had to, well...
"It's so much more peaceful out here than in the cities," he commented at a surprisingly normal looking dinner table, the wooden rectangle more than long enough to seat all of them and more comfortably. "Y'all can't hear anything... No flashing lights, no loudness in the middle of the night, no cops. It's...real nice, y'know?"
He stuttered to a stop, stumbling over his own words as he flushed and looked down at his plate, the simple evening meal hitting the spot even though it had not taken Fyr all that long to prepare that night. She didn't have the energy to do much else, groaning as she leaned back in her chair with, at least, a full stomach and a happily gurgling baby dragon on her lap. Although Ropes was still busy devouring his second helping of dinner (he seemed to be in competition with Kao as to just how much they could eat), he had spent the whole day with his daughter, tossing her from one tentacle to the other as she squealed and clapped for more with childish glee that could not fail to soften even his demonic heart. And she was, in a way, just like her dad too.
Frowning, Fyr pointed her fork at Scott, forgetting her manners as the corners of her eyes ached from raw tiredness, the sense of which seared through her bones. She would not normally be so rude but all she could think about was her bed, replenishing the strength in her body for the light of another morning and another day, just to keep herself going on. Who knew that having a hatchling in the house while she was busy with everything else and satisfying a horde of demons too could be so exhausting? The only ones that did not seem physically tired were the demons themselves but they did have a side more stamina than the mere mortals too.
"You're not thinking of taking your tail back there now, are you?"
"What? No!" He hastened to cover his steps. "Oh, no, Fyr, ma'am, I just thought... We've all been working so hard here that a change... The city's big, it's different, change of scenery - yes! I was thinking that the peace could help us have a change of scenery!"
He sat back, smiling as if pleased with what he had come out with, the moments before the fumbled clunk of his words coming together in the wrong order, time and place the calm before the storm. But it was only a storm that would cover his own head and mind, expression falling as his lower jaw fell slack and he slumped back into the straight, hard back of the smart dining chairs that Fyr had picked out to complete the communal room where the family would come together to eat as if he wished that he could disappear into them entirely.
"Oh... Oh hell..."
Not the best thing to say to a demon, Fyr rolling her eyes. It showed that she was that tired that even she would allow her polite and 'in control' facade to slip, the ache in her neck impossible to deny.
"Are you suggesting, sugar?" Sasha stepped in to help him out, pushing her plate to the side. "That we take a trip to the city?"
Scott blushed and fidgeted.
"Maybe. I don't really know what I was tryin' to say now..."
Chuckling, Sasha shook her head and stroked his cheek, leaning over the table to take his head in her paw.
"Poor little one... Got yourself all up in a fluster there now, haven't you?"
It was only a tease made in good nature and humour though that softened the edges of tension that could have otherwise have crackled through the dining room for hours.
"I think that's a fine idea," she added, eyes glittering as Fyr drew Fideal in a little closer to her chest. "We'll have to find a babysitter, of course, but this little darling won't cause anyone any trouble... Will you now, my lovely?"
Sasha cooed to Fideal who scrambled obligingly across the table to reach her mother, kicking Fyr in the stomach as she did so. The dragoness only grunted, however, for it was not the first kick she'd taken to her stomach on Fideal's behalf, rubbing the spot and considering just what, however accidentally, may have been proposed.
And yet outings like that were not her forte and she had barely parted her lips to reply before Kao steamrolled over her, raving about just how excited he was to be going back to the city and get something from that doughnut place and lots of other things too that, really, had never held any appeal for Fyr. She was not one for the city night or the city life and there was little that she could do to call halt to the tracks of plans that were made to include her, strangely so, even though she had not once voiced that she would like to be so included. They were going with her, whether she liked it or not, and Fideal chirped away as Sasha even mentioned an old friend of hers in the area that she thought might be able to look after Fideal while they were away. It was strange enough for them to be making plans but Fyr could only shake her head and try to take a deep breath, calm herself to interject and say just how tired she was, how much she wanted a break from things - but then the deal was done.
Ropes grinned and high-fived Kao with a tentacle, the males, at least, looking forward to the outing, although they were the ones who were usually just a little bit more prone to a sort of cabin fever. Sasha was happier to stay home as long as she had a steady stream of attention heading her way, but getting out and about was always something that helped her keep things nice and varied too, things that could spark up her demonic side even more, fangs glistening wetly as she moaned out her enjoyment for yet another lover.
Fyr sighed. Like with so many other things, she was just a passive player in the landscape of her own life, a pawn to be moved about as they willed. And yet their excitement was contagious still, a little part of her fluttering up with excitement at the thought of being out with them, seeing things a little differently and, as it was, breaking from reality for just a little while. It even made her bones ache a little less to think about being somewhere else, away from the ranch, somewhere that could lift her spirits in another way for just a while.
Maybe it was not such a bad thing, after all - despite the look on poor Scott's face!
A palate cleanser. That was what they needed. Or that was what Sasha had latched onto thinking and saying that they needed, throwing the household into a flurry of activity as they raced on towards the weekend. Sasha's friend had stayed for a day and all had seemed well on that front, the older, purple dragoness as entranced with Fideal as the demonic hatchling seemed to be with her. They got on like a house on fire, Fideal dangling from Lyra's horns, which curled back in dramatic arcs like those of a ram, as she tried to have a conversation, although it was more than difficult enough to have any sort of conversation when there was a hatchling around at the very best of times.
"Oh, yes, yes!" She said happily trying to keep one eye on Fideal and another on Sasha, who sat in her favourite armchair with a decidedly worried expression darkening her face for once. "We'll be just fine here, this little draggie won't trouble me one bit! Isn't she adorable?"
And she may have been adorable but only later would Lyra find out quite how much she had bitten off - perhaps even more than she could chew - but Sasha made sure to get them all out the door before anyone had a chance to change their minds. Maybe she'd known just how hard it was for Fyr to leave little Fideal behind but no one missed the wistful look she cast back either, the pull in her heart for her second daughter drawing taut like the cord of an instrument that she had not yet the true luxury of enjoying for herself.
Yet Fideal would manage for one night without them, even if they did come stumbling back in a hung over mess in the morning. At least, that was if Ropes took up Kao's challenge to drink the bar dry, wanting to see if it was possible to truly intoxicate a demon and, if so, just how much it would take. Truly it was more that their feeding on lust and love that rendered them stumbling and slurring but there was sure to be a great deal of that too on their night out if they had anything at all to say about it.
Even Scott was dragged along, tail tucked down quite firmly as he quailed in Kao's snazzy new car - a SUV type that could hold all of them but still rang with a sense of poshness - from the bright lights and sirens and everything else too that could render a fur just a little bit on the back foot. It was not his scene by far and Fyr pressed her lips tightly together, swallowing the lump in her throat as she squeezed his forearm and gave him the smallest of smiles, the first gesture of friendship that she had truly made since his betrayal. After all that had happened since, perhaps it had reached the point where even that paled into insignificance.
"It'll be alright," she said softly. "They can go off and do whatever it is that gets their rocks off. We can stick together. Who knows, maybe they have some nice beers on tap?"
Her positivity was well-received, although not quite what Kao, particularly, had in mind as he dragged her back across the back seat of the car, a rumbling chuckle on his lips. He'd allowed Sasha to drive as she dodged dangerously in and out of traffic, throwing caution to the wind with the sense of invincibility that only being a demon could possibly bring a harried soul.
"Whatever we want to do? Well, why don't I show you, sis..."
Grunting, Fyr shuddered and reeled back even as he pulled her in, her lips on his and dominated by her little brother. Her shoulders went rigid, mind trying to tear itself away from the situation, but she could no longer be an NPC in the scape of her own life, the world that she, at least, had some measure of control over, if she tried hard enough. She could keep things in line in the house and the ranch but that did not mean that her brother still did not make her knees quake for him, wanting to fold, wanting to submit. Cheeks red-hot, she gave out the tiniest of muffled moans into his muzzle as his tongue thrust crudely into the back of her mouth, twisting around hers and claiming every last inch that he felt he had at his disposal. After all, Fyr was well-enough there to be used and abused and he was going to take advantage of that even though they had not actually arrived at their destination as yet.
What remained of the car ride was a blur, Fyr groaning as Kao's paw slipped up under the shockingly short skirt that she'd been forced into, sheer panties not holding him back at all from thrusting two fingers into her pussy. And she could not even hate just how wet she was, even then, her cunny sloppy and needy with the sheer proximity of those around her who made her heart race so. They had to know what they did to her, Ropes leaning across to kiss and bite at Sasha's neck from the passenger seat, the dragoness shuddering with a heady sort of moan as his tentacles slid up under her tube-top to tease the slits in her belly. He didn't have to push into them just yet, of course, for he had to be wary of the others in the car who were not_demons and would not, most likely, survive a crash if he teased his 'demon-wife' too much, but it was more than enough to get Sasha panting heavily and cursing under her breath, depicting all the many, _many ways that she wanted to do the cougar right then and there.
Yet it was all for Scott to watch and enjoy, flushed and flustered as he pressed himself up against the window of the back seat, hips arched as if he was trying to get away from the brother and sister as Fyr was teased, Kao's ownership and dominance over her evident for anyone to see. And it was hot too just how the drake's lips and teeth slipped down her throat, grazing her scales to that elegant little moan, so much so, in fact, that he could not help but groan too as his cock throbbed up, thick and full and hard. It was impossible not to be turned on when they put on such a show, Fyr hissing through her teeth as she tried not to show how much she was enjoying herself - oh, she was quite obvious about it. Kao knew it too as he cajoled her, preferring to persuade rather than go for brute force, yet Scott could not have possibly have imagined any sort of scenario where one would have wanted to deny Kao sex. Why, it was hard enough for him not to scramble over Fyr's lamp in a tangle of hasty limbs and beg the dragon right then and there to take him as he so very desperately needed to be taken! Yet it was Fyr's time to enjoy and he thought too that she deserved every last bit of it that she could get, submitting to the pleasures of her body over and over again.
"Come on, sis," Kao breathed, eyes alight with the very hint of a demonic glow, the narrow pupils deadly in appearance. "You know you want to... Think you can control when you get off? Well, think again!"
Clenching her jaw, she shook her head vigorously and whimpered, dimly aware of Ropes and Sasha laughing at her from the front seat, cheeks and neck hot, the sickening cling of embarrassment curling through her body as if it simply could not be contained. There was too much going on and her body was not her friend in the moment as she rocked and ground her hips up against her brother's paw, needing something from him even though she just wanted to be away from him, to be free and to...
What was she thinking? Had she even been following a train of thought to begin with? Her eyes hazed over as she twisted, his arm around her chest keeping her arms pinned to her sides, twisted awkwardly as she still refused to even think about removing her seatbelt. Safety first! Yet it was difficult to think that she was still being safe as she felt the weight of the leather collar around her neck even more heavily than before, panting heavily and moaning out her brother's name as he pounded her with just his fingers alone, the eroticism of the situation getting the better of her.
And it only took the tip of his finger brushing her clit almost tenderly to send up off into a pulsating high that had her screaming as if it was her first orgasm ever given by a real pro, wings trying to snap out into the luxury of a flare, muscles tense and yearning for release. But the release was not for them but her sexuality, orgasm ripping through her as if she was having her clothes - no, what actually made up her being - torn from her scales, yet the skirt was still on and the horribly slinky top that Kao had said their mom had bought from her. No, she couldn't think about anything else at all as her brother controlled her, laughing mockingly only until he chanced to sink his teeth into her neck again, biting and suckling until the edges of her scales had lifted in a raw, red hickey that was impossible to miss.
It was only natural that he would then force her muzzle down on his shaft, jeans tugged down low enough for him to free his cock an balls only: what more was needed? Fyr trembled, still reeling pleasantly from climax, and offered him no resistance at all, some part of her juddering up in anticipation of the taste of his shaft, that freshly showered dark spire calling her in as if she had always been meant to suck him off. Maybe it would not have happened at all if she had not shown such interest in him back when she'd snuck around watching him and Chemical fucking but she felt that she now had, at least, some kind of 'right' that cock and dove down with relish that could only come from a true wanton slut.
Maybe that's all she was. Maybe she was so much more than that. It would be difficult to tell either way - not that anyone cared, of course, what she did or thought, as long as they got what they wanted out of things.
"Fuck, sis..."
Kao ground his hips up, ensuring that every last inch of his shaft was crammed into her, her mouth just another wet hole to be fucked as he pulled on the collar, tightening it another notch around her neck as she struggled and heaved for breath that he would not, yet, allow to come. It was all another play on dominance and expression of control as her vision grew fussy, greying out and trembling at the edges, her line of sight taken up by her brother, the car shifting and grumbling away around her. She could have been home or out on the street for all she cared about her surroundings at that point, however, sucking and pursing her lips around his thick girth as if her life depended on it.
"See, you just needed to remember where your place was, sis," he chuckled mockingly, patting her head as he leaned back, arms behind his head, the very picture of relaxation. "Getting me to do chores... Yeah, only if there's something in it for me. Don't forget to use your tongue now."
Gulping down his pre-cum, Fyr's eyes watered but there was no response that she could really give to that, her mouth full of her brother's dick, dripping wet with her saliva, which seemed to be over-productive at that time. It was one of the messiest blowjobs she'd given in a long time but the insistent tug and release on her collar hastened her on her way, wanting to get him off even as her pussy clenched down, wanting something, anything, back inside her, soaking all the way through her panties. Had she been so conditioned that she wanted him above all else now? Kao had, strangely enough, been the one who had given her the most attention of late but that really didn't make it 'right' in her mind to be so desperate for him at all times either!
No... No, the dragoness would not think of that. Better to sink down and down and down and moaned around his cock and suck him deep up into the back of her mouth, enjoy the moment as it came to her and no more than that. They all wanted her to be their slut, so why not relax into it and just enjoy what came to her too? Head foggy, Fyr luxuriously swirled her tongue around the head of his shaft, a crude comment flying over her head and yet having not a single bit of effect on her. No, no... Her world was taken up by her brother and that powerful cock, throbbing and pulsing between her lips as if he was already on the edge of climax, fingers grasping for her neck to guide her and control her, thrusting her head down on his shaft as if he was finally tired of being the one to do all the world.
And she let him - so easily too. It was easy to let him because that was just what the sick little corner of her sordid heart wanted, tail twisting back and forth as Scott caught it in his paws and quelled its twitching, rubbing it soothingly as just a little bit of the tension slipped from her body. It was not much but it was enough to clear her head just a little bit and she renewed her efforts on Kao's dick, slurping and suckling messily and lewdly as if she was trying to make as much noise as possible, showing him just how much she loved being his cock-sucking big sister.
She shuddered. Had she really thought that? Had that thought come into her head entirely of its own volition? Ah... No sense in worrying about that when everything felt so good, so damn good...
Meeting Scott's eyes over Fyr's back and head as she went to town, Kao huffed and bared his teeth in a feral grin, eyes as demonic and predatory as ever.
"She can suck your cock next, don't worry, stoat."
Swallowing hard, not even Scott could stop the smallest of smirks from pulling at his lips, although it was from eager anticipation rather than ill-intent towards Fyr. He would not have said it out loud to her, because he knew well-enough her feelings on the matter and, truly, was more than just a little bit scared of her, but she really was excellent at giving head. And she threw herself lustfully into the act, wrapping her tongue around Kao's length and ridges just as he'd asked her too - no, demanded. There was no ask when she was on her knees and the collar reminded her of that, somehow pushing her deeper and deeper into the tangled life she now led, subspace tingling on the edges of her mind, wanting her there.
It was peaceful there, it seemed to say, as his cum exploded into her mouth and Kao yanked back just in time to paint her muzzle white, hot splashes of cum lewdly streaking her face. It was good in subspace, that place where everyone else was in control and would look after her, use her just as she needed to be used. They knew better than her just what she needed and that was good enough for her, something that could be passed around so that all could have a turn. She was right where she needed to be, where she wanted to be, with that warmth around her, so why on earth would she want to fight it for even a moment more?
Of course, the moment of peace would come and go, as was the way with the hot nature of a fiery dragon (they all had the inclination to be such inside them, she was no different) but the moment was quiet and she even willingly went to Scott to suck him off too, whining for something to fill her cunt. But then Sasha was yelling at her from the front seat, Fyr hearing everything as if she was behind a wall that cut her off from another kind of reality, telling her that they were almost there and would she hurry up and get her toy off already so that they could get on with things?
With a load of cum thick and heady in the back of her mouth, Fyr cast Scott a shyly embarrassed look as he wiped off her muzzle with a cloth found in the side-pocket of the door, although it did not take the lingering aroma of semen away from her. But that was fine too, as part of her liked it like that, even if it would take a long while yet for her to even consider admitting such a thing out loud. Not all secrets, however, had to be said openly for them to be true and present and, well, sometimes too for everyone to know about them anyway, making them less than secrets. She was used and her panties soaked and there was still a night out to be had at a club that pulsed and throbbed like an aching shaft but with disco lights and blaring music that seemed to sear right through to her very soul.
Not her scene. Not her scene at all. And most definitely not her scene when she had an empty stomach and a fruity cocktail plied on her immediately, a cute bartender cat placing a drink in her paw with a flirtatious wink, his whiskers quivering seductively.
"On the house, sweetie!"
And then he was gone as if he'd never been, leaving Fyr standing staring dumbly at her drink (pink? As if she'd chosen one that even looked like that for herself!) and her strange family laughing and jesting at her, even if it was all, for once, in the sense of good fun.
"Probably wants you to suck his dick too, sis," Kao growled, slinging an arm around her with a smirk, eyes glinting as he leaned in close to be heard. "Shall I set you up? Bet we could get at least a few dollars for whoring you out around here."
Trembling, Fyr shook her head but could not find the words to put to her denial. It was hard to do so, after all, when the thought of being further passed around like a slut on show made her pussy tighten in a way that it had never done before. Maybe she could be passed around, forced down on her knees in the back alley and her eyes covered, made to suck a stranger's cock. She could not help but be abruptly reminded of her last experience at a club - goodness, was it really that long ago? - when she had been made to fuck that black dragon, the one who'd rapidly regretted his decision when faced with the jealous Ropes. Ropes' jealousy had simmered down a little with the plethora of partners wanting him and his position at the top of the household, but she could only imagine just how his claws would come out all over again if he caught her fucking someone else.
Maybe he'd fuck her as 'punishment'. She'd like that. She'd like that very much, in fact, even if he did get a little bit rough with her, something that usually only the demons could withstand with their stronger, more powerful bodies. She didn't mind getting a little broken if it meant that he'd be the one fucking her again, maybe even stretching her tail hole like he had with Kao the other night... Oh, that had been a while back now. She swallowed hard and took a sip of her drink and then another, letting the fruity liquid pour coolly down her throat right where it needed to be.
Where did the days and weeks go? Things were changing so quickly... Maybe they were all right and even she needed a night off from time to time. It certainly seemed so as she concentrated on downing her drink, Kao and Sasha laughing and making out in a club where they most certainly would not be recognised as mother and son - not dressed as they were in full seductive and handsome gear respectively.
The drink went straight to her head, Scott steadying her arm as two images of him danced before her, Fyr swaying and giggling like a much younger dragon tasting her first liquor.
"Youuu look funnyyy..." She slurred, eyes wide and imploring. "Aren't you"
Whether or not Scott actually wanted to dance seemed to be beside the point as she latched onto his arm with surprising force and strength, hauling him to the dance floor. What she proceeded to do there could hardly be considered dancing but she did her best as Scott too tried to keep up with her, a small smile widening and widening on his lips as he managed to throw himself into it too, taking what fun he could get where he thought, before, there had been none.
Flashes of the club flickered across her vision, the pulsating lights and many grinding bodies heaving together in sweat and lust. It was too easy to lose herself in the drive of it, the beat calling her on as she allowed both Kao and Scott to grind up against her at once, trapped in between them as if she was the 'girl' that everyone wanted, her desire red-hot and able to convert even the most steadfast of lads to her cause of raw need. Desire was the name of the game as one song blurred into the next, making it impossible to tell where one started and the other began.
Ropes kissed Sasha, holding her tight to him as his tentacles lewdly caressed her over her clothes, even slipping up beneath them as the crowd hollered and cheered, for once not worried at all for the fact that there was, very obviously, a demon in their midst. Sasha was more covert but not by far as she flaunted her torn and shredded wings, sashaying her hips and trading kisses like they were currency, although it was not long at all before she disappeared off with a pair of cheetah studs who could only be after one thing. Not to be outdone, although they had no running count or tally going at that time, Ropes followed her, although chose a skunk for himself, her simpering look and the way she hung off his arm simply irresistible to a demon who fed on such vibrant lust. She would do nicely.
Yet Fyr was passed between the two remaining, losing track of time and place as she spun and spun, paws groping and squeezing and teasing. One got up between her legs but she could not have even said which one of them - or whether it was someone else in the club entirely - it was as she panted and begged, aloud, for space and air, just a moment in which to catch her breath. With such a throng of bodies, however, pressing in on her from all sides, it seemed impossible that she would be able to get out by herself, crying out desperately as a paw closed around her wrist with a firm, dominating hold.
Only when Kao dragged her out the back entrance for a breath of fresh air could she breathe more easily again, coughing and heaving for breath that seemed to have been, at some point, stolen from her. Leaning against the wall of the alleyway, she turned her face up to the narrow rectangle of night sky so very high above, although the light pollution and clouds higher up again sealed off any view of the stars that may have been present.
"Thanks, Kao," she said, forcing the words out between needy gulps of not so clean air. "I really..."
And then she looked at him - properly. That was perhaps her undoing as her heart turned over, her brother advancing on her, step by tantalising step, reminding her well and truly of Ropes stalking his prey, although his prey was often more willing than some liked to make out. No... There was nowhere for her to go, her brother between her and the opening of the alleyway, unless she wanted to try to make a break for it back through the club, heart in her mouth and pounding away all the while. The scene before her tipped sickeningly, turning him on his side, although he did not appear any less threatening as he let out a long, roiling hiss. Fyr groaned and rubbed her head, pressing her thighs together, even though it was not through any effort to seal him out, the hard bulge in his smart, dark blue jeans already showing through obviously. How many drinks had she had?
"You're mine, sis..."
And then he was on her, bearing her around with her face to the wall as he ripped open her top without a care - not that it had really hidden all that much to begin with. Her breasts spilt out into the crisp night air and she cried out, although that was hardly something that Kao cared about. Just who was going to stop a demon, even a made one, from taking what he wanted? And Fyr only pushed back against him, so caught up in lust that her mind and emotions were completely separated from the will of her body, tail lifted to show off her soaked panties beneath that short-short skirt. It had clearly been chosen for one reason and one reason alone as she rocked back against him, the leather jacket loose and flapping against his sides as he yanked his jeans down, allowing them to slip from his hind paws as if he felt that he would no longer need them - at least for a while.
"Such a slut, sis, and you don't even fucking know it," he rasped, eyes alight and fixed on her gyrating buttocks, unable to help herself even as he clipped something to her collar. "You fucking need this real bad, don't you? You don't even know what a subby little whore you are, just lusting after my cock? And you were even before I took you..."
The words washed over her as she groaned, trying to get her hips at just the right angle to get his hard rod of desire into her. And yet he still teased her, allowing her to just about get the tip into her cunt before pulling back again, the leash that he'd attached to her collar drawing taut - as if he needed to highlight his control over her all the more! But this was something far more than a brother having a little kinky fun with his sister but a demon taking what was rightfully his, Fyr nothing more than his submissive slut of a sister to be used as and when he pleased.
And if he didn't want to use her? Well, she'd have to put up with that too. Or he'd pass her off to someone else to enjoy the sight of her being crammed full. That was always an option too. Yet every demon needed a pet and he was about to cement his claim over her right then and there.
He couldn't help himself, ramming in with a feral snarl, lips pulling dangerously back from his sharp teeth. His wings snapped out, trembling, and he loomed over her, tongue sweeping back along the side of his muzzle as he licked his lips, salivating over the dragoness who bucked and cried out beneath him, incoherently begging for more. And yet that more was something that Kao was more than simply willing to deliver unto her, yanking on the leash and hammering into her tight snatch over and over again. If she had not been ready for him, he made sure that she was, each driving thrust spreading her open repeatedly, muscles sore and abused even as they struggled to squeeze around him with each and every jab of that shaft.
Intoxicating... More so than any liquor that could slip down her throat. Fyr moaned, breasts pressed against the cold, concrete wall with the peeling paint, cheek smooshed up uncomfortably against it too, little bits of grit digging into her scales. Her high heels wobbled - heaven knew just how she'd been able to walk in them so far! - and she would have teetered off-balance if not for her brother holding her firm and fast, hefting her hips back to him, tail thrust up and out of the way for his fucking pleasure. He spread her buttocks apart, digging his fingers into her soft flesh, and murmured something about what a fine 'ass' she had; Fyr would never know what he said as her second orgasm of the night hit her.
And he encouraged it, hissing at her to scream for him, to moan for him, the dominant brother that she was so very willingly submitting to. For Fyr had not tried to get away from him once as he pounded her in the alleyway, intent on his pleasure even as he mocked and scorned her for doing as he willed, a powerful being in every single way. There was no denying the force and power in his muscular body, after all, as he fucked his babbling sister through climax, stars leaping and dancing as Fyr closed her eyes, pleasure rolling through her over and over again. The ridges on his shaft were just what did the trick for her and had her rocking back against him however weakly as energy drained from her body. But a fuck-toy didn't need to have energy to be good at what they did, a hole to be penetrated and cast aside when the dominator was done. Kao, on the other hand, was far from done with her.
Power radiated from him with each and every thrust, the sloppiness of her cunt growing more and more with every thrust as if he was already ejaculating, but she was just that wet, the little pre-cum nowhere near enough to make that much mess. It drooled thickly down her inner thighs and splattered on the floor with a sharp, wet sound that even she could not miss, head spinning and body already aching for another orgasm, tail curling back around him as if she thought that, somehow, she could now control her demonic power. Regardless of her tail, he thrust and pounded her as hard and as fast as he liked, the pressure on the leash at great risk of cutting off her air supply, even though he wasn't thinking about that. Guaranteed, it was not something he would think about as he fucked his pet for all he was worth, driving her into the wall as climax rose up inside him, as fierce and radiant as the dragons of olden times.
He did not hold back his roar either as he filled her, the sound of his pleasure echoing off the alleyway as he hauled her viciously back against him, Fyr choking and gagging, eyes near enough popping out of her skull, even as another orgasm exploding through her. It was impossible to know just what had set it off but floating on a rising and falling throb of ecstasy was hardly a bad place to be and it was all given to her by her...her what, exactly?
Master? Was that the right word? Did it need... A demonic master? That was maybe more accurate but Fyr could not spare a thought for what he was to her or what she was to him as he sawed through her, each and every scrape of his ridges bringing a fresh thrum of pleasure to a mind that was already broken by lust.
And, when he was done with her, at least for then, he allowed her to slip to the floor amongst the tattered remains of the pretty top she'd worn out, cut low across the breasts even though he preferred her, of course, to not be wearing anything at all. The sheer panties had been torn at some point during the process of him fucking her (clearly tugging them aside hadn't quite been enough) and hung around her thighs in similar shreds, although that was, by far, the least of Fyr's concerns at that moment as the leash, once more, drew firm, drawing her attention back to the only one that mattered.
"You're not done yet, sis."
Looking up, his cock filled her vision, not even soft and, like the good submissive pet she was, she parted her lips for it, eyes half-lidded with her own lust and pussy already aching for more.
She knew what she needed.