Cuckolded by Her Mother: Chapter 37

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#37 of Cuckolded by her Mother

Fyr never thought that she would be truly owned by a demon... And possession is only the start of it.

Last one for the time being, lads and ladies! But more coming with other universes with these characters, different stories outside Cuckolded by Her Mother! :)

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Cuckolded by Her Mother

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

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They planned the ceremony without asking Fyr about it. It had been Kao, of course, who had suggested it, coming back into the club that night with Fyr's leash wound around his wrist like a trophy, something that he was proud of achieving, even though it was really the collar around her neck and the submissive dragoness that he brought back with him that was the real trophy. Gallantly, he shed his jacket for her, although it didn't really cover all that much, at least allowing Fyr some modicum of modesty, hiding her breasts from public show and display as much as her strange family may have liked to show her off. Kao was not the only one she fucked that night but she was made to stay out with barely anything to cover her chest and no panties on at all, the gropes and prods and fingers sliding up into her sopping wet pussy back out on the dance floor enough to have her panting for more in no time at all.

Fucked in the club. Fingered at the bar. Taken in the car and made to suck cock before they even got back into the house the next day, crashing in a hotel for a few, further lust-stricken hours where she was filled in all holes, losing track of which cock was fucking her as all of the males took turns. The most erotic of them all was when Scott pounded her, much smaller and cuter and running on espresso martinis, and Ropes filled him too, the cougar's yowls surely disturbing just about everyone else in the hotel too while she was used and abused just as she wanted to be.

It was, of course, difficult to deny what her mind wanted as well as her body now, the passion that coursed through her as she raised her buttocks obediently for her brother to take her tail hole and Sasha crushed her pussy into her snout. She was there to do as they pleased and there was something of a relief in the release of control, the overbearing need to be in charge of everything in her working life prior and, of course, the ranch too. It was her baby, of course, and she had to do her best for what was now both her life and her business but it was not the be all and end all of life itself. There was more to it and she could relax and let others make the big decisions for her when she was down on her knees, as much conflict as it liked to raise in her mind. There would always be a part of her, after all, that rebelled and pulled back with a hiss, seeking to take back that control for herself, or sulked out in the shed, avoiding the family the best she could just so that she could either make a point or pretend, undoubtedly, that nothing strange or bad was happening at all. It was all subjective anyway.

Little did Fyr know that all was about to change, becoming all the seedier and more sordid for Kao's ever-developing and increasing control over her. And Kao liked what he had there. He liked it rather a lot, in fact, and Sasha only fed it, moaning out what a hot stud he was as her son filled her on the bed that should have been shared between Fyr and Ropes along, head hanging off over the edge of the bed so that her mouth could then be crammed full by the cock of one of the males, pleasured in every way that a demoness possibly could have imagined for herself. Sasha's world too was expanding as she learned more and more about what it meant to be a demon, feeding her lust and corrupting her son into the darkness that she had welcomed entirely as her own. After all, it was just where she had always been meant to be and, finally, she belonged.

Shaking herself free and stumbling from the bedroom, Fyr heaved for breath, her scales sticky with sweat, although, at that point, the day was still young. How could she be so tired already? There was too much to do and just what did she think she was doing laying about the bedroom getting fucked as if she had nothing better to do with her time? She wasn't a rebel teenager! Ah, reminiscent of her earlier years when she'd broken through into erotic adulthood had been an experience but even she remembered just how the later years in particular had made her want to do, well, pretty much nothing at all. Yet neither could she go full pelt twenty-four seven either! The demons, sure, as she was not even really sure that they slept at all anymore, which was just even more of a problem when it came to Fideal, restless and wanting of attention at all hours of the day and night. There just wasn't time for all that fun too!

A break. She needed a break. It was all fuck and no rest for the demons and Fyr's body could not keep up with that breakneck pace forever, wishing only to sink down into the soft comfort of an armchair with a good book and maybe even a glass of whatever liquor was taking her fancy at that time too. Why dictate everything? There needed to be peace for the mind too as she kept her distance for a little while, preparing herself lunch and hastening outside to work in the shop where she needed to repair a heater, sweat beading on her brow as she tried to dig into the desperately necessary but tricky work. Of course, there was no rest to be had for the wicked and it was not her forte, which only frustrated her all the more, slamming her fist into the bench with enough force that even her tools jumped as if with a mind of their own.

"Darn it!"

Her tone took on more and more of her mother's twang as she tried to get the job done, bodged it and decided that was good enough, as long as it still worked. By then, the morning had passed into early afternoon, her eating times and sleep schedule all but wrecked with everything going on. And she was far, far too tired to consider listing everything that she had in her life to make her so tired, eyelids weighed down as she lethargically trudged all the way back up to the ranch house, each and every step seeming to take far more effort than she had ever remembered them doing before. It was funny how things worked like that but it was not for her to waste time and mental energy worrying about, scales itching and all the jobs that she had not yet had the time to work on running through her mind, the dragon caught up in the act of chasing its tail over and over again.

Maybe things could have been different if she had not walked upstairs, taking the stairs very slowly and, unusually for her, one at a time. All that had happened with her mother and Ropes and then Kao and Scott too seemed to occur simply through a series of events, even though she could not honestly say to herself whether they were unfortunate or not. She had no true paw in any of the dealings there and washed herself of it, dusting off her palms as intricately wound up in everything as she was. There was little more that could be done, bearing in mind that she had to, somehow, remain sane too, although there was that matter of the old radio she wanted to retrieve from her bedroom, just a little something to pass the time while she worked. It could even keep her a little more awake too, which would just be another bonus too.

Yet all of those plans fell away like water down an incline, thoughts flowing seamlessly as if they had never truly been to begin with. Kao stood on the upstairs landing with a casual smirk on his face as if he had been expecting her to arrive at that very moment and Fyr's skin crawled uncomfortably to think that he had been watching her, maybe, make her slow, slow way back up to the ranch house, putting one hind paw in front of the other as she tried to make something of her day. Of course, he was as naked as he always was, shaft hard and pointed directly at her as if she had, in effect, become a target. Maybe she always had been, to him.

"Hi..." She said slowly, dragging out the word as if to show her tiredness even more; the droop of her wings should have been enough. "What's going on?"

His smirk deepened, blue scales coolly radiant as if he had not spent the last few hours without her doing anything but making himself feel fresh and primed and all-over exceptionally well in himself. Fyr clenched her jaw a little harder, although didn't have the energy to make a thing of it. It really must be nice for those who didn't actually have to do everything to keep the ranch running. Just where was all the help that she'd had before? Where had it all gone?

"Get showered, sis."

She pressed her lips together, eyeing him up and down speculatively. Just how far could she push? It was impossible to calculate as the slits of her brother's pupils narrowed again, lips parting ever so slightly as if he was deliberately showing off those predatory fangs, what he could normally hide but, of course, put on show just for her. If only they didn't make her legs go so weak, head woozy and knees threatening to give out entirely.

"What's going on?"

But he had no intention of telling her, turning on his heel and curling his tail around her wrist like the lash of a whip, cock hard and leading the way as he dragged her down the upstairs hallway to only the one place that he could, based on what they'd all planned without her. She cried out and squalled like a hatchling herself but she had no idea where Fideal was - maybe out with her temporary 'aunt'? - and did not have much more time in which to care as she was made to shower like a toddler who was, well and truly, simply interested in kicking up one hell of a fuss.

Stripped of her clothes without care for their upkeep or, in fact, the notion that she may have wanted to wear them again without the buttons popped off and zip broken, he forced her in, a laugh breaking from his muzzle, delighting in her frustration. There was nothing cooling or soothing to come, however, as the hot water cascaded over her in blissful relief but only for a moment as Kao joined her in the shower, blocking out any hope of exit and pinning her up against the cold of the far wall, not even under the stream of luxurious water. Growling, she snapped defiantly at him but the demon only laughed and slammed her paws back against the tiles as she tried to fight back, her efforts about as effective as the flopping writhe of a fish caught out of water.

"Just making sure you get good and clean, Fyr, don't want you to be coming to us now with your scales all grimy, do we?"

Truthfully, she did need a shower but she most certainly did not need to be treated like a youngster who could not take care of herself while she was having one! Yet it would have lent itself to his fantasy imaginings of her being something that he could control, that he would control... Fyr bristled and snarled, showing her teeth, eyes narrowed. He was her brother! And just who did he really think he was to be able to tell her when she had to shower, let alone get in the shower with her?

Of course, that was by the by and Kao wasted no time in shutting down that protest, shoving her head under the water and holding her there as she jerked and spluttered. There was no getting out of a demon's hold, as she should have well enough have known, but that didn't stop her body from instinctively fighting against the sensation of water trickling into her nostrils and mouth and eyes, squeezing all shut that she could against the splattering deluge that was not going to stop until Kao, surely, deemed that she had done what he wanted her to.

He washed her from head to toe as if assuming, truly, that she could not or even would not do it for herself, the grime from her workshop draining darkly down the plug hole, although they did not stop up the shower all that much, in all honesty. It had no purpose but neither did it seem like being turned around in the shower, fingers digging crudely up into her pussy, had any rhyme or reason to it too, fingering her as if he was trying to make sure that she was good and clean in all places.

She protested but any words she did manage to force out as he squeezed his paw around her throat, the collar gleaming in the spray from the shower, were gargled and useless - nothing that would put off a demon in the slightest. He had his sister just where he wanted her and Fyr's mind ached too to sink down, to think about nothing else at all and just to serve as she wavered on the edge, the line too tempting to cross over. How far could she go into depravity and still be herself at the end of it or had that ship absolutely sailed?

He did not spare her tail hole either, fingers curling up soap suds even there as she shuddered, humiliated and a dark flush creeping down her neck, heating up her scales. Either too hot under the water or too cold out of it, she moaned and arched her back as Kao, almost tenderly, suckled on each nipple in turn, enjoying her body even as he prepared her for the very special ceremony to come.

There may have been an orgasm involved: a quickie with Fyr's head pinned back against the wall, on her knees with his shaft slammed up crudely into the back of her throat. It was hard to say, everything a blur of heat and water and groping, crass fingers. The heady aroma of cherry blossom soap and gel filled her nostrils and she sneezed as she was lifted from the shower, dried off briskly and rudely when his paws, once again, got more than a little bit too personal.

"Oh, no, sis... Found another wet spot."

And he took too much pleasure in running the towel between her legs too, cleaning up every drop of lustful juices that her body shamefully produced, a law unto itself as his cock swelled up thick and full all over again. It seemed like it took nothing at all to get him hard and Fyr was becoming quite like that too, only that her pussy was often so wet and dripping that she found herself needing to change her underwear several times throughout the day or else sit and squirm in the wetness of them, reminded in every moment just where her lust came from and who fed it for her.

Yes... She could not think for a time if Kao was in charge, her master. The thoughts came hazily but each and every one helped to push her deeper and deeper, submission and the desire for it burning deep in her gut where it could not be sated by fingers or tongues alone but required something...more potent. And if she needed to play her part as his little pet then she would just have to do that to get what she wanted from them too. Resolve boosted, she lifted her chin defiantly, jaw tilted at a jaunty angle that, somehow, felt powerful, her stride a little bouncier again as she followed her brother down to the living room, the communal family space that could not hold any surprises at all for a dragoness like her.

If they were playing games with her, then she'd just have to play them right back again!

Yet not even Fyr could have possibly have predicted just what awaited her in a room that was usually crammed with furniture and, more recently, Fideal's toys and belongings - everything that was needed and more to look after a hatchling in a family environment. It had become a sanctuary and a safe space of sorts as their activities as demons were kept away from her where it became a sexual act, respecting the peace of a youngster that would come to know what it meant to be a demon when she was of age and crossed the border with the traditional rite of passage. The sparse landscape where the furniture had been pushed back against the walls where it had not been possible to remove it (presumably in a short span of time) and the fireplace too was even blocked off by the sofa, the pile of firewood that she'd stacked up knocked over as if those working there had had to move quickly.

Sasha. Ropes. Scott. Behind her, Kao, pushing her in the small of her back so that she stepped into the middle of the room as the sun began to set outside the window. Just how much of the day had passed? She had things to do! What were they thinking, dragging her in there for something silly?

And she'd made up her mind to tell them just that when Sasha clapped her paws, the sharp noise echoing strangely in a room that, suddenly, seemed too bare and forlorn without the belongings that Fyr had lovingly chosen for it to take into its possession. Scott stepped back, eyes wide, but even he knew more than Fyr as a rumbling chuckle worked its way up out of Sasha's gut, the older dragoness' wings flapping lightly, stirring up the otherwise still air of the room that was foreign and strange in its current state. It was not her that spoke, however, but the cougar who was already sliding a tentacle around her waist and into one of her belly-slits, seeking his pleasure even as it lingered within his reach, simply waiting for him to hungrily snatch it up for his own.

"Let the ceremony begin."

There was no need for Ropes to raise his voice, his gravelly tone commanding attention. It was the best way, really, to tell who was the top demon in any given room, although it was unlike those in the mortal world to spend so much time in close proximity to other demons. Maybe Fyr and Scott balanced it out for them but that did not explain why Ropes launched himself at Fyr with a feral howl, claws out and white eyes glowing for her as his teeth showed, black lips pulling back as if he was actually, this time, going to sink his fangs into her.

She couldn't help herself: she tried to run. Her paws moved more quickly than her mind could catch up and she slammed into Kao's broad, muscular chest, scales curving around the definition of his flesh, with full force. A grunt was all that she had the chance to give, however, as she was too rapidly snatched back by her husband's tentacles, her husband laughing and shaking his head mockingly even as she was tipped upside down, dangling as helplessly as a bird, or maybe even a dragon, who had had their wings clipped.

"Did you really think you could get away? After we'd gone to all the effort of preparing everything just for you? Oh, Fyr..."

His voice would have been considered suave and sinuous, sensitive, even, to anyone else but she knew the true meaning behind what he said, how every word meant something else entirely and she could never be truly sure what was going on. He had more than enough tentacles to entrap her in mid-air as her chest heaved, breasts rising and falling dramatically, eyes wide and wild and searching for escape as adrenaline lent her energy. But he was only hefting her up, at that time, at least, to flip her about and present a bottle of blue liquid to her that looked and smelled just like the most rancid of energy drinks - something that Fyr had turned her nose up time after time again.

"No! Ropes - no, I don't like..."

Yet it went without saying that he easily quieted her protests and pressed the bottle to her lips, the correct way up, another tentacle hooking into her mouth to force it open. He was not one to persuade or convince her, after all, and the weird concoction was going down her throat one way or another as she gulped and spluttered, simply intent on doing everything she could to prevent herself from choking. It tingled as it went down, the feel of it disappearing into her belly seeming to spread through her body to every limb and right down to the very tips of her fingers, a sense of invigoration and life flooding her. She couldn't stay still, squirming and wriggling and moaning as her needy pussy clenched down around nothing, missing the feel of something, anything, rammed up inside her. Moaning, she writhed and twisting, turning her muzzle desperately from one family member to another (even to Scott!), wondering why they didn't just do something with her. Didn't they see just how badly she needed it?

But when her eyes returned to her husband, twisting back at a difficult angle to meet his gaze, that conniving smirk turning her heart over in the very best of ways all over again, wanting him over all else. He would always be the one who had her heart, regardless of everything else that had transpired and, in the end too, what he had done to her. And how she needed his cock, salivating for him as she twisted and fought like a wildcat (maybe even a demoness) herself to get to him, jaw hanging open with raw desire that one could not hope to possibly seal away from public view.

Winking at her, Ropes allowed a tentacle into her mouth as she suckled desperately, mumbling wants and convoluted needs around the thick appendage, all the while wishing that it was something else as her submissive mind took hold, clawing back control from the realm of normalcy. And who wanted to be normal anyway?

"That little bottle is a nicety from Sasha, but you can thank her for that. Go on now..."

Ropes purred but there was nothing for a dragoness to purr about as her nose was pushed into Sasha's pussy, hanging suspended horizontally in the air as she could not help but let her lower jaw hang open, tongue flopping out. Oh... What had been in that drink? Was it something more? What did he mean by saying that she had to thank Sasha for it? Yet she could not waste time thinking about that as Sasha proudly hitched up her leg over her daughter's back, trusting her demon-husband to support her as they both bore her weight, Fyr's tongue curling instinctively around her clit, seeking out the spot that would provide her mother with the most pleasure.

"Ohhh, yes, that's it, daughter," she groaned loudly, too loudly, putting on a show for those who were there to join in the orgy, their lust and passion enough to fill the entire ranch house if they so pleased. "Harder... Do you think a demon can feel that, sugar? I said harder!"

She slapped Fyr's face and yet the dragoness could not even let the force of the blow snap her head around, soreness radiating through her neck that, blessedly, was swiftly forgotten. No, all the slutty dragoness wrapped up in the wiles of the energising potion that she would only later find out had been brewed with Sasha's sexual juices wanted was to suckle on the throbbing love-bud of her mother's clit and give her all the pleasure she could have wanted in the world and still more than that again.

Kao took up position behind their mother, filling her pussy in one effortless thrust as if that was just where his cock was meant to go, where it belonged, the dragoness' moans ramping up into overdrive as she was brutally and lustfully pounded. It was all just as she wanted it, the lewd, wet slurp of his cock disappearing into her tight pussy making Fyr's head spin, wanting something more that she could not, even then, put her finger on. It was strange to feel so set apart from a situation as she was in the thick of it, something akin to a dildo that one could pick up and put down from time to time, whenever the fancy took them.

Or not. She could be cast aside too and it was with that thought in mind that she lashed Sasha's clit with her tongue over and over again, bringing her to a screaming, throbbing drive of a climax, wings beating and buffeting her daughter with a dragon-made breeze. Moaning into her mother's sex, Fyr lost herself in the moment, the aroma of sweat and draconic musk filling her senses as Kao pounded in, intent only on his own pleasure even as he groped and squeezed his mother's tits too. Ignorant to the dragoness who had brought her so much pleasure, orgasm rippling through her in a golden glow of sensation, she cried out for her son to fuck her harder, to pound her with that big cock of his, every word carefully chosen to push her own daughter out of the picture. After all, she was just an afterthought in the event that had been put together for...

No. That would come in time and Fyr could only suckle desperately, hoping against hope as Ropes stretched open her tail hole, not even doing her the honour of fucking her pussy as if even that was not worth his time, that he would give her some pleasure too. Nothing she had the luxury and pleasure of feeling seemed to come close to that sense of pleasure that some part of her, a primal, needy part, so desperately needed, rocking and grinding her hips back with a muffled mewl of lust as she yearned for him. Yet Ropes was not going to give in so easily when she was just another hole to plough, each and every rampant thrust into her tight tail hole shoving her into Sasha's cunt as her mother cried out in her second orgasm, Kao not far behind her.

Everything was a blur, one action flowing seamlessly into the next as if all was co-ordinated. The only one who could have been said to be ever so slightly out of sync was Scott with his stumbling haste to keep up, bouncing on his soles as if he too was drugged with the same concoction that Fyr was to keep his energy and stamina up. It was not so bad to feel so awake and yet every sensation was enhanced into crystalline detail without her own orgasm to show for it, heaving and panting and begging down on her knees when she was finally released from Ropes' tentacles for them to give her release too. Kao laughed at her and shoved her towards Scott, saying something about him being more her speed - it was hard to remember the exact wording as, in the very moments following his words, she threw herself with a needy cry at the stoat who was barely prepared to receive her.

Yet his pussy needed attention too and, under Sasha's cajoling and direction, Fyr ran her tongue around the soft outer lips, learning the curves and confines of them for the first time. He was nothing like her mother's pussy but something more carnal and intimate at the same time, whimpering and twitching above her as she learned just how his body would react to her, what he liked as he pushed down on her muzzle. Kneeling astride her head as she lay back on the floor, her pussy in use by Kao who wasted no time in expending his orgasm over her belly, creamy strands of cum painting her scales, Scott moaned and rocked in time with the gentle laps of her tongue, digging up inside his passage as his balls rested lightly on her head.

When Kao disappeared, leaving her pussy terribly and unpleasantly vacant, it was only to give Sasha the attention that she so desperately craved too, her needs coming first in their books when their pleasure was also a top priority. Wasn't it nice that they all came together so well? As Fyr swapped between bringing Scott to climax by suckling at his little clit and taking his cock deep into her maw, Ropes lay back on the floor for Sasha to ride him, enjoying the luxury of, for a time, being a lazy feline. It was not all to be for him, however, Kao driving up into Sasha's pussy alongside him with a grunt and a heave, working to get every last inch of his shaft into her as Sasha was blissfully stretched out by not one but two cocks.

Neither demon would admit to it afterwards but the sensation of their cocks pressed up against one another as they drove into her in unison, pounding Sasha as she screamed and roared for more, wings snapping out against Kao's chest, but it was exquisite. Put quite simply, there really was no other word for it as Sasha tried to grind back on both of them simultaneously, the overstimulation more than enough to explode the mind of a mere mortal - but she was far more than that. She was a demoness in her own right, learning how much power there was out there for her to take and that power allowed her to take both of the males who gave her demonic heart such illicit pleasure, their shafts driving up alongside her cervix into that slight bit of softness that, then and only then, allowed them to be hilted inside her.

Yes... Lust flowed through her as if she was drinking from the fountain of youth itself, alive and thriving and wanting as Ropes yowled and sank his teeth into her shoulder, the sharp bite of pain searing through her in the most erotic of fashions. Her eyes rolled back into her head, glowing dangerously, but all she wanted was more as his tentacles too pushed into the slits in her belly, filling every one as they were designed to do. The only thing that was missing from that, as he used them like cocks to pound her, was the fact that her muzzle and tail hole were left, woefully, without their due attention, greed forcing her own to want after more and more, always more.

What else could a demon want from life, after all? They were designed like that by some higher power, as lacking in control of themselves as they were in control over those that fed their lusts, sating their need for sexual ecstasy. There was nothing to be had in sexual exhaustion as Kao panted heavily, hot breath washing over her scales, pushing down as close to her as possible, wings crushed but she had not the desire to spread them out of the way. No, all she needed was for her males to keep fucking her, Ropes' tentacles slamming in as deep as they could possibly go, bottoming out inside her as the passages from those slits too tightened around him in the sweet, sweet prelude to orgasm.

And all three climaxed at once, Fyr distracted with Scott's shaft filling her mouth, their roars and growls rising so fervently that even Fyr had to spare a moment of thanks to any listening deity that they were doing it in the ranch house out in the middle of nowhere and not in her old townhouse. One could only imagine what complaints the neighbours would have after an incident like that, after all! She could not have anticipated, however, just why they were working themselves up so much, the scent of sex hanging in the air of the usually spacious and airy living room as if it had formed a visible, heavy cloud in there, impossible to miss or be affected by. And it was far from over yet.

The demons worked themselves up into a frenzy, fucking and breeding every hole that became available to them. On all fours, Sasha allowed her males to take her from either end, Ropes in her muzzle and Kao filling her pussy once again, although he crammed a tentacle into her tail hole too for good measure. Why, after all, should she miss out on ecstasy when it was right there to be taken? Moaning around her demon-husband's cock, Sasha shuddered between them, eager for the lure of climax once more, craving the intense feeding that only really came from an orgy. Maybe it had all, in fact, been planned for her, to show her the true lust and power of demonhood but even she could not deny the true intention behind the fuck-frenzy of the early evening, which was only set to continue.

Only then were they ready could they go on to the next stage of the plan, the little bit that would seal the deal when it came to Fyr and Kao. She should have been honoured, truly, they agreed amongst themselves in the days that came before, and what better way to reward Fyr for taking such good care of her half-sister, Fideal, than to give her a little drop of a demonic gift?

Yet gifts came with a price and Fyr moaned as she was pulled away from the sloppy kiss that she was sharing with Scott, heart hammering with passion. He did not follow her, breath catching in his throat and something that Fyr could not decipher crossing his muzzle, eyes narrowing with concern for her. But she was with her family so what could possibly be wrong? She smiled comfortingly to him, trying to let him know without words that she knew she was in a safe space, even though the stoat knew the truth of the matter and that it was far, far from anything she could have expected from the sickness curdling through her demonic family like milk turned sour on the doorstep.

Pushed onto her back, the dragoness moaned as two pairs of lips locked around her nipples, feminine paws pinning her wrists back behind her head, stretched out like an offering on the rug that she'd picked out for the hardwood flooring. It provided just the right amount of support and cushioning to her back and she hissed through her teeth as those lips travelled down her body, seemingly intent on something of their own design. No, she could not have known what they truly intended as Sasha dangled something over her head with the very tip of her tail, the flexible appendage teasing her with the lure of a small, metal object that was not all that far removed from what may have been used to cut out fancy cookies or biscuits from a sheet of dough or mix.

"Oh, sugar... We have something so special for you. Are you ready for it?"

But how could she possibly be ready for something that she did not understand or know? Fyr wrinkled up her muzzle, lips parting as Kao positioned himself between her legs, holding them apart with his knees, digging lightly but dominantly into the muscle and flesh of her thighs. She was not in tune with herself to sense the danger she was in, Ropes' eyes glowing ferociously in the way that they only did when he had good and proper set his sights on his prey. Yet who was the prey this time?

"Wait..." She blinked, confusing rising swiftly, something darker and more twisted still clenching its tendrils about her heart. "What's that? What are you..."

Grinning, Sasha blew her a kiss, puckered and wet and grossly not reassuring in the slightest, turning the metal emblem over in her paw as if she was memorising the shape of it. Ropes passed her a small jug that could have been used as decoration, perhaps for a flower or two, that stank of something acrid and seething, the roil and hiss of whatever the concoction was clearly audible as if something...

Fyr sucked in a breath, eyes wide. It hit her then in a dull sort of roar that her body only registered as sickening dread, knowing intrinsically that her day was going terribly, terribly wrong even though she could not say in just what way. What was it about whatever it was in that little jug with the smooth lip and no lid that struck such fear into her heart, breath coming shortly and shallowly, unable to get anywhere near enough of it into her lungs? Sasha smirked at her, allowing Ropes to take over holding his _dear_wife's paws down as he passed the jug over, the dragoness in charge holding up both implements with the most sinister grin yet that she had ever been able to stretch her pretty lips into.

"Oh, darling, you're going to love this!"

And yet something in Fyr's mind, the part that still held on to the desire and want to survive, said that, no, she very much was not going to love it - she wasn't even going to like it. Heaving a breath, she twisted and screamed but Ropes leaned down on her wrists, smirking and shaking his head pityingly at her as she thrashed like a demon herself, kicking out at nothing that would prove effective and, really, only managing to crack her ankle painfully on the wooden leg of the armchair that they had, clearly, not quite managed to scoot far enough out of the way. The pain did not stop her as she fought back, writhing and twisting only to the extent that they allowed her to. Of course, her efforts were in vain and no one had any intention of actually seriously entertaining an escape from her, as adorable as her thinking that she had any sway in the situation at all was.

"What..." She panted, eyes wide and strained, orbs that should have been able to see and yet could not see what was going to happen to her. "What are you..."

She couldn't even get out the question - how pathetic was that? Unable to complete the utterance, she devolved into a whimper, cowering down as if she could disappear into the rug itself if only she tried hard enough, sweating profusely as each and every breath she managed to drag into her lungs raked against her eardrums.


So went the pounding of her heart, the beat to which her shame would be complete.

"A mark to show where you belong, my dear," Sasha simpered, her tone sickeningly sweet in the way that one who believed that they were truly doing the right thing could only manage. "These little rebellions... Well, sugar, they just won't fly with us. And you need to be a good little submissive draggie for mom and your 'best bro' too now, don't you?"

She laughed but Fyr saw no humour in her words, opening and closing her mouth soundlessly as Sasha loomed, suddenly appearing much larger and more dominant than she was in real life. Was it a dream - a nightmare that she would soon wake from? Ah, if only wishful thinking got her further than it actually did, maybe she would find herself in a more positive situation overall. Yet that was not to be as Sasha exhaled a calculated, narrow jet of flame, heating up the contents as they leapt and spat as if they too were trying to escape.

"Scott... Why don't you do the honours?"

What honours? What were they going to do to her? What mark? The dragoness' head spun with question after question as she tried to appear as small and as meek and obedient as possible, just in case they would change their minds. A psyche out would be just their style too, fucking with her mind until she was a twisted, blubbering wreck of the dragoness that she had once been. Yet that was not to be ever again as her mind had changed so much even if she didn't want to acknowledge it, dimly and vaguely aware of Scott arguing in hushed tones with the demons, something about not wanting to do it...

It went without saying, of course, that he would be forced to do it, Fyr's mouth dry as Sasha held down the metal guide on her lower abdomen, just above her pussy and her clit. Her muscles twitched automatically away from her touch, fearing what was to come and the potential bite of pain, adrenaline coursing through her veins with nowhere to run. Licking her lips, Fyr whimpered through a mouth that was far too dry, eyes strained and vision greying out as she looked up at those who should have been there looking out for her, there to protect her, but were now only in it for what she could, maybe, do for them. And her use was up for debate too, ever-changing and entirely with the potential to be cast aside entirely.

It was no comfort that Scott didn't want to hurt her, for he was going to be forced to do it anyway, as much a slave and prey to the demons that had taken over both of their lives. The only difference was that he wanted to be where he was and, despite the sweet taste of submission, Fyr was not all that sure that she wanted to give up complete autonomy over her own life. She had to know herself, retain some little bit of control - most of all over her own body! And, still, they loomed, laughing at her even as the stoat's lips pressed into a thin line that trembled, sealing away the words that may have made things just a little bit better. There was nothing more to say.

As if in a dream, she sucked back and away from her body, watching as if from above or a great distance as the cool metal warmed to the touch of her scales, the heat of her sweating, pulsing body more than enough to heat it up. Fire crackled ashen in the back of her maw and she swallowed it down, thinking of the room, the drapes, the furniture that she'd so carefully picked out. She couldn't set fire to it and a sick little part of her mind knew anyway that there was no way that a little bit of flame would stop them, even with the risk of the ranch house burning down as a result of their fetish and lewd joy.

And, so, she could do nothing to stop the mark from being placed, Scott mouthing something to her that she could not catch as she turned her face away, not wanting to see. Maybe it was all just a game still. Maybe they would stop. Maybe it would not be so bad.

"You belong to Kao now. This collar and this brand will show that to anyone and everyone. There's no hiding it now."

Didn't she already know that? Was the collar not enough? Her lips parted but what came out was not words but a strangled, blood-curdling scream as pain lanced through her lower abdomen. It was only then that she realised just why the demons had to hold her down so firmly as searing, burning heat unlike anything that she'd ever felt before her shot through her innards, seeming to burrow far more deeply than any outward mark should have had the right too. Arching her back, her vision misted over, wavering on the edge of passing out from the pain, smoke pouring from her nostrils and painfully hanging open maw, eyes watering as if her body too wanted to, finally, push her away from the place that should have been safe, where she could call home.

She wasn't home anymore.

"Acid won't wash off, Fyr," Sasha murmured, eyes alight with mockery, leaning on her daughter's hips to keep them perfectly still bar the muscular twitches that not even the demons could control. "This will be with you forever... You should really be thanking us for this gift, you know, because you won't earn another like this for a long, long while! And that's only if you're a very good_slut_ for us too. Are you going to be a good submissive whore for your family?"

She may as well have been talking gibberish for as much sense as Fyr was able to make out from it, hissing and squirming and fighting. If she hadn't been held down so securely, her mind a blurry wash of pain with no rest or respite to be had, she would have been contorting like a creature possessed, spitting and clawing at her own body in a futile attempt to rid herself of the pain. The acid filled the etching of the brand, which had to be held down firmly in place, the thick reek of something burning - her! It was her body! - filling the air, enough to even overpower the ever-present scent of sex and lust that seemed to follow the demons around.

There seemed to be no end, Fyr's mind flicking from reality to another world where sensation was dulled, pain washing out into a thick mass that could be backed away from, if only for a time. Maybe it was the adrenaline, her body striving to protect her mind as it supposed that she was undergoing severe bodily harm, or maybe she was just getting used to it. Maybe she was just being a wimp and the pain was not actually all that bad, something that she should really have been able to grin and bear her way through regardless of the tears wetting her cheeks, body reacting where her mind, for the immediate moment, could not.

Scott said something but all that existed in her mind was a roar of white noise, their laughs and moans coming together into an ugly cacophony, Ropes slamming his tentacles into Sasha's slits (one up into her pussy too, just for good measure) with raw, wild abandon. Sasha trembled, struggling to hold the brand still on Fyr as Scott's paw jerked too, spilling a drop of liquid pain onto her belly where it fizzled away, scarring her scales forevermore. Fyr could not have even have said right there and then what colour it was, twisting her head back and forth with her teeth clenched, the pain shooting through the line of her jaw nothing in comparison to the soreness radiating out from her stomach, alternating between sharp and dull and biting.

She could not say either just how much time had passed as she rocked and moaned and, weakly, strived to free herself, all to no avail. There was no sense of soothing or comfort, or she would later tell herself that she was just too out of it to take note, the demons mocking her openly as she faded in and out, their voices rising and falling as if something had suddenly been taken wrong with her hearing. But there was nothing wrong with Fyr's hearing, just her mind as it slipped in and out with reality, wanting to take her away and yet finding that the pain dragged her back each and every time.

Scott... She did not look at Scott, gasping and panting and whimpering, much to her shame, as her scales sizzled and, slowly, took in the acid. She knew it was done only when the release of pressure came, the whole section of her lower abdomen and lower again still a writhing mass of pain, stomach churning with nausea that still did not feel as if it was actually able to rise up in her throat. She had not eaten anything and had only bile to give as Sasha moved out of her eye line and Kao shifted over her, his cock easily finding her pussy.

"Mine now..."

The hiss told a different tale to his words and, somehow, his claiming felt all the more real that time, the heat of his body exquisitely coming up against hers. It should have been pleasurable and it should have been erotic but there was nothing kinky about pain to her, her moans laden with sorrow and grief for the family that should have been hers and that should have been there to protect her over and over again and, yet, were not. He spent himself quickly inside her and she wondered, dimly, if he'd been jacking himself off while Scott had been applying the brand, the mark etched into her...forever. It was there forever. There would be no explaining that one away, even if she'd even thought she'd have anyone outside the family that would ever again need it explained to them.

No... No. She didn't think, just cried quietly as Kao filled her, his seed drooling from her in the mess of remaining pussy juice, her body responding even through the pain to what she'd thought she lusted after. The drake laughed and groped her tit before leaving as if to take part in a final, parting blow, her nipples perked up in the cool air of the living room, although he just took it for arousal. Her family always took everything for arousal.

And then they left her, enjoying their orgy in the way that only they could, Kao pushing into his mother's tail hole as she lovingly wrapped her tail around his waist and moaned for him to fuck her harder. Always harder, always more: that was the way of it when it came to demons and would always be too. They could take it even if the mere mortals that flocked to them could not, lusting after the power that would never, not even once, truly be under their control, as much as they thought that maybe, just maybe, they might possibly be lucky enough to get a taste of it.

She curled into herself, covering her dignity, struck bare before them, rendered vulnerable. It hadn't mattered for a long time, being naked, but it seemed of the utmost importance all of a sudden, one little thing that she could at least attempt to hide from them. They'd yank away her arms and her tail eventually, however, but she could protect herself until then, the acid of the brand burning into her even as she struggled to ignore it. That was the thing about a brand: as much as she fought to turn the other cheek and to pretend that it was not even there, it was permanent. It would always be there.

Scott crept up to her, placing one paw in front of the other very carefully as if he was trying to be subtle, to make as little noise as possible. Of course, while it was not difficult to be heard in a room of fucking, hot and sweaty demons, it was difficult to be subtle, obvious in his being out of place with regards to the situation at hand. If he had fit in, he would have been on his back, perhaps tonguing Sasha's belly-slits while the males took him from either end, swapping whether they would be the one to pound his pussy or his tight tail hole at that time. But he did not fit in, even if he was readily on his knees for them, a stain of cum still wet on his muzzle from where a stray spurt of theirs had gone particularly errant.

She didn't want him there. It was obvious in the set of her shoulders, how she rounded away from him even though she wasn't looking at him, as if she knew he was there without even bothering to raise her head. Scott shivered. Maybe she did not. Maybe he shouldn't have...

But it was what she'd wanted, right? He saw the light in her eyes when she submitted, how good it made her feel inside even if she never actually said that out loud - although who really did? No one vocalised things like that and it made it all the more difficult to tell just what was the truth of a matter.

His fingers trembled, reaching out to close the distance between them, just about brushing her shoulder as she flinched away. He almost gave up right then and there, left for good, but something in him pulled him to the dragoness, a cord that had to draw tight or else snap and be broken forever.

"Fyr... I'm so sorry..."

"Get away from me!" She snapped, jaws clacking together audibly as she hunched in against herself, tail curled around her body for additional protection, although it had not been able to shield her from them. "Stay the fuck away, Scott, or god help me..."

What threat, however, could she possibly deliver to him? The stoat reeled as if he had been struck, tail tucked down over his backside, and deferred to her, leaving her there in the corner with one last unhappy look. There was only so much one could do, even though he had not honestly thought that it would cause her pain. Sasha hadn't told him that part of the plan. Neither had Kao. What did that mean for the two of them? How much were they even keeping from him?

Yet it was hard for the stoat to keep on such a line of thought as his body ached and begged him to enjoy himself, to let go and forget any sense of inhibition that may have, otherwise, have held him back. Just when had that served him well in the past? Scott's lips turned down and he sank sadly back into himself even as his body tingled with desperate heat, wanting something that his mind was not quite ready to acknowledge. They wanted him to enjoy himself too, so just why was he holding back when everything was laid out for him to enjoy?

And that could have been the moment where everything came together for him and he went to comfort Fyr, regardless of the threat and danger of her teeth and claws, for that would have been the right thing to do, regardless of anything else that may have been on the table. There was no question about it, after all, and the right path was there laid out before him as he half-turned back, Kao's roar of orgasm making him jump but without actually, this time, letting his hind paws leave the floor. He was getting better at not being so jumpy, stronger and more settled in himself, knowing just who he was and what he was there in the world to do. Yes... Scott was right where he needed to be and living the life that he wanted to. What about the dragoness, however, that had softened his heart to even the idea of getting involved with something so dark and hotly twisted that even his body had been changed to better suit the whims of those who lusted after him?

Fyr hunched down, chin tucked down to her chest as she wept, paws over the spot where the acid brand had been placed, seared into her scales to stay there forevermore. She could not touch it but she could hover her paws over it, making it seem as if she was just a little bit more protected even if it wasn't really, something to make her mind feel a little more at rest than it currently was. Tear tracks stained her face and she turned her muzzle from the orgy, Sasha with her back to them as she took Kao's shaft into her mouth, Ropes' tentacles stuffed into her belly-slits as if he could actually seed her there too. Fyr whimpered, her sobs dying off, shoulders rounded and every line of her body harried with pain, the tremors hardly subsiding in the slightest. Scott took a deep breath. It was now or never.

He did not comfort Fyr. He could tell himself as much as he liked that it was Sasha's paw on his wrist, dragging him into the orgy, that stopped him from going back but that was just a little white lie, yes, a white lie, that he told himself to make it, at least somewhat, alright in the sanctuary of his own mind.

And it did not matter in the end. The demons clawed at Fyr and hauled her back in and she could not truly tell whether she was being wooden in herself or just deeply submissive. Either way, the effect was the same as she quietly and softly parted her lips for their cocks, Kao and Ropes jostling for position, although it was Ropes, of course, who won that battle as the most dominant of them all. It didn't even feel like his cock anymore driving into her mouth as she tried to take him into her throat, swallowing rapidly as if she was merely going through the motions. No one noticed the tears on her face, not even as Kao pinned her down by the throat and slammed into her pussy, eager to claim her even as his fingers wound around the collar, tugging it tighter still.

"Yes... You. You were always meant to be mine."

She turned her head from one side to the other as she groaned, shaking off the words. No... No, she could not be owned, not like that. That wasn't possible. And yet it was to a demon and Kao roared as he pounded her, staking his claim as Ropes fucked Sasha over them, the hot splatter of the demoness' pussy juices dripping onto Fyr's stomach and breasts, crude to the last drop.

And she could not do a damned thing to stop him from taking her, thrust after thrust powering over her and rolling through, slammed down and driven into nothingness, needing something even as her mind screamed to break free. Her body, however, would not be denied and she allowed her paws to rest loosely at her sides, allowing them all to use her body just as it surely had always been intended to be used. Maybe it was true what he said. Maybe the rush of heat in her loins was a good thing, after all...

Who could tell?

Moaning through the pain, Fyr climaxed on his shaft, her mother above her with her slits pounded with all four of Ropes' tentacles, used in the way that Fyr had once wanted to be used. And down and down and down she sank, whimpering and whining through a rippling shudder of an orgasm that still didn't seem to reach the highs of pleasure that it had before. Sasha cried out but there was no hint of pain in her tone as Kao cruelly pressed down on Fyr's abdomen, pinning the brand into her scales with a biting rip of pain that she could not even vocalise, breath well and truly stripped from her lungs.

That was the crux of it... Everything had to be borne through, regardless of what it was in the end. It did not matter, only the means to it. She understood that at long last, although it was, maybe, too little too late. If she'd understood earlier, she could have eased into it, done something more, and yet she had been thrust into it, in the end, in such a way that she could never again escape from.

Sucking in a breath, Fyr turned her muzzle from her brother as he loomed, wrapping her legs up around his waist as if to orchestrate her passion, hammering in powerfully until he spent himself inside her. And all she could do was moan through it, not even sure if she was climaxing or not or even if, maybe, she had not climaxed that first time at all. What tricks could her body or even her mind play on one another with that driving pulse of pain ever-present in the background?

Being owned by a demon would lead into far more than the dragoness could ever have imagined.

Let alone her own brother.

Cuckolded by Her Mother: Chapter 36

**Cuckolded by Her Mother** **Chapter Thirty-Six** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Fyrdrgon_ _ _ _ _ A break had to come sooner or later, the meaning of that collar around Fyr's neck coming to light in the darkest...

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