
Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A dragon is leashed and taken out for some public groping, humiliation and, of course, fun!

My half of a pretty fun trade with Rebeldragon!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners


Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

A trade with Rebeldragon

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Chris hummed a tune to herself as she near enough skipped along, the bodyguard oddly cheerful and relaxed in comparison to her usual stoic work demeanour. There wasn't much she could do with regards to how she had to be most of the time, slipping into the performance and the act each and every work day or night, but she could trot along as happily as she liked with the brisk autumn sunshine glancing off her leathery, white skin, the flash of blue visible at her throat before disappearing into the neckline of her smart, black jacket. There wasn't all that much that she felt went with her colouring but she'd had to put on some clothes that day, considering the difference in her attire and that of her most unwilling dragon pet.

Ernesto, a drake taller than her, scowled and gave her a look that could have curdled milk as she clucked her tongue at him, eyes dancing with mischief. The leash that connected her paw to his collar tightened and he resisted yet again, clenching his jaws and obstinately turning his black muzzle away. Although the slash of yellow plates running down the entire length of the front of his body stood out nicely, a striking contrast, he had no clothes at all on his body to hide his pride or his modesty, only a harness with two crossing straps that ran across his chest. With his paws tucked behind his back, he gnawed at the inside of his cheek and resisted the urge to snarl and snap at her, for then his paws would surely be tied up all over again. And that was yet another humiliation as she walked him like a dog down a very public street to the mall that he didn't want on his cards!

Ergh... The drake grimaced and rumbled a growl of dissent, anger flaring up in the pit of his stomach, guts churning and roiling. Was there nothing that dragoness wouldn't do? She could have asked for a massage or something for losing the bet but no, of course not: Chris just had to find the most embarrassing thing possible for him! Devious to the last, the dragoness flashed him a grin and flicked her blue hair back over her shoulder, groomed and gently teased into a waterfall of curls.

"I can't believe you're making me go through with this..." Ernesto grumbled, his eyes downcast as he stubbornly crossed his arms over his chest and avoided eye contact with, well, pretty much everyone. "Chris, it was a ridiculous bet, don't go through with this."

In response, the leash tugged harder, yanking at his neck and sending him stumbling forward. The dragon snarled, the stark yellow plates on the back of his head and neck bristling furiously.

"Oi! Cut it out!"

And then her gaze locked onto him, ringing fierce without taking that slice of their relationship to any different level than it already was on. Ernesto growled, rumbling angrily, but closed his jaws, turning his shoulder on a passing wolf whose lower jaw could not have fallen any more slack.

"Would you look at -"

"Shut up!"

"Now, now, draggie," she wheedled, eyes dancing and tongue flickering out with the slyness of a serpent before its kill. "You behave now or I'll take you in paw even more. Perhaps we can find you some nice outfits at the mall to soften that attitude of yours? I'm sure we can!"

Her singsong voice ground on his last nerve and he gnashed his jaws together as they entered the mall, a flashy building with the exterior nearly entirely constructed of glass so that everything reflected obnoxiously off it. Although it was okay, kind of, in the modern city for furs to go around in nothing at all he still shivered and quailed from the stare, nerves rising and nerve failing him in the crux of the moment. Why, oh why, had he gotten involved in that damn bet to begin with? He could have said nothing, walked away but noooo: he'd just had to go and get himself involved!

Being inside, at least, eased the chill on his leathery skin and he stepped out a little more freely now that he did not feel like his balls were trying to retreat into his abdomen (not that he blamed them in the first place). The potted plants seemed to mock him with their covering of fake foliage, something that he would have given an awful lot for in that moment just to have some semblance of modesty returned to him.

Maybe he wouldn't see anyone that he knew there? Ah, but that would be too much to ask now...

"Susie! How are you doing?"

Chris called out, cupping a paw to her snout as if she needed to make quite sure that her voice carried, turning heads that had not even seen Ernesto as yet. The drake gulped hard and stepped back, pulling the leash tight and shaking his head, every muscle in his body tense as he struggled and strained against the urge, the overwhelming desire, to put his paws over his crotch. Yet, obnoxiously so, he knew that she would not hesitate to make sure he could not do that if he dared try, her shoulder bag containing all the bits and tricks that she needed to make sure her friend and roommate knew his submission was required.

And so he was forced to stand there like an obedient pet on a leash, made to heel, as Chris chattered away with a crimson dragoness that he had already seen one time too many in his life. Susie, as it seemed to be that her name was, giggled and covered her lips with her fingertips, leaning in for a closer look as she surveyed his form.

"Ohhh, I didn't know you'd brought cute 'Ernie' out for a walk!" She cooed, making a mockery of his name. "You've really tamed this one, Chris! Are you going to keep him?"

Chris laughed even as Ernesto bristled, hissing and parting his jaws.

"Oh no, I don't think I could afford to feed this one. But a little embarrassment to keep him in his place surely won't hurt now, will it? Maybe he won't forget to take the garbage out next time!"

Susie laughed, peals drawing the attention of a crowd, who had finally seemed to notice that there was something very strange going on in their midst. Ernesto squirmed and shifted his weight constantly from one hind paw to the other, the sway and swing of his tail anxious rather than predatory, trying to shy away from the eyes that seemed to almost threaten to bore through him with how invasive they were.

"Relax now..."

Chris' murmur didn't do much as the cameras started flashing, a group of dragonesses bursting into giggles as they looked him over, creeping up as if they were afraid that he was, indeed, a wild animal that may snap at them at any moment. They were dressed like typical mall-goers, young ladies that were interested in fashion in the off-time for their jobs (or maybe they simply had aspirations of working for one of the biggest and best fashion magazines that so many seemed to be into) and one with white horns and sky blue scales seemed particularly fascinated, eyes locked onto his bare, exposed sheath and balls.

"Come on," Chris encouraged her, the slightly younger dragoness eyeing up the 'handler' warily. "He doesn't bite, I promise. I'll make sure he doesn't. You can all have as many photos as you like!"

No, they could not! They most certainly could not! But Ernesto was not in a place or position to complain as Chris held his paws down behind his back, his twitching fingers telling a tale that his lips would not. It only spoke of the depth of their rather strange and unconventional relationships that she was able to pick up on such minute movements in his body, understanding what he was going to do before he'd even managed to put the thought into action.

Damn her...

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Throwing her a look, he snarled right next to her muzzle as she poked her head over her shoulder, puckering her lips as if for a kiss, ever the cheeky sister to his brotherly attitude. Although both of them would most certainly hope that real brothers and sisters wouldn't act as they did!

"Keep that up, boy, and I'll tie your paws up again..." She licked her lips, casting him a perfectly salacious look. "And wouldn't that be nice? Nice for me, I mean!"

Oh, she made absolutely no pretence at all as to her enjoyment and intentions with him, although no one would have dared to say or presume that they were lovers. No, they were more friends than anything else, although friends that took on a certain kind of dare and challenge from time to time, bouncing ideas off one another until the wickedest of them all simply stuck. Sadly, this time, it was Ernesto that had lost the challenge and, well, paying the price came with a very public cost.

And it wasn't his 'thing' at all, not like it may have been for others, Chris calling out to friends and waving frantically, putting far too much enthusiasm into her actions as she paraded him through the mall for everyone to see. He may as well have been a living mannequin for how she paused before the windows, pointing out outfits that he wouldn't be caught dead wearing of his own accord and yet still some stirred up a raw need in the pit of his stomach, something even deeper down than all the churning, writhing balls of nerves he must have swallowed earlier that day.

They left the first crowd behind, their interest clearing sated, but that didn't mean that word of what they were doing and who was about had not spread, all kinds of furs following them as Chris pointed out a leather harness in one of the more adult costume shops.

"Wouldn't that look great?" She chuckled, eyes roaming it lustfully. "I should have brought your wallet out with me... Could have had some real fun with that one!"

Ernesto only hoped that she was not about to drag him into one of the truly adult shops, for the harness was something that could have, just about, passed as vanilla or a costume for those so inclined to dress up, but what lay in the deeper reaches of the mall, well... He flinched and growled, shaking his head as his paws fell and hung limply at his sides. If she wanted him to do anything in those shops, he'd most likely had to cough up his card details and pay for every last little thing she may possibly desire, posed and paraded before a mirror, hopefully, rather than down the mall once more.

But the eyes on him, oh, the eyes... He couldn't shake them off as a lizard with a grin on her face sauntered up, her friends clamouring and shaking their heads, giggling like mad things.

"Can I have a picture?" She said boldly, tongue flickering out as she spoke. "He's just too cute!"

Chris smirked.

"Sure thing, honey - get as close as you like!"

And the lizard seemed to intend to do just that, lifting and posing with her paw as close to the drake's chest as she could get without actually touching him, tongue poking out over her mouth.

"You can all come in," Chris encouraged the rest of them, eyes glittering with wicked intent. "Come on! I'll take the photo! Now, Ernesto... Big smile!"

But the dragon could not smile as so many huddled in around, cheesy grins amok as they made good and sure that his sheath and balls were not hidden by a single body. They wouldn't have wanted that out of the photo now, would they? He growled and rolled his eyes, doing his best to appear not amused at all by his predicament but not upset or worried either. That wasn't something that he wanted to be on camera, let alone on a video recording, which he was sure a bull was doing in the background, what with that gormless grin on his blocky, chunky muzzle.

"You can touch him too, you know, no need to be shy now..."

Why did she have to faffing keep on goading them on? But it was too late to even attempt to pull away as one bolder snake pressed her cheek up to his sheath, grinning like a fool the whole time. His sheath was softer than the rest of his body and too sensitive for his liking as he sucked in a breath, tension lining his body even as she pressed in, not knowing truly what she was doing to him. The sensation might have been nice if not for the raucous laughter flowing around them like water, her friends falling about laughing as if they had not ever seen anything like that before. Well, they probably hadn't. There was no couple of mates quite like Chris and Ernesto after all, but Chris grinned all the same as she snapped a few photos, handing the camera phone back with a wink and a purr.

"There you go! Who's next!"

That opened the floodgates, seemingly, as more and more of the shoppers crowded in, a zebra squeaking excitedly as she groped his balls, posing delightedly with them as Chris snapped photo after photo, wondering if, in fact, they were something that she should have been charging for. Ah, Ernesto's embarrassment was worth it anyway, the dragon squirming and flinching away as he was openly groped and fondled as if he had no say in the matter - and did he really? One paw here and another there, squeezing them as if to feel the weight as they were rolled around, the testicles within merely a toy to be put on show for the adoring eyes of a crowd that knew not what they had walked in on. For what would happen if he spoke up, his tongue tied and glued up to the roof of his mouth, red eyes half-lidded as he shook his head over and over again?

Nothing, that was what. Nothing would happen besides more bad and he couldn't invite that on himself. Or maybe he had known all along just how Chris' particular brand of evil would play out when he took on that bet in the first place, the dragoness laughing and telling him what a good boy he was as she took pictures, another fox squealing as she squeezed his thigh, fingers brushing his sheath with surprising tenderness. It was fleeting but enough to bring a rise to his body, a shiver betraying him as her fingers lingered a moment longer than they should have, just half a heartbeat of a moment. It was that touch that brought a light moan from his lips that shamed even him, the drake tucking his tail right down over his backside as the ladies violated even there.

"Aw, are you shy now?"

And he was, even if not quite in the way that she meant it, to shame and humiliate him. For he could not have possibly imagined anyone at all that anyone would have wanted to be in his position, the tip of his cock trying to poke from his sheath under such adamant stimulation. A lustful little rabbit pretended to lick it, sticking her tongue out and going goo-goo eyed over him, much to the delight of her friends. She played it up too, squeezing his balls and sticking her tongue out as if she was actually going to do it and he didn't truly know just how far Chris was going to take the bet, the agreement that they'd come to, even if he knew it would, always, just be far enough...

Oh, how he wanted it to stop, but the tip of his tail curled back and forth as he tried to bear through it, his eyes on Chris as she instructed him to pose, bending over, putting his arms over his head, flexing. She had all the moves in mind for him, not caring just how flexible or not he was, and teased him mercilessly when he was not quite able to twist his moderately muscled form into the positions that she wanted for him.

"Aw, not as good as I'd thought... Such a shame, Ernesto, such a shame."

The crowd could not help but grow bored, however, the gaggle of ladies on a shopping day out wandering away with their fair due of experiences and photographs, although Ernesto had surely been groped in places that he really had not wanted to be groped. His buttocks were sore from pinches and slaps, skin roughed up where one predatory fur - he wasn't quite sure what species they had been for he had not seen their face - had dug in their claws with particular viciousness for his predicament. But the dispersal of the boldest ones allowed the quieter, more curious onlookers to step forward, tittering and whispering amongst themselves.

"Is he her boyfriend?"

"Do you think he likes this?"

"He must like it - just look at him!"

"Such a cute boy."

A blush crept down his neck from his cheeks and he shook his head, trying to shake off the embarrassment of it all as the circle around him tightened, all out of his control. He may have been and become a passive player in the landscape of his own life for how much he could actually do. Sure, she could have snarled and hissed and made all the faces that he liked but that leash pulled taut as she smirked and blew him a kiss told a different tale, Chris playing on his natural exhibitionism to the max as he was used and very much abused.

A lioness squeezed his buttocks, growling under her breath as she ran her fingers down the crack of his arse, making him jump and flinch and clamp his jaws tightly shut so that he did not swear. But her lover was further back in the crowd, tail lashing in disapproval, as she put on a particular show for them all, slipping her paw between his legs to brush his balls. He thought that was all there was to it and that she was leaving but she practically lunged for him with a mewl that should have risen a lucid chill to his spine, pushing herself completely between his legs as she balanced his balls on her snout, eyes dancing wickedly and cupping his orbs as if she was going to do far more than just grope him.

It was just as well that she left before something further happened, the dragon panting a little more heavily than he honestly cared to admit, tail swishing back and forth, trying not to think too much as he was, once again, surrounded. A stoat, a rabbit, a mouse, a skunk... One after the other took advantage of him, pinching his buttocks just to hear him yelp, their squeals of delight thrumming wantonly through him. It was the ones, however, that massaged his sheath that were the worst of them all though, his shaft trying to push its way out as they played a game, giving him just enough teasing stimulation around his sheath and balls to make the slickening tip appear before allowing it to disappear, hide itself away, once more, his need throbbing and yet destined to remain just where it was.

And yet Chris was far from done, tail flicking as she spun around, searching for the next ones who were, perhaps, just a little too shy to step forward entirely of their own accord.

"I do couples photos too!" She encouraged in a stallion and a simpering mare, the female of the couple ogling Ernesto's sheath even as her partner rolled his eyes. "Come on - I don't know how long Mr Grumpy will keep his head on straight!"

Ernesto's cheeks burned but they pressed up alongside him all the same, the stallion boldly egging his mate on to nuzzle up to Ernesto's legs, one paw around on his buttocks while the other groped his balls. The squeeze was a little too hard and firm for his liking but the dragon could only suck in a sharp breath as the stallion clapped him on the shoulder, jerking him forward, the moment done and gone.

It was darkly humiliating, purely embarrassing... Ernesto's head spun, tail curling as it lifted of its own accord, wanting something of the attention that was lost in the changing of partners, a cow hanging off his neck with a giggle and a moo while her husband groaned and clapped a paw over his eyes not quite the same as feeling all of those divine paws all over him, squeezing and pinching wherever they wandered.

He should not have liked it and he didn't. He hated it so much. He hated the sensation of so many eyes on him, raking over his body as if he was nothing more than an object, something to be used and coveted, something that had no say in anything, anything at all, that was done to him. The feel of so many bodies, all crushing in around him... Ernesto panted lightly, jaws hanging open as a silly little racoon (at least, he would think about her as rather silly after everything was said and done) dropped to her knees between his legs, squealing shrilly for her friends to take a photo of her. That in itself was not strange, considering all that had been said and done so far already,

Yet, slowly, very slowly, the attention on him changed. Or, at least, it seemed to change to the dragon in question and it was his opinion on what was happening that made things all the different. The eyes on him took on an evermore alluring quality, raising his heartbeat and his temperature alike in a positive way rather than a negative one. Sure, his skin still prickled with a dry, aching sort of heat but he could not prevent his cock from sliding from its sheath as a mouse girl shyly nuzzled into it, not even posing for a photo but simply making use of the 'pet' on show and display in the middle of the mall. If it was so allowed, after all, why not? Swallowing a groan that was more of lust than anything else, the drake rolled his head from one shoulder to the other, finally giving in to the tingle of submissiveness that had been clawing ever so gently at the back of his mind the whole time, hidden behind his hisses and snarls.

"There's a good boy..."

Oh, and that helped too, Chris always quite seeming to know how to break down his walls and inhibitions, allowing him to live out fantasies that Ernesto hadn't even known he'd had. Somehow, he'd have to repay her, but that was something to be considered at a later time and a later date when he had the space and presence of mind to dig into her psyche. They may not have been lovers or even friends with benefits but the nature of their relationship was such that, well...what else were friends for besides allowing you to come into more of yourself, who you really were?

That still didn't stop his heart from leaping into his mouth and staying there, throbbing and pounding viciously, when a skunk pushed her head right up beneath his balls, somehow managing to make even that motion of bouncing his nuts on her muzzle and then the top of her striped head too invasive as she giggled and stuck her tongue out. Just what was the obsession with doing that anyway? It wasn't even funny! But Chris was right there to support him, tugging the leash gently as she slipped her arm around him, not pulling him away but supporting him with the weight and warmth of her body against his. With a sigh, he dipped his muzzle just a little, letting the experience take him. He hadn't been hurt. No one was going to hurt him. Everything was going to be okay.

No. That was wrong. He gulped and licked his lips, eyeing Chris out of the corner of his eye, unwilling to shift his position as the strange little skunk ran her paws down his legs, boldly fondly as someone shrieked - either with laughter or indignation, he couldn't quite tell which - in the distance. The dragoness smiled and placed her lips very close to his ear, tail slinking around his even as she held it up, letting the taint of his tail hole be put on display also, no holds barred.

"I know this is cruel," she murmured, running her paw down the back of his neck and across his shoulders, fondling the 'spines' of plates there. "But you're doing great. Relax. Try to enjoy. And don't forget to breathe."

And that was the crux of it, the very heart of what the bet and the dare had been about all along. Not breathing, no, but learning to let go, relax when there was nothing left to control. Ernesto could in full view of everyone and anyone, on countless films and in countless photos, and none of it truly matter. Because everything was okay and all he had to do was keep his eyes on Chris, allow his best friend to guide him through the experience.

She did so beautifully, although not without buying him a slinky little outfit - good heavens, that was far too girly for him and there was no way in hell that she was getting that on him! - and a more appropriate leather harness that would look even nicer next time she took him out. But only if he was good draggie for her, she added with a grin and a giggle, eyes flashing merrily as she pranced and paraded him along. He didn't get a treat for doing nothing at all, after all!

The funny thing was that Ernesto didn't quail or even growl inwardly at the thought of being taken out again on a leash. In fact, the thought of doing so was kind of nice in a strange way. A very strange way and yet, still, nice all the same. With his cock and balls on show, every last inch of him groped and teased, he had not had any sort of release sexually - that was not the point of playing exhibitionist, losing control - and yet felt more satisfied in his mind than he had in months.

When he paid Chris back in kind, he'd better have an exceptionally good idea for her dare...

She'd be counting on it.

Cuckolded by Her Mother: Chapter 36

**Cuckolded by Her Mother** **Chapter Thirty-Six** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Fyrdrgon_ _ _ _ _ A break had to come sooner or later, the meaning of that collar around Fyr's neck coming to light in the darkest...

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Werewolf's Lust

**Iron Author** **Werewolf** ** ** **The Werewolf's Lust** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by FlintHorse_ _ _ _ _ Silver snarled as he powered through the forest, one hind paw after the other striking the ground....

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