Cuckolded by Her Mother: Chapter 35

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#35 of Cuckolded by her Mother

Dark twists lie in wait as the demon Kao takes an interest in the sister who has been out of his grasp for so very long...

Remember - these are up about two months earlier on Patreon if you want to read ahead! We're up to 37 currently!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Cuckolded by Her Mother

Chapter Thirty-Five

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

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Fyr was out of the shower and drying off her scales as she walked back down the hallway to the bedroom without a care in the world, even letting the towel hang more loosely from her body, brazenly so. She had another wrapped around her head - a smaller towel - to catch the drips off her horns but there was no longer any real need for her to cover herself up around her family. Everyone seemed to be well enough in with everyone else and that was hardly about to change anytime soon as she boldly showed off her breasts, slipping her usually modest towel down around her waist, chest exposed.

Let them look. Maybe she'd even go off and give them something to look at. Pressing her lips together, she raised her brows, for she did not have the heavier eyebrows of some furs, the tip of her tongue flickering up against the inside of her teeth as if it was begging release in a little derision of scorn She was hardly much of an exhibitionist herself but it seemed like no one was even looking at her half the time, using her and tossing her to the side, so why not step up and out of the role of voyeur herself, if only for a time? It would be rash and unlike herself but Fyr didn't even know what remained of 'herself' anymore, which was perhaps the most frightening thought of all.

And things had changed, oh yes... So very many things had changed and come to pass, things that may very well have broken a dragoness who was not so strong of mind and heart, present in herself and knowing that, whatever they threw her way, she would come through on the other side, even if not with a smile on her muzzle. There wasn't always time for a smile as the thoughts clamoured for attention, one clambering over the other as they all vied to be first - me, me, me, me, me! Clamping her jaw, she hastened onward, all happening too quickly for her mind to keep up with, the world moving too slowly around her.

What had happened last night... No. No, that was not a thought for the present moment. She didn't need to consider just how her heart had leapt and fallen at the same time, just how his scales had felt against hers. If she thought about it too much, Fyr was not entirely sure whether she would find herself falling or soaring. It was a matter, surely, that was up for debate and not one that she, as yet, wanted to find the outcome of.

And she may have softened and fallen deeper into her thoughts at that very point if not for the noise coming from the spare bedroom - one of the spare rooms as she had ensured that the ranch house of her own design had several. She could have walked on by too, expecting that it was her brother or her mother or even Ropes up to no good with someone else in there. Darn it, she'd have to make the bed again and clean the sheets and tidy up whatever mess it was that they left behind. What a bind, what a real bind that it would take an even bigger chunk out of her day...

Something made her go in, however, and Fyr would be forever glad that she did, pushing open the door with a careful, questing eye and sliding just her nose in so that she could make a quick escape if she deemed the situation to require that. It could have been very different but her eyes went immediately to the egg in the otherwise nicely set up room, wrapped up in a cradle where the blankets had been strewn over the sides as if some manner of disagreement had taken place. It didn't make sense to her, at least not at first, but the pushing and cracking against the inside of the egg, the surface bulging and rising before the break, cracked the tension with a break that could not have been ignored.

And then she knew, everything coming together in one glorious rush of information, nearly enough that a dragoness would succumb to it, sucking air into her lungs as everything around her, abruptly, seemed to move in divine slow-motion. She could not have otherwise have said quite how she was able to watch, in vivid, sweetening detail, how the hatchling's nose pressed through the surface of the egg, a crack widening sharply, as she hollered for those who simply had to be present for its awakening and rebirth into a world that it was not yet to know or understand.

"Rooopes!" She screamed, eyes wide as she lunged for the egg, knocking over the tall lamp by the door in her haste to get to it. "Get your tentacled ass in here! And get Sasha too!"

She didn't think to call her brother but it was surely to be expected when he raced in beside them, jaws parted and wings raised as high as he could possibly get them without crashing into either the ceiling or the walls, a snarl ripping itself from his throat. He swung his head back and forth, searching for the cause of her scream, claws glinting in the light of the bedside lamp that Fyr, with admittedly shaking paws, had managed to switch on, illuminating the room that didn't quite get the natural light through the window at that time of day. It was a quiet room, a dim room, and one that would be perfect for a little one that needed their sleep, even with a small, single bed set up ready to go.

"What is it?" He hissed, tail whipping the air. "What's wrong? God, Fyr!"

Sasha, however, caught on to what was happening before her son did and shoved her way past Fyr to the cradle, leaning over with her wings flared out as if she was striving, in some motherly, maternal way, to shield the egg from some perceived harm. One could not say, after all, just how they would act when faced with their very own youngster, an instance that was sometimes delayed for those who laid eggs. It was all the more visceral when giving live birth, or she could only imagine, seeing just how Sasha leaned over the cradle, gripping it with such force that her knuckles turned a lighter shade even beneath her scales, breath catching in her throat.


And Fyr needed not to have any part in the hatching, lips parted in a soft smile that eased the tension from her face, forgetting even that she was clad only in a towel around her waist, the one on her horns slowly slipping off at a jaunty angle. Someone would later tease her for it but there was no one there at that time but their family, the ones that really mattered, as the hatchling pushed its way from the egg bit by bit, despite their fingers all aching to help her. No one knew whether they should give the young one space in which to do as nature intended or rush in to help out but, as it was, it turned that she needed no such help after a few minutes when she burst full-bodied from the egg in a shatter of shell and spray of supportive fluid that had fed her during her time in the egg.

Well, she would hold herself as female for the sake of simplicity, although would be given the choice, later in life, to decide just where she placed herself. For it was quite clear as Fyr dried off the strung-out pile of light blue scales with a white patch down the front like a cougar. But the hatchling was not furred in any way but with the softest scales that had yet to harden, a pair of small, perfect wings tucked in, close and wet, to her back. Her hind paws seemed to be more feline than draconian but that was a little detail that would remain to be seen along with the little nubs on her back - just what were those? How would they develop? - and stripes slashed across her lower back, reminiscent of Fyr's yellow markings. Yet she was not Fyr's daughter and it could not be denied that her demon father, passing Fyr a towel as he hesitated, wanting to be closer but not quite knowing what to do, had some influence as she was neither truly a she nor a he.

A hermaphrodite would be the technically correct term and it was hardly as if there were not many of them in the world at large anymore, although it was not a sexuality that they needed to be loud about to be heard. No, they could go about their daily business like anyone else and it was the sort of thing that, really, only had to play into sexual liaisons and the matter of relationships, so many had sought to ease under the radar during the course of the passage of time and a modernising world. Her boasting two sets of genitalia, however, took Fyr aback a bit, her paw still for a couple of seconds as she gulped and shared a look at Ropes. The cougar grinned, tentacles writhing as he brushed the tip of one tenderly across her cheek.

"She'll take after her father, you know."

And Fyr grinned right back at him because she _wanted_that too. She didn't look quite like Ropes with her little black horns and her green eyes - ah, there was a bit of Sasha in her - but she didn't have to for everyone to know that she was well and truly her father's daughter, a demoness in her own right who would do them all proud in anything and everything that she chose to go on to do. There was only one thing missing as Sasha took her daughter trembling into her arms and held her there, arms held at an awkward angle as if she didn't quite remember how she had held both Kao and Fyr when they had been younger and there had been no demons in their lives at all.

A crack. Just like in the egg, there could be a moment of vulnerability in the most trying and emotional of times, although it no longer seemed to fit the dragoness with a death metal T-shirt on and the knitting that she'd, oddly, taken up to craft funky and downright weird patterns discarded out in the hallway. She looked her age and then looked younger again - younger than even Fyr - as she gulped down emotion, casting her eyes desperately for her family even as Kao was right there to put his arm around her shoulders. For once, he held her in a chaste hug, something any normal son would give to an upset parent, and she leaned into him, the hatchling coughing lightly as a drop of shell plopped out from her delicate little muzzle.

"Congratulations, mom."

One thing, however, remained to be decided, the little thing that had been missing and, frankly, should have been decided months ago - perhaps even back when Sasha had been pregnant. But none of them had been thinking about that what with everything else that had been going on.

"What will we call her?" Fyr said, taking the little one from Sasha, before she broke down into floods of tears, and holding the wet ball of scales in close to her chest so that she could feel the beating of her heart pounding for her. "Oh... She's..."

But she could not get the words out that she wanted to, the words that she needed to say sticking in her throat, too tight to speak without working, clearing her throat with an uncharacteristically shaky smile.

"Sienna... My grandmother was Sienna. It is fitting for her... Or..."

And yet even Sasha seemed to hesitate, tilting her head as she stroked the hatchling's tiny snout with the very tip of her finger, yawning and squeaking as if she was completely exhausted by the mere act of having to break free from her own egg. Neither of the dragons, after all, could remember just what that had been like from when they were younger for memories of that time faded all too swiftly in lieu of learning.


Fyr smiled, settling into the confidence of herself, heels and roots sunk into the floor as she stood tall and proud. With the dragoness cradled in her arms, she was right where she needed to be, so why should she ever worry about what she had to say? The dynamics of their family had changed and, although she now had a strange sort of sister, things would be all the better for it, she was sure. And the little one was half a demon, whatever the percentages ended up being, something that would turn out, in the end, to be exceptionally special - more so than any of them could have ever imagined.

"Fideal. Her name is Fideal."

Sasha could have argued her case but there was little sense in doing so as 'Fideal' yawned and snapped her jaws with a little gurgle and burp that had them all cooing all over again, softening their edges with the hatchling amongst them. Even Kao offered his finger to her and she grabbed it, suckling on the tip with surprisingly sharp little teeth (they would soon fall out now that she had used them to gnaw and force her way out of the egg itself). He didn't wince, to his credit, putting on a brave face as Ropes laughed and clapped him on the shoulder, fur puffing out in excitement at, finally, seeing his daughter.

See? He cares too.

_ _

Fyr tried not to think about how it could have been her daughter in her arms, although things were perfect as they were and didn't really need to be anything else, regardless of whatever it was that social convention said. She'd broken every last social ruling when she'd hooked up with a demon cougar all those years ago and she'd never looked back since. So let others say what they willed, for there would be no sense in hiding the truth of that part of the matter anymore as Fideal grew up, Ropes swallowing hard and drawing her in close to his chest as, willingly, Fyr passed her on, wanting to share in her warmth and sweetness, the aroma of her heady after her break from the egg.

Things would be better. Fideal would be everything they had needed in their funny little family relationship and more again still, even if she did not need to do anything directly. Ropes purred, chest vibrating, and she jumped, her little mouth parting as if in surprise, and Sasha let out a deep, throaty chuckle.

"Look at the little darling..."

With the hatchling swaddled in her husband's arms as if she was made to fit into the crook of his arms, Fyr blinked away tears, lips wobbling up tentatively into a smile.

She was beautiful. Just as she was.


The dragoness did not spend too much time in the house, except when she thought that Fideal needed some time to warm up, although she was careful to ensure that she was kept wrapped up and warm at all times. Far from emerging from the egg as a hapless and helpless cub (she'd wondered if she'd have cougar cubs at some point and had wondered at how they'd squalled in her little jot of research, eyes tightly squeezed shut for weeks after birth and entirely dependent on their caregivers), the dragonet hybrid could have been self-sufficient if left to her own devices, Fyr was quite sure. Well, to a certain extent, that was, but she'd shocked even Fyr by hustling to scramble out of her arms only a few hours after being born, the instinct to walk and to move taking hold before her surrogate mother could do anything about her safety.

How strange it was. But strange in a good sort of way as the dragoness' heart swelled and swelled to see the young one moving about so happily and cuddling the pink and lilac blanket she'd been immediately bought. No one could have said that, honestly, they were as well-prepared for little Fideal as they should have been but they made do and, of course, Fyr had been slowly putting together just a few essentials over the recent months. The dragonet had the option of breastfeeding, being a hybrid of mammal and reptile, and Sasha was able to take care of that little nuance, her breasts filling with milk as the arrival of her hatchling triggered something far deeper and more primal inside her than even the demon side that had leeched into her during the course of time when she'd been carrying the egg in her womb.

And that raised another issue entirely. Sasha... Well, Sasha was a strange one in herself. Fyr had a lot on her plate and it only seemed natural that she hand off Fideal back to her birth mother from time to time, as much as she wanted to keep the dragonet close. To all outward appearances, Sasha was the perfect mother in those scenes, but it was all as if she was playing a role for a time, her attention wavering in such a way that she could not have possibly have been designated a full-time caregiver for such an increasingly lively and vivacious little one. No, Fideal most certain required that a close eye be kept on her and that was a task that Fyr was finding more and more difficult as she tried to go about the household work and the work on the ranch and keep everything running just as it should be.


She snapped, hitching Fideal up over her shoulder as she burbled and burped cutely, wobbling with that little bit of baby fat still. Scott stopped dead in his tracks, halfway out the door with a bundle of bags in his paw.


Fyr's eyes narrowed, tail flicking back and forth as if she had, somehow, been in the loop in taking a lesson or two from Ropes, the aggravated feline on the prowl for attention that he deemed rightfully his. But Fyr didn't need Scott's attention, at least not for too long, even if she did need him to get his head down and, well, do more work than sucking her husband's dick. Sucking Kao's cock too did not count in what she wanted from him, as much as he may have liked.

"What are you doing?" She demanded, the set of her shoulders, jostling Fideal uncomfortably, allowing no interruptions. "Taking the garbage out?"

He flushed heavily, the stoat well and truly caught on the back foot as he stammered uncontrollably and stuttered over himself as he tried to get the words out that suddenly seemed to be of the greatest importance.


Snapping her fingers, she fixed him with a withering stare that would have made a lesser creature quail. Scott, most certainly, shrank down a little bit before her but she had, after all, learned from the best blue dragoness just how to give that particular look.

"Take the garbage out then and make sure it's down at the end of the drive," she said, loudly and clearly so that there could be no confusion. "There's too much to do at the moment and, if you're still staying here, you can pull your weight too, don't just leave all of this to me. Now, it's going to change. The old barn needs clearing out and the cattle need checking, make sure the winter corn is coming in before the weather gets too cold. Yes, I know it's only autumn now," she added as his mouth opened, "but I don't care. All this needs doing and I'm darn sick and tired of being the only one doing it! So get your truck out there and check the fences too while you're at it! And come see me when you're done so I can give you your next job! Quickly, now!"

There was only one answer, of course, that any self-respecting farm stoat could give. Ducking his head, he nodded sharply, leaning away from her even as his worried expression softened in the smallest of smiles.

"Yes, ma'am."

And she even chanced that there was a whistle on his lips as he went off to do just what she'd asked him to, leaving Fyr shaking her head and wondering if it was really that easy to get things done. Or was Scott, maybe, just the more submissively subservient of them all in the household? What did that even mean for her status on it?

It was hardly something that she could spare the brainpower to consider at that point in time, smiling at Fideal as she bounced the hatchling in her arms, her gurgles warming her heart in a way that nothing else seemed at all close to being able to do.

"Housework then, it is for us," she said out loud, glad at least that she didn't have to saddle up or try to manoeuvre her larger, older truck down the fields again, the land stretching back far further than she may well have anticipated on first buying up the property. "Can we handle that, little duck?"

Giggling, Fideal clutched at her waggling, teasing finger, which Fyr simply took to be a 'yes'. It was about all that she could hope to get out of the sweetheart until, too soon, she began to talk - and she was quite sure that then there would be no stopping her at all.

Out to the deck, tidy the plants. Everything seemed to be in order out there but Fyr had always preferred to work from the outside in when it came to household chores, berating herself only a little for insisting on building such a large ranch house. She could have had something smaller and more manageable but, no, she'd had to have the one with all the nice, big, lofty rooms that she'd have to clean. With work trucking on and the orchards ripe for picking, however, she was considering getting a maid in - but who knew how well that was going to go in her crazy household?

"Hey there, sis."

Grimacing, Fyr barely spared her brother a glance as she set the broom out beside the door, ready for sweeping. There was just that drainpipe that needed popping back into place for the moment too, the fixing of which had come loose in the last big storm. That was the only thing with living out where they were too; they were more exposed to the elements and even new properties tended to sustain at least a little bit of damage when it came to bad weather. Sometimes even the good weather cracked paint and wore away all the brightness that a hard-working individual laboured after too.

Yet Kao was not a ranch hand that could be set to work and she wasn't so sure that she trusted him with anything after the last time that she'd asked him to help out, even though he had not actively done anything to her since Fideal had been born. The demons had gone about their business as normal with Sasha being a little more unavailable than before for obvious reasons, although his work had called him back to his computer for some portion of time too. Fyr was just surprised that they had not had Chemical over yet for some reason and wondered, if only briefly, if the two of them were doing okay. There wasn't much, she was confident, that one could get past the dragoness with a sharp eye and hot pink nails.

"Hi, Kao."

It was non-committal and did the job, despite having had her thinking far too long for so simple of a response. Perching on the edge of the swinging bench, Kao looked her up and down, the tip of his tail curling lazily back and forth beneath the hanging seat. Sighing, Fyr put her hands on her hips, trusting Fideal for just a moment to hold onto her shoulder, crowing and chirping all the while with so many cute sounds that it was a wonder to think that she would even need words in the future.

"Kao, I'm busy."

"I know, I was coming to help you."

And, to her astonishment, he picked up the broom and dutifully swept the porch, clearing the dust of the last week as he set himself to the task.

"Are you sick or something?"

She couldn't help herself, blurting out the words as Fideal clung to her neck and laughed, swinging there happily with the support of Fyr's ever-careful paws and arms, balancing her, always wary of the fact that she might take an untimely tumble if she was not in the know as to what was going on. A hatchling moved quickly! And Fideal was finding the strength in her body too even as her older half-brother chuckled and shook his head, setting the broom aside and, even more shockingly, looking for the next thing to do.

"Don't be an ass, sis... Mom told me to help."

Fyr rolled her eyes. Of course. That was how it had always been so why should it be any different since they were adults.

"Well, while you're in the swing of it, the housework needs doing, just the usual cleaning bits."

The drake blinked at her and she swallowed a groan, knowing that then she would have to go through exactly what cleaning would have to be done, for otherwise she could not guarantee than anything far a swipe of the mop and vacuum cleaner would get done. Drakes, as it seemed, were not all that good at remembering things, but the help was still appreciated, regardless of where it was coming from. It was almost surreal, however, for the fact that she didn't have to nag and cajole and even plead with her younger brother to get him to do what was needed and she could only be grateful for that. She didn't know, after all, just when it would happen again - or if it would even happen again!

And things went smoothly. They even went quietly. They could have been a strange kind of family themselves as they bounced Fideal lightly on their shoulders and tails, cradling and tossing her carefully from one another as she squealed and clapped her tiny paws for more. And just how could they resist her? It was nearly enough to distract them entirely from the work that needed to be done but, frankly, the state of the house kept Fyr going, working a little less than Kao for the main fact that she was the one looking after Fideal.

A thump from upstairs. Fyr made a face. It didn't take a genius to know what was going on but Sasha and Ropes must have been trying to be quiet about it as it was a side less noise than what they usually made. Trying for egg number two, maybe? It was only half a joke but Fyr groaned inwardly at the mere thought of dealing with her pregnant mother all over again as they worked hard at what they had to do, brushing an old-style feather duster over Fideal's muzzle just to make her giggle and squeal all the more enthusiastically.

The vacuum made it easier to ignore the lustful thumps and thuds coming from the bedroom as they moved through the ranch house and, before they knew it, the dream team had completed all the work that they'd set out to do. Sasha even had the good grace to appear freshly showered and only smelling sweetly of rose body gel when she did make her way downstairs, clothes slightly damp but in a wholesome sort of way.

"Is she hungry yet?" She asked softly, her tone so low that Fyr may have had to struggle to hear her if she had not been already standing near. "Here..."

And Fyr had no qualms about giving up her little half-sister, Fideal reaching for her mother instinctively with the clear light of love shining in her eyes, which were now the exact same shade of Sasha's. Maybe she knew who was able to feed her or not at that stage but she clamoured for her mother's body with squawks and chirps that were adorably bird-like in nature as Sasha obligingly tugged her T-shirt up to allow her to feed. There'd be bottles when Sasha grew too sore to do it herself all the time but, for the moment, everything was just as it should be.

Although one of them clearly decided that they'd done quite enough work for the day, Fyr grabbed by the frill on the left side of her head and dragged forcibly down. She had barely a moment in which to utter a shriek of shock, however, before a cock was shoved into her mouth even as Sasha turned her back on them. Above Fyr, the dragoness struggling and hacking around his length, Kao smirked and tapped the side of his snout, his hard-on already drooling pre-cum as if he had not been able to contain himself for a while.

Fyr didn't want to groan. She didn't even want to moan. And she most certainly did not want to rock her hips in that lustful, slutty fashion in front of her mother! Not now... But it was only the monologue of a mind that thought that those were the words that it needed to say, the tape reel playing over and over again as a much larger part of her body and soul howled out its pleasure for that thick length driving up into the back of her throat - back where it surely belonged.

"Have fun, kids..."

Fyr gulped and gagged on Kao's shaft but she was already gone, her hatchling suckling at her breasts, eyes closed and shielded with a motherly wing too, just for good measure. But Sasha was old enough and wise enough to know what a young one should and should not see, even if there was no harm in letting her son have at her daughter and Fideal's caretaker in the meantime. In all honesty, Fyr was more of a loving aunt than anything else, for a sister should never be put in such a position of authority over a younger one. It begged an entirely different set of traumatising circumstances when such a thing had, in fact, been necessary for others in the world, usually deriving from the loss of a parent or both. And that was something that Sasha herself too would rather not think about with how the course of her own younger years had gone.

Things, after all, were not always as they seemed. And it was reassuring to her to tuck herself away in the bedroom and a soft cocoon of warmth, relaxing in the glow of her daughter suckling away, sustaining herself sweetly as her eyes glowed with the faintest hint of green.

Other things, however, were not so serene for Fyr as she was dragged down onto all fours, Kao thrusting and grinding into her mouth as if he had not had the chance to orgasm in months, although, of course, that was completely untrue. His jeans were only around his ankles but that gave him more than enough room in which to fuck her, cramming her mouth full with a brutal thrust that had her eyes watering. He didn't care for the spill of strained tears trickling down her face, although they were not from sadness but something more, passion rising up from her gut like a serpent of olden times, a mystical spirit that brought untold pleasure to those who welcomed it in. And she so very badly wanted to welcome him in, her pussy squeezing down on nothing where there should have been a hard rod ploughing her full.

"Such a slut, sis, didn't know you'd get to be this good of a cock sucker..."

Whether she was or was not was by the by as she grunted thickly in the back of her throat, eyes half-lidded and what little remained of her vision taken up by the blue swathe of his crotch and abdominals. The drake knew what he wanted, of course, and wasn't shy about getting it either - as he always did. Hey, he'd done the cleaning, hadn't he? He deserved a bit of fun and, well, his sister was right there to be taken! Sasha would not mind and Ropes surely would not either...

He was not the only one who needed a release while Sasha was busy, however, Fyr performing duties that went far beyond her most submissive role in the household on all fours. The first she knew of her husband entering the living room where so much of their life went down, the rug rumpling up beneath her paws, was his tentacles snaking up into her clothes. If she'd been more with her senses, perhaps the ones that would have had her running for the hills if she'd had the presence of mind to do so much, much earlier, she wouldn't have let herself go, moaning around the fat cock in her mouth as she rocked into his touch. But even then the dragoness wanted him, wanted him caressing every last inch of her and taking her as a dragoness surely so very desperately needed to be taken.

Ripping through her clothes with his tentacles, Ropes hissed like a wild animal, the demon that he truly was, as he tore viciously through her clothes, everything falling away right down to her underwear. A new bra and fancy panties that had made her feel sexy - gone, just like that. One could say that they had done what they were intended for, in the end, even if no one had gotten to see them but Fyr was hardly in a position to complain as she was stuffed right where she wanted to be, her husband's cock finally slamming home into her needy cunt.

She screamed and climaxed right then and there, although that was maybe just a little bit because of Ropes' tentacle slamming up into her tail hole too, worming its way in hard and deep, all for his pleasure. She knew just how sensitive they were but he didn't know how tight her backside was for her, how her holes could not help but clench down around him as if her body was trying to keep him out when, in reality, all her mind was doing was screaming for more - always more.

Cum shot into the back of her maw but Fyr barely noticed, caught in a haze of lust and pleasure as neither of the males even tried to keep themselves at all quiet as they fucked her, snarls and yowls rising to the ceiling above. Of course, after so much going on, there had to be some release of tension too and maybe that was just what they needed as Fyr was flipped over onto her back, gasping and panting as her brother pulled out only to shoot the last drops of cum over her muzzle, licking his lips salaciously.

What would they do to her? Exhaustion swamped her body, weighing her down with a heaviness that did not quite seem natural, pressing her down and down and down into the floor as if someone was standing on top of her. And then she was up in the air, weightless despite her tiredness and moaning for more, her back to Kao's chest as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her up with the strength that, truly, only came from being a demon, regardless of how he denied it. His shaft pressed to her tail hole, slightly sore from being so crudely spread open by Ropes' tentacle, which had at least stretched her enough for Kao to plough in roughly and crudely.

Sensation became a blur, overwhelming in how much came from so many different directions at once. Her breasts pressed up to Ropes' chest, legs hitched up around his waist. Kao spreading her open forcibly, teeth sinking into her shoulder. The tug of the collar around her neck. Her moan. Ropes filling her pussy with a single thrust and a yowl as he sank into her sloppy, wet sex. Two cocks pressed against one another through the thin barrier of flesh that separated her passages, not that the males cared about that one bit as uncut lengths drove in deeper and harder, intent only on their own pleasure.

The teeth in her shoulder sank in deeper too and Fyr squealed, tail thrashing until Kao wrapped it up in his own, holding it still as Ropes playfully tugged on her collar with one of his tentacles. Of course, he was not the one who could really control her with the collar but he was still top of the pack, so to speak, and everything followed down from him. He could do what he liked with her and, strangely enough, that was just what Fyr wanted from him too, kissing him deeply and passionately, allowing his tongue to dominate her mouth even as he claimed her lips. He would always truly be the one to own her even as Kao left yet another mating mark on her shoulder, a trickle of blood causing his pupils to narrow even more into those seductively predatory slits, the only one she had needed to trust to be coerced into the demonic side of life.

"What's going on..."

How time had flown! But that did not mean that a question had to be completed in order to be answered, Scott chuckling softly and coming to join in as he dropped obligingly to his knees, devoid of his clothes, beneath Kao and Ropes, moaning as he paid his due attention to their balls, swinging and heavy with the fruit of their seed. Of course, it was not the most efficient position for such an act but nobody cared for that as Ropes hammered in powerfully, a howl ripping itself from his throat and deeper still, the centre of his being, as he filled her with his cream once more, a second load to the already virile first that he'd pumped into her. Cum splattered out, marking Scott and the floor beneath them, but Fyr could only moan into his mouth and tighten her legs around him, showing him without words how much she appreciated the gift of his cum. At the end of the day, of course, that's what it was for her husband was by no means obliged to give it to her at any point - not when he had a demon lover to satisfy his every lustful need.

A load of cum up under her tail, dripping and splurging out everywhere as Kao slammed in, a hiss rolling through her, Fyr's head lolling back. Her body was passed between them like a toy, pinned down so that every male in turn could kiss her, in order of dominance. Scott was the sweetest, almost shy in how he pushed his tongue into her mouth, the taste of cum from both Ropes and Kao pushed eagerly into her mouth as if he too wanted her to share in that part of the experience. The thick saltiness of it, tainted with a hint of divine musk, thrust into the back of her mouth and if she'd had anything at all left of her senses she most certainly did not any more.

With Scott thrusting into her mouth while her husband and Kao took turns on her pussy and tail hole, Fyr groaned, fighting to not lose control in yet another orgasm as desire threatened, yet again, to rise up without restraint. There was something about being so stuffed full that made her want to be nothing more than a simpering slut for them all, tentacles caressing and squeezing her breasts as if she was nothing more than something to be used to her husband now. At least too she was getting some attention!

On and on the orgy went with seemingly no end in sight, Ropes snarling and ploughing her full of yet another load of cum before the other two had even thought anything about nearing climax. His hot seed filled her sloppy tail hole, spilling out even as he thrust, and Fyr lost all sense of herself, a toy between them and happily so. If she could have stayed there forever, locked up in that moment, she would have surely done so, her brother curling his fingers around her throat to where a strip of leather, her collar and mark of Kao holding himself over her, resided still. He had not made any particular move with his 'ownership' of her but Fyr could rest assured that the times where he would slam her down and fuck her like a possession were coming soon.

Just a part of her wanted that now too, just to see what it'd be like. She didn't have to explain herself to anyone, just as long as she was happy with how things were. And little Fideal made everything else very much more worth it that how could she possibly be upset about anything? She had so much going for her even as she growled and struggled to breathe, eyes watering and yet in an alluring sort of way that would have been difficult to understand if anyone had, in fact, asked her to put words to it. Fortunately, no one asked her that question, well - no one asked her anything when her mouth was full in that way. And that was fine too. As long as she got what she needed, stuck pleasurably in the middle of them all.

Life with her strange little family could be good too.

Cuckolded by Her Mother: Chapter 36

**Cuckolded by Her Mother** **Chapter Thirty-Six** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Fyrdrgon_ _ _ _ _ A break had to come sooner or later, the meaning of that collar around Fyr's neck coming to light in the darkest...

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Tentacle Entrapment

**Tentacle Entrapment** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _A raffle prize for Aquilan_ _ _ _ _ The eagle inhaled slowly and deeply, creeping through the temple as if he expected something terrifying to be around each and every...

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Pantie Pony

**Iron Author** **Lingerie** ** ** **Pantie Pony** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Lord Legion_ "Oh, my..." Serenity could not help but blush, sifting through the very bottom of the underwear drawer in...

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