Pantie Pony

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Axel the pony reveals his pantie fetish to his sweetheart mare...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Iron Author


Pantie Pony

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Lord Legion

"Oh, my..."

Serenity could not help but blush, sifting through the very bottom of the underwear drawer in their bedroom - not that it was typical, of course, for ponies to wear underwear. Even if they wore clothing, underwear did not allow for much of a fashion statement to be made and was more something usually designed for bedroom use, the silken swathes of lingerie making it big in The Mane Event magazine and Sandra Summers store, especially between young lovers.

Of course, she was not expecting to find such a thing as a pair of plain, cotton panties and a magazine in there, her curiosity duly perked as she sat back to see just what it was all about. Had something old of hers gotten stuffed in there at some point? But she didn't wear underwear like that...

Yet the magazine told a tale that invited her to learn more, to ask more and, of course, to know more, depicting rather modest pictures of mares in panties that covered their hindquarters completely. Nothing was on show at all and they could have been deemed fit to walk out on the street if paired with something else (there were some dancer uniforms that were similar, when one considered the difference in fabric), but her eyebrows shot up higher and higher as she delved into a relic of Axel's past, her sweet, red-furred husband who didn't even know at that very moment in time just what she was uncovering.

"Hm..." She mused with a smile tugging insistently at her lips. "Well, well, well... I think my dear husband had a little bit of a pantie fetish when he was younger. Who'd've thought that?"

But it was hardly something that one such as Serenity would giggle at, her mind already working frantically and furiously to put the pieces of the puzzle into place for a scheme that was sure to have particularly delightful ends...


"Hey there, sweetheart..."

Serenity dragged out her words, a skirt hanging down over her hindquarters as she posed beside the dining table in their home for him, Axel's eyes already nearly popping out of his skull. The way that the lines of the fabric framed her... Well, it would have been enough to send any stallion mad with desire, least of all the mechanic stud who loved her with every last fibre of his being.

"Hi-i-i..." He said, swallowing hard, the lump in his throat stubbornly remaining. "What... What's going on here then?"

She giggled and waggled her hindquarters gently in a slow, sensual sway that could not help but draw his eye down her body to the prize that she ultimately wanted to reveal to him. She'd thought she would be able to hide what she had for him and hold out until later in the evening - Serenity had, after all, set up the table for a romantic dinner with the nice tablecloth and candles and everything - but she could not. She trembled with the desire to reveal what eroticism she had in store for him and Axel was none the wiser as she turned her hips to him, tail flicking up to reveal a glimpse of plain, periwinkle blue cotton panties. It was not much but a second was more than enough for him to stumble back with a gasp, nearly sitting back down on his haunches and crushing the dock of his tail beneath the weight of his body.

"Y-you... What?"

Serenity giggled and let the skirt fall again, batting her eyelashes sweetly at him.

"Your magazine, honey... I'm sorry I snooped but I found it and, well... I just thought y'all might just like yourself a real special treat tonight..."

Her excitement at finding something that may just be up his erotic street had her bouncing lightly off the floor, unable to contain her enthusiasm even as he blushed heavily, half-turning away as his crimson cheeks turned an even darker shade, the spill of his lighter forelock tugged down over his face.

"Oh... Oh. I didn't realise... Ah, pony-feathers..."

Stumbling over his words, he shook his head mutely and she rushed to reassure him, a smile on her earnest lips like none that he'd ever seen before.

"No, no! It's nothing bad now, c'mon - y'all don't think I'd really go an' tease y'all for something like this? It's fun! We can..."

But actions would speak louder than words in that regard and the best she could do for her lover in that instance was to turn her back to him and flick her tail up again, exposing the soft underside of the dock and the blue panties once again. His eyes locked onto them, a little drop of drool gleaming cutely at the corner of his lips and Serenity gyrated her hips lightly too for good measure, her wicked little mind already darting off on a quest where she imagined him ploughing into her wearing those very panties...

Swallowing hard, she shook her head and glanced back at him, her ears ever so slightly splayed in desire. Did he feel it too? Had her saucy little re-enactment of a fetish from his younger days when he was just discovering who he was as both a pony and a stallion had such an effect on even her that she could not restrain herself, a shudder rippling through her body from head to hoof?

Groaning, she tried to work out the sudden kinks and stiffness in her neck but it was no good at all with his gazed fixed so firmly on her that his attention was simply rapt, locked on and needy, something that just could not be ignored. She wriggled her hind end in pleasurable defeat, panting softly as she held her tail up high and proud, a tiny spot of moisture showing through the thin fabric that, truly, was not built to contain the need of a mare who may have very well have just found something she enjoyed too.

And it was about time her stallion got his sweet treat too...

"Come mount your mare, honey..."

They quested just a little further into 'dirty' talk each time they came together and a stallion like Axel was not going to say no in a hurry as she tugged her panties down, rearing up with her fore-hooves on the round, wooden kitchen table. But that was not the main attraction that Serenity put on show for him with the panties stretched between her hind legs, her marehood there for his pleasure, winking and glistening wantonly for him.

In a flash, he was up on her back, nuzzling into the back of her neck and moaning softly, shaft swelling from his sheath. He'd never gotten hard so swiftly and was already trying to push into her folds half-hard, desire bringing a rise to his throbbing length that nothing else seemed to have come close to before. Axel blushed heavily but embarrassment had no place in lovemaking with his sweet mare as he pushed into her, a long, low moan rolling from his lips as the panties caught up against his legs, scooting in as close to her as possible.


No one could have said, not even in hindsight, just who had made that moan but it did not matter as they rocked and ground together in sweet bliss, Serenity panting heavily as her nose tipped down, unable to contain herself as her passage clenched and rippled around him, need getting the better of her in the sweetest of ways. The smooth fabric tugged at her legs, pinning them a certain distance apart with the perfect amount of tension that she could not release lest she allow the garment to fall to the floor between her hooves. And they were doing their job, the kinky, lustful nuance, that they were always meant to do, Serenity sending up a swift yet breathless prayer of thanks that she'd had the foresight and bravery to source them out herself without trying to guess at her size online. That had been an experience in itself but they had not seemed all that concerned or surprised that a mare was after such a garment.

But she couldn't lose herself from the present moment, moaning out in her own excitement as her randy lover pounded her. There was no sense of sweet and sensual as his hot breath washed over her neck, just something that the two of them so very desperately needed. They could have drawn it out, if they'd wanted to, the table cloth rumpled beneath their front hooves, but neither mare nor stallion had the patience for something so sweet when there was something far more feral that, in that very moment, demanded satisfaction.

He could not hold back - would not hold back! - as the stud grunted and pressed his nose into her neck, trembling as he inhaled her scent over and over again, eyes half-lidded. His mane fell into his face and eyes but Axel still did not either slow or pace himself, coltish desire taking over his senses even as Serenity huffed and ground back under him, suddenly moving her hips with ever-greater and increasing urgency.

They climaxed, amazingly, at the same time, her marehood squeezing around him to milk him of his seed, not that the stallion was about to not give her what she needed. As she moaned out her pleasure, he pumped her full of a thick load, her body as eager to feel it inside her as her mind was, two bodies coming together intimately in a way that was becoming more and more alluring to the two of them. There was always something more to explore, after all, and her passage squeezing around his thickness was always going to be the grand prize at the end of it, excitement riling them up to the point that they could not even speak, Serenity barely supporting herself as she pushed herself back and off the table, groaning deep in the back of her throat.

When he pulled out, Axel was not quite yet down with his little fetish and fantasy, blushing heavily even as he pulled her underwear back up to cover her hindquarters again, tucked up beneath the dock of her tail. Serenity's eyes went wide and she gasped, tongue poking out over the bottom of her lips in such a way that one would have been fair enough to suppose that something had rather caught her off-guard. There was nothing, however, that could stop gravity from taking an effect on the load he'd lovingly pushed into her passage in her current position, semen and her own orgasmic juices slopping out messily into the panties and soaking them through in an instant. But it was a strange sort of feeling that she just wanted to allow to linger for a little while, wriggling with a shy blush as she settled into the sensation, the wet fabric clinging to her hind end as she teased her lover with just another little glimpse of how the panties now framed her soft, wanton folds.

"See something y'all like, sugar?" She murmured huskily, something keeping her in place, his flanks heaving and need still thick and full and randy. "I think..."

Anything more that she may have been trying to say, however, was lost as he kissed her passionately, tongues tangling sweetly together, nothing else existing for the two of them but one another. It was just as it should have been, albeit not quite the date night that Serenity had envisaged, but it was still something very special indeed as a flustered Axel broke the kiss with the tiniest of smiles, tail tucked down close to his body, and whispered two words to her that meant more than they let on.

"Thank you..."

It must have taken him a lot to say that but it was easy for her to kiss him again, however chaste it was, shyness catching up with her as the slick feel of their combined sexual fluids dampened her hind end in a curiously erotic way. Maybe that was something she'd have to think of trying out again... Maybe, just maybe...

Only their time together and developing relationship, learning more and more each and every day, would tell.

"Y'all are always welcome, darling."

She'd always indulge him, even if he didn't quite want to tell her what that was.

The Watching Mare

**Iron Author** **Voyeurism** ** ** **The Watching Mare** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Lord Legion_ She knew she shouldn't have followed them home: that much was most certainly a given fact. The mare knew...

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Mare for an Evening

**Iron Author** **Gender Swapping** ** ** **Mare for an Evening** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Lord Legion_ "Summer... Is this really necessary?" "Yes!" The orange-coated stallion chuckled and...

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Ghostly Tickling

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