Werewolf's Lust

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A dragon finds a werewolf out on a nightly run and lustful times ensue in the moonlight...

So much fun to write!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Iron Author


The Werewolf's Lust

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by FlintHorse

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Silver snarled as he powered through the forest, one hind paw after the other striking the ground. Of course, as a civilised dragon in modern society, he did not actually have to hunt down his food as he did, but even taking after his prey of deer and elk with a rifle would have, perhaps, been seen as more 'normal' than what he was doing. But just what more tools did he actually need for himself as he forced his way through the thick brush, chasing down a bounding doe who could not keep going forever - not with that injured hind leg. He'd smelled her blood from so far away and his stalk of her would have been successful if not for the badger that he'd disturbed, the snarling, growling flurry of fur more than enough to send her scarpering. And yet Silver simply did not see the point in using anthro-made tools to take down a kill when he already had the jaw full of sharp teeth to do the job for him.

It would not be as fun, that much was sure. And where was the harm in taking just a little wicked pleasure for himself from time to time too?

Yet the thrill of the hunt could not always be held back, heart driving on and on for the ultimate pleasure of sinking his teeth into the hot, living flesh of a warm kill. There was nothing like taking one's sustenance in the most carnal of fashions, after all, and the deer would feed him for weeks. She'd only be picked off by wild animals otherwise but, in the moment, the dragon with a mane of black hair flying back from his face and neck in the moonlight felt himself, well and truly, to be the very epitome of an untameable creature, perhaps even as much so as the dragons of olden times.

All of that changed in a heartbeat, the shadowy shape of the doe ahead of him leaping and bounding and then cut across by a larger shape altogether. He cursed (most unlike him) and skidded to a halt, jaw hanging open not truly in aggression but surprise, striving solely to avoid crashing into the body that had inexplicably planted itself in his way. They must have been just as shocked to find him there as the being let out a strangled howl, too large to get out of his way, and they toppled in a mess and bundle of fur and scales and limbs, elbows and knees slamming into the worst of places.

But the last thing that he expected to see, rolling to his hind paws with a thrash of his tail, was a werewolf with amber eyes, lowering her muzzle defiantly as she set her shoulders to him. Of course, someone else may have mistaken her for just an anthro wolf but there was little he could have done or said to deny the who of just what she was, hunkering down with muscle, the set of her body lower than an anthro who may have been more easily spotted outside Pawbucks with a latte clutched in a far more delicate paw.

No... He swallowed hard, trying to push away the curling rise of heat in his belly, looking her over, the hints of russet cutting through her dark brown fur, the prick of her ears. She was no anthro wolf and the muscle on her body made his heart turn over, heat creeping down his neck as much as Silver willed it away. Even then, he should have known that he was lost to the wills of a werewolf but the fact that she was naked was, perhaps, more of a distraction than a confident, young dragon like him should have been so keen to admit.

He tried not to look but it was hard not to, her nipples perking through her thick fur as she lifted her head proudly, an eyebrow raised as if in abject challenge. The dragon sweated.

"Not often I come across someone on my hunt," she said in a low, gravelly tone, a smile pulling at just the one side of her lips. "And who are you?"

"Silver," he said quickly, too quickly, but there was something about her that made him want to keep talking, eyes roaming her naked form from muzzle to toe and back again. "I'm...Silver."

He didn't need to know her name and it didn't seem like she was going to give it anyway, stalking around him in a slow, calculated circle that tightened with every circuit. Some part of him said that he should have been on the watch for her, sinking back on his heels in preparation to fight or flee, but there was nothing about her sinuously rolling movements that truly rose any sense of alarm in him. On the contrary... Inhaling deeply over and over again, the drake sucked in deep, greedy breaths, savouring the scent of her on the night-time breeze.

Slinging an arm around his waist, she grinned and barked, tail wagging as if to soften the tension of the sensation at the very moment that she pressed up against him, the heat of her body searing through even her fur. Gulping, Silver rubbed the back of his neck, shamed by how quickly a certain part of his body rose to the occasion - he was only a furry, after all! Anyone else would have surely have reacted in such the same manner, there was nothing wrong with him!

"Relax, honey," she breathed, leaning in too close as her eyes danced, reflecting the orb of the full moon. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"Hurt me?" That had him scoffing, half-shrugging her off with every ounce of willpower he had left even as his body screamed at him to keep her close, to keep her near, just for the feel of her. "Why on earth would a werewolf be able to hurt a dragon?"

And that was fair enough, in all honesty, as neither appeared stronger or larger than the other even as her grin widened in a flash of white teeth, her fangs matching his. Silver tipped his chin up defiantly but could never have anticipated the turn that their interlude so swiftly took.

"Not all on the hunt is to be snatched away..."

And then her lips were on his, the jaws of two predators coming together in a kiss that should not have rung through with as much sweetness as it did. He had to tip his draconic snout to the side to lock lips with her but it was all worth it as his longer, slenderer tongue twisted around hers, Silver growling wantonly into the muzzle of a wolf whose name he didn't even know as he claimed it with all the fluttering, tentative dominance he had in his body.

Although, he was not strictly aggressively dominant by nature and it should not have come to any surprise to him when he was flipped over onto his back, chest heaving for breath as the grey scales rose and fell. Just when had his T-shirt come off? The werewolf's claws sliced through it as she growled, a smirk on her lips and muzzle turned up to the light of the full moon, throat trembling as if in the soft prelude to a howl that would speak the song of her people.

She had him right where she wanted him and not even Silver was going to object as he growled and tipped her over onto her side, paws running over her body repeatedly, feeling out every curve and rise of muscle, the thickness of her, so solid against him. And yet he was more than strong enough to stand up against her, to match her stride for stride with a cocky grin and a flash of his teeth. Not that they were going to come together in a fight, of course, but a dragon was not going to pass up such opportunity as his cock throbbed up thick and full and hard, simply desperate for the attention hat his body, most certainly, thought was due.

A tangle of limbs, fur, teeth, kisses. Kisses could be raw too. The moon shone down above as she slammed him, in a playful way, down on his back, straddling his hips. Silver could not have even recollected what jeans he'd been wearing or if combat trousers had been his pants of choice, heart hammering and his shaft ready for all she had to throw at him. For she was not going to be a soft and gentle lover by any means and, truly, sometimes that was what a drake needed too. Who, after all, went out to hunt and expected the calm and the serene at the end of it? He shuddered, clutching at her, and the werewolf surprised him by slipping her fingers through his, locking them together even as she sank down on his cock as if it was nothing at all.

But it was not 'nothing'. It was everything. Everything and so much more to, stars dancing and lights flashing across his eyes as if he was taken ill or drugged or something other than simply blinded by sex itself. Her pussy gripped him luxuriously, as tight as a glove that slipped over his paw so perfectly, and she howled as she slammed down all the way, heaving a pant even as her fingers tightened around his. Yet she was hardly still for very long to adjust to the feel of him inside her, barely allowing Silver a moment in which to marvel at the fact that her pussy was already slick and ready - had she been as 'into' the hunt as she was? Could she be into other kinds of hunting too? All for a little light fun, nothing more...

A chain of thought, however, was difficult to maintain with a werewolf riding him and he gasped and hissed through his teeth, writhing beneath her even though her mass, which suited her form perfectly, kept him pinned, yet there was nowhere else that he wanted to be. No... He wouldn't have tried to run and planted his hind paws into the dirt, kicking and scuffing through until he found purchase, thrusting up with a grind of his hips to meet her stroke for stroke. Rolling her head, she moaned, tongue hanging out lustfully over the edge of her lips, and ground down with all the passion she had in her body, Silver's shaft filling her to the brim with each and every driving stroke.

Moans and grunts were all the words that they needed to transpire between them as the moon looked down on them with her guarded gaze, his paws roaming her body, just to feel. A squeeze of a breast here, her nose tucked into his paw, the werewolf's tail flicking around to sensually brush his thigh. It was strange to think that something so coarse - and with a _stranger_nonetheless - could be so intimate too and yet it was, enough so that he grabbed at her hips and used every last drop of strength in his body to flip her over onto her back, hammering in to his swift and ready completion.

Birds scattered from the trees, confused in their night-time roosts, as he let out a roar of pleasure that she only matched with a howl, climaxing together, her pussy gripping and massaging his shaft to milk every last drop from him. And, if he had been at all inclined to hold back, Silver most certainly would not have been able to, scooping a paw beneath her buttocks to hold her up to him, as much as his muscles screamed, thrusting as deep as he possibly could, balls swinging up lightly to her heavily furred and muscled backside.

No one bore witness to their illicit tryst but passion had to come back to reality sooner or later as she collapsed beneath him and he slipped to the side, cock still, weakly, pulsing cum, the last dribbles to denote the pleasure that had passed between them. The werewolf groaned and rolled her head back, staring up at the stars as the tiniest of grins pulled at her lips, a wicked sort of look that he would come to know better and better over time if he was lucky enough to play his cards right. That little nuance still remained to be seen.

She squirmed over him as Silver chuckled breathlessly, an arm automatically going around her waist as if she was a long-time lover instead of a casual one. And it did not matter either way, only that they had the moment together and, if the pleasure so took them, they could see if there was some kind of road ahead for their lustful liaison. Only time would tell.

"Loriel," she murmured, her head on his chest as she flicked one ear in the direction of his muzzle. "My name is Loriel."

Silver grinned.

His times with the werewolf named Loriel would be very interesting indeed!

Tentacle Entrapment

**Tentacle Entrapment** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _A raffle prize for Aquilan_ _ _ _ _ The eagle inhaled slowly and deeply, creeping through the temple as if he expected something terrifying to be around each and every...

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Pantie Pony

**Iron Author** **Lingerie** ** ** **Pantie Pony** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Lord Legion_ "Oh, my..." Serenity could not help but blush, sifting through the very bottom of the underwear drawer in...

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