Birth of a Mother Goddess

Story by Articlynx582 on SoFurry

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A genius prodigy is sucked into a role in life that tests what she knows.

(The Blood, Gore, And Death only show once where she's hunting. It doesn't show again, but I wanted you to know.)

There is a large room in an underground room as it was filled with large machines, glowing lights and sound of wrench tightening bolts and other things. All the machines turned on and working on high power while grunting was heard over near a cloth covered structure. There was a young female woman with black hair in dreadlocks as her body was covered in green scales, claws on her talons, and large D cups for a 15 year old. She had over her shoulders a lab coat with goggles over her eyes and was trying to tighten one last bolt.

"And.. Done. Alright, my time machine is finished!" she said getting up and started to walk away from the machine to some mechanism. "It took me a year or two, but my best creation is finally done!" She takes off her goggles to reveal that not only she has reptilian eyes, she's actually an alligator. "And now for the big proof, the test run." She started to set coordinates for a location and was thinking of something. "Hmm, I don't want to go too far... 2 mins should do." she said hitting 5 and 2 0's before hitting the switch to power it up.

She stepped back while pulling the tarp off to show a large circular structure with various lights on it which began to light up. "Alright, time machine, do your thing!" she said stepping in wearing her lab coat and a small watch-like mechanism on her left arm. She stood in the center while feeling the air get warm as a whirring sound was heard. She saw the lights around the structure shining and flashing various colors. She took a deep breath and braced herself. "Alright past me, here I come." She stated but then she started to hear the warning sound and saw small lightning was sparking a little.

A cold feeling came up in her stomach making her pale. "Oh no, no no no!" She tried to use her return pad on her arm to try to deactivate the machine in the process. But all she got was more warning signs. "Come on, don't do this now!"

Despite her efforts, the machine isn't stopping anytime soon, she then started to try to get out of the machine. She ran over to a console and pushed buttons as fast as she could, but nothing changed.

"Oh no, did I miscalculate something?!" she said looking around to try to find the error. The more she typed the louder the errors were and looked at the gate to see the inside glowing with the lights sparking. "Damn it! I need to use the emergency switch!" She said as she started to move her way towards it, dodging debris and stuff. She smashed the glass with her hand and yanked it down, but the blaring got louder and she saw a vortex forming in the structure which began to suck things inside.

She gripped on one of the metal structures to keep herself from being sucked in. "Give me a break! What's the point of having an emergency switch-" she then lost her grip and felt herself get pulled in. "IF IT DOESN'T DO WHAT IT'S SUPPOSED TO DO?!?!?!" She let out a scream and looked with wide eyes before closing them right as she felt a tingling sensation all around her while feeling herself get thrown around in different directions. She screamed as she saw various scenes moving around her before everything went dark.


The alligator began to feel herself coming to and felt dizzy while noting she was on a ground. She groaned from the impact as she shakes her head and noticed that while she was covered in dirt and mud, she wasn't hurt. She sat up and winced while rubbing her head. "Ugh....what happened? And why does the air feel so humid and hot?"

She looked around and discovered that not only was she outside, she was surrounded in a dense jungle with trees 6 times her height with long, thick leaves in them. Her eyes took in the reddish sky too and slowly stood up, but stumbled while feeling a little dizzy. "Where am I... When am I?"

She leaned against a tree and tried to rack her brain to see if she could recognize the tree species. "There are a lot of ferns and horsetails around with cycadeoid trees. Wait, cycadeoids? Those are extinct!" she exclaimed. "Which might no, it couldn't be. I'd be ridiculous...right?"

She checked her time pad on her wrist and saw it was heavily damaged, but still functioning. She checked the timezone that she was currently in and what she saw made her eyes widen and yelp. "I've been set back 200 million years!"

With that info, she dropped her arm and fell against a tree while feeling her mind race a hundred miles a minute. She then felt tremors as she looked behind her and saw a Brachiosaurus moving past her area and she stared up at it with a wide mouth. She watched it walk over and start drinking from a large lake. "I...I...I can't believe it....I'm at the point where no form of civilization has even been considered....away from all my machines and work.....fuck." She shook her head. "Get it together Zandra, time to go back to your current time!" She said going to her time pad and setting up the coordinates, but then it started to flicker and static, "No!... No no no no..." she stated trying to input it but it died before hand. "NOOOOOO!!!"

The large Brachiosaur rose it's head up and spotted the tiny alligator running around in a panic and went to eat some of the leaves from a tree.

"Oh right, Brachiosaurus are herbivores. Phew!" she wiped her head in relief. She looked at the time pad and groaned before kicking a nearly rock. "Damn it! Now I'm stuck here in the land of the dinosaurs! No electricity, no technology, and chances are I'll run into something more savage." She stated starting to walk in no particular destination. "It would have been an amazing discovery... if I could go back to my time!" she groaned again.


She stopped and turned her head while seeing the Brachiosaurus' head stand at attention before it let out a scared cry and started running. "Oh no, you've GOT to be kidding me." She looked and saw a Ceratosaurus charging towards the Brachiosaurus. She paled and ducked under some of the large bushes and saw the predator bite into the neck as the dinosaurs went down while she turned more green seeing it feast on the herbivore. "That'll be me if I'm spotted." She whispered as she started to sneak away, trying to find someplace to hide.


The alligator sighed in relief as she leaned against a cave wall while wiping some sweat off her head. "It took a while, but I finally found some shelter." She said to herself as she started to take some stones and put them in a circle and put some sticks in the circle and made a fire. "Ok Zandra, think. You're stuck in the past, limited resources, with dangerous predators around. I need to make sure I have access to proper food and water while finding a way to defend myself."

She thought about the trees that she saw around. Maybe she can create a spear with a strong branch and a sharpen rock, tying it with a vines. She poked her head out from the entrance to make sure the coast was clear before heading out. 'A time machine, I could've made any other invention, but I choose time machine!' she grumbled as she looked around and gathered some vines hanging from trees. 'Couldn't go with a environment safety energy source, oh no, I had to go big and pick something that could literally go bad.'

She went and picked up a pointy looking rock and picked up some tough looking branches. Using the vines she started to tie them together and made sure it was a sturdy spear. "Now I'm stuck 200 million years in the past and the possibility of be going home is like trying to carry a snowball through the center of the earth and back." she said shaking a little and starting to cry. "Damn it....I should have stopped at college and just been a teacher.... Or just be a doctor."

She sighed as she went and looked in the nearby lake, not trying to pay attention to the corpse of the dinosaur she just saw. She leaned down and cupped some water out and took a drink of it. It was refreshing and from the fact that there is a connecting river to it, clean. She even notices some fish within too. "Perfect, now I have a safe form of meat that can't eat me back." she said as she started to craft a carrying crate made out of vines and straw. "Good thing that I took survival class and bought a book about how to craft items, though those are more 'shipwrecked or plane crash types', not 'stuck 200 million years in the past.' type." Zandra said as she started to hunt for some fish at the river, making sure to get good size fish.

After an hour she lugged the filled crate back to the cave with a groan. The alligator shrugged her shoulders to ease on the strain. "I guess I should probably work out so I can become stronger."


Zandra jolted as she heard a deafening roar, it was so loud she thought she saw white for a moment. "Oh please tell me that it's not in this cave..." she shivered from the loudness rubbing her ears. She looked around and felt the ground shake from large footsteps. She was sweet dropping as she hugged the wall in case it was outside, hopping the darkness will shield her form.

The sound got closer and closer and was coming from outside instead.

Zandra quivered in fear, but fought it down. 'It's okay, it's outside, and whatever it is can't be small enough that it has to go inside this cave.' she thought turning, and paled when she saw a large face peering inside with a snarl and slitted eyed. "Oh sweet god....uh, hi?" she greeted with a shaking grin. 'Please be a leaf-eater... please be a leaf-eater!' she pleaded in her mind as she couldn't see well in this darkness.

The face let out a loud roar into the cave with her seeing several sharp teeth.

'Definitely not a leaf-eater!' she thought in terror as she tries to think of what to do to get out of this situation, preferably alive and not torn to bloody shreds. She saw a clawed hand try reaching in and spotted the fish before she started throwing them at it. "Here! Fresh fish! It's good for the brain!"

The unknown dinosaur looked at Zandra for a moment who tossed a few more fish as it went toward the pile. It sniffed the fish and licked it's mouth before dragging some over and started popping them in it's mouth.

The teenage genius took this opportunity to sneak out of the cave without disturbing it from its meal. She ran over and hid in some brush and sighed in relief. "Great, now I gotta go out and get more food." she looked back at the cave. "As well as shelter!" she grumbled as she got up and started to look around for any caves around her.

She took off walking one direction while staying low and noticed a low rumble in the sky making her groan. "Of course it'd start storming." She started to run while looking around for any shelter before it starts to rain, 'The last thing I want is an unwilling rain shower!'

She ran for a few minutes before she spotted some kind of hole in the ground. She looked inside as she saw a large glowing meteor in the center of it. "Wow, a meteor....wonder how long it's been here." Despite her desire to find shelter before things get worse, her scientific curiosity got the better of her and she slid down the hole in the ground to examine it. "It's a big one too, I wonder how big it must have been to burn down to this size, it's still pretty big." she stated as it was just as big as her. She knows how typically meteors lose their shape as they plummet down to earth from the force of gravity and how fast it was plummeting.

She moved closer and carefully touched it, and felt it was cool to the touch. 'It must've been here for some time, probably a while before I ended up here.' she heard the sky rumble more and groaned. "Guess I'll be staying the night with you." she said wondering what to do in case it does rain outside. She looked around and moved around the other side of the meteor to use it as a cover of sorts. "Not the best location in the world, but it's better than nothing."

She crouched down, moved over, and laid against the meteor while letting out a yawn. "Mmmhh... It's been a long day. I don't suppose a nap could hurt." she said feeling her eyes getting heavy. She curled up and closed her eyes as rain started to come down.Despite the raindrops hitting her, it doesn't bother her in the slightest.


Zandra groaned and felt the wind against her face making her open her eyes, only to let out a scared yelp when she saw she was floating in the sky. She moved herself to where she's (or she wants to think) standing up. 'Okay, I did not want this to be how I wake up.' she looked around to saw numerous clouds floating by. "It's really beautiful though."

"Indeed." came a loud booming female voice making her jump and look around.

She doesn't see anyone around, but she was sure she heard a voice. "Who's there? Where are you?" she called out looking around. "Am I dreaming or going through some hyperthermia related delusion?"

"Do not be worried, what you are experiencing is a dream, although a special kind of dream." The female voice booms out once again. While it was loud, it felt sweet and soothing to Zandra.

"But who are you? Why can't I see you?" she asked the voice. "And for that matter, what kind of dream is this? Please reveal yourself." the alligator asked the voice.

"Just look behind you."

The late teen reptile looked confused as she did so. "I looked everywhere. I didn't see... anyone... here?" she stuttered as her eyes widened. She looked at what looked like a naked reptilian figure with a snake head, E size chest, and the lower half of a tail looking back at her. Zandra stood there with a stunned expression. "Wh-What in the world..."

"Do not worry, I mean you no harm." The reptilian creature assured, her eyes as red as a ruby and filled with a motherly gaze. "I simply wish to speak to you."

"W-Who are you?" She asked staring up at her. When up close, she was 2 feet shorter than her.

"I'm known as the mother goddess, but I've been called Cerdwin by others." she stated to her.

"Mother goddess? That's not possible, there's no such thing as a goddess."

"Oh? Then how do you explain yourself being here?" she said looking around the area. "Not many people dream of floating in the sky surrounded by clouds and seeing a nude female Zandra. Well, not usually in combination of the two."

"Dreams can be explained easily. Gods and goddesses are just make believe." Zandra explained to her, but then thought of her words. "Wait, how did you know my name?"

"Because after you made contact with the meteor, you caught the attention of the previous mother goddesses."

"There's more?" Zandra asked looking around. "Well they must have other plans." she said sarcastically.

"Oh no, they're all eager to speak to you. They've been here the whole time." Cerdwin said with a giggle at her comment. "Look again."

"Look where? I don't see-holy crap!" she cried turning her head when she saw several other figures standing there, all of them different species and size. "H-How the heck did you appear there?!"

"We just arrived." One said looking like a wolf. "Nice to meet you Zandra."

"Y-You know my name? Oh fuck..."

"Duh, we're goddesses." the other answered being a falcon. "And yes, we do exist, so trying to deny it won't work."

"Okay, I can see that. Now why are we all here?" she asked looking around amazed at their numbers.

"We've come here to tell you about your new chance here in this time. The chance to be the next mother goddess."

The alligator's eyes widen at the answer they have given her. "Wh-wh-what?!" she stated in disbelief. "B-Becoming a mother goddess?"

"Yes, the same kind as all of us." remarked a komodo dragon. "By interacting with the meteor and seeing us, you've shown you've have deep potential."

"To become...a goddess?" She stated looking around them as they slowly approach her. "What does this imply?"

"It means you will be granted great power. Power that mortals aren't allowed access to." The lioness said crouching to Zandra's level. "Even able to bend reality in your fingertips."

"But...that's scientifically not possible, or at least it was in my time." Zandra said crossing her arms. "I mean, I created a time machine that can go back or forward in time, but I've heard nothing about changing reality."

"You'd be surprised what we're capable of, but like everything, time had us eventually fade away."

"But wait, the goddess part I get, but what about the mother part? If you all had kids in your life I get that, but I'm not even married. Heck, I never even dated." She said looking confused. "I would expect to be around 26 or so before I marry." she said looking up at the part of the sky world.

The females looked at each other and chuckled a little.

"What? What's so funny?"

"You can be a mother even before you wed." the leopard stated. "When becoming a mother goddess, your fertility is increased to the point that any creature, even feral can breed with you."

Zandra blushed at the mental image and shook her head. "T-That's crazy! W-W-Why would I even consider that?!"

"Well it would help in creating more offspring that would soon worship the mother goddess. The more worshippers mean the legacy lives on and so does mother goddess in that universe."

"That universe? You make it sound like...wait, are you all...from OTHER versions of earth?"

The snake chuckled humorously. "Oh, did you really think your world is the only one? There are many worlds, many universe around that others live in. A multiverse if you heard that tone."

"I use to be the mother goddess in one world where africa was the only land." spoke the lioness. "There wasn't any other deities, so I became the sole goddess they worshipped, until a great flood came and all of them were killed." the feline said closing her eyes sadly at that last part.

"I became a mother goddess when I was lost in the desert. With that, I helped create the egyptian times and helped make new kings and queens. Although, they were attacked by raiders and although they fought valiantly, they were wiped out." A Jackal explained.

"I was the mother goddess of a world where Japan took over all other worlds. I was there to help them keep their numbers up when there were rebel factions." spoke a fox. "Eventually I felt that the world was in peace and left it the way it is in the hands of my successor."

"You see Zandra? We all became this way thanks to the same kind of meteor you touched, and when you touched it, we felt a connection to you. That's why we're offering you the chance to be this world's mother goddess."

Zandra stared at the various goddesses in amazement of their stories and what they seen. She was still a little embarrassed about being able to breed with feral creatures, but was excited. "That's amazing, though there's a bit of an issue. I'm in a timezone where... feral creatures are either big, or carnivorous. I doubt I'll live long to try anything."

"That's where you're wrong." chuckled a shark. "In my world there was nothing but jellyfish, but I still managed to be a mother."

"But how? I mean, I get goddesses are known to do a lot, but I'm pretty sure there's a limit between two sizes, magic or no magic."

"Mother goddesses are capable of many things. Breathing underwater, creating light, even changing their size at will. It's one of the main ways I was able to take on a dragon's length." a rabbit answered. "Trust me, they get very rough."

"So...let me see if I have this straight." spoke Zandra rubbing the bridge of her nose. "You want to make me a goddess, like all of you, where I get untold power to do anything I want, and you want....what in return?"

"Mother goddesses inspires hope and love. When females know about them, they feel like there's nothing to fear in raising young. It brings good fortune to up and coming mothers. We want to help them."

"But I'm literally so far back in time none of my ancestors have even evolved to have thumbs yet." Zandra explained, but then thought. "But maybe I can help with that, I can make my children learn new things and be able to help them in any situations."

"Exactly, and besides, who said you had to wait for some of the more evolved species?" grinned a cat with a chuckle. "You can give birth to them yourself~." she said playfully.

Zandra's eyes widened and went slack jawed. "'re not serious!"

The feline giggled. "When is it gonna get into your head that you have no limits to what you can do?"

"You're asking me to get knocked up by dinosaurs?!"

"Hey, you have no right to be picky." frowned the rabbit. "Dinosaurs are tamed compared to some of the dragons I slept with." She said.

"Do you know Anaconda's actually constrict around you during breeding, even numerous ones arrived." the Komodo Dragon stated. "Good thing I can make my muscles stronger that they can't choke me or I'd be a sorry excuse for a mother goddess."

"You want me to get knocked up by dinosaurs and give birth?!"

"Are we speaking french or something?" Ironically a poodle asked her. ""No need to worry, no creature would ever think of harming or killing a mother goddess."

"That's not the point!"

"Then what is?" The wolf asked. "What else do you need to know? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity here Zandra."

"I know that, it's're basically asking me to get impregnated by creatures that are essentially wild animals, beasts if this were my time."

The other Mother Goddess looked at each other and backed at her. "And the problem is?"

Zandra stared at them before facepalming.

"Do you want to know of the times I mated with dragons? I don't mind sharing the story." The Rabbit said approaching her.

"No! No no no! I don't want details."

"So what is it then? Hymen pain is replaced with pleasure, you can change your size to suit your partner's height and you can bend the world to pretty much your fitting? What more is it you don't understand?" The Snake asked clearly confused as to why she's confused.

"It's not that I don't understand, it's just....a lot to ask." blushed Zandra. "Asking me to fuck dinosaurs and get knocked up would be like asking me to fuck my pet."

"Ah, I see. We do forget how crazy it sounds to first timers." She said patting the alligator on the head. "We'll leave you alone to think, but we'll have to keep you here until then. The meteor will crumble after the contactor wakes up after all."

"What?! You mean I'll be stuck here until I choose?"

"Yes, I wish we can let you go in the real world, but if you don't accept the power, the meteor will disintegrate, and you'll be back to the way you were." The snake explained.

"So I'd make a choice." spoke the poodle. "Take your time though." The Mother Goddess then vanished to leave Zandra alone, though she can call for them anytime.

The alligator groaned and managed to sit down while rubbing her head. While she did that, she just noticed that she's completely nude. "Have I been nude this entire time and not noticed?" Zandra asked herself blushing. 'I can't believe that happened in front of other women, also the fact I'm not as bothered with it as I should be.' she then thought about the pros and cons of being a Mother Goddess. "Well on one hand, I can handle myself better at this time and soon I might be able to return to my own time and home, maybe even discover a few things about my possible newly created religion."

She looked at the sky with a groan. "On the other...I'd have to deal with fucking dinosaurs and popping out babies like a candy dispenser." She said to herself, though her scientific curiosity couldn't keep herself from imagining it a little. 'Would the offspring gain higher intelligence? Would they learn quicker? Would they possibly be unable to hunt properly and die early?' her mind kept adding questions all around as she thinks. 'Though at the same time, I know some things about hunting and building shelter. I can nurture and guide them to prosper and thrive.' she said finding the possibilities endless and getting excited. 'I mean sure it seems weird and gross to some, but I'd at least get an idea what sex is like. Dildos only do so much. Plus I can even choose what my offspring could look like, even create dragons!' she shakes her head at that part. 'I'm letting that rabbit's words hang on me too much.'

She kept mulling over the pros and cons so long she lost track of time. She shakes her her head as she called the mother goddesses and they assembled.

"Have you made your decision?"

"Yeah, I think I have." Zandra answered getting up. "I accept. I want to become my world's Mother Goddess."

"Good choice." the Komodo Dragon smiled.

"Okay, so how does it work exactly?" Zandra said immediately thinking that she should've asked how does becoming a Mother Goddess work.

"This." the fox held her hand out before a glowing orb appeared which floated over to Zandra.

Zandra stared at the orb for a moment before placing her hands over it gently. She jumped when she felt it grow warm and found her hands stuck to it. "Nnnhhh... I-I can't move.." the gator girl shuddered as it felt warm and pleasant to the touch despite the whole stuck hands thing.

"That means it's slowly being absorbed into your body, relax."

Zandra shuddered as she felt her body growing warm as the orb slowly shrinks in her hands. She begins to noticed lines forming on the other goddess's body, almost like they're tattoo marks and they were glowing white. "W-What's going on?"

"Just relax, it won't hurt." The wolf assured as white lines started to form around Zandra's body. "It'll actual feel good when you get use to the powers."

The lines move around her body, spreading around covering from her upper body to her thighs, making a heart that goes within her pussy. She gasped and felt her body energize with the power and felt her heart rate increase. Her body was feeling hot as designs of a spiral circle was on her belly and breast.

"It's almost done." The panther explained.

"What else is there?" Zandra asked shuddering from the sensation.

"A mind blowing explosion of information on how to use your powers in"

Just as she said one, Zandra felt like she was struck in the head by a lightning as she felt the knowledge of a thousand suns running through her mind. She stumbled back while shaking her head as all sorts of methods seemed to run by her eyes. "Oh.... my.... God!" she stuttered shaking her head a little to clear her head from the daze. "That was ecstatic!"

"See? We told you~" sang the cat. "I can't wait to see what you do."

"We'll keep in touch, whenever you go to sleep and need guidance, just think about us and you'll be here once again." spoke the komodo dragon. "Oh, and keep in mind, we tend to see a little bit on what your memories are."

"Really? What did you see? Just one thing?" she asked them.

"Well it's how we knew where you came from, so next time we talk, hopefully we see something more....mature." A sheep said with a wink as they all went to embrace the croc girl.

Zandra blushed, but felt warmth from them before a bright light started to come from all of them that made her close her eyes.


Zandra opens her eyes when she felt the light dimmed and saw the blue sky. She looked around and saw the meteor and slapped her cheek. "Was all that real?"

Just as she asked that, she saw meteor's glow fade and started to crumble into dust and was blown away into the wind.

"....that answers that." She then looks at her form and saw that her body was covered in white tattoo lines that matched her dream. "Wow...I...I really am....a goddess?" she then started to think about how to test the evidence, something small. She then cupped her hands together into a cup and pictured it full of clean, drinking water. She looked down and went wide eyed slowly seeing water manifest there and let it fall and was speechless. "Okay, it's official, I'm a mother goddess!"

With that in mind she started to cheer and do cartwheels from amazement. 'I can't believe it! Oh my parents would never believe it if I were to tell them!' she thought before she started to calm down on it. 'Okay Zandra, focus! Todays a new day and you need to plan your next move!'

She rubbed her hands together and looked around. "Ok, I should try and see if I can make a home." she closed her eyes and imagined herself a hut with a straw bed with a window within the hut. She felt the earth rumble and shake before opening her eyes and jumped seeing a hut like she imagined. She entered and gasped as she saw the bed made out of wood with straw and there was a window with a stick foundation. "Wow, this is cool! I could go home, but I'm interested about making a shrine here and make followers for it." she stated feeling an amount of confidence she never felt before. 'Maybe I can even make it last to reach my time!'

She walked over and sat on the bed to test it out. "Hmm, not bad, a fine job if I do say so myself. Is there a limit of my powers... Do I need to have sex in order to regain my powers?" She blushed as she looked outside. 'I'm kinda nervous about doing it right away, maybe I should give it a day, or two, a week maybe." she said. "Come on, it's not like I'll start fading if I don't mate immediately."

She moved on the bed and tried to get comfy and put her hands on her stomach. "Tomorrow I'll see what else I can do." she thought about what she would need still, and created some weapons to defend herself in case she needs them, some mask to give her hut some design as well.


"Ha!" called Zandra as she threw a spear that pinned a velociraptor to a tree while she smirked. "Bullseye."

The alligator then approached the pinned dinosaur as it whined in pain, bleeding a bit from the spear. It snapped at her while she grabbed the spear.

"It's nothing personal, but I gotta eat." She stabbed her knife into its neck, ending it mercefully. When it stopped she pulled the knife out and saw it drop down to the ground. She shakes her head as she tries not to think about it too hard as she crouches to it. She grabbed it by the neck and started to lift it up and began dragging it back to the hut.

She arrived and moved towards it for a moment before she takes a deep breath as she started to skin and cut out the meet of the dinosaur. "If I get lazy and use my powers for all this, I'll end up a lazy asshole." She said as she wrapped the meat in her satchel while making sure to drain as much blood from the carcass so it doesn't make a mess. "Maybe I should start luring them into pitfalls, save me the hassle." She said as she went towards the lake and fills her canteen with water and washed off any blood that got on her.

She had been at this for nearly a week and had managed to live off the land just fine. Zandra was quite impressed at how she was able to handle herself despite being only 16. She had even experimented on random stuff and made random plant species from her time to grow here with them being in perfect health. She laid on the hammock she made as she decided to rest and relax a little to regain her strength. The more she used her power on creating things that didn't belong, the more it took out of her. She soon fall asleep in the hammock feeling the breeze in the air making her sway.

"Wakey wakey~"

"Huh?" Zandra opened her eyes from the voice and looked around. She saw the other mother goddesses standing around her.

"Having any dreams?" asked the cheetah.

"No, I was just resting up a bit to recover my strength." Zandra said getting up. "What's going on?"

"We thought we'd come by and ask how progress is going."The Wolf said smiling at the alligator. "Doing okay?"

"If you mean living and surviving, it's going pretty smooth." Zandra said with a smile. "I've learned how to hunt, craft items, and set defenses to my hut to warn me of any trouble."

"What about your sex life?" The polar bear asked making the Alligator blush.

"Uuuuuhhhh.... I've been waiting for the right time to... try it out." Zandra said looking away, twiddling her thumbs.

"More like finding excuses not to actually do it." spoke the lioness.

Zandra groaned as she looked downward. "I'm still weirded out about it. I'm only 16 after all. Like who actually had sex when they were teens?!"

"I did." spoke the fox. "My first time was when I was just 12."

"Eh? Twelve?!" Zandra stated shocked.

"That's nothing, I did it when I was 10." spoke the polar bear. "It was actually with a whale too."

"Ten!?" She said. "I understand you have powers, but didn't you think that was a bit much for children?!"

"Zandra, when you travel across numerous universes, you tend to come across stuff that's far more insane than mere age. For instance, did you know her universe had girls who matured much earlier? And mean MUCH early." spoke the lioness pointing to the komodo dragon.

"Oh no, don't tell me..." Zandra stated shuddering a little.

"Oh yeah, full grown women there? This out." she smirked moving her hands from her chest for an estimation.

"Oh my...."The alligator stated when the other reptile showed a size that mid 20's would have. "That's"

"Look, I know it feels like a lot for a first time, so I'll tell you my story." The lioness kneeled down to her level. "I was 18 when I became a Mother Goddess, I was avoiding this for about four days, but decided I try something at my level, so I approached a male lion."

"And she was even more nervous than you." The Wolf said as the lioness continued.

"I was practically shaking despite the others saying no creature would endanger a feral goddess., but then he started nuzzling and licking me tenderly." She said actually purring a little. "And when we started kissing? Wow, he was like a kitten with that tongue."

"A feral lion actually was kissing you? Wow." Zandra said shocked. "Then what happened?"

"He went nuts when I spread my legs. I couldn't walk straight for three days." The lioness stated murring. "Though having kits growing in you in a faster pace might've had a little reason as well."

"Uh, how often did you two do it?"

"Well I would go back to him daily, though I had to wait before the end of the week so the cubs would be born, but other than that, usually every day. Soon I spread off to rhinos, hyenas, wolves, even a giraffe! I actually had to go to half his height to take his member!"

Zandra blushed at the mental images.

"Oh, the children also grow at an accelerated rate. Going from baby to young adult in a couple days, though breastfeeding does help too." The fox spoke.

"Wait, really? That fast?"

"Yeah, though if you want, you can raise some of your own. Just will them to grow at a normal pace." A monitor lizard answered. "Although be careful how many you raise at once, I tried going for twelve, it didn't work out so well. I pulled it off, but whoa... I really don't know how I did it."

"....maybe I should start with two." Zandra stated as she felt them embrace her softly.

"That's fine, but do keep in mind, the longer you push off actually doing your duties as a mother goddess, the closer you are to fading away."

Zandra winced as she actually forgotten that she can't just delay this for as long as she can. "Oh... right..."

"So get to popping babies out." chuckled the cat, which in turn she got a smack at the side of the head by the Jaguar.

"Be a little more considerate." She stated. "Zandra, don't be afraid, when the next creature comes, accommodate to them and accept their advances."

"Try doing what I did and get nice and close to them." spoke the fox.

Zandra listens to them and nods her head. "I'll do my best. Thank you for your advice."

"No problem, we wish you best of luck." the others said as they vanished and the area started to blur.

Zandra closed her eyes and waited before opening them and found herself back in her hut. She got up and stretched herself as she looked at herself for a moment, taking a deep breath. 'Don't want something huge. Maybe a velociraptor would suffice.'


She jolted from the loud roar as she went and looked outside to see what it was. She saw a large T-Rex stamping through and gulped. 'Why it had to be a T-Rex?!' She thought to herself as she thought of hiding and hoping it passed. But when she saw it turn and spot her she got on guard and saw it move towards her.

'Give me a break...' She sweatdropped as she felt small to it. 'C-Calm down, they said all creatures big and small know never to endanger a mother goddess, so it should ring true to even a T-Rex... right?'

The dinosaur moved over closer and looked Zandra down before sniffing her. She can feel the strong breath of the large dinosaur as she shivered a little, but stood firm.

"Uh...nice dino?" she said bearing a shaky smile as she started to pet the dinosaur's head.

It let out a low growl and opened its mouth, only for its tongue to move out and licked her cheek. The Alligator blushes from the licking as she felt it's large, warm tongue rubbing her. She rubbed it's chin and tried to relax. The Tyrannosaurus started to rub his head on her form.

"There you go, I'm not food, I'm not a threat." She said blushing a little from the rubbing. 'Wow, the people back home wouldn't believe it if I tried.' she thought before she patted it's cheek and saw it raise itself up and move over closer, only for her to notice something dangling from it's groin and felt her jaw drop wide open. "Holy cow, that's huge!" She exclaimed from seeing the size of its shaft.

The T-Rex let out a growl and seemed to move closer to her with the dick standing tall and moved closer to her face.

"I can't take anything that huge like this!" she stated sweat dropping at the sight, "Unless..." she closed her eyes to change her size and when she opened them, she was a foot taller than when the T-Rex was at full height. She blinked while the dinosaur seemed caught off guard and stepped back before letting out a growl.

Zandra raised her hands up in a non-threatening gesture. "It's okay, I just needed to adjust my height." she said starting to rub the dinosaur's head softly.

This made it growl, but in less anger and closed its eyes. 'Phew, I thought he was gonna get angry at my change of pace or run.' she thought before she rubbed under its chin getting a content sound out of it. She started to sit down and taking a moment to compose herself before she opened her legs, revealing her folds. "Hey there fella, what do you think of this?"

The T-Rex approached her opened legs and started to sniff at her crotch, exchalig hot breath on it. This made her shiver and nearly jump before the dinosaur stuck out its tongue and ran it across the opening. She let out a gasp at the lick, but started to moan as he continues to lick around the hole, blushing deeply.

"F-Fuck!" she cursed while closing her eyes. 'Oh hell is this different than fingers!' she thought with a quiver as she felt its tongue started to slid inside her pussy. She moaned feeling her folds slide open and shudder and jolt. Zandra felt the dinosaur slide out its tongue and climbed over her form, his length rubbing her folds. "N-Now take it easy fella, don't get too rough with me."

The Dinosaur then lined up and started to slip it into the alligator's entrance. It let out a low growl feeling the hot folds which made Zandra gasp feeling it stuff her pussy up the more it went in. The dino went and tore through her hymen and made her cry, but out of sheer pleasure instead of pain.

"Oh fuuuck!" she hollered out feeling a surge of pleasure go up her spine which in turn made her folds clench around the cock, making the dino growl from the tightening from the sensation, but going to lick her cheek. She closed an eye to keep saliva out while moaning as it pushed in more, making a bulge. "Oh god, you're so thick and long~." she moaned as she started to caress his form with her claws.

The dinosaur was stunned from the tight grip on it's dick and started to lick all across her face and cheeks.

'Okay, I know this is still weird, but I wished I had done this earlier~!' she thought groaning in pleasure as she felt him thrust back and forth, hitting her cervix. "Oh god! Oh fuck! Your penis is bigger than a normal leg!" she said quivering from pleasure, her juices leaking from her snatch.

The dinosaur let out a growl and felt it's dick moving in and out much more easier.

Zandra was yelping from slight pain from her pussy being stretched, but was enjoying it all the while. She spread her legs wider while the sounds were attracting nearby dinosaurs. Some seeing the scene before them and hearing the moans. Some moved over for a closer view while others kept away.

Zandra notices them and blushed. 'Whoa, I should've picked a private area.'

The T-Rex saw them and let out a loud roar while momentarily stopping. The dinosaurs and other creatures scattered from the predator dino's war.

"Easy there, they just wanna watch." Zandra said, though the T-Rex doesn't listen as he resumes mating with her deeply. She let out a moan while grabbing the ground and could tell he was being more rough. "I-I'm gonna cum soon!"

The dinosaur growled and started to feel his own limit coming up. Zandra felt him thrust deep inside her, going inside her cervix and letting out a roar as they both climax at the same time.

"Oh fuuuuucccckkkk!" she cried out loudly as their juices splashed out a little from the force. She felt the sperm spurting right into her womb making her eyes roll into her head. "So warm~.." she stated panting a little from the amount. 'I feel like a turkey~' she thought noticing her belly's a little round from the amount as she let herself off his member. She saw sperm leak out onto the ground while the T-Rex let out a huge roar of triumph. He does give her a small nuzzle before it leaves her alone.

She panted and tried to catch her breath, going back to her original size while seeing some velociraptors look at her with curiosity. "Oh, you came back even after the T-Rex roar. You got guts."

One of them let out a cry and moved over near her. She blushes a little as she saw one move near her face, she rubbed the top of its head with her hand. This in turn made it give a clicking sound and lick it. 'So happy that I'm a mother goddess.'


It's been almost a week since her first time with the dinosaur, and Zandra has been growing not only in her confidence and her form as well. She was already swollen out to being nine months pregnant and was rubbing her belly while in her hut, despite the increased pregnancy development rate, she doesn't feel weighed down and can actually still move around.

"On the bright side I don't have to worry about my ankles swelling up." she said chuckling as she intends to do about her new status, mainly about fading away if her worship fades. 'Hmm, I rather not fade away until I'm ready on my accord.' she looked at her belly and tapped her chin. 'Maybe I should pop this fella out as soon as possible and have him, or her, grow up a bit fast.'

She got up and started pacing. 'There's also the idea about helping them defend themselves not only from the other predators, but also nature. Specifically, the time when dinosaurs become extinct. If they can go extinct, so can my followers.'

That's when she felt a kick inside making her stop.

'But I'll think about that later. I gotta focus on preparing for their birth.' she started to create some more huts around her own, practically making a village with her powers. `I just hope they don't go through a rebellious phase like most teenagers, that'll make things harder than they need be.' She did make a nest so she can collect them safely as they're in egg form right now. "Alright, I think I'm about ready." She sat down and waited for the birthing as she thought about mainly the way to help her followers. 'There are caves around this part. Plus I can probably create a cave going underground as well to offer them a chance.'

She pondered on the ideas before she felt a sharper kick to her belly making her groan. "W-Well they're healthy, that's a good sign, though ease up there." she said rubbing her belly.


She jolted at the roar as she looked outside to see what's out there. She saw the same T-Rex as before peaking into the hut with curiosity.

"Easy there, I didn't make this big enough for you to enter." she said with some urgency. 'Wow, I didn't think he'd come back.'

It let out a roar as she walked over and out before patting it's snout.

"I'm practically on the verge of giving birth, but I'm alright." she said to him, hoping to calm him down. "Just give me some more time."

The large dinosaur stared at her with a low growl before it moved back and left her alone.

She sighed before clenching up and groaned feeling water trickling down her legs as the kicking got more intense. "It's time!" Zandra stated as she went towards her crafted nest and laid down on it. She groaned and held her belly feeling more kicking and cried out. 'Easy, I may be a mother goddess, but I'm not immune to pain and feeling.'

She lay on her back as she tried to relax and calmed herself. She spread her legs and tried following the pushing part of giving birth. It wasn't very painful as she would expect, but it still was an intense situation to be in as she gritted her teeth as she pushed to the contractions. "Come on...get out!"

She felt movement sliding down her tunnel as she gripped the wood to give her support. "Come on...come on!" She soon felt something coming out as she quivered from the sensation. She let out a cry when it popped out, making her pants in relief. She doesn't relax though as she feels another wave coming as she kept on pushing, though also controlling herself in the process. "Come on fella, you can do it." she stated calmly as she breathed in and out. "Alright, one, two, three, push!"


Zandra was panting tiredly in her nest as she tried to rest up a bit. She looked at all the eggs she had gotten out and was amazed she managed it all in one go. "I hope... I can get used to that when I need to do more." she reached down and rubbed one of the eggs and was just glad it was over. "I need to rest." she said as she curled up a little and closed her eyes.


The Alligator opens her eyes and rubbed them to get them to open up a little more. She sat up and let out a yawn while scratching her stomach. She takes a look at the eggs and counted how many she laid today. "Alright, ten, that's still a ton."

She then thought about what the other goddesses said to her about their growth rate and controlling their rates. "This isn't much for worshippers in total, let alone starting a village. I should probably make more before I consider raising some as my own." she looked outside a window and saw a triceratops eating some plants and grinned. "And I think I just found out who's gonna help me."

She went outside and adjusted her height before she reached the Triceratops. "Hello there big boy~."

The dinosaur turned it's head to see the alligator and tilted it's head.

"It's okay, I'm just here to see you." she said looking harmless as she started to caress its head. "Why don't you and me get to work on making some eggs?"

The Dinosaur went and nuzzled her thighs as she cooed.

"I'll take that as a yes." she said as she laid down on her back like she did before. "Go for it."

The dinosaur looked at the folds and moved over on top of her with his dick already out and eager. The alligator let out a loud moan as the screen fades to black.

(Millions of centuries later)

What was once a thick jungle was now a large bustling village and city. Various vehicles were driving and people were doing various things. Most of them however were various anthro reptiles in various garments who were going about their day. Though of course there were other various anthros than just the reptiles, and some even look like anthro dinosaurs.

But one thing that stood out was a large building in the dead center of it all. It was as big as the eiffel tower in Paris and the inside was filled with various lab equipment and stuff. In said lab was Zandra herself currently typing something on a large screen computer. She's a young woman, looking to be in her 30's while she was examining DNA and making serums and taking notes.

"Hmm...this strand looks healthy enough." she said as she saves the info and places the strand in storage. "Well, seems like that's enough work for one day, better get ready."

She got up as she also felt presence around her and smiled as she looked and saw the other Mother Goddesses with her. "Hello there, something you want to tell me?"

"We just thought we'd come by and say how proud we are of you." The Snake being said. "You have worshippers that not only made others without needing to make them, they lasted all the way to where you are now."

"That's not the only thing I did." Zandra said proudly. When she heard about the multiverse goddesses fading out of their control, she decided to go to their universe and help them out so that they don't be struck down earlier than they wanted if they wanted help. "This way you all can keep on going without worrying about fading away. Well at least until you decided that you'll eventually decide to pass your title to someone you trust."

"Very clever."

Zandra smiles as she felt numerous small steps and giggles as she walks around. "Uh oh, is someone in here?" she asked with a giggle.

"Nooo." came a small voice followed by shushing.

The Alligator smiles as she looks around carefully, making sure to keep herself low. "Now who could that be I wonder?"

She heard a few skittering steps as she proceeded to sneak to them carefully. She held her breath and heard them stop behind a monitor making her tip toe.

"Whoa... what that?" One voice sounding female spoke in a whisper.

"I don't know, lets touch it." whispered another sounding male.

"Cool, so many colors." another with a different female.

"Hurry!" A different male whispered, before they felt a shadow over them and they tried to run, but all of them were caught in a hug.

"Well, look like I caught little ones in here~!" Zandra said smiling. She stood up as they squirmed, showing several young reptile kids. "What are you doing in here?"

The four of them giggled as they hugged the adult Alligator.

"Aw, you just wanted to visit mommy, didn't you?"

"Hehe, we missed you!" one of them said.

"You didn't come out to play." The boy said.

"Aww, I'm sorry. I must've got distracted with my notes." she said kissing their foreheads. "Tell you what, why don't we go out for a walk around the city and I get you some ice cream to make up for it?"

"Yay!" her children cheered loudly and happily.

"Just remember, hold hands." she spoke putting them down and grabbed two hands as they held each other and made their way out of the lab and into the exterior, which looked like a temple, while two snake guards bowed as she passed them. "Make sure no one you remember enters this place." she told them as she passed.

"Yes mother goddess." They stated as she then headed outside into the city.

Zandra and her kids walked down the streets with numerous citizens quickly bowing to her.

"Wow, mother. They're all bowing to you." one of her children stated.

"Well it's something that comes with being a goddess." She told them as they went to the ice cream store and made their order.

"What will you do after you finish playing with us?"

"Well I should do my goddess duties."

"What are your duties?"

"Ah, ah, ah. That's classified." she wagged her fingers making them pout. "You'll understand when you're older." she stated as she patted their heads and rubbed their hair.

"Awwww." A golden lab said getting their bowls to them.

"No pouting." she said as the canine placed their bowls down. "Thank you."

"Your wish is my command mother goddess." he bowed while walking away.

They enjoyed their sundaes and hung out until the sun was starting to set as she walked her kids home, holding one of them in her arms.

"So, did you kids have fun?"

"Yes mommy~." They said as the one in her arms snuggled in her neck.

"Good, because we better get you home." she said as they arrived and entered the building. Soon putting her children in their rooms. She sees the crocodile woman next to their room. "I'll need you to take care of them while I work. Can I count on you?"

"Of course mother goddess, it would be my pleasure."

"Thank you.' She enters the room and kisses their cheeks. "I'll be back in a couple of hours, don't cause trouble."

"Ok mommy."

Zandra smiles as she tickles them. "Mommy loves you all."

"We love you too." They told her as she left the room and made sure to lock places she didn't want her children to answer before she entered the temple part of the area. There are numerous animals stood in wait with loincloths, and nothing else.

She disrobed herself, leaving her nude as she looked over the animals. "Alright fellas, are you all ready?"

The animals cried out when that saw Zandra approaches them as she looks over them, deciding which one to take.

"Hmm...eeny meeny miny moe." She stated as she was even able to bring creatures back from extinction and even fiction. "You." she pointed at a cat with wings and a tail that was also a snake.

The Chimera purred at seeing the mother goddess pointed to it and went and started to nuzzle her face and chest.

"Just don't go hogging me for yourself, I want to give everyone a turn." She said to it, petting its head as she saw him moving around her. "I'll go for 6 rounds this time!"

The chimera smiled while she saw a bulge forming under his loincloth. The Alligator murred as she felt the creature got on her back and put her on fours.

"Someone doesn't waste any time, I like that." she said murring as she felt his length rubbing against her folds. "Have at it and go nuts." She felt him plunge his large member into her folds, both of them moaning out in pleasure.

The other animals who stood in wait watched with their bulges growing. She quivered and moaned in pleasure as she saw a lion approaching her front. "Sorry, I'm occupied, but my mouth is free."

"Yes mother goddess."

She giggled as she saw the lion mount her front, she made it that the animals here can communicate with her. She saw the dick move to her mouth and opened it before licking around the tip with ease.

The animals moaned out in pleasure as they thrust back and forth in the female alligator's holes, with Zandra moaning in bliss.

'I wonder if I should try and let out six kids this time.' she thought while she felt his thick throbbing member rubbing her insides. She swirled her tongue around and started to bob her head back and forth with a hum. 'I mean, they'll grow up to be young adults soon enough, so it shouldn't be a bother.'

"M-Mother goddess! Your mouth feels so good!" the lion stated with a pant as she can feel he and the chimera are getting close.

"Mmmmm~" she let out around the dick while making her folds tighten around the first cock. She heard the beast above her whimper a bit from the tightness as she giggled. 'Go ahead and let me all you got~'

On her command, the lion and the chimera cried out as they climaxed into her holes. She hummed with her body accepting the sperm with ease. They slid out and Zandra took a moment to clean herself a bit.

'I'll make it my religion thrives until the end of time.' She vowed as she motions others to come to her.

A electrifying reaction

.We look at a largish looking ship on a rocky looking landscape with a greenish, yellowish sky above it. Inside through the windows showed a figure looking around at the area with interest. The figure was a grey squirrel wearing a labcoat who was...

, , , , , , ,

The Fox's Den

It was late at night as a female fox was driving down the street trying to get home. She wore a blue blouse with black pants and had a necklace on and currently trying to keep from making any wrong turns. "God... Why did the meeting had to be so...

, , , , ,

Bride of the forest guardian.

The sky was sparkling with billions of stars as a young rabbit was walking through with a flashlight glowing ahead of them. They were light brown colored with a red flannel shirt and green backpack with tanned shorts and hiking boots. "Aahh......

, , , , ,