A electrifying reaction

Story by Articlynx582 on SoFurry

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A space scientist gets more than he bargained for when he discovered an alien capable of altering DNA.

.We look at a largish looking ship on a rocky looking landscape with a greenish, yellowish sky above it. Inside through the windows showed a figure looking around at the area with interest. The figure was a grey squirrel wearing a labcoat who was entering the suiting room.

"This new planet is teeming with all sorts of new life, once I get to work on finding my first subject to document, I might make as many new discoveries as Darwin. I might even have enough material to write my own personal textbook and name them all. My brain is already tingling with ideas." he was putting on a hazmat suit to protect himself from any possible radiation all the while grinning giddily. He made his way towards a door and grabbed a container near it before opening it and saw the land out in front of him.

He stepped outside and took out his scanner to locate any lifeforms nearby. It pinged to try and find any heat signatures as he began to slowly walk away from the ship with a life line attached around his waist. "Alrighty, now where will my first sign of life be?" He went towards some craters as he scanned the area nearby, but got no readings. "Nothing here."

He moved over near a tall rock, and got zilch. "Not here either."

He checked a nearby canyon, "Nada... I know there's something here though. I won't give up!"


The squirrel panted as he fell to his knees and dropped the scanner. "Nothing...for three hours...nothing."

"W-was I wrong? Was this all just some bad luck on my end?" The squirrel groaned as he looked at the scanner. "Is this thing broke or just not put together properly?"

He looked at it again and see that there seems to be something a little bit ahead. "Well, one more time, if I get nothing, I'll just return back and go to a different planet." he stood up and dragged himself going even though he was feeling tired.

He found himself to be in some kind of cave. He looked at the scanner to see that the presence was within. "I'm beat, but in for a penny, out for the pound." he said as he carefully entered. He turned the lights on the suit on and looked around the dark cavern carefully. He can see that there is some kind of moss or plant like substance on the walls. "Well it is possible to have life form on this planet. Hopefully there will be physical life here too."

He kept going in deeper and started to hear some light growling nearby. He perked up and looked at the scanner to see it detected something making him smile. He does carefully go through the tunnels to make sure he can sneak up on it. 'Finally, I found something! I just hope it won't sense me.'

As he approaches the dot on the scanner, he can sense some electrical current in the air. 'Could this creature be able to conduct electricity? This is going to be good.' he thought as he took out his capture pistol that will beam him into the capture area aboard his ship. He heard the growling increase and carefully climbed over a nearby hill.

He look and sees some kind of creature seemingly sleeping in the deep part of the cave, he takes out his binoculars and looked through it. It appears to be some kind of large wolf creature but with large claws, some kind of markings on his back, and what appears to be electric current flowing through his white, black and grey fur. 'Astonishing, a species resembling a wolf while giving off electrical waves as it sleeps. Must be a defense mechanism to keep from getting attacked by larger predators.'

He then went from his position and went close to the creature. "I just need to get close and blast a capture beam to send it to my ship." he whispered taking aim.

The creature growled and grumbled in it's sleep before the squirrel fired a ray from the pistol. Green energy surrounded the wolf like creature for a few moments before disappearing.

"Yes! I finally got a specimen!" he started jumping up and down excitedly before he started to head back to the ship.

(Later on.)

The wolf creature was growling angrily as he tries to get past the forcefield in his cage. He swiped at it, but got shocked making it let out a loud bark in anger.

"It's a good thing my barrier can hold you." he said as he started to take some basic notes. Then he noticed a part of his back opening and numerous long tentacles sprouted out and started lashing at the barrier, only to get the same results. "Oooh! Tentacles too? You're full of surprises aren't you?"

The wolf growled back angrily in response.

"Figured as much, well wait here, I gotta get some supplies so we can run some more test." the squirrel said before exiting the room. He rubbed his hands eagerly. "Oh boy, what else could he have? Marine like capabilities? Camouflage? So many things to see, so little time. Hmm, I should also try and work out a name for him when I have free time." he said heading into the supply room and gathering as much things as he could carry. He groaned from the weight of the stuff. "This.. ngh... won't be enough supplies.. Eghh.. Need second trip."

As he went back down to the cage he set the stuff down. "Alright fella, time to get some tests started." he said as he pondered what to do. "Let's start with a radiation testing to see how resistant you are."

But when he turned to the cage his mouth dropped open in horror. The wolf creature was gone! "What the?! How did this happen?!" he said checking the security cameras, but it seems they were fried. "Oh man, it must've overloaded the cameras..." Soon enough the area around him darkens. "As well as the generators...."

He rushed to grab a flashlight and turned it on while feeling scared. "Okay, maybe I should've figured out a way to neutralize his electric powers first..." he grumbles as he looked around the area. 'I need to try and get to the deck and send an SOS just in case.' he said as he made his way to the deck, making sure not to make too much noise.

It was empty without anyone or anything in sight as he moved to the console and hit some buttons. He was typing as fast as he could while turning his head at even the slightest noise around him. 'Alright, so far so good.' he said as he finished the message and pinpointed his location on the map. "Please hurry asap!" he added at the end.

That's when he heard something. He quickly turned around and shined his flashlight as well as a tranquilizer rifle. "If you're there, don't try to attack me." he felt his arms shake while spotting a shape moving around in the darkness. He shined the light at it but spot nothing. 'I-I gotta send the message and get to safety! Right now!' he said turning around to finalize the SOS.

But as he moved his fingers to the buttons, he suddenly found his wrist grabbed by something. The squirrel yelped as he tried to reached for the buttons, but they were too strong, in fact he was being pulled away. "No! No no no no no!" He was pulled into the darkness as he cried out a big. "NOOOOOOO!!" before everything went to black.


The squirrel woke to find himself in an unfamiliar place. 'What is this... is this the afterlife?' he thought to himself. He looked around while feeling the ground under him. 'It's certainly not what I expect. Call it cliche, but I was expecting clouds, golden gates, angels flying around...'

That's when he heard a growling sound along with footsteps. It made his fur shudder as he looked around some more. 'Oh no... please no...' he tried to stand up, but his body felt heavy and tingled, he looked to see he wasn't being held down, but can't move regardless. 'P-paralysis?'

He looked over at where the sound was coming from and saw a figure in the darkness. Green glowing eyes piercing through the darkness, growling at him. 'Oh shit!' he thought sweat dropping. 'Just when I discovered something, I'm alien chow!'

The creature moved closer with tentacles lashing out and wrapped around the squirrel's wrists. "No, no n-no. Please, spare me!" he pleaded unable to struggle. "I'm sorry I kidnapped you! I just wanted to learn more about you!"

The large wolf like alien approaches the defenseless squirrel, licking its lips.

'Oh god, it's going to eat me for sure!' he whimpered as he closes his eyes. 'Just make it quick and painless!'

The alien stopped in front of him and leaned in before sniffing around the scientist. The squirrel kept his eyes closed throughout the moment. 'Of course, needing to take the smell in before the bite.' he thought shaking at the idea of what will happen. 'I just don't want to suffer too much!'

But that's when he felt something wet touch his cheek. "Ngh.. Huh?" he muttered opening an eye. He felt it move up and down his cheek while not feeling any pain. "Is this suppose to be tasting, cause I think it should be done by now."

The wet appendage moved back and that's when he saw sparks from the creature light up, showing it clearly and noticed just the height difference between them. While it does have an appearance of a wolf, it has a size of a large tiger.

"Well? Are you waiting to hear me beg?" he asked shaking. "Cause I pretty much did that before hand." he said to the creature.

The alien gave a fanged grin before two tentacles moved down and wrapped around the squirrel's ankles.

"Aaiee, what now?!" he yelped at the action before he felt them being spread apart. His eyes widened while trying to close them, but the tentacles were stronger. "Wh-what are you doing?" he struggled trying to get free. 'Weird, if it wanted to kill me, it would've done so by now, it should've done so when I blacked out. What does it want?'.

That's when the wolf brandished some sharp claws and grabbed at the clothes before tearing them off in one go.

He yelped at the action, but was relieved at the fact that he wasn't hurt. The scientist was terrified, but at the same time curious as to what the wolf alien intends to do. He felt the tentacles held him up with his legs spread wide and saw the wolf move near them. 'Wait...is he...' He sees him nudge at his bottom and sniffed at it for a bit. 'It intends to mate with me?!' he thought blushing a little at the creature.

The alien licked it's lips before moving it's tongue out and rubbed it against the squirrel's ass. With the scientist letting out a moan. Personally, he had fun with males beforehand, but he never would've imagined something like this happening.

"H-Hey! You don't want me, I-I'm not female." He stuttered out struggling a bit, "I-I'm sure you'll be able to find another like you. Preferably someone who isn't me and thicker." he added.

The wolf growled and kept on licking while grabbing the thighs and dug it's claws into them while licking closer to the hole. The scratch marks left little blood, but nothing serious or life threatening as the rodent looks around the cave, trying to think of something.

'Think think think! I need to try and distract him if he won't listen to reason!' he said looking at his tattered clothes to see if he can see anything among it. That's when he noticed something shiny which was his pocket watch. 'That's it!' "H-Hey, what's that over there?"

The wolf-like alien then looked at the direction the squirrel pointed and noticed the pocket watch. It narrowed it's eyes before moving away from the squirrel and went towards it, but the tentacles still held the scientist in place.

'Dang it! I was hoping it would be intrigued enough that it would let me go!' he thought to himself looking around his area. 'If I had a knife this would be easy.' As he looked, he did notice a rather sharp looking rock near him. 'Maybe that can work. If I can just get one of my hands free...' he tried to carefully move his arm to try to slip it out.

The alien picked the watch up and sniffed it in confusion and curiosity.

The squirrel sweatdrops as he sees him looking at it. 'If I don't get out soon, he'll come back!' he thought feeling his arm almost through. 'Come on, just a bit more.' He soon felt the arm slip out a little and reached out for the sharp rock. When he grabbed it he smiled and looked up, only to come face to face with the wolf who gave a snarl. "Oh uh... H-Hi there.. I-I didn't know you returned!" he stuttered terrified.

It growled and grabbed the rock before throwing it away with the squirrel suddenly finding himself moved around due to the tentacles and found himself bent over a large rock with his wrists planted firmly against it.

He yelped at the cold ground as he felt a tentacle lifted his tail up. "Wait! Let's talk about this!"

The wolf moved over and grabbed the ass cheeks before spreading them and spotted the asshole as it rubbed it's dick against the cheeks making the scientist blush.

"N-no, d-don't try it.. Nhhh.." He shuddered from the rubbing. 'He's really gonna do it!' He's worried, but at the same time, he felt excited about doing it with an alien. He didn't even notice his own dick had been growing hard before he felt the tip press against his anus.

He shuddered at the size of the tip, feeling it pulse slightly as it started pushing against it. "A-Ahhhh!" he cried out as his ass started to spread out for the cock to enter.

The alien snarled from the snug confines as it kept pushing in deeper and deeper.

The squirrel gritted his teeth as the shaft scrapes against his insides. "I-It's too big!" he cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure. "I kinda wish he reamed me out first!"

The wolf growled and grabbed the squirrel's hips before pulling back and slammed right back in making the rodent yell out.

"AAaaiiieee!!" his vision went white for a moment as his head went blank for a moment before his senses return. He winced and hissed from the rush of pain before feeling the dick pull back and push inside again and again. "AAhh, p-please, a-at least don't thrust so hard!" he pleaded with the wolf.

The alien gave a huff before leaning on the squirrel and started licking the back of his neck.

"Ah!" he yelped from the lick before shuddering as he felt the second lick. "Ahh..." he murred slightly. He felt his dick rub against the rock with each thrust making him grit his teeth. "Th-thank you." he muttered out with a groan.

The alien grunted with the hole squeezing his dick the more he went in and out. The squirrel grunted as well as his ass gotten accustomed to his size and girth.

"S-See? I'm not female, I have a penis." he said with a moan. "Y-you're fucking my ass." he said obviously. "S-so you really should stop..."

The wolf looked down at the hole before snarling and shook his head and started to move back and forth into the anus harder making the squirrel gasp.

"Aaahh!" he yelped out as he gripped the rock, 'Wh-why is he still going along with this? Does he not care that I'm male!?' he felt the dick seemingly twitch inside his ass, but it actually felt like it was growing at the same time. 'If it's growing, that means it'll knot soon enough...'

But that's when the dick seemingly started to stretch out longer and went in deeper to where the tip poked his prostate. He let out a loud moan in pleasure as he gasped at what happened. "D-Did you just get longer?!" he asked shocked.

The wolf gave a brief nod before he started to move in and out faster while reaching down to the squirrel's chest and started to rub his erect nipples.

The rodent quivers at the rubbing and intense pleasure. 'This alien can be affectionate if you ask him too.' he thought blushing as he relaxed and moaned in response. 'I just hope he doesn't get any bigger or my ass will never be the same.' he thought feeling one of the tentacles rub and caress his cheek and face. 'At least he knows not to get too hard.'

The rodent yelped and moaned as he felt his insides being strangely warmed and massaged. "A-Ah! Ah! Ah!" he panted, feeling close to cumming. "I-I can't hold on much longer!"

Hearing that made the wolf reach down to the dick and started squeezing the balls.

The squirrel let out a loud cry as he climaxed hard, covering the rock with his sperm. "AHHHH!" he screams out, gripping the hard rock in his paws.

The wolf let out a loud howl as he buried himself inside with the dick twitching and the scientist feeling a rush of hot sperm going inside.

'It's... cumming.. The alien's cumming inside my ass~!' he shuddered feeling it warm and thick. The squirrel shuddered as he felt his stomach rounding out a bit. "I-It won't all fit!" he cried out trying to pull off of him, but was stuck on good.

The wolf huffed and kept a firm grip on the scientist with his dick slowly beginning to stop spurting out semen.

The squirrel let out a sigh in relief as he was becoming a little worried that he was going to burst if he kept going on, but now he looks at his fat belly and the large wolf on top of him. 'If it's anything like a dog, it'll be awhile before I get unstuck.'

The alien let out a low growl and leaned on top of the squirrel while panting. He can feel the hot breath on top of his head and blushed. 'Well this has turned out to be an eventful day, hopefully as soon as he falls asleep, I can get away and try to see if I can get off this planet.'

As he waits, he noticed faint yellow lines appearing on his belly. 'Huh? When did those appear? And how?' he went to touch one of the lines and he shuddered at just how sensitive his stomach felt to the touch. 'I'm gonna need to run some tests on myself, as soon as I get the chance.' he thought while his groin twitches as while he doesn't noticed it yet, actually shrunken a bit.


The squirrel was staring at the wolf intently as while he can see his eyes are closed, he wasn't snoring. 'I can't leave until he's snoring. That's the sign they're asleep.' he held his breath while thankful the dick had shrunk down a little.

Soon he heard the wolf starting to snore a little while later.

'Okay, here goes.' he started to carefully move from him. He made sure to hold his breath as best as possible while avoiding anything to trip over. He heard a grumble from the wolf as he froze, but thankfully the wolf just gotten into a comfortable position. Seeing that he was far enough from the wolf, he then went into a run out of the cave. 'Yes! Now to get back to my lab and barricade myself in while I run the test.'

Soon he was able to reach his ship and thankfully was able to get the main power back on. With that he moved some stuff in front of the door as best as possible before bolting to the main lab.

As he entered the lab, he started up the computer and booted it up. He stepped into his scanner pod and saw the ring lower down to scan him. He gave it a minute to go up and down before moving out of it and looked at the info the computer showed. He was reading the results and his eyes and ears shot wide open. "Oh...my...god... P-pregnancy.... DNA altering... Gender modification?!"

He reread it over and over and over again, trying not to believe it. 'WHAT DOES GENDER MODIFICATION MEAN?!" he asked looking down at his body. "I look just fine! I feel fine! What could be wrong with it?!"

He shakes his head. "It's probably just some computer malfunction from power surge. As soon as it gets enough power, I'm off this planet." he said as he went to the main area. 'And far away from that alien.'

He looked around him as he felt a little embarrassed about what happened. "I can't believe that happened, I should've been more careful! Even if it was very enjoyable... N-no, not thinking about that!" he shook his head and moved to the bridge. "The moment this is off the planet, I can just forget this happened and tell the others I ran into a cosmic storm." He double check his defenses as he then went to the bunk room. 'Right now, just sleep and forget this moment!' he said laying down and closing his eyes.


His dreams were relentless as it was filled with the same wolf alien from before. Either chasing him, trying to attack him, but most of them ended with him getting fucked again and again and again. Some of them even with him accepting it with pleasure which would make him wake up in shock.

"Damn it! At this rate I'll never get any rest!" he said getting up, getting some water to calm his body. 'And why do I need to keep reliving that moment? I should be blocking it from my mind!'

He pokes his head in frustration. He went to the main room to see that if they can lift up, but the screen shows an issue with the engine room. "I suppose I can work on the engine to pass the time."

He went to get dressed and headed down while wearing new underwear since...he didn't want to think of it.

He entered the engine room and dodged some falling debris from the area as he saw while the gears are intact, they're jammed. "Great, just perfect. This will take forever." he said starting to clean some of the debris out of the gears. "Good thing I got the security up, if that wolf comes back, I'll know!"

But as he moved stuff from the gears, his thoughts drifted back to his dreams. He can feel his crotch getting excited about the dreams he had.

"No! Block them out, block them out." he said trying to think of something else, like his inspiration to become a scientist. 'Don't think about the alien, don't think about it mounting me, or stuffing my ass to the fullest...damn it!'

He gritted his teeth as he repairs any slightly damaged technology. The squirrel checked the area around the ship for any intruders. When there was none he headed up back where he was. He finished with the repairs and tried to start it up again.

"Come on, come on, come on!" he said activating the thrusters and engine. "Yes!" he can feel the ship starting to lift above the ground. "I'm out of here!"

But as he felt the ship go up, he failed to notice a blinking light indicating something was wrong with the haul.

"Okay, now that that's settled, I'm gonna get some rest." he said his body feeling heavy with fatigue. He turn and dragged himself to his quarters while yawning.


The captain's quarters was eerily quiet as he sleeps soundly. He was on his side while grumbling and rubbed his nose with his body feeling a little...off.

"Eermm... NNnngghh!" he mumbled as he twist and turns around. He rubbed his stomach and felt warm making him move the blanket off. He started to pant a bit from the heat. 'So... hot...'

His ears twitched while he scratched himself and began to wake up. "Ghhrrhh, I can't sleep!" he said getting out of bed. "Maybe some water will help." he walked to the bathroom, turned the lights, and then the tap without looking at the mirror. He grabbed the glass cup and filled it with water before drinking it. But when his eyes met the mirror they widened and he spat the water on it. "Wh-what the?!" he stuttered.

His face looked more softer and rounder than before while his body actually seemed more lean and slimmed down. "What's the meaning of this?!"he cried out holding the mirror with shaking hands. As he spoke, he noticed his voice also softened a bit. He touched his throat and paled before looking down and saw his hips had actually widened out. "I... I gotta..!"

He couldn't finish since he noticed his dick had also shrunken down, but something had grown. "N-no, my-my stomach!"

His belly had somewhat expanded outward with him touching it and was speechless.

"I gotta head off to the medical area!" he said heading out of the bathroom. He stumbled due to the sudden shift in weight and tried to keep from falling. He walked along the wall and he felt oddly sick for some reason. He covered his mouth and reached the area before rushing over to the medicine cabinet and tried rifling through it. "There's gotta be something in here to help with this situation!"

He managed to find a sterile needle and carefully injected it in his arm before drawing blood with a wince and rushed to move it over to a machine before sliding it into a slot and hit a button, then went to get some gauze to cover the wound. Not before cleaning the blood first and wrapping the gauze around his arm.

He took a deep breath and sat down while wiping more sweat from his head and looked at the machine. "Please have an answer, please don't let it be what I fear. I mean, it's just not possible, not possible at all!" he heard the machine beep and the results being printed out. He grabbed the paper and looked on it. When he did he paled and felt his breath leave him. "I....I....I....pregnant?" he let out in a squeak. "P-pregnant?!" he fell on his butt and stared at his belly.

A life form? Growing inside him? A male?! The Squirrel's face was sweating with fear and panic as he tries to figure this out. 'T-this doesn't make any sense! Where's the logic in this!?'

That's when he felt it click and thought back to the wolf. 'Th-that wolf creature!' he thought sweat dropping. 'It's able to change one's DNA!' he held his belly while groaning in despair while swearing he could feel something kick. "I'm turning into a female." he trembled as he looked upwards. "And there's a snowball's chance in hell to find a way to revert back to normal!"

With that he pushed himself up and moved out of the room and to his lab. He wasn't exactly sure what to do with his situation though. But one thing was for sure, he needed to try and work to get his mind working or else he'd lose it.

He reached the lab and took some of his DNA and entered the DNA splurging machine. "There must be a way to turn me back to normal." he said as he uploaded his sample into the machine and went to the computer. He typed away frantically with a determined look. "I don't care how long it takes, I'll find a way." he said sipping his coffee as he started taking away any unfamiliar DNA of his.


"Oh god, why can't I find a way!?" he cried out typing even faster, then using test tubes, then scanning vials and other things. "I've been at this for four hours straight!"

No matter how many times he tried, he still can't find any way to eliminate the intruding DNA strands. And all the while he swore his belly had grown bigger. "This creature's pregnancy's faster than ours! I gotta find a way and fast!"

He panted and kept going, but when he put in more data, he noticed a blinking red light on the console. "What's going on?" He then checked the indication on the computer. "A break in the haul? What could...no, no no no no, it couldn't be!" he stuttered. "C-computer, bring up the camera in the haul! Playback all from three hours!"

The computer screen turned on and showed a recording the haul. At first nothing was out of order for the first half hour. When it got farther though it showed something hitting the side of the wall before he saw the wolf tear through and enter with a snarl.

"God Dammit! I must've forgotten to fix the alarm system!" he stated as he looked around. "Why didn't it attack me any time though?" he rubbed his stomach without realizing it and felt his ass tingle. "Shit, no I need to do something fast!"

But as he got up he heard a loud roar that echoed throughout the ship. He tried to stay quiet as he looked out carefully. Seeing it was empty, he went out as he go for the emergency weapons room. 'It must be getting ready to come for me. I just don't know what will happen next!'

With that in mind he tried to find a weapon that would keep him safe. He looked and found a long, lead pipe lying on the floor. He picked it up and kept it with him. He looked at the door and could hear the sounds of claws moving towards his location.

He hides first and kept the pipe close. 'I should've had a gun with me just in case!...'

That's when the sound got closer and closer. He held his breath and closed his eyes, praying that it passed the room he's in. But when he heard claws meet floor right outside the door he heard a roar. He winced at the sound and trembled as he tried not to scream and shout. 'I'm gonna die! Actually... I think I prefer to die instead!' he thought waiting.

That's when claws tore through the door and ripped it open before the alien wolf spotted him.

The Squirrel yelped at the loud crashing noise as he got up and held his pipe in a defensive stance. "Stay back!"

The wolf snarled and walked towards him with its fangs showing.

"I-I'm warning you!" he stated preparing to swing. 'So this is how I die, trapped aboard the ship while being eaten by an alien wolf that knocked me up with it's child.' He then swung as hardest as he could.

Only for the wolf's tentacles lash out and grab it with ease.

'Oh come on!' he thought before the wolf moved up to him and started sniffing him.

"Just don't make it painful." he pleaded closing his eyes. 'I never even got a chance to make it home.' he thought tearfully gritting his teeth.

But he failed to feel anything. He slowly opened one eye to peek what's going on. He saw the wolf still sniffing him before looking at his belly.

'Wait, he was the one who bred me, of course he wasn't going to kill me.' he thought blushing a little at his attention. He saw the wolf look at him and start licking at his belly making him jump back. "H-Hey cut it out." he said trying to move back, but was already against the wall.

The wolf growled and moved over closer to keep licking and rubbed his muzzle and snout against the belly.

"Mmmhhh.." he murred from the soft feeling, his stomach feeling sensitive. 'At least I'm not dead, but I can't tell if that's good or bad.' he thought trying to move forward. 'How did I come with the one who can alter DNA?'

The wolf growled while it's tentacles moved up and draped around the Squirrel's sides.

"What's the meaning of this? Let me go!" he tried to push them off, but found the wolf moving on top of him to hold him in place and seemed to get cozy.

The squirrel blushed as he can feel the soft fur along his body. "H-Hey." He said feeling awfully comforted and assured. "Can you...get off?" He asked. "Please?"

The wolf growled in response before closing his eyes.

"I guess not. I kinda wish I can understand him though." he muttered with a sigh before trying to relax since he wouldn't be going anywhere. He then have an idea. 'Maybe I can use his DNA to get an antidote to help my DNA.'


The squirrel looked at the vial in hand while dragging the wolf behind him who still didn't let go.

"Hopefully this works, I got nothing else to lose." he said taking a deep breath. He put it into the machine and hit a button before it started to scan the DNA. "How I was able to carry you behind me is a mystery."

The wolf let out a small snore while snuggling against the squirrel's tail. The scientist waited as he noticed his fur was lengthening and matching the wolf's coloring a bit and his claws were sharpening.

"Oh come on come on come on machine!" he stated trying to keep it together. "Give me some good results!"

He then saw the results being posted so he dragged his way there. "Ok, and the goods news is...." He reads the results scanning it diligently with his eyes and his eyes widened suddenly. "Oh fuck me." he dropped the report and it fell to the ground.


The squirrel sighed while currently jotting down a report and looking exhausted. His body is looking longer and leaner, more feminine as his fur is thicker and almost similar to the wolf alien. "Almost... done.."

But that's when he heard a familiar crying sound behind him making him groan and move away from the computer. He went and entered the room near the lab. There inside was a crib showing what looked like a young wolf pup with an unusually bigger and fluffier tail than one though.

"H-Hey there little guy." he said with a small smile, rubbing his cheek. "Wake up from your nap?"

The pup yipped as he raised his arms up to the squirrel to be picked up.

The scientist reached down and picked the child up while cradling him in his arms. "Why don't you try and get some rest? You need plenty of it." he spoke to him. 'Even though it's odd, he is kinda cute.'

The pup let out a yawn and cooed in the hold while the scientist head the sound of claws meeting the floor coming up behind him. "Oh boy, he's back." he said putting him down in the crib and turning around. "Yes?" He saw the wolf from before approaching him slowly. Seeing him, he turns on the alien translator he placed on him.

"Our child missed you."

"I'm sorry, I've been very busy." he said to him in apology.

"When will you be able to take one of these 'vacation' things?"

He blushes as he looks at him. "Once I'm finished with my current work, I'll be going on vacation."

"Good, we need more time to bond as a family, less our pup feel lonely."

He grumbled as he looked at his form. At this point, his cock is gone and replaced with a vagina. 'Hopefully he's satisfied with one pup, I don't know what will happen if he wants another.'

The Fox's Den

It was late at night as a female fox was driving down the street trying to get home. She wore a blue blouse with black pants and had a necklace on and currently trying to keep from making any wrong turns. "God... Why did the meeting had to be so...

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Bride of the forest guardian.

The sky was sparkling with billions of stars as a young rabbit was walking through with a flashlight glowing ahead of them. They were light brown colored with a red flannel shirt and green backpack with tanned shorts and hiking boots. "Aahh......

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A Royal Way of Making an Heir

A large grand castle overlooks a nearby town, fine detailed with white marble stones and stained windows. Inside it was well spacious and decorated with regal looking furniture. On a floor was a long red carpet stretching between a entrance and a large...

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