Bride of the forest guardian.

Story by Articlynx582 on SoFurry

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The power of the forest guardian is dimishing due to poor decisions caused by living creatures via pollution, constant destruction of nature, etc. Hope seems lost until a nature loving rabbit entered the sacred grounds of the forest guardian.

The sky was sparkling with billions of stars as a young rabbit was walking through with a flashlight glowing ahead of them. They were light brown colored with a red flannel shirt and green backpack with tanned shorts and hiking boots.

"Aahh... nothing like a walk through the forest with a crisp breeze in the air and the sound of nature in the area." the hare stated with a smile. "I've been meaning to come here for weeks, no thanks to work, but now I can find a good spot and and try to unwind." he sighs as having a part time job as well as school has taking his time away from exploring.

He went up a small ridge and then walked down a slope while seeing flowers on the sides of the path. He looks at them and reaches down and picked one up. He sniffed it and smiled before putting it in his chest pocket. "If I could, I would have no problem camping out here.... If only I didn't have to go to school..." he sighs as he lay down and stargaze. "Man, the clouds out here are so far apart it gives me a great view of the stars."

He reached up and started to trace a few of them together with his finger, making imaginary shapes and objects. He smiled while enjoying the soft grass under his other hand. After awhile, he got up and stretched himself, "I hate having to leave so soon, but it's getting late."

He looked around and sniffed the flower again before going back up the path. As he walked, he noticed a path of flowers, the same flower that matched what he picked up. "Hey, what's this now?" He gazes down the pathway of the similar flowers. "Is it coincidence that flowers can make a pathway to somewhere."

He looked at the one in his hand and looked up at the sky. "Hmmm, maybe just a bit more exploring couldn't hurt." He decided as he started to follow the flowery path. "If my parents ask, I stopped to have a quick picnic."

The flower path was made of various colors of flowers which made the hare tempted on smelling each one he didn't see before. 'Maybe I'll pick 'em when I go home.' he tried to keep from stepping on them too much while the path seemed to go on for a long way. Moments later, he found a large tree in a center of a ring of flowers. "Wow, I've never been to this part of the forest yet." he stated as he looks over the large thick tree. The leaves covered and green, red, and orange leaves.

The hare walked over towards it and gave the side a little feel. "How long has this been here? 100 years? 200?"

"Far longer than that." boomed a loud voice making the rabbit jump.

"Wha-" he looks around trying to find out who said that. "H-Hello?... I-Is someone there?"

"You have some nerve to trespass on this part of the forest." came the voice from all around him.

"It was forbidden?! I didn't know, really! They should've had some sign stating no trespassing!" he explained.

"The parts of the forest that have remained undiscovered are under my water! The rest has already become tainted thanks to your kind."

"I-I'm sorry." The rabbit apologized. "I'll just be leaving." he said turning around.

"NO!" boomed the voice before the rabbit saw vines rising up from the ground. "I shall not take the chance of my home being discovered by more of your kind."

He cried out in shock and fell down. "N-no, I wasn't going to tell anyone about this place." he tried to assure him.

He saw the vines close up and block the path making him pale and saw more rise up. "I-I swear! I'm not a blabbermouth!" He places a hand up to his side in a scouts honor pose.

"I will not take that chance."

"Ahh! P-please.. D-don't kill me!" the rabbit begged, tears forming. "I didn't mean to cause any trouble! I just went out to go on a nature walk!" he stated. "I'd never spill secrets that are important! Please believe me!"

"Oh really?" The voice asked the vines inched away from the rabbit.

"Yes! I swear!"

The voice was silent before a small venus flytrap rose up and moved near the rabbit. "Then prove it."

"P-Prove it?..." he asked worriedly. 'Oh please tell me it's not asking what I think it's asking...'

"Stick your hand near the plant."

"What?!" he stated while the flytrap opened its mouth.

"If you're speaking the truth it will sense it and not bite. However, if you are lying then it will take your whole hand."

The rabbit gulped as he shakingly reached out his hand. 'This has got to be... the most stupidest thing I am ever doing...' he moved it to where it was right inside the opening.

"Now, speak the truth or lose your hand, why did you come across this part of the forest?"

"I just discovered a path of flowers the same kind I found. I was actually returning home for the night." The Rabbit answered.

"What do you think of this spot?"

"It is very beautiful. I never seen a tree so big and with so much leaves."

"Are you truly willing to keep a secret such as this from anyone? Friends and family?"

"Yes of course. I wouldn't do anything if someone doesn't like it." he said trying to stay calm.

"Even if it meant your very life?"

He jolted at that question. "M-my life? I could die?!"

"If you were ever threatened to give up the location, and you were to be killed, would you still keep the secret or reveal it? Answer!"

He took a moment to think before stating. "No, I'll still keep it a secret!" he promised.

"Final question, what do you believe to be better for the world? Constant cement and metal buildings that destroy the land, or letting mother nature lead us all in what was meant to be her ideal planet?"

"I always loved nature, and it hurts me when some people selfishly demolish it for more buildings when they can remodel or demolish old buildings." he admitted while looking down. "I know it's weird, but with nature it's calm and serene, but in cities it's so loud and the fumes always make it hard to really enjoy the air without worrying about what it could do to your body." he stated. "So yeah, I prefer nature over concrete."


The rabbit was sweat dropping. 'Please believe me...'

"You are telling the truth." it spoke before the flytrap moved away from the rabbit's hand.

"Hoo... Thank you, thank you.." he sat down and sigh in relief.

"But there is one question not answered."

"Huh? I thought we were done?" the rabbit stated looking confused.

"What is your name?"

"Mikhail." the rabbit answered. "And who are you exactly?"

"I'm known as the guardian of this forest." the voice respond.

"But do you have a name?" Mikhail asked. "Or any kind of name I can call you?"

"I do not possess a name, for I have one duty, to keep the forest safe and the creatures who inhabit it."

"I suppose you're right." Mikhail stated crossing his arms. "And all that before makes sense now."

"I suppose you wish for me to let you leave, correct?"

"Yes please. I gotta get back so my parents don't worry." Mikhail answered.

"Very well, just remember what I said." he spoke before the vines lowered down to show the path.

"I promise." Mikhail said as he started walking off. He let out a sigh of relief while glancing back at the tree and flowers. 'Glad I got out in one piece, though I might have trouble sleeping tonight considering.'


Mikhail woke up with a yawn. He gets up and head to the bathroom to wash his face. He looked at his face and checked his eyes. "I wonder if that was all a dream." he sighed as he brushes his teeth. "That'll have to wait, since I have school today." he said to himself.

"Mikhail! Are you up yet!" called his mom.

"Yes mom. Just finished brushing my teeth." the rabbit said exiting the bathroom. He got to the dining room and saw breakfast already laid out and his mom in the middle of getting ready for work.

"You and dad rest okay?" he asked them.

"Yeah, but right now we're running late for work." His father said as he adjusted his tie and drinked his coffee.

"Let me guess, you need me to watch over the house?" he asked as this happened to him sometimes.

"Bingo, we might be late coming on home."

MIkhail sighed. "Alright." he said looking at his keychain which has the key to his home. "I'll lock it when I leave for school."

"Thanks, bye sweetie, see you later." His parents stated, kissing his cheek before leaving.

He let out a sigh and sat down before he started eating. He looks outside to some trees and birds flying in the air. "Another day, another boring day I have to spend at school."

He finishes his breakfast as he got his bag and headed out of the house. He went down the street to the bus stop while wishing he had some cleaner air to breath in. 'Don't they think they built enough?...' he groaned as he sat down on the seat. 'There's plenty of concrete and metal around, but it's never enough for them. If only I can do something about it, but I'm just one person.'

But that's when the bus showed up and made him cough when he accidentally inhaled some of the fumes. "Geez, they need this bus checked!" he cried out as he stepped on board. He took an empty spot while glad he could breath a bit easier. The bus started to move as he stared out the window. He saw numerous tall buildings which made him already miss the trees. 'This is gonna be a long day....' Mikhail thought closing his eyes to daydream about nature.

He envisioned the scent, sound, and looks of the forest making him relax against his seat. The sight of running water flowing down the river, carrying lilies on them. The smell of fresh pollen and flowers all around. Birds chirping, sun shining, wind blowing. Then he remembered the 'dream' and gave a shiver. He held his arm in an effort to calm himself.

"Hey hippie!" called a voice behind him while getting an apple thrown at him. "Have a fun time on your nature walk?"

Mikhail groaned as he rubbed his head from when the apple hit him, but doesn't pursue the taunt. 'Just ignore them and it'll go by faster.'

"So tell me, how many flowers you pick up today nature boy?!" the voice spoke out again, throwing some grapes at Mikhail. "Did you get yourself a pretty bouquet like a fag?"

Mikhail grumbled as he ignored him. 'Don't get involved, don't get involved...'

"Probably slept on some like sleeping beauty." sneered another one. "Hoping your prince would come by and kiss you awake dork?"

The Rabbit's eye twitches in frustration at their words. 'Don't get involved, DON'T get involved...' He turned to the window to not look at them. 'Can't they just go and bug someone else?'

"So 'Mowgli', had fun swinging on some vines yesterday?!"

He kept silent while squeezing his hands together on his lap. 'How much longer till school?!'

Eventually the bus stopped making him sigh before the kids started getting off the bus. 'Finally!' he got up and started walking.

"See ya around Tarzan!" laughed several kids making him sigh. 'Yep... a long day.'

(After school)

"Finally! It's over." he stepped off the bus as he started walking home. 'Maybe now I can have a relaxing day at home.'

As he walked, he looked out at the forest he was yesterday. 'Or maybe I can spend some time outside.' he started walking towards it while smiling when he spotted flowers on the ground.

"Whenever I feel down, a relaxing walk through a forest always can make me feel better." he stated looking at multiple kinds and colors. He crouched down to sniff some and sighed with relief. He turned and saw a bird flying around chirping. "You guys are lucky, you can fly around with ease and not deal with dirty air."

He then thought about that place with the giant tree. "Man, if that wasn't a dream I'd probably want another look at it." He thought about it as he looked around. "Maybe I should just walk around aimlessly, who knows, maybe I'll discover some treasure." he joked. He got up and started to walk around. He went off the path and around some trees to really make sure he didn't stick to the map.

He went through some bushes, "Ouch." he passed by some brambles that poked his arm. He rubbed the spot while thankful it wasn't roses. "Rose thorns hurt a lot more than normal brambles." he said while walking. "Wonder if I can find any to take home." he said knowing that would make his mother happy.

He kept on going while noticing something on the ground making him blink. He paused to try to focus his sight on the subject of his interest. "Wait a that..." He went and move aside some leaves covering it. "Flowers?!"

He looks at them and he realizes that they're the same as the one he picked and followed a pathway. "This is just like in my dream, but that couldn't be...right?"

He looked forward and saw a pathway of flowers leading off. "It really is just like my dream."

He started to walk the pathway again before he can think about it. "The shades and the way it's set up are spot on. Wait, does that mean it was real?" he asked himself. "So what happened last night, it really happened, I met a guardian and promised I wouldn't tell anyone."+


As he kept walking he started to see the tree up ahead again. He stopped just before entering the area. 'God... I... This... Everything...' his mind was going all around his head.


Mikhail jolted from the sound of a voice. 'This is the same voice as I heard. There's no doubt, it wasn't a dream.'

"You have returned to my sanctuary."

"I... I had this feeling. I just had to return, to see if everything that happened yesterday was true." he spoke calmly as he could.

"You believed it to be a dream?"

"Well it's not everyday something like that happens. Sorry." Mikhail apologized. "Now I know it was real."

"If you came on a whim and wish not to destroy nature, then you are allowed here."

"Th-thank you." Mikhail said smiling. "So how long have you been here exactly?"

"Since the dawn of time."

The Rabbit gasped as he sat down to get comfortable. "That's a real long time. That's amazing."

"My one goal has been to protect the forest, but as you can tell, I have only so much power to defend it with."

"I understand that. I want to help too, but I'm just one rabbit." he sympathized. "How much longer will you be able to go on for?"

The guardian was silent for a moment. "As long as the earth is constantly polluted, my power will diminish with it."

Mikhail look downward. 'That battle will never end. It's not like we can change everyone in the world to stop smoking and resort to breaking down old buildings.'

"If I'm lucky, your kind will exterminate themselves, giving mother nature the chance to start anew."

"Not all of our kind is cruel, they're others who love nature just like me." he stated.

"And yet so few in numbers who can actually make a difference."

Mikhail sighs as he nods his head in agreement.

"The only way would be to increase the numbers drastically, maybe then I might gain some power back if they all helped together." the voice spoke out in suggestion.

"Yeah, but that would be difficult considering I have no idea who's like that in the city." Mikhail spoke. "I even get bullied just because I enjoy nature more than new video games or sports, you know stuff like that." he lay down as he stare out into the blue sky. "It happens everyday I go to school."

"That must be hard for you." the voice spoke to him.

"Yeah, but I manage to ignore them for the most part since getting mad wouldn't change anything." he stated, "But they still go at it, and teachers and principals only stop it temporarily."

"Another example of how your kind shows no remorse, even for their own kind."

"I'm not blaming them, they're doing their best. It's the bully's parents that are responsible." Mikhail stated. "They don't really try to teach the kids good manners." He groaned as he takes a deep breath to calm himself.

"In the realm of nature everything has a purpose to serve, there is no need for such questionable options that could lead to disastrous results."

Mikhail looks at the tree. "What do you mean?"

"In nature, everything has a purpose that links up together to keep balance, but with you mortals, you have 'freedom' and use it to make actions and decisions that cause more problems. If your kind was born to coexist with nature, there would be no problem whatsoever."

"We can, they just don't realize how much they're hurting it." Mikhail stated. "You said we need more numbers. Any ideas how we can do that?"

"The only method I know is through reproduction. All lives reproduces in some form just as the plants create seeds."

"That way?!" he jolted at the suggestion, "T-that's gonna be hard without a female. And I don't know anyone who's interested in nature and who's calm enough to consider this."

"Hmmm, then perhaps if I snatched young children before they are tainted and raised them in nature would help sway them instead."

"But then the parents would freak out and panic! That would cause people to start investigating and searching around anywhere." Mikhail explained.

"Ugh, you mortals make everything too complicated."

"Well kidnapping is a crime. Just like how loitering is as well." Mikhail shrugged. "Maybe I can make a school club to start awareness in nature."

"Compare the number of the members to the overall population and it would be no better than a grain of dirt compared to a mountain."

Mikhail crossed his arms as he tries to think of something else. "What can we do?"

"Reproduction is the only option that would guarantee full control to ensure they do not become like all the other mortals."

"But I'm the only one who knows about you." he explained. "And I'm a male."


"And unless you're a female guardian, that's impossible." Mikhail explained.

"Plants have gone on to keep their legacies going without the need for silly things like gender. Your body merely needs to be properly made to hold and keep the seeds safe until they are ready."

"Properly made? Whoa whoa whoa..." Mikhail got up. "I love nature, but body experiments make me queasy." he stated.

"With my power I can make it possible, I can even grant myself a body to help make it more natural."

While this was still bazzare, Mikhail was actually intrigued at the guardian's words. "Wait, you can?"

"Of course, I can gather energy from the plants around here."

"Well...I guess seeing it happen might be nice." He said taking a seat on a tree stump.

"Be warned, I maybe, as you mortals say, rusty."

He looks confused as he saw green light coming off some trees and bushes. He watched as the light slowly moved through the ground and across the flowers and started gathering in front of the stump. Mikhail yelped and fell off it and on his back.

"Silence! You will break my concentration."

'Maybe don't make the point at the stump I'm sitting at!' he thought to himself. He stood up and saw the glowing get brighter with vines rising up and wrapping around the glow. Mikhail backed away as the glow started to get bigger. When it got too bright he looked away to keep from seeing spots. He shuddered from the energy flowing through the area, making his body tingle a bit.

Eventually the glow stopped making the hare look and went wide eyed. "Oh... my... god... Whoaaaa..."

"Wow, this feels weird. I feel as though my whole presence is being smothered." the familiar voice spoke out as it looked over itself.

"You're....big, and naked!" he stated as he looked over the form of a badger. It was taller than him with no clothes and where he could see the large dick dangling there making him blush. "Why did you choose a badger?" he said trying to look at its face.

"It felt like it would be more my style." it replied while stretching out with a groan. "Is it always so hard to move with a body made of flesh and muscle?"

"I wouldn't know. Bunnies are usually lean and slim." Mikhail said pointing to his own body.

"Did I make this body too big?"

Mikhail scratched his cheek as he had no idea how to respond. "Um...not sure." he said. "I mean, you can always shift again if it's too weird for you."

"I can't, it took too much power from the plants to form this body and it'll take a while before this body fades away."

"Just a thought." he said.

"Now for you." he said looking at the young rabbit.

"Uh... What am I supposed to do?" he asked.

"I will use what little power I have to allow your body to hold seeds."

He shivers as the badger started walking towards him. 'Am I really gonna be doing this? Letting the guardian turning me into some kind of incubator for seeds.'

"This might sting." the badger held his hand out before the tips started growing out into vines.

"Wh-what are those gonna do?" Mikhail asked backing away a bit.

"Adjust your body, now hold still."

Mikhail shivered as the vines started to rub his body, moving under his clothes. He felt the tips press against his skin before going wide eyed when he felt them actually start digging into his skin. "Aaahh! What the hell?!"

"Relax, I won't break the outer skin." replied the badger before Mikhail started to feel something sticky drip out on the spots making him shiver.

"Eeehh... I-It feels kinda cold."

"Relax, this is just the plants essence, it'll slowly adjust your body so you can take in all the seeds I will be able to produce. All 200 of them."

"2-200?!" he repeated in shock. "Wh-what size are they?"

"Do not worry, they are about the size of sunflower seeds, this way I can fit many inside without endangering your life, but if your body is more stronger than I imagined, I could give you twice as much."

"I was more concern of the fact of my appearance." he said.

"What do you mean?"

"If I had a big belly, how was I gonna explain that?" Mikhail said sighing in relief. "Good thing that's not a problem."

"If this proceeds as I believe so, the power of mother nature will grow, and in return I will be able to produce larger and stronger seeds."

"And you'll still need to plant them in me?" Mikhail asked.

"Hard to say, but we are wasting time, it is time to begin." he spoke pulling his fingers from the rabbit's body with the rabbit noticing leaves growing from his arms and legs.

"What the? Hey, you didn't say I had leaves growing on my body!" he said sweet dropping.

"They are temporary from the essence, once we are done and the experiment is a success, I shall take it back and you will become as you were."

He sighs in relief. "Let me know these things beforehand."

The badger rolled his eyes before he tackled Mikhail down to the ground making the hare yelp. "Ok, then I'm letting you know that we're beginning."

"Maybe add that before you tackle me!" Mikhail stated shaking his head from the daze. "That hurt."

"Do you always complain like this when you reproduce?"

"No, maybe that's because I never done this before." he stated feeling the badger's hands on his shoulders. "I'm a virgin."

"I can tell." the guardian said as he starts to slowly undress Mikhail. He started wit the shirt and tossed it aside and then the pants while several vines began to rise up around the rabbit.

He shuddered from the cool air as the badger started to rub his hands over Mikhail's body. 'Oh god, I can't believe he's really undressing me.' he blushes as he felt the guardian rub his stomach and waist. He blushes red from his touch. "Your paws feel nice."

"And your fur is rather soft too, how odd to actually feel like this." he remarked before grabbing at the rabbit's underwear and started pulling it off.

"This must be your first time being in mortal form?" Mikhail guessed.

"Of course." he replied before throwing the underwear aside and spotted Mikhail's dick as the vines got bigger. "This penis is rather small."

"Well I'm only 15. It might still get bigger in time." he said hopefully. That's when he felt the vines start wrapping around his arms and legs making him jump. "H-hey, what are you doing?"

"Getting you ready of course."

"I-I could've opened them myself." he stated shyly.

"Well too late." remarked the badger as the vines slowly lifted the hare up and held his legs open exposing his rump. "Hmm, your bottom looks different than the last mortals who came near my forest."

"Bottom? Wait, I thought I was the first to arrive here?" he asked confused.

"In this specific section yes, but the parts that have been tainted are where I have seen other mortals come and go. Along with some of them reproduce right on the ground. Your bottom seems smaller compared to the females, but more firm and round."

"Well as I said, rabbits are more slimmer and lean than most creatures." Mikhail stated before he felt the badger's arms wrapped around his body, the vines let him go and the badger lifted him up into a sitting position with him using his arms.

"I also learned they used something called 'lotion' before the male entered the female."

He yelped at the realization. "Yeah, you're right. And I don't have any."

"Not to worry, I can fix that."

"How?" Mikhail asked. He saw a vine move over down near his butt and start rubbing across the cheeks. He shuddered from the rubbing as he wondered what he was planning. He started to feel something wet and cool making him shiver. "Is that tree sap?"

"Precisely, it'll lube up your bottom and make my entering much easier. Just seeing your naked form seems to be making this body excited." remarked the badger with his dick fully rigid.

"That happens." he said. He looked down and blushed seeing the size while his own dick slowly grew hard. 'I'm surprised I'm getting excited as well.'

The badger reached over and started rubbing across the butt to spread the syrup making Mikhail shiver from the feeling. "So soft."

"It's very warm." He let out a moan.

"I will need to better ensure you're loosened." the badger moved a finger in between the rabbit's ass cheeks and felt a hole making him rub it and causing the hare to jolt.

"Aaahh..." he moaned as he hugged the badger deeper. "B-Be careful."

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." he promised. He rubbed the hole and poked it before slowly pushing his finger into it.

"AAhh!" he cried out as his face glowed red. 'His finger is in my butt!' he quivered continuously from the feeling. 'God, it's kinda thick.'

'His hole is snug and seems to be squeezing my digit.' he pushed it deeper, but carefully. 'He's moaning as well. Mortals tend to enjoy something when they moan

"A-Ah!" he cried out as his cock started to leak pre from the tip.

"What is this?" asked the badger noticing the liquid.

"It's... p-precum.. It usually... leaks out to help... lubricate the partner further." Mikhail explained though moans.

"Then I will massage this area and get more out." he used one of his paws to rub the shaft while the other fingers Mikhail's butt.

"A-AHH!" he cried out in pleasure as he started drooling a bit.

"Are you alright? Did I use too much pressure?"

"N-no, I'm okay. If I'm being honest, I'm... actually enjoying it." he admitted smiling.

"Good, and according to my body, so am I." He said grinding his shaft to Mikhail's body.

"Not too bad being in mortal form is it?" he asked giggling.

"Don't jump ahead, we haven't truly started yet." he spoke before adding a second finger and gripped the small dick harder making the rabbit let out a louder moan.

"It kinda feels like you like it." Mikhail stated.

"Well I am starting to feel excited and this body is getting a little warm." the guardian admitted bashfully. He pulled his fingers from the hole and let go of the dick while moving closer. "I think your bottom hole is loosened up now."

Mikhail blushes as he felt the guardian lifted his body up higher to the point he can feel the tip just touch his entrance. "J-Just take it slowly."

"Of course." he said before he slowly lowering his body, pressing his tip against the hole. He gritted his teeth and lowered the rabbit some more while letting out a gasp feeling the tight snug hole engulfing his dick.

Mikhail grunted as he felt his butt starting to hurt quite a lot considering it's his first time. "A-AHH!"

"I'm sorry. Is this bad for you?" he asked the rabbit.

"I-It's just...big!" he stuttered out. "Just give me a minute."

"Very well." the badger promised, rubbing Mikhail's back. 'Mother nature! His insides are warm and so tight!'

'God, I knew he was thick, but I didn't expect this!' he thought panting fast. 'It might split me in two!' he calmed himself in about a minute, "I-I think I'm ready." he said shakingly.

"Good." the badger gripped on Mikhail's hips before pushing more of his dick in letting out a growl. "Aahh, you're impressively tight."

"T-Thank you-AH!" he let out as the cock kept moving making his toes curl and his insides clench around the top part. "Haa.. it... it feels so good." Mikhail panted as his bunny tail twitches.

'It's more moist and warm than the soil after a humid rainstorm. I need to get in deeper!' the badger gripped Mikhail's hips firmer, but gently as he started to push even deeper.

"Ahhhh!" Mikhail cried out as pre came out and landed on the badger's chest.

"Huh? What is this substance?"

"Uh... It's.. it's my precum." he stuttered embarrassed. "Mortals make that as one is feeling pleasured. It's natural so it'll happen to you too."

"Well I do feel like I'm releasing water." he groaned before pulling his dick out of the hole and saw some pre dripping out onto the ground. "Like this?"

"Yes. Don't worry, it's nothing bad." he said patting the badger's head.

"If you say so." he replied before pushing his dick back in with a grunt before he pulled back, but stayed inside, and then slammed right back in with his dick going in deeper making the rabbit cry out with wide eyes.

"Aaahh!" he cried out in pleasure as he felt his body getting warm in tingly. 'This is starting to feel really good.' he thought drooling a bit. 'Oh dear, I wonder is it because rabbits have higher libidos?'

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" grunted the badger moving in and out while overwhelmed at how much tighter it just got which was clinging all over his dick.

"Ooohh.. So good. Ahh!" he cried out as he hugged around the Badger's chest. "Keep going!"

He smiled as the rabbit started to hug him deeply. 'I wonder if this is what that call lust or affection.' he thought as he sped up a bit. "Ah, this is incredible! I didn't think it was anything seeing it, but how can a hole like this feel so good!"

Mikhail smiled bashfully as he nuzzled his cheek. "It feels better if you cuddle together too."

The badger blushed a bit as he slowly nuzzled Mikhail's cheek. "Huh, this actually does feel soft."

'He might get confused about this... but...' he went to the badger's face and planted a kiss on his lips.

The badger's eyes widened at the sudden kiss while finding Mikhail's own soft while he felt his face heat up for some reason. 'This rabbit's... kissing me?!.. Why is he?..' he shuddered from the feeling. It didn't felt wrong to him, just strange. He tried kissing back awkwardly while he kept moving his hips and noted the ass felt tighter than before. 'He's enjoying this I believe... that's good.'

'This feels even better than before.' thought Mikhail who moaned and could feel his dick stand up straight with the pre dribbling out even more. 'I might cum any second.' he separated from the badger to speak. "I-I'm getting close."

"Good, then let me know when and I can begin filling you with my seeds."

"Y-you don't have to wait for me. You can go anytime." Mikhail smiled happily.

"If you say so!" he grunted speeding his thrusts with his dick pistoning in and out of the snug asshole.

Mikhail let out a loud moan as he cums after 3 more thrust from the badger. His sperm shot out on the badger's chest while the dick buried inside him and he felt a wet substance shoot inside with numerous other things rubbing against the inner walls which he guessed were the seeds. He moaned as it felt warm and thick, he laid on the badger as he pants.

The badger groaned as his dick pumped seed after seed inside while stunned at how good it felt to let out.

"That... felt really nice." he said panting softly, feeling the badger's warmth.

"Indeed, I had no idea you mortals could take such pleasure from reproducing."

"Well it is. How long is this gonna last?" He asked patting his belly.

"Well, depending on your diet and activities, I would say they should be good to come out and take some time to grow in the ground in about....two weeks."

"Alright... So they come out the usual way to give birth?"

"Of course."

Mikhail blushed as he strangely felt happy.

"You know...looking at you this up close and with this body seems to be having an odd effect on me." remarked the badger who narrowed his eyes.

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

The badger grabbed the rabbit's hands and leaned in up to his face. "Please, will you stay here, with me?"

He blushes when he asked that. "H-h- for how long?" he asked.

"Forever, to be my bride, I believe that is the term the other mortals used after they were done reproducing."

He blushes at the words, but felt there was one problem with that. "But I'm mortal, and you're a guardian. The longest I can live for is a little over 100, and even before that I'll be too old to be doing this."

"I can fix that." he replied in an instant. "I merely need to infuse you with more of nature's essence and your body will be able to live far longer. Then once the seedlings have been born and nature recovers its strength, I can make you live longer and longer until you're immortal like me."

He felt touched by that. "You'd do that... for me?"

"Absolutely, you're willing to help me recover mother nature's hold, and have shown me there ARE mortals who still care, which is something I don't wish to see disappear." he said giving Mikhail a warm smile. "Not many humans would be willing to keep this a secret as well. You showed me you have a pure heart."

Mikhail blushed hearing that with his tail wagging a little without notice. "I... Y-yes, I'll be more than happy to stay with you."

He smiled and let out a laugh before kissing the rabbit again while reaching down and giving his ass a rub.

"Eep!" he yelped a bit as he felt his paws caressing him.

"Your rear is so smooth and soft, I can't help but want to touch it over and over."

"Feel free to touch me anytime... uhh, can you think of something for me to call you? I can't exactly keep calling you guardian of the forest can I?"

"Hmm, quite right, it makes sense to have a name if you are to be my wife." remarked the badger. "Very well, you may call me....Abilene."

"That's a nice name. I'm happy to be with you Abilene." he hugged him. "Though I need to go to school and be with my parents, but I'll visit you every day." he promised.

He let out an annoyed sigh. "Very well, just be careful of the seeds."

Mikhail went and kissed his cheek. "Of course, I won't let them get harmed."


We find ourselves back in the forest which might seem like the same, but the dirt road was more littered with flowers and the grass was higher than before. Petals were blowing in the wind and the air was more cleaner than before. Any old signs were worn out and covered in vines while the trees looked taller and bigger. Various animals filled the area with some at the lake drinking from it.

The camera moved through the branches with some movement seen behind a bush. It moved in closer before a rabbit's head popped up, but this rabbit had several leaves growing from it's ears, body, and arms while it's fur was a dark grey. Some parts of him like his chest, thighs and the right side of his head was adorned with flowers growing on him.

He walked over to a tree and rubbed the bark with a smile before hugging it. "Ah, I love this tree."

"Hey! What are you doing?" called a voice before another rabbit walked over with some thorns growing from his back and a rose was on the top of his head.

"Just exploring. Nothing wrong with that right?" The pink flowered rabbit asked.

"No, but father said we needed to keep watch over the garden."

"I am, as I explore, I make sure there aren't any intruders coming by." he smiled before the other rabbit sighed and shook his head.

"You know what I mean. Any random animal could mess with the garden and it's our job to make sure it's safe and sound. Especially since mother right now is in the middle with father to make more siblings."

"I'm making sure to not slack off. I wouldn't endanger my family." he said to his brother assuringly.

"Still, let's just go back and watch the seedlings until mother and father are done."

"Aw come on, we can waste some time away." pouted the flower rabbit before perking up. "Hey....I got an idea."

"And what is that?" The rose rabbit asked.

"What if the two of us lend a hand? Not watching it I mean, but help it expand." smiled his brother with a wink.

The rose rabbit blushed at the words. "Wh-what?! Be serious, they'll kill us if they find out!"

"Aw come on, one time won't hurt, they'll be grateful." smiled his brother before walking towards him while licking his lips.

"H-hey, we can't." he started to back away embarrassed.

"I won't tell if you won't~" he sang before they heard rustling nearby.

'Oh thank mother nature, they're returning.' the rose one thought.

They turned and saw a third rabbit pop out, only this one had sunflowers on its head with vines around it's arm with a pale grey coat who smiled.

"Oooh, I heard everything~ you two were gonna do something naughty, weren't you?"

"What?! N-no, we weren't gonna do anything!" the rose one protested.

"We kinda were." remarked his brother.

"No we weren't." he argued.

"Ooooh, I'm telling mother and father~" sang the sunflower one before turning and skipped off.

"N-no please don't tell!" the rose one stated moving over before tripping on a vine and landing on the ground. "Oof!"

"Teehee, now that was funny." chuckled the pink flowered rabbit making his brother groan.

"That wasn't funny! I- Aahh!" he gasped when he felt the pink flowered rabbit rubbing his butt with his paws.

"You sure you don't wanna help mother and father expand the garden? They might like it~" the pink flowered one asked teasingly.

"K-Knock it off!" blushed the rose one. "We... we need to be serious."

"Aw fine."

The two rabbits headed through some bushes and walked down a slope before coming across what looked like a meadow of numerous other rabbits with a few badgers, all having plants on their bodies with a few attending to the soil in a fenced off garden that had green pods above the ground with what looked like small fetuses in them.

"They look so cute." The Rose one said tickling one.

"And it could have more." his brother trailed off with a smirk.

The rose one blushes at the words. 'Could we... be able to add to them as well?'

"You two!" called a gruff voice before a tall badger walked over with a frown on his face and his dick rigid with pre leaking out. "What's this I hear from your brother about you wanting to expand the garden?"

They yelped at the tone as they turned around. "Wh-what are you talking about?!" the rose one commented. "We were talking about taking protecting this place seriously."

"That's not what I heard~" sang the sunflower rabbit laying on a large leaf with a smile.

"You misheard!" blushed the rose one with a huff. "We were planning nothing of the sort!"

"Oh relax dear." spoke another voice as Mikhail walked over with a limp and engorged belly while having numerous flowers all around his head like a wreath and some leaves on his wrists and ankles. "There's no need to get upset at them over something like that, especially since they don't look like they tried in the slightest."

"Mother~" the pink flowered one cheered happily.

"Mikhail, we talked about this, we need only you to help keep the garden going."

"Yes, but look around us, the garden has room to grow, we have plenty of children to keep watch just by being close, and this could just be one of their chores. After all, how long has it been since we got this started?"

Abilene turned at his mate. "But dear, some are coming of age, and what if they tried going at each other?"

"Well then we'll be getting more seeds out into the world." Mikhail said smiling warmly.

He opened his mouth to reply before sighing.

"Besides, this could help them stay close and keep each other and the seedlings safe, right?"

"M-mother, I assure you, nothing like that's gonna-"

"We'll start when we get the fences expanded." spoke up the pink flowered one with a smile. "Come on Nicholas." he said dragging the rose rabbit away.


"I'll help~" sang the sunflower rabbit skipping after the two while Abilene sighed.

"I suppose you're right my dear, it's just I don't want anything to ruin this paradise we've made." He said holding Mikhail by his stomach.

"Oh come on silly, the last mortal passed away 300 years ago, it's just us, our seedlings, and mother nature left." He stated, then felt liquid dripping under him. "It's coming!"

"Already? Children! Your mother is ready!" he yelled out making every rabbit and badger there turn and rush over with some grabbing a sheet made of large leaves wrapped together. He carefully lead his wife over to it and set him down while the children went to get some water and cloths.

Mikhail panted as he felt Abilene held his hand comfortingly. He grunted while a rabbit wiped his forehead as he gripped his belly. "Ah! Oh mother nature this is gonna be big."

"Just take deep breaths and push like you always do."

"I know." he nodded before taking a deep breath while his kids rubbed his arms and legs to help him relax. He panted as he gave out quick pushes.

"Get the wicker basket!" ordered Abilene.

One of the badgers quickly left then came back with what he asked. He set it between Mikhail's legs with the rabbit pushing harder. "You're doing well Mikhail, keep going!"

"Ahhh! It's coming!" he cried out as his tailhole started to open up. He gritted his teeth and cried out before they saw numerous seeds gush out into the basket with all of them glowing green. It lasted for a few moments before it slowly stopped. The rabbit let out a tired gasp while Abilene patted his hand and helped wipe his forehead.

"Excellent work my dear."

"Ah...ah...thanks." he panted while a rabbit took the basket and walked to the garden before he started to put each individual seed down into the soil. "Such a beautiful moment." Mikhail said looking around the forest. "I love this place."

"I'm very happy you agree." Abilene said hugging over him from behind. "I love you Mikhail."

"I love you too Abilene." he said as the two shared a kiss and the screen moves away from them.

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