The Fox's Den

Story by Articlynx582 on SoFurry

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A fox was forced to stay at a traditional inn late at night and discover there's something special about the employees and the manager.

It was late at night as a female fox was driving down the street trying to get home. She wore a blue blouse with black pants and had a necklace on and currently trying to keep from making any wrong turns.

"God... Why did the meeting had to be so far.. And so long?" she groaned as she yawned feeling tired. "Why couldn't they just cut it in half and do the rest tomorrow? But nooo, they had to get it all out in one night." she look at her watch and saw it was midnight. "Ugh... I better just find a hotel to spend the night in." she parked for a moment and adjusted her GPS.

She zoomed out and saw a lot of open field from her car, no real place for her to sleep at it, but then she noticed a dot at the corner of the devices range. She looked at the dot and look at the name. "The fox's den? Huh, must be a fancy place, but at this point I'm not complaining." she started to drive towards the destination. "I just pray they're not too expensive."

She arrived at the location and look at the building. It was quite big, 3 stories tall and had a japanese appeal to it. She parked the car on the road and got out with a whistle. "Fancy, I can already feel my wallet shrinking down." she said sarcastically as she checked the price.

'90.00 a night, 20,00 for room service, anything extra will be added to the total bill' read the sign in front of the door. "Hmm.. maybe I should try someplace else..." she muttered before seeing the door slide open and saw a red fox in a kimono standing there with a smile.

"Hello there, are you here to stay at the fox's den inn?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just checking out the place, but I see that it's quite too pricey. So I was about to go." The fox in the car said.

"Oh that? Silly me, I actually forgot to change that. You see with how few customers we've had lately, I was suppose to set up the new sign for more cheaper prices."

'I can imagine.' she thought as she asked. "What's the new price then?"

"For each night, twenty dollars, room service being ten, and anything extra will still be put on the bill when you're on your way out."

The casual dressed fox raised an eyebrow, 'That's certainly affordable for me.'

"So will you be staying for a night or two?"

She thought about it and said. "Just for a night." she said before taking a parking space.

"Excellent! I shall show you to it right away." the kimono dressed fox said as she waited for the visiting fox to get to the door, then the two headed off inside.

The visiting fox looked around and saw the decor matched the outside with wood floors, sliding doors, and even a small koi pond. The fox was amazed by the decor of the place, makes her wonder if this other fox is from another country. "Wow, this place is beautiful."

"Thank you. We wanted to give off a different atmosphere compared to other hotels." she said as they went to the front desk. She rang the bell before a blond furred fox walked out in the same type of kimono. The other fox looks considerably older than the other fox, like 10-15 years older, but is still very beautiful. "We have a guest here who would like to stay the night."

"Good evening ma'am. My name is Sayoka, and welcome to The Fox's den inn." the fox woman greeted her.

"Hello, I'm Marisa." greeted the visiting fox. "I have to ask this, do you and the other fox come from a different continent?"

"Of course, we're from Kyoto Japan."

"That explains the kimonos and the design of the hotel. It is amazing by the way." Marisa added.

"Thank you, we've been seeing less and less people come by who see this place for how it is. Seems most prefer something made of metal or look shiny."

"Or maybe because your price was too great for them to spend a night." Marisa pointed out. "90 a night + extra taxes, it makes one really reconsider spending here. Even I was about to go until one of your employees explained." She admitted.

Sayoka turned to the red fox with a frown who chuckled embarrassed. "Sango, did you forget to put up the new price sign, again?"

"Uhh... " Sango scratched her cheek sheepishly. "I meant to change it this earlier."

"I told you to change it three days ago."

"Oops." she chuckled awkwardly.

"Excuse her, she tends to let thoughts slip by." Sayoka sighed. "So I take it you're spending the night? You were told the pricings right?"

"Yeah, this time twenty for a night, ten for room service, and everything else ends up on the bill."

"Well we of course have vacancy. Would you like to have dinner ready for you? We have a hot springs you can bathe in." Sayoka offered.

"Huh, well....I've never really been in one of those before." She said. "I'll try the hot springs and I can go for some food."

"Excellent, right this way." Sayoka turned left and turned to Sango. "Sango, tell the chef to prepare something for Miss Marisa here. Do you have anything in particular you would like?"

"What do you serve?" she asked.

"All sorts of well known dishes from Asia." The older fox stated. "Sushi, fried rice, beef, chicken, pork dumplings."

"Um, maybe some sushi."

"We also have some sake you can try?" Sango offered.

"Sake? What's that?"

"Japanese rice wine. an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting rice that has been polished to remove the bran." Sayoko explained. "Something to help you unwind and drink while your body relaxes in the hot water."

"I'll give it a try, where is the hot springs located?" Marisa asked.

"Right through here." Sayoko opened the doors at the end of the hall which showed a large area filled with hot water that steamed up and made Marisa look around in awe. "It's mixed bathing of course, but with no other guests, you shouldn't need to worry about any peeping toms." she giggled. "The changing rooms are nearby and there's a towel rack inside too."

"Thanks." Marisa walked over to a door titled women and walked in before seeing an empty room with towels on a rack and let out a sigh. "Well, I booked a night, can't get cold feet now."

She started to take off her clothes and placed them in the basket for wash, then she grabs the towel and wrapped it around herself before she exited the changing room. She walked over near the spring and dipped her toe in and found it warm enough before slowly moving in.

"Aaahhh..." she went in till the water reached her shoulders before leaning back on the stones. "Oh my, I never had a bath like this before."

"Miss Marisa? Your sake." spoke Sango walking in making the fox jolt a little and try to keep from covering herself.

"Th-thank you." Marisa said as the fox placed the plate next to her. Marisa noticed a small black line on her arm. "Hey, what's that?"

"Oh this?" Sango moved her sleeve back to reveal black decorated markings on her arm. "It's a ink tattoo I got back home."

"Don't those hurt?"

"Yep, but I really like the swirling design, like a wave being made by gust of wind." Sango said admiring the look.

"Are those like a common thing in Kyoto?"

"The tattoos? No, not really. Some have it, some don't." she answered.

Marisa stared at the design while pouring herself a small cup of sake and held it up. "Is this strong stuff?"

"I got you light in case you're not much of a drinker." Sango said.

"Thanks, I don't wanna wake up with a bad hangover." she picked up the cup and took a sip. She winced and shook her head. "Yikes! Never really tried alcohol before, that stuff burns."

"It's an acquired taste." Sango stated. "Give it a little bit more time to sink in."

Marisa took another sip and winced with the feeling. She tried to ignore her burning throat and took a longer gulp. "Nghh... do you drink this?" she asked Sango.

"Occasionally, but not too much to get addicted." she said taking a sip herself, sighing from the sensation. "How's the spring?"

"It feels nice. I can feel my muscles already relaxing from the heat." she said closing her eyes.

"Be careful or you'll fall in." joked Sango.

"I'm already in. You better take your advice." Marisa said chuckling. She took another sip and felt even more relaxed with her face looking a little red. "Okay... I think I had enough sake for tonight." she said.

"Well your meal should be ready in about a few minutes." spoke Sango as she took the tray with the sake on it back before walking away.

Marisa smiled as she got up and out of the springs. "Huh.. I forgot to ask them about where to go..." she said struggling to get her towel back on. She got it crookedly and sat on the edge while letting out a hiccup. "I... I gotta hic!.. Get to the main lobby." she staggered out of the hot springs and headed to the main lobby.

When she opened the doors she saw her vision was a little off balance and staggered before crashing into someone when she rounded the corner. "Ngh.. huh?" she stated trying to clear her vision. "Sorry.. I.. was trying to head to the main lobby.

"Oh my, are you a guest or employee?"

"I'm a guest. I was relaxing in the hot springs and I overdid it with the sake. I never realized I didn't get the room number from her." She said tipsy. She looked over and saw it was a white fox in a kimono like the other two, only the top exposing her chest slightly and the bottom part showing her legs more than the others.

"Ah, Sayoko recalled you went without asking, so she asked me to escort you to your room." she said with a sweet smile not really bothered about being knocked down.

Marisa hiccuped and let the fox help her back on her feet who lead her by the hand up the stairs.

"Name's Haruma by the way. Hope you are enjoying yourself."

"W-Well I'm still trying to keep from falling." slurred Marisa with a giggle. "Guess I'm more of a lightweight than I thought. That'll teach me to take 4 cups of sake. I'm sorry for the trouble."

"Oh don't be, we've had to deal with much roudier people getting drunk." Haruma stated before they arrived and helped open the door. "Here we go, your room."

"Th-thank you." she said entering and seeing there was carpet on the floor, a small table with flowers and some futons.

"If you need anything, just call~" Haruma stated pointing to the rope near the door before closing the sliding door.

"What a nice fox." giggled Marisa before plopping down on the carpet. "At this rate, they'll be getting more customers with the new pricing." she said to herself.

Haruma herself hummed while going down just as she saw Sango walk out of the kitchen with a tray of sushi.

"I got her some tea to help with the sushi." she looked. "Oh! Hey Haruma."

"Are you taking that to the fox who I ran into? She's in her room a little tipsy."

"Yeah, I decided that she had enough sake for the night." Sango said.

"If she got blind stinking drunk I wouldn't mind lending a hand~" teased Haruma.

"Aww, I think I can handle it." Sango teased back.

"How long is she staying?"

"She said it was just for the night." Sango answered.

"Dang, and here I was hoping to seduce her." mock pouted Haruma.

"Well maybe she might change her mind. I heard there's a big storm happening tomorrow." the red fox pointed out.

"Hmmm, interesting." grinned Haruma before someone smacked her on the back of the head. "Ow!"

"Don't think about it." frowned Sayoko.

"What was that for?!" the white fox looked at her annoyed.

"I know what you're thinking, and considering we need all the guests we can, we're not going to make the wrong impression, especially with how much you like wearing your kimono like a loose woman. Now tighten it up properly and get back to work." The older fox ordered before she left.

"Hmph, if anything it'll bring in more." muttered Haruma adjusting her kimono. "Geez, I can't help it if they're cute." she left the scene.

Sango gulped and headed to the room and knocked on the door.

Marisa opened it and smiled. "That was pretty fast."

"Your sushi is done, I also brought some tea for something less alcoholic." She entered and placed the tray on the table.

"Thank you." Marisa said looking at the sushi tray, seeing that it's neatly sorted. She grabbed the chopsticks and picked a piece up before popping it in her mouth and chewed on it. "Mmm! This is delicious! It's so soft and flavorful."

"I recommend trying it with the soy sauce." Sango suggested pointing at one of the cups with the sauce.

Marisa grabbed a second piece, dipped it in the cup before biting into it. She smiled at the taste as she finished the piece quickly. "Aahh.. this is great."

"Will you be needing anything else at this time?"

"You wouldn't have any spare clothes do you?" Marisa asked still in her towel.

"There should be some kimonos in the closet in various sizes."

The fox went and opened the closet and saw the kimonos, she looked through them as she ponders what to wear. She saw all of them were pretty much the same and grabbed one at random. It was a green colored with red flowers decorating it. "Okay, thanks." Marisa stated.

"Will you need anything else?"

"That'll be all." Marisa stated and Sango bowed her head before leaving and closing the door. Marisa looked at the kimono and started slipping it on after tossing the towel aside. "Hmm, the texture is soft and silky." She smiled as it held her snuggly.

She walked over to a mat and layed on it while sighing and feeling relaxed. "Real lucky I found this place and it was cheaper than I thought." She stated as she started to feel tired. "Mmm, maybe I should take a nap, that sake really is strong stuff." With that, she got the blankets ready and closed her eyes, falling asleep rather quickly.


Marisa woke up with a yawn and stretched her arms. "Aaahh, a nice sleep." she rolled on her side and rubbed her eyes. "Who knew sleeping on the floor would be cozy?" as she got up, she heard something pattering somewhere. Like it's raining. She turned her head and walked over near a window and slid it open to suddenly get hit with a cold wind and saw it was raining outside. "What's going on?!" she closed the window and turned on the news.

"And the upcoming weeks guarantees a big rainstorm coming on by, so bundle up and get the ponchos people, we might experience flash flood warnings later." spoke the weather wolf pointing to clouds all over the area she was at.

"All week?!" Marisa cried out as she watched the news. "This is crazy! I never experience a storm that lasted a whole week!"

"Hello?" called Sayoko opening the door. "Is everything ok? I heard you yell and thought something was wrong."

"It's not you. I just discovered the storm's gonna last all week." she said sighing.

"Will that be too much of a problem?"

"Well I still live a few miles at home and it's stating it's best to not drive out during the time." Marisa stated pointing at the news. "Plus if I can't get home I can't get ready for when I need to get to work."

"That is rather troubling." The eldest fox woman replied. "If it helps, I can call your workplace to explain the situation if need be."

"I'm not sure if they'll listen, but you can try." Marisa said giving her the number for her workplace.

"I'll be right back, will you need any breakfast until I get back? It'll be 50% off considering circumstances." Sayoko added.

"Sure, that'd be great." she stated with a smile. "I'll take anything you think is good for mornings."

She nods as she left the area. Marisa taking a moment to wash her face in the bathroom.

'Ok, that might help, but knowing my boss he might just use it as an excuse to fire me.' she groaned as she straighten up her fur before leaving. 'Wonder what Sayoko has in mind for me.'

As she waits, she watches tv to pass the time. She went through the regular channels that didn't mention the weather and leaned back on the mat. 'Hmm.. hopefully the weather woman's wrong.'

"Marisa, I'm back." sapoke Sayoko walking in with an omelette on a plate with some ketchup on top. "I brought you breakfast."

"Thank you." Marisa went to a sitting position. "So how did it go?"

"Well at first he was loud about it, but since so many others are calling in, he figured it would have to do until the weather passes."

"Wow, gotta say I'm surprised. He's actually a hardass." She admitted as she started to eat. "Why did you leave home and start a hotel business here? Not judging, but having to learn english with your employees must've been hard."

"Well at first, but we did it because we wanted to see what America was like. Our country is fine and traditional, but we also wanted to see what made this country so great as well."

"I hope it's been well, not counting the troubling income."

"Oh yes, it's been great. We were just lucky we found some land out here because we wanted a cozy inn that was still surrounded by nature."

"I must admit, you're certainly the oldest, but you still look beautiful. Mind telling me your secret?" Marisa asked as Sayoko doesn't show any signs of age.

"Oh you flatter me." she smiled. "But I'm not the oldest, I'm actually middle age compared to the others."

"Really?" Marisa asked surprised. "Is there more than you three?"

"Well just two, but they had to go out for groceries, they should be coming back if they don't wanna get swept away in this storm."

"Hope they're okay." she looks at her kimono which pictures a white fox with yellow flowers on them. "Lovely kimono Sayoko."

"Why thank you, it belonged to my mother." she smiled looking over her kimono. "It's been a long time since I seen her."

"Back at home or... passed on?" Marisa asked.

"Home of course, she and my father went into retirement." she answered smiling.

"Oh, sorry if I sounded insensitive." she apologized.

"It's quite alright." she replied before they heard the doors downstairs open and then slam shut. "Sounds like the other two just made it." Sayoko got up.

"What else is there to do here?" Marisa asked getting up.

"Well, I can introduce them to you so they're aware you're here."

"Alright then." she and Sayoko exited the room. They went down the stairs and spotted two figures walking in with some bags and shaking the water off the raincoats.

"Geez, I told you we should've left earlier." one of the fox's stated.

"Well excuuuse me, but last I checked it was perfectly fine out." the other one argued.

"Advice: check the weather channel." the first one pointed out.

"Counter advice: get off my back and help me get this stuff in the kitchen."

The two groaned before they started walking. "Hello Sayoko." they said kindly.

"Hello Kikyo, Yuki, how'd it go?"

"It was okay. If Yuki listened to me to leave a hour earlier." Kikyo said looking at Yuki.

"Don't start with me." Yuki stated. "You were the one who needed to stop for gas!"

"We were low!"

"Alright, enough." Sayoko stated. "The matter is that you're both safe and sound." she said calmly. "Now put the food away and greet our newest guest here."

"Hello there. My name's Marisa." the red fox greeted.

"Hey." the two spoke as they walked to the kitchen and set the bags down before getting the food out to put away.

"Nice to meet a customer. It's been a while." Yuki stated bowing.

"Enjoy your stay at The Fox's Den." Kikyo greeted with a bowing as well.

"Well I'll be sticking around longer than I planned. Is the rain really that bad?"

"Unless you like the idea of getting soaked to the bone in rainwater, you wanna stay inside as much as you can." Kikyo explained.

"Did you already have breakfast?" asked Yuki.

"Yes, I just ate." Marisa answered.

"Did you have tea with it? I find peach tea with ginseng is very soothing alongside breakfast." Yuki asked.

"Well, that does sound pretty good."

"I'll fix some after I get the groceries put up. You can come to my room 115 or I can go to your room!" she said excitedly.

"Provided she doesn't trip over herself." muttered Kikyo.

Yuki grumbled at her, but doesn't respond as the two head into the kitchen area.

"Do they always treat each other like that?"

"No worries, they don't fight each other physically." The blond fox assured. "Although I must warn you, be cautious around Haruma."

"Who? I must've been pretty drunk last night." Marisa stated scratching the back of her head in embarrassment and shame.

"A white fox who works here, she has a tendency to be....a little forward with guests." Sayoko said sighing and placing her hand on her forehead. "She means well, it just that her actions are a bit... indecent."

"Well I can't remember seeing her, that sake was a bit strong." she said. "But if she's like that, why don't you let her go? It sounds like her actions go against your rules."

"Well she still does her job no problem, it's just her personality tends to go towards a more 'seductress' role if she finds someone she likes." she explained. "So if you see a white fox, that's Haruma."

"Duly noted." she noted as she looks at the directory for anything interesting to catch her eye. She noticed that this inn has an indoor garden on the third floor. "Hmm. I wonder what flowers they are growing." she said as she started walking. "Oh wait. Yuki wants to share tea. So maybe I ought to visit her room." she started to room 115.

She looked around and went down a hall before spotting the number and gave a knock.

"Who is it?" A voice asked.

"It's me Marisa."

"Come on in." the voice answered.

The fox slid it open and saw Yuki preparing some cups with a teapot next to them. Just from opening the door, Marisa could smell tea and peaches in the room. She noticed her sleeves were further up and saw Yuki's fur was light blue.

"I didn't expect you so soon, but I'm not one to complain." Yuki said adjusting her kimono to get rid of wrinkles in it.

"Well I figured it wouldn't hurt to come early." she said entering Yuki's room, noticing some paintings and small sculptures in it. "Wow, those look beautiful, did you make them?"

"Just the sculptures. They're a hobby to me. Though I am a comensura for art." smiled Yuki while Marisa didn't see her add something to one of the cups. She picks the tray up and set it on the table, pouring the tea in the cups.

"Well you sure have good taste." she said taking a cup closest to her and smelling it. "Mmm, this smells pretty good."

"I'm happy. I love making different kinds of tea, and if you like the smell, just taste it." Yuki said taking a sip of her cup.

Marisa tilted it and gave it a long sip. She shuddered at the balance of flavor and texture.

"What do you think?"

"It's really good. I can still taste a bit of bitterness with the sweet peach flavor. I never had tea like this!" she said as she took a few more sips.

"Please indulge, I have plenty." Yuki said pouring herself another cup. 'She looks very lovely in the kimono.'

"Thanks, don't mind if I do." Marisa takes the pot and poured another cup of tea. She took another sip while Yuki glanced at the fox's legs.

'Nice. Slim and clean.' Yuki thought taking a sip while looking at the Fox's face. 'Mature, but not too old.'

Marisa felt herself getting warm as she drinks her tea. "Man, is it a bit stuffy in here?"

"Hmm? Feels fine to me." Yuki said playing dumb. "Maybe you should drink more tea to cool down."

"But it's hot tea. Don't you use cold tea to cool down?" Marisa asked fanning herself with her hand.

"Oh! My bad, I guess it is a little warm." She rubs her neck while looking at Marisa starting to look flushed. "I'll go get some ice then." she gets up and gets some ice from the fridge.

Marisa wiped her head and undid part of her kimono a little. 'I hope I'm not getting a fever. Being stuck in an inn already is bad enough.' she looks at Yuki collecting ice and noticed how slim she looks in her kimono. 'Wow, she seems pretty good, and that kimono fits just right.' she blushes a bit. 'Where that thought came from?'

'She's probably getting all flustered and getting some ideas in her head.' Yuki thought, her ears perking up and her hidden tail tips twitching a bit. She came back with the ice while noting Marisa's kimono undone a little. "Miss Marisa, I noticed your kimono's slipping." Yuki stated hiding an internal smile.

"Yeah, feels like it's getting warmer in here." she looks away. "It's not weird is it?" she asked.

"Of course not, we're both girls here, do whatever you think will make you comfy." Yuki said sitting right next to her.

"You sure?" she asked again looking at her kimono, pondering whenever to redo it.

"Sure thing, I'll even give you a hand."

"A hand in what?" Marias asked confused relaxing a bit.

"Taking your kimono off."

"H-huh?" Marisa jolted as she stared at the fox who was giving her a sweet smile. "Take it off?! But I have nothing underneath."

"Well it's just an offer if you're feeling warm." Yuki said. "I don't like it if someone's going through something. I just want to help them out." she said.

Marisa blushed while feeling her breasts actually seem to tingle with her thighs getting warmer. "W-well... I guess it couldn't hurt." she started to slowly unwrap her kimono.

Yuki smiled and stared at the bare body slowly being revealed with Marisa looking away.

"Hmm... as I thought, you have a lovely body." Yuki said helping Marisa disrobe her clothing.

"Thanks." The red fox stated blushing as she finish taking off the kimono. Yuki folded it and put it on the table.

"There. Do you feel a little better?" Yuki asked eying her hips and thighs.

"A little." spoke Marisa with her arms crossed and trying to cover her breasts. "And... please stop staring at me."

"Why? You look beautiful."

"It's embarrassing being nude in front of someone." she said scooting away a bit.

"Well in that case, why don't I do the same so you're not alone?"

"Same?" she asked before she realizes that Yuki started to disrobe and take off her kimono. Her eyes widened at seeing the fox's body with a gulp.

The blue fox kept her smile as her chest, waist and thighs were revealed to her. She was about the same size as Marisa, only her waist was a little slimmer. Her body was covered from chest and her legs in tattoos.

She shivered a bit before realizing not one, but 6 tails flowing behind Yuki, almost like their gliding on the wind. "Y-Y-Y-You have more than one tail?!"

Yuki giggled cutely as she looked at her tails, one of them wrapping around her neck like a scarf. "I see you noticed them... They look lovely no?"

"!" She stutters as one coiled around her neck, the tip stroking her cheek. "Foxes only have one tail!"

"Normal foxes, yes. But I'm not a normal fox though." she explained smiling kindly.

Then what ARE you?" she asked while the tail tip kept stroking her cheek.

Yuki smiled as her body tattoos started to glow a faint blue. "I'm known as a kitsune."

Marisa was even more shocked while seeing another tail curl around her leg. "Wait, I've heard about those."

Yuki's eyebrows rose up a bit as she said. "Oh? What have you heard?"

"That they're magical foxes who have powerful magic and who were known for...seducing people." she blushed.


Yuki giggled as she let another tail wrap around Marisa's waist. "Well you're not wrong about that. We are magical and like seducing others." she said in a sweet, sultry tone.

"W-Wait! Does that mean the others are..."

"Fellow kitsunes like me? Yes they are." she said scooting over to her. "We've been around for a long long time, when a fox lives long enough they gain a tail and powers. The more tails means the more powerful they are. I, as you can see, have 6 tails. I'm not all powerful, but I have great energy."

'Oh god, this is insane! And why am I feeling comfy from these tails?!' she sweatdropped as she stared into her eyes. "Wh-what are you gonna do to me?"

"Show you some fun since you feel so warm and are already naked." Yuki went and started stroking her cheek. "No need to be afraid, you'll soon love the pleasure a kitsune can give you."

'Oh shit!' thought Marisa before Yuki held her face and leaned in before pressing their lips together. Her face lit up light a candle light in the darkness. She tried to move back, but her body got warmer and she couldn't. She opened her mouth in a futile attempt to breathe, and Yuki slipped her tongue in her mouth. Caressing and wrapping around her tongue.

'Mmmm, she tastes pure and inexperienced. Good thing I got yo her first before Haruma.' Yuki thought. 'That fox would make her go out like a light in a matter of minutes.'

'I'm actually getting frenched by something I thought was a myth!' Marisa thought as her mind went zigzagging as she pondered this whole thing. 'This can't be real. I might just be dreaming.'

Yuki moved her hands up over Marisa's chest making the fox jolt and made the kitsune chuckle in her head. 'Nope.. this is the real world dearie.'

'W-What?! You can hear my thoughts!'

'Mmmhmm, one of the kitsune's powers.' she sang out.

Marisa blushed while moaning feeling Yuki start grabbing at her breasts with one tail moving down and rubbing against her belly.

'Mmm... your skin feels so soft, same with your fur.' she stated sweetly, petting them carefully. 'I could just cuddle with you for hours.'

'Oh god, please don't let her touch my butt-crap! She heard!' Marisa jolted as she realizes she's no longer safe inside her mind and tried to back away.

'Don't mind if I do.' Yuki then moved her hands around and carefully grasped Marisa's butt cheeks.

Marisa let out a louder moan making the kitsune start rubbing and squeezing the ass. 'Fuck!' she trembles as her chest pressed against Yuki's, 'Sayoko only warned me about Haruma, I didn't expect this!'

'Oh don't worry, Sayoko will gladly get her turn later.'

'Turn? Oh no wait, she doesn't seem to be like you or Haruma.' Marisa pointed out.

'That's what you think~' she sang teasingly. She broke the kiss and started rubbing Marisa's ass harder with the fox moaning and not noticing her vagina leaking on to the floor.

Said fox was trying to clear her mind of anything as to not forward this hopefully.

'Come on now, you can cup a feel. No one's watching~'

Marisa gulped while feeling her body heating up so much she was getting worked up in the moment. 'N-no.. I..' she stuttered feeling flushed as she looked at Yuki's chest.

"I know you want to." She pressed her chest against the fox's. "And as I said, no one's peeping on us."

'Crap!' her fingers twitches as she wants to grope them.

'Go ahead and have a feel of them if you want.... And I know you want.' she thought licking her lips. Her tails moved with one nearing Marisa's pussy before touching it making her gasp.

She yelped as she then suddenly grabbed Yuki's chest. "Aahh! Hey!"

"See? You did want to feel them." The kitsune giggled as she winked at her.

"Y-you touched me! This was an accident."

"Oh? Then why aren't you taking your hands off?"

"Uhhh..." Marisa opened her mouth to speak, but only air came out of it.

"That's what I thought." She grinned. "Come on now, enjoy the bliss of having sex with a kitsune."

'Perverted fox.'

'Says the red fox who disrobed herself in front of me~' Yuki teased back licking her neck. She got a moan out and used two of her tails to rub Marisa's breasts, one against her groin, and kept on squeezing the ass.

"Gggrroohhh.." she moaned out her body twitching from the sensation, feeling her body tingling.

"Oooh, now you're thinking of me teasing your asshole."

Marisa was about to speak, but closed her mouth. 'Oh drat.'

Yuki licked her lips before moving a finger between the cheeks and started poking at the anus.

Marisa quivered as she started to grope and squeezed Yuki's boobs. "If you ask nicely I'll touch the inside of your tight ass."

'Wh-would I want her too?' She thought while hearing Yuki murr from the squeezing.

"You would." She licked Marisa's ear as she answers.

Marisa moaned and gasped when she started to feel the finger push into her asshole making her pussy get more wet against the tail. "H-hey, you said I needed to ask you!'

"Your thoughts answered for you."

"C-can you please stop reading my mind?! I don't like it when you're poking into it. There's things I don't want people to know!" Marisa argued.

"If you ask sweetly and be honest, then of course."

"Be honest? About what?"

"How you want me to 'treat' you." she said, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Marisa gulped and looked away. " show my ass more attention."

"Good girl." she said sweetly as she started to push her finger past her splinter. She heard Marisa moan and wiggled her finger as it went in while her tails started to brush over the foxes nipples.

"Oh god..."Marisa shudders as she smiles. "This feels so wonderful.."

"How often have you played with your ass?"

"No, I would usually rub my pussy when I get aroused." She said.

"Well don't worry, I'll give your ass plenty of attention and give you the biggest orgasm of your life."

"Do you and your employees.... Uhh..."


"... have sex with each other?" she asked blushing.

"Of course, we just tend to work more because when we unwind on the weekends, it makes it all the more enjoyable." Yuki cheered happily, rubbing her tails on Marisa's folds. "You have a boyfriend?"


"So you're a fair maiden waiting for her knight in shining armor?" Yuki asked grinning.

"D-Don't say it like that!" Moaned Marisa who felt pressure in her groin with the finger moving in and out.

"What? Too goopy for you?" Yuki asked.

"It makes me sound like a girl, I'm not some little girl, I'm a grown woman."

"Well if you were a woman, you wouldn't be blushing like a little girl who spilled glitter on her face!" countered Yuki who started to move her finger in and out at a faster pace while adding in a second one.

"I'm not used to this! That's all." moaned Marisa who felt the pressure coming undone.

"Well when you're ready, just let it all out." whispered Yuki before giving Marisa's neck a nibble.

"I- Aaahh!" she cried out as she climaxed. Her juices gushed out over the tail while Yuki felt the anus clench around her finger. "Ahh...ahh...ahh.." she panted from her orgasm.

"How did that feel?"

"W-wonderful... Was is because Kitsunes are different?"

"You could call it that." she smiled. "Well, you can get dressed, or can go for seconds."

"I....I think I'll take a rest." panted Marisa.

"Make sure you get dressed, rather not you get caught in the nude." chuckled Yuki before moving her tails away and slid her finger out of the asshole.

Marisa slowly got her kimono back on and tied it tight. "Thanks for the tea and... everything else."

"No problem, if you feel like another go, just tell me. Or just come into my room. I'll be sure to lighten up the aphrodisiac next time." Yuki said smiling.

Marisa nodded before walking out while her ass tingled from the movement. 'Wait, aphrodisiac? She slipped that in my tea?!' she turned to the door with a frown before walking away with a huff. 'I mean, yes I really have enjoyed it, but still...!'

"Hello Marisa-san." greeted Sango at the other end of the hall.

"Ah! Oh. Hello Sango." Marisa greeted the red fox.

"Do you require any assistance?"

"Uh.. No thanks, just about to head to my room." Marisa said smiling a bit but is nervous. 'Is what Yuki said about all the foxes here being kitsune true?'

Sango smiled. "I see, would you care for a visit to the massage parlor here in the inn first to unwind a bit?"

Marisa thought about it. "Sure, I could actually go for a massage."

"Excellent, please follow me." Sango said as she started walking down the hall with Marisa following behind her. 'Seems Yuki spilled the secret.' The employee thought while sporting a smile. 'Oh well, it'll be nice anyway.'

'Man, it really is amazing. All of them have several tails right underneath those kimonos.' Marisa thought looking at Sango's back. 'How do they do that? I gotta be honest, kitsune's are pretty cool.'

'Oh trust me, you'll really find us cool when I'm done.' she thought as they reached the massage area, she opened the door to let Marisa in. "After you Marisa-san."

"Thank you." she said entering to see tables rows of twos and cabinets containing various oils.

"Please pick a table while I get the oil."

"On my back or stomach?" Marisa asked.

"Whichever you prefer."

Marisa then went to the table and laid on her back. She put her hands on her stomach while watching Sango grab some oil and glanced at her rear. 'How many tails does she have?' she thought before shaking her head. 'No, no don't think about that!'

"Did you say something Marisa-san?" She asked turning her head around to see her.

"Huh? No, not a word." She answered shaking her head.

"Well you can move your hands away, otherwise I won't be able to cover your whole front."

Marisa nods as she moved her hands and place them on the table. She watched Sango come over and started to carefully put the oil around her belly making her jump. "Aaahh! It's cold!"

"Sorry about that, give it a second and it'll start warming up." She promised as she started spreading it out.

Marisa shivered feeling it spread out before it started to tingle. "Hey, what kind of lotion is it?"

"A special kind that me and the others all personally made."

"Special?.." she asked. 'Uh oh..' she thought before blushing when she felt it start heating up. "It's nothing serious right?!"

"Depends on what you mean by serious."

"A-arousing oil or something like that." Marisa answered.

"Well if I went with something else, it wouldn't be the ideal oil for us kitsune." she smirked before three tails sprung out from the back of her kimono.

She shuddered as she saw them. "So you really are a kitsune?"

"Don't be surprised, you already had some fun with Yuki." smirked Sango. "Don't deny it, you made it clear in your head and I can smell her scent on you."

She blushes as she tries to get up. But Sango held her down while grabbing at her chest and slathered the oil over them. "N-no please, I just came here for a massage!"

"And you will get it." smiled Sango while Marisa felt her breasts, ass, and pussy getting hotter while she moaned the more the kitsune rubbed her breasts.

"Nnnghh... This wasn't what I meant.." she stated panting in pleasure. 'Oh no! She can read my thoughts too then!' she tried to clear her mind of everything she knows.

'Ah ah ah, that won't work.' She said teasingly as her eyes glowed.

Marisa gasped when Sango's hands moved down her sides with her pussy feeling moist real quick."I wanted a normal massage!" she explained with a moan.

"This is normal in our inn."

'Not to me.' she thought as she shuddered from the feeling. 'Don't think about what me and Yuki did before, don't imagine that!' she urged herself as she tried to stay calm.

"Don't worry, I'll help you unwind all over~" Sango promised, moving down and licking Marisa's neck tenderly.

The fox jumped and moaned while feeling the hands move down to her legs and rub the oil around her thighs. "Wh-what's with this?"

"All of us added our own essence into this oil which is guaranteed to make the person it touches extremely horny."

She shuddered as she felt her fluid dripping on the table.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to cover your ass too." smiled Sango before rolling Marisa on her side before trailing her hands across Marisa's back making her moan with her tail twitching.

"Aahh... C-come on, shouldn't you be listening to your guest?" she asked blushing.

"I am, and you appear to be really needy~" Sango said as she pressed her fingers into Marisa's back, massaging her deeply and spreading the oil around.

Marisa gasped while feeling her groin slowly getting warm. "P-Please... I-I had enough for o-one day." she stuttered feeling her will waning slowly.

"No need to worry, your body isn't made of glass so it won't break so soon." the red furred kitsune responded licking the fox's neck.

"AH!" squeaked Marisa while feeling two fingers move across her ass making her grip the table.

"Hmmm.. cushiony, but not thick, you have a good form here miss~." Sango said pressing her hands down on her cheeks. "Do you work out?"

"W-Well... I do take yoga 4-4 times a week." she answered shuddering from the rubbing.

"Well it certainly is doing the trick." the kitsune said climbing onto Marisa's back, rubbing her sides.

'G-god, I'm feeling pleasure just from her rubbing my skin!' she moaned while feeling her move her hands to her chest. 'I-I guess it can't be help as she wants to continue.'

"Very much~" whispered Sango in her ear before her fingers moved in between Marisa's legs making her moan as they lightly rubbed across her spot.

"AAhh~" Marisa cried out her face blushing madly.

"I'll make sure you get plenty of oil right here." Sango stated rubbing some on her folds and butt hole, sending shivers down Marisa's back. "How does it feel now?"

"M-my body's on fire!" she stuttered.

"That means it's working." she stated started to kiss the top of her head.

Marisa shivered with her juices trickling out over the two fingers. "Mmmhh..." she moaned in pleasure.

"Care for me to spread the oil 'inside' as well?"

"Spread it inside? How?" she asked feeling drunk on lust.

"Like this." Sango smirked before pushing her fingers into the vagina.

"Mmmphh..." she moaned in pleasure. "Oh my..."

"Wow, with how moist you are, I'm not sure if the oil will stay, I better go in deeper." Sango started to dig her fingers in deeper into her pussy.

"Ah! Oh god!" Marisa quivered as her body quivers, "I-I think I'm gonna climax soon."

"Then go right on ahead." Sango said nibbled her ears gently.

Marisa cried out before juices went gushing out over the fingers.

Sango smiled as she took some of Marisa's juices and licked them. "Just as sweet as I expected."

The red fox was blushing from embarrassment. 'Why right after with Yuki?'

"Because you're so sensitive it's easy~"

Marisa grunted a bit from that answer. "Maybe quit with the mind reading all the time?! Some like their privacy you know."

"Sorry, force of habit." Sango said rubbing the back of her head. "Y-you still enjoyed it right?.." she asked worriedly.

"Yeah, my vagina is still tingling." she admitted with a smile. "Just next time when someone says no, stop what you're doing."

"Well that's minor compared to what the others might have done had they been giving the massage instead."

She gulped at that answer as she got up and got back into her kimono. "Please tell me they're busy at the moment."

Sango closed her eyes as her tails lifted up for a moment. Marisa can feel a weird sensation in the air around her.

'Is that another weird power?'

'Observation. I can scan the area to see what our guest and fellow employees are doing, but my power is limited to around 10 ft.' Sango explained. 'Full power can see as far as 20 yards away.'

"Well are they anywhere near us?" she repeated. "I rather not be jumped this time."

'As far as I can tell, they're out back keeping the area from getting flooded by making sure the drains are not covered by any debris.'

"Okay, well I'm going into my room for a little R and R. Normal kind though." she said as she started to walk.

"Call if you need anything, and I do mean anything."

"Will do." she said closing the sliding door. She looked around quickly before fast-walking to her room. 'Ok, get some rest, and try to keep from getting jumped.'

She looked around corners to make sure she was alone before moving. When she got to her room she shut the door and got on the mat with a sigh of relief. "Ahhh... Safe." she said to herself as she lay down. "And now, dreamland." She smiled as she closed her eyes and let sleep overtake her.


Marisa woke up from her nap feeling refreshed. "Ah, that's the ticket I needed."

She got up and switched into a fresh kimono, this one with red color with a tiger on the back. She looked herself over in the mirror before going to the door and carefully peaked out. So far, the hallway is clear from both sides. "Sweet, I'm in the clear."

"From what?"

She gasped and turned to the right of her to see another fox.

"Are you alright?" asked Sayoko with concern.

"Oh uh... Y-yeah, you just surprised me." she answered.

"Are you looking for someone?"

"Uh... Well I was wondering... if there are any employees around." she answered.

"Well other than doing their usual chores, I'm not sure. Do you need something?"

"No, just wondering." Marisa answered making sure not to think of anything.

"Because if so, you can tell me." The white fox answered giving her a sincere look.

"No no, I'm fine, really, but thank you." Marisa said moving back into her room. 'I can't believe under her outfit she's got a dic-gah! No thinking!' "T-thank you for checking up on me!"

Sayoko stopped her before shutting the door and smiled. "So you know about our secret now, have you?"

She gulped as she started to sweatdrop a bit. 'Oh boy... Wait a minute, how did I know what she had underneath?!'

Sayoko smiled as she closed her eyes in a thoughtful gesture. "I thought so. First of all, let me offer you my apologies for my employees behavior."

" do you know-"

"They wouldn't reveal our secret UNLESS they tried seducing you. Tell me, how many of them have you 'gotten close' with?"

Marisa closed her eyes. "Just two. Yuki and Sango." she answered.

"Hmm, I take it you managed to take a break before running into the others?" Sayoko asked showing genuine concern.

"Yes, I managed to get a nap in." she asked starting to slowly relax.

"That's good, sorry if this is so much for you. Word of warning, if you want to leave before it gets heavy, I'd recommend doing it before Haruma gets the scent from you. When she learns about you finding out our secret, she'll take that as a sign to make her move, and trust me, she can be quite...'loose'."

Marisa smiled at the white fox's professionalism. 'She must be the most powerful...' She thought. "Thank you, although... what about you?"

"Oh trust me, if I didn't have enough practice, I would have jumped you already." remarked Sayoko bluntly with a smile. "You are correct about me being the strongest." she said revealing that she has a total of 9 tails behind her.

"N-Nine?!" spoke Marisa with wide eyes and a gulp.

"Correct. Kitsunes are at their most powerful once they gain their ninth tail." she smiled.

"Um...does that mean you've got other abilities?"

"That I do." She answered smiling. "You're curious as to how you knew I was a futanari."

"W-Well I just kinda guessed really."

Sayoko chuckled as she shook her head slowly side to side. "There's no need to be bashful. As you figured out already, I'm not gonna jump you unless you want this to move forward." The white kitsune assured her. "The thing is... as they were unfortunately taking advantage of you, you took in their essence as well."

"Wait, what does that mean?"

"Under normal circumstances, it wouldn't do anything to any creatures. But there are occasions that some normal foxes have unique souls that are strong enough to accumulate spirit energy within themselves." Sayoko explained. "Which in turn can grant foxes powers of a kitsune."

" mean I....from them..." Marisa trailed off with wide eyes.

"Well the fact that you could tell I was more unique than others, added with the fact that no one told you about it, can you really call that just coincidence?" Sayoko asked raising one eye.

"But...But I can't end up one! I-I'm just a regular fox!"

"What's wrong with being a kitsune? Other than growing multiple tails, which you may noticed we can hide it with a bit of magic, there's nothing really different."

"But I don't know the first thing about magic! I mean, does this mean I'LL get a dick? I can't just grow a penis out of nowhere!"

"No need to worry, I can teach you about it. In regards of the last part, it's random." she answered.

"And when I leave, what do I do if I sprout another tail out of nowhere? I'll get stared at by everyone."

"It's really all about controlling your powers with your heart. Many believe you use your head for this, but that's how they usually have trouble." Sayoko explained.

"But how can I get a grip before I leave?"

"Like I said, I can help you. The storm's not gonna let up for a whole week after all." Sayoko pointed out.

"That's still short, can it even be done?"

The white kitsune smiled as she went to Marisa and hugged her tenderly. "Do not worry, I will help you as best as I can."

"Nyeh?" she gasped out from the soft hug.

"And don't worry, I'll make sure Haruma doesn't do anything naughty while you sleep, unless you want it." she teased.

"Uh-uhh.." Marisa blushes as she can feel Sayoko's bulge on her leg. She felt her body heating up slowly.

"Trust me, Haruma can be quite dirty if given the chance." She stated. "So I can feel you getting warm, what do you want to do?"


"I'll tell you again, I won't force you. If you don't want to, just say so and I'll let it go." she assured. "I'll even let you decide what you want."

'Oh man, what do I do? I just woke up, but her dick feels huge!' she shuddered from the feeling. 'Plus she's the first kitsune who's actually considering my opinion and feelings over her.'

It was quiet for a minute with Sayoko keeping the hug going. "Um... I suppose.. One more's not gonna hurt."

"Excellent." Sayoko smiled as she went and started to caress Marisa's sides. She felt the fox shudder with her nine tails swishing. "But this one will be mind blowing for you, and I mean that literally."

Marisa shuddered when she whispered into her ear. "I'll bet." she blushes as she felt her rubbing her sides tenderly. 'Wow, she has very soft fingers.'

'Thank you.' Sayoko said rubbing her back.

The red fox blushes from that. 'I'm never gonna get used to the whole mind reading thing.' she sighed. She saw the tails move over and rub around her back making her shiver before winding up on her back with Sayoko licking her lips and reaching down to rub her own groin.

Marias quivers from the softness of the fur and the sight of Sayoko rubbing herself. She saw the kitsune blush and pull her hand back before she slowly saw a dick grow out, but also a set of balls that made her gawk at the size. She quickly looked away before she can think about it.

"Sorry, I need to dig in to get it out since it's so big." she stated blushing myself. "It may be hard to belief, but it's not often that I get to do this."

Marisa gulped while the tails kept rubbing her all over making her gasp while the dick and balls were pressed against the side of her mouth.

"Come on, give it a little taste."

"Uh..uhh.." she blushes as she started to open her mouth and take a slow lick of it. She moved her tongue against one of the balls and near the base of the cock while finding it extremely salty.

'Like I'm licking a salted pretzel or something like that...'

"Well it HAS been a while."

"Can you please stop reading my mind? Believe it or not, I have some things I don't want anyone to know." she explained.

"Oh! Sorry, force of habit." admitted Sayako while Marisa licked the dick again with the kitsune focusing on the sensation. "Mmm... It feels nice. Have you done this before? Before my employees I mean?"

"No, I was a complete novice."

"You seem to learn quite fast." she giggled before realizing how that happened. "Sorry, that must've sounded insensitive."

"No no, it's fine, really I felt like a dork since every girl in my school could do this before graduating."

"Or maybe you had better things to do other than trying to impress some boy at school." Sayoko stated patting her head. "Like working towards a good job and college?"

She smiles at the supporting words as she started to lick the tip more. She tried to bare with the taste and licked upwards more while rubbing the balls. 'They're about the size of apples.' she thought surprised. She squeezed them and trailed her tongue up more making Sayoko hum.

"Feels so good. You're doing very well." she stated caressing Marisa's cheek. "Give the balls a little suck."

She blushes for a moment before moving forward and kissing them a bit. She tried sucking on both of them together while rubbing the dick's tip making the kitsune moan.

"Aah! Oh my, that left a jolt." she stated panting. "Please go faster."

Marisa started to lick and suck on the balls faster while rubbing the tip harder. She heard Sayoko groan which made her lick around the balls and suck making the fox jump.

"I'm getting close dear..." groaned the kitsune while making her tails caress all around Marisa faster.

She shudders from the touch as she started to move faster and harder. She rubbed the tip with her thumbs and squeezed it with her two fingers. 'Then go ahead and cum.'

Sayoko stroke the red fox's head as she moans out, reaching her climax. Her dick twitched before she began shooting her sperm out over Marisa's face.

She quickly closed her eyes. "Aayee, watch where you're shooting!"

"Sorry." Sayoko said blushing as she got a cloth she brought with her and cleaned Sayoko's face.

"I think it nearly got in my eye." she stated as the white kitsune cleaned her up. "How was I?"

"Amazing, I haven't had a real orgasm like that in a long time."

Marisa blushes as it made her happy. "So are you satisfied with that?"

"Not even close."

"Huh?" Marisa spoke. "There's more?"

"Of course." she smiled while pointing to her dick which was still standing tall.

Marisa blushes from the realization, twitching a bit as she still felt warm. She looked up at Sayoko who had a warm smile on her face. "Well....I guess I can try."

The white kitsune smiles as she hugged her arms around the red fox, "Don't worry, you'll enjoy it." she moved her hips down and rubbed the dick against Marisa's stomach and down near her snatch.

"Can you tell me about your species fertility?" she asked blushing.

"Are you asking if you'll get knocked up or not?"

"Y-yeah.. More or less." she said, "But it also wouldn't hurt to know a little more."

"Well if our sperm count is small, you don't have to worry, but if we haven't had a chance to release some of it, can take a guess."

"Well when was the last time you had a release?" Marisa asked.

"About two days ago."

"Uhh..." she blushes as she wonders about the chances of possible pregnancy. "Was it a real big release?"

"Well it did need a bit of cleaning up, sometimes I get so into it I forget to cover it with a towel." Sayoko said chuckling out of embarrassment.

"So I'm guessing considering this, finding a husband or wife has been difficult?" she asked half noticing her shirt's been taken off.

"Let's just say the last few men I dated weren't too eager to get in bed when they saw I could make their penises look like sticks."

Marisa couldn't help but laugh a bit at that, but calmed herself. "Sorry, I really shouldn't laugh at that."

"Oh no it's quite alright, as for a wife, they thought it would be too big and wouldn't get a chance to truly enjoy it without stretching them out."

"I suppose it looks like trying to shove a cantaloupe inside them." Marisa stated.

"But with you, you'll probably take it in much easier."

Marisa gulped, "I don't think it'll be impossible."

"Then get ready." the kitsune moved her dick down more until the tip touched against Marisa's folds, leaning her down gently until she was on their bed with the white kitsune on top. "Take a deep breath."

The red fox blushes as she takes a deep breath in preparation. She felt the tip rub against the hole before pushing against it. "Mmmaahh!" she gasped as she felt the length slowly went inside her. "O-Oh god!"

"Ah! Feeling a fresh warm vagina never gets old." Sayoko moans as she caressed and rubbed Marisa's chest. She kept pushing while Marisa gritted her teeth and groaned with each inch.

"God, it's very thick!" she groaned as she felt a slight pain from not having anything wider than Sayoko. She gripped the bed as it kept going and saw a bulge forming in her body. Her eyes widen from the sight. "Oh my!"

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm alright, just not used to the thickness and length." she stated. 'It feels like an arm is trying to get shoved in me!'

"Yeah, I would expect that would be one's reaction." Sayoko said rubbing Marisa's thighs.

"Hey." she frowned.

"Sorry sorry." Sayoko sheepishly stated. "Force of habit." she kept on going inside before hearing Marisa hiss and stopped. "I think that's all I can fit."

Marisa nods as she panted, "Give me a few seconds."

Sayoko stood still while giving Marisa's breasts a few more rubs. "So soft, bet ya the guys just loved to rub their hands on them."

"They've tried." groaned Marisa.

Sayoko then nuzzled her head on them, rubbing them side to side and poking her nose at them. "I'll make sure they get plenty of attention."

The fox blushes from the nuzzling, moving to rub her paws on Sayoko's own chest. It was helping her relax from the dick while giving the nipples more attention.

Sayoko murred from the groping as she uses her tails to rub around Marisa's body sensually. "Feeling better?"

Marisa shuddered from the softness, "Much.."

"Ready for me to move?"

"Yeah, you can continue now." nodded Maris before groaning when she felt the dick pull back with just the tip in before watching it push in and make a bulge making her moan out loud.

"Ooohh, so snug and warm." Sayoko murred as she kept her rhythm with the thrusting. "So snug and small, it's definitely been a long time."

Marisa murrs and pants as she tries to relax a bit. "How long exactly?"

"Oh I'd say about....ten years ago."

The fox shudders from the feeling as Sayoko rubs and squeezes her chest softly. "T-That's a, ah! Long time."

"It is, so this is a refreshing experience. I thank you again for this." The white kitsune kisses her forehead.

"No problem, oh!" She yelped when Sayoko's shaft bumped her cervix.

"Mmmm, you just got tighter, you must love getting your chest played with." Sayoko teased rubbing the fox's cheek.

"Huh... still kinda new to the sensations.." Marisa suggested. "Mind picking up the pace?"

"Eager for more? I'll give it to you then." she said as she started to move faster and deeper. She hummed since the inside felt more snug and warm.

"Aahh..." Marisa moaned louder as she pants faster, getting close to her climax. "Oh yeah, that feels great."

"Glad you enjoy it." Sayoko smiles as she goes even faster, almost to her limit, "Want it inside or out?"

"O-Out!" she cried out in a high voices as she hits her climax, covering Sayoko's cock with her juices.

Said kitsune groaned and pulled her dick out before it started twitching and her sperm went shooting onto Marisa's stomach and breasts. Both of them cried out from the action, Sayoko helped to clean off her chest, "Sorry about that."

"No, it's fine." panted Marisa. "It was quite a sensation to experience."

"Are you feeling too tired after that?"

"Um..." Marisa thought shaking her head. "No, I really feel fine."

"In that case, why don't I try out your butt?" Sayoko teased as she already flipped Marias on her hands and knees.

Said fox blushed while feeling Sayoko's dick rub against her ass and giving her tail a little rub.

"Of course, if it's too much at the moment, just say so and I'll stop." The white kitsune stated calmly. She slid a finger down to poke Marisa's anus making the fox gasp.

"U-umm..." she blushes from the feeling.

"So is that a yes or no?" The kitsune asked, kissing her cheek.

"Well....we are already at this point..." Marisa blushed as she added. "Might as well continue on with it."

"Then take a deep breath or this might sting." She lifted her up in her arms and prodded her entrance.

"D-don't you have any lube nearby?" she asked.

"Sadly we ran out." she admitted. "Haruma likes to play around with the fellow kitsunes on her time off. All we have is your juices..." she said as she started to push a bit inside.

Maris gritted her teeth feeling the tip push open her anus. The fox quivered as she tried to keep her mind off the pain and focused on something else. 'Ok, it's near the size of an arm, so don't think about it splitting me in half.'

Sayoko gave her a reassuring kiss on the cheek. "I would never do that to anyone, especially not you."

Marisa gave her a dirty look.

"I need more self control." the kitsune sighed while licking the cheek. "Sorry." she apologized, "But in my defence, it really sounded like you were telling me that especially."

"No, it's just really BIG!" she let out in a yip feeling more of the dick push in.

"Well, I will say again, I'll be gentle with you." she patted Marisa before pulling back slightly and then went back in with a groan. "Oooh! It's twice as snug!"

Marisa groaned from the pain and pleasure from the feeling. She felt her asshole get stretched open with each movement.

Sayoko groaned from each movement, slowly getting a bit deeper with every thrust. "Ah! Ah! This is amazing! It's so snug I can barely move!"

"Y-yeah... T-th pain's slowly... going away.. Ah!" gasped Marisa feeling her ass stretch out further.

"Just relax and it'll feel blissful~." whispered Sayoko reaching down to pinch Marisa's nipples.

"Eeep!" she cried out in surprise pleasure.

"With how tight you are, I might blow any second!"

"Well since I can't become pregnant at that hole, go right ahead." Marisa stated.

"Gladly!" Sayoko went in all the way and moaned out as she came deep into Marisa's butt.

"Ahhhh!" Marisa cried out from the warm, wet sensation flowing into her. "I-It feels bigger than the last load!"

"Well as I haven't had much release since two day, I been feeling a bit pent up." Sayoko giggled. "How's it feel?"

"Well that felt... really amazing..." she stated rubbing Sayoko's sides.

"Good, because I'm feeling a LOT better, like a lot."

"I'm... happy to help out." Marisa said embarrassed. She felt Sayoko lay down with her still in her arms. "Are you tired now?"

"Yeah....just a bit, may need an hour or two to rest up... and see if you develop any more kitsune traits."

"So you wanna take a nap?"

"Yes, and you're gonna be staying with me as I do." Sayoko said cuddling with Marisa.

"Not like I can move away." yawned the fox with the dick staying inside her ass.

Sayoko smiles as she kissed the fox's cheek before they both close their eyes and fell asleep.

(A day later)

Marisa was looking at herself in a mirror. "I can't believe what I'm seeing."

"Well believe it Marisa, it's no joke."

The red fox stare in awe as three tails were behind her, swishing slowly. "Three tails, I actually have THREE tails!"

"And they are cute I must add." Sayoko said stroking one with her paws.

Marisa shivered from the feeling while Sayoko's own tails rubbed her sides.

"So how are you feeling? You alright so far?" Sayoko asked petting Marisa's head in comfort.

"Yeah, like I just had a cup of coffee and can go for days without rest."

"Well like I said before, me and everyone can help you get use to being a kitsune, even Haruma once I tell her to take it seriously, who knows, you might actually love being a multi tailed fox."

"But, what happens when I hit the limit?"

"What limit? You mean the week of training?" Yuki asked.

"Yeah." Marisa stated with a nod. "I still have my job to consider."

"Well it would depend on just how many times you've had sex with us. The more sex means a higher chance of ending up like us. But if you stop altogether and wait out, then you may need time to try and find more fitting clothing."

"Why would I need more fitting clothing? My clothes are just fine as it is." Marisa asked confused.

"Because if you can't hide your extra tails, they'll be noticeable by everyone."

"Oh right." she said looking at her 3 tails.

"Well like I said, a lot can happen in a week, but if the off chance you're having trouble, you can always stay and work here." Sayoko offered.

"Which I still need time to think about." Marisa said, "But thank you for the offer. So what do I have to learn now?" she asked looking at the group. The kitsunes smile as the screen fades to black.

Bride of the forest guardian.

The sky was sparkling with billions of stars as a young rabbit was walking through with a flashlight glowing ahead of them. They were light brown colored with a red flannel shirt and green backpack with tanned shorts and hiking boots. "Aahh......

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A Royal Way of Making an Heir

A large grand castle overlooks a nearby town, fine detailed with white marble stones and stained windows. Inside it was well spacious and decorated with regal looking furniture. On a floor was a long red carpet stretching between a entrance and a large...

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It's what's inside that counts

The cool paris air flow through the paved road as a young red furred fox walked down the road to a nearby city. She had an electronic keyboard strapped on her back and wore a red top with blue jeans and black high heels with her tail swishing behind...

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