Tamati Chapter 5

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#10 of Assorted Tik Tik Setting Stories

Tik Tik has many adventures and writes about a lot of them. This is one commissioned by Tamati. https://www.furaffinity.net/user/tamatitheninetailedfox/

Tik Tik has hired a dragon to watch her stuff, but what happens when the dragon meets her slutty griffon friend?

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Tam groans, his hands moving towards Beasra's head, but I coughed and shook my head. "No touching. Not yet." Tam groaned, holding his hands behind his back as he frowned and winced, trying to hold himself back. What a cutie. But no, this was a bit too ravenous. I needed to see something a little more sophisticated. "Beasra friend, you need get excite. You need passion. Let Tam show you!" Beasra pulls his cock out of her mouth, the fluids dripping down from beak to chin to chest as she looked up to him and then gazed over at me. "Excite...? You don't think I am?" With a flick of my wrist, a spectral hand appeared between the griffon's legs. Casually, I petted my friend, and she gasped, her hands moving downwards to grab at the hand, but to no avail. "Nnngh... w-what, are you doing?"

"Mind wants... body needs more. So dry, Beasra, something wrong?" Beasra huffed and stood up, crossing her arms over her chest. "I mean, he's hot and everything, and I'm down for it, but... a girl needs to get warmed up, you know before she can really get into it."

"Y... you weren't really into it already...!?" Tam gasped. She smirked and gave him a quick wink. "Oh, you haven't seen me when I really need a good dick. I always want one, yesh, but need? Nah, you gotta do more than look good." "Tik Tik think Tam should show Tik Tik and Beasra how Tam do it. Make woman really like you." Tam scratched his chin and ponded for a moment. "Usually, a dragon like me has no issues with women." I nodded. "True, true, but then the women come to lair expecting hot dragon. They climb mountain. They face dangers, all to itch need. The journey is foreplay, see? Beasra didn't know she'd see you. Beasra thought she would talk to friend, have nice chat. Needs to have foreplay." "I think I understand, now," Tam nodded. "Very well. Shall we begin?" Beasra fluttered her eyes and lifted her arms up. Tam approached her, his own length already hardened by her previous display, but he doesn't use it. Instead, he wraps his arms around her, fingers curling against her back. They disappeared under her light layer of fur and feathers, pressing small indentations into her skin. He lowered his mouth, closing his eyes as he rolled out his tongue, pressing it against her neck. He licked over the plumage of her neck as fingers trailed down along her back. She sighed, her leonine tail swishing back and forth, before touching his draconic one. The two appendages curl together in a soft and tender hold. He leans forward, one hand upon the small of her back, keeping her from falling as his other hand strokes from the end around the side to her front, first, swirling around her navel. They traced up along her furred body, going against the grain. This made her shudder, gasping as she tilted her head back, practically falling over him before his hand made its way to her chest. With a firm grasp, he holds onto her chest. She groans, tilting her head to the side, panting quickly, but he lets go, and she releases a sigh of relief.

His mouth moved down once more, and his tongue escaped, licking over the once squeezed breast from one side to the other, making sure to rest over her nipple a moment, before giving it a rough lick. "Aaahn... oh, dragon... I think you're getting... getting me properly warmed up." Tam said.

And as I wrote this down, I found myself actually stopping a moment, catching myself biting the end of my quill, my toes curling, my legs spreading gently away from each other. Tamati had been commanding in the cave, but here, the dragon's the proper gentlemen, yet the rough male rolled into a single entity. Is it true, then, that Dragons are masters at whatever skill they seek to master? With all his years and life, despite all his solitude, did Tamati have occassion to become the best lover? It is a rare male, indeed, who can bring me to arousal before I could even touch him. No, my fascination with erotica is mostly academic, and yet, his hands, his mouth, that tongue. Oh, he wrapped his mouth around the punished nipple, suckling upon it. Her hands grip upon his shoulders as she pushes her chest forward, gasping with higher and higher intonations. Surely, he is going beyond simple foreplay, now. If she didn't get a hold of herself, she would find herself reaching her peak without contact from his impressive shaft.

He pulled away, sucking gently on her breast as he did. He pulled it with him, only letting it fall back with a pop as he reached a small distance away from her. She sighed, reaching down and rubbing at her own breast, but was it for relief, or was it to try to relive the pleasure that had been lost?

"Are you fully ready?" Tamati asked? The dragon stood taller than my griffon friend, Beasra. His aura exudes that primal strength and great wisdom that comes from such an old and fantastic race as dragonkind.

Beasra, however, was doing griffons no service, as she became a moaning mess, fingers playing at herself, sliding between her legs and groping at her breasts, which the dragon had touched for only a fleeting few and wondrous minutes. She nodded, her beak open slack-jawed and eyes staring at his own. He approached her, his hands grabbing her shoulders and pushing her down onto the soft grass below. He said nothing as he leaned in, his maw to his neck, where Tamati applied little nips, showing the control he had over his power.

Beasra groaned, her legs kicking in spasms of delight as she tilted her head to allow him greater ease to mark her as his own. My own tail swished back and forth as he continued, because though he was ready to take her, evidenced by the pillar of manhood that graced the lips of her womanhood, he did not, not yet. It became not only the brink of anticipation but also a confounding puzzle. He had been starved of such attention in his cave, had he not? I must remember to ask him how he achieved this level of proficiency, but I need to recall the rest of his time with Beasra.

Tamati Chapter 6

His hands slid down behind her shoulders, up and over her wings, letting fingers brush over and through the plumage before pressing against her back. He lifted her a bit, bringing the mouth to beak, tongues sliding together as he took the first thrust....

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Tamati 4

The griffon smiled broadly as she swung herself in, one leg, and then the other. "Hey, there, Tik!" the bubbly bird-thing said. "Long time, no see." "Tik Tik has lots of work, lots and lots of work! Learning lots of new things. What brings Beasra?" ...

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Tamati Chapter 3

Frowning, Tamati leaned down beside me, laying on his side as he asked, "Something the matter, oh great wizard?" "Oh, Tamati, I came to your cave for rare materials. I may have gotten you, but I really needed something that was said to be in your...

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