Tamati 4

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#9 of Assorted Tik Tik Setting Stories

Tik Tik has many adventures and writes about a lot of them. This is one commissioned by Tamati. https://www.furaffinity.net/user/tamatitheninetailedfox/

Tik Tik has hired a dragon to watch her stuff, but what happens when the dragon meets her slutty griffon friend?

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The griffon smiled broadly as she swung herself in, one leg, and then the other. "Hey, there, Tik!" the bubbly bird-thing said. "Long time, no see." "Tik Tik has lots of work, lots and lots of work! Learning lots of new things. What brings Beasra?"

The griffon winked and slipped herself in, standing tall over me, but still hunched over in the tiny, kobold-sized house as she yawned. "Just flew in and boy are my wings tired. Man, aren't you ever going to make this place good for parties?"

I giggled at that and scurried on over past the window and towards my kitchen. "Tik Tink enjoys going to parties, not hosting them. Have party invite for Tik Tik?" "Something like that," Beasra said, though, as she heads past the window in the hall, she paused and quirks an ear. "What the...?" I levitated a saucer and teacup to my hands but stopped when I sensed her distress. "Something wrong?" "The hell is that sound?" the griffon said, peering outside. I rolled my eyes. "Oh, didn't meet Tam? Should have... he is guard." "Guard, huh?" she asks, opening up the window and peeking out, giving me quite the view of her round, plump ass. Quite the sight for evening breakfast. "Hey, you silly guard! You're supposed to keep people out, not sleep while you let them... in...?" She slowed down to a crawl as she stared off towards the curled up form of the dragon laying there. Quickly, she slammed the window shut, pressing her back against the glass. "H... hey, Tik?" I put the kettle onto boil and tilted my head "Hm...?" "D..., did you know?"

My smile widened, "mmm hmmm?" "That you have a... a dragon in your yard?" I hopped up onto my chair, crossing one leg over the other. "Yup, yup! That Tam. He good guard, most time."

Beasra chuckled, stroking her beak. "I mean... he can't be that good if he's sleeping on the job..."

"Getting energy for real job," I said, fluttering my eyes at her. Her eyes widen. Her leonine tail swishes back and forth as she looked back out towards Tamati. "You don't say." "Tik Tik says," I said, pouring out some tea in two cups. I carried them off, passing her and handing a saucer to her. Beasra took it absently as I headed outside. "Tam," I called out, standing in front of him. "Did bad job. Let big thing in!" "Hey, muscle isn't the same as big," Beasra snapped back, rolling her eyes. Tam's eyes fluttered open, and he smiled upon seeing me, but his gaze went up further, and he quickly sat up. "Tik Tik, look out!"

"It's fine, Tamati," I said, switching to my native tongue. Beasra pouted at that and whined. "Aw, come on, Tik, you know I can't understand that!" I snickered and said. "I met Beasra awhile back. So, it's okay if you missed her flying right up to my window without you even making a peep."

"I... uh..." Tamati sat up, looking between the griffon and me. "Oh, wow, how could I..."

I rose my hand and shook my head. "No worry," I said, going back to the common tongue. "Now Beasra's here, Tik Tik show her fun with Tam, but Tam must listen to Beasra."

"Wait, you want me to-" Tam said, grumbling. "I will not submit to-" I tilted my head as I took a sip of my drink." "What? You want me to... to fuck a dragon?" Beasra said, her jaw dropping.' "Something wrong?" I asked. Bringing her hands up to her cheeks, she couldn't help herself but squeal. "Oh, goddesses, it's so amazing! I never had a dragon before!"

"Have you had griffon?" I asked, actually curious. Tam shook his head. "There are none where I come from." "Good, good," I said, waving my hand. My seat came floating out of the door and landed right behind me, where I promptly hopped up, crossing one leg over the other. "Good evening entertainment for Tik Tik. Make it look good and fun. Make it, so Tik Tik learns a lot."

"So, what... this is your way of punishing him for missing me?" I nodded. "Well, then," Beasra said with a smirk. "Better start off by showing me the goods, dragon-boy." Tam snorted, but he reached down, undoing his loincloth and tossing it aside. Beasra nearly fell to her knees at the sight of the thing. "Holy, Heranica, Tik, you let him stick that thing in you!? It's huge!" "Only when right spells cast. No problem for Beasra, yeah? Used to big things up there?" I swished my tail, taping my toe, quite giddy was I in excitement. "Yeah, oh, you really know I like to party when there's a big boy involved. Or big girls. Ah, if Tam here was a lady with a lady dick... ah..." she sighed, staring off into space, drool running down her cheek. Tam stood up, only a little taller than the griffon. A big dumb grin spreads across her face as she held out her hand to him, wrapping it around his shaft. "This is going to be the best punishment ever, Tammy."

And so, the two began, the dragon listening to commands both from my Griffon friend and from me. Beasra had been an exciting find, and I am glad that I am still in contact with her even now. She shares my enthusiasm for eroticism, yet her enjoyment is much less academic. I would describe it more like a gourmet... or perhaps a gourmand. Sometimes, it is hard to tell which she is. Looking at her then, I couldn't entirely be guaranteed, either. The way she caressed his shaft and leaned in, sniffing his dragon meat reminded me of the nobles in Anteronia, sipping their wines and mentioning the peculiarities of the flavor. But when she opened her mouth and shoved her face down against his cock, the lewd groans that came from her throat as her cheeks and throat bulged against him was not the sign of a sophisticated individual.

Tamati Chapter 3

Frowning, Tamati leaned down beside me, laying on his side as he asked, "Something the matter, oh great wizard?" "Oh, Tamati, I came to your cave for rare materials. I may have gotten you, but I really needed something that was said to be in your...

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Tamati Chapter 2

I gave the dragon my own brand of full-body cock loving, but he soon sighed and leaned back, reaching forward and pinching at my tail. With little trouble, he lifted me up, leaving me dangling and powerless. "Ah, you are a little fire spirit, aren't...

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Tamati Chapter 1

My journeys take me to many exotic locations, from the bustling metropolises to the dark holds of evil powers, but there is nothing quite like climbing through the unexplored and wild places, discovering new creatures and documenting their magic and...

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