Tamati Chapter 3

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#8 of Assorted Tik Tik Setting Stories

Tik Tik has many adventures and writes about a lot of them. This is one commissioned by Tamati. https://www.furaffinity.net/user/tamatitheninetailedfox/

Tik Tik needs to find some treasures, but only a hoard guarded by an impressive dragon has what she seeks. How can the little kobold get what she wants? Perhaps a trade is in order...?

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Frowning, Tamati leaned down beside me, laying on his side as he asked, "Something the matter, oh great wizard?"

"Oh, Tamati, I came to your cave for rare materials. I may have gotten you, but I really needed something that was said to be in your collection."

"We've taken everything of mine that was of any importance. Is there anything I can help you with now that we're here?"

I asked him to wait there as I consulted my notes. Grabbing materials from a dragon was great, but catching an actual dragon could be better. "Ah, well, this magic spell requires something particular that I think you'll enjoy," I said to him, stepping outside once again, letting the cold night air touch my naked scales. He smiled at the sight, but sat up and said. "Yeah, and what's that?"

"It says here that if by the light of the moon, the wizard is filled doubly by the seed of a dragon, she can cast this spell without fail."

Tamati snickered and grabbed onto my shoulders. "Well, then, ready to be filled up?"

"I've prepared a spell for just such an occasion. Don't feel afraid now. You'll find me most accommodating."

A smile from corner to corner spread across his face. "Well, I can certainly do that, my mighty wizard!"

He lifted me up, his draconic cock already hardened and ready to take me on again. This time, however, I was ready and spread my legs apart. I tried to say something to the effect of "let me down gently," but before I could finish, he pushed me down over his thick rod.

My slit accepted him readily, but not without resistance. After all, what's the fun of the spell, if it didn't keep me nice and tight? It is a brilliant creation, able to make the relative size and feel of a woman's opening but creating a pocket portal within so that the massive girth doesn't destroy me.

I breathe out and in with a constant rhythm as I rock over his cock. He groans as he leaned his head back, filling me up to the point of showing off a little bulge inside. I giggle as I trace along the outline of his scales as I take in the feeling. Already, even before he came inside of me, I could feel the magic flowing. It was becoming stronger and stronger until suddenly, it disappeared.

I blinked and glanced upwards, yelping in dismay. "Oh, no! The moon!" Thick clouds began to roll in. I had ignored the coming wind as I had grown used to it in our flight. He glanced up and then patted my head. "Hey, you said we needed to make love under the moon, right?"

"Yes, why?"

His great wings spread once more, and he stood up, holding onto me with both of his mighty hands. "Then, we shall go where the moon is!"

There was no rush quite like it as Tamati flew me up high into the sky, rocking his hips as his wings pushed us both up higher and higher. As we physically reached the climax of our ascent, breaking through the clouds, I felt his powerful orgasm hit me.

What wasn't swelling up inside of my body dripped out from between us and sprinkled down into the clouds, along with the rain that brewed below. But there we were, in the air, under the moon.

Tam leveled out his flight, looming over me as he flew. He pulled me from his cock, letting me free with a little "pop" Cum oozed from between both of us, but he was quick to press the tip to me once more, to the tighter portion of my slit. I gasped, scratching over his stomach as I closed my eyes. The rush of the wind, the feeling of nothing but his hands underneath of me, it was all so exciting.

With a dragon's roar, Tamati shoved himself into me, tighter than before and with more resistance, but I held on tight, my cries drowned out by the storm below us. The sheer power and control he had over me, despite being in my service, was astounding. We flew over the clouds for minutes upon minutes, each moment filled with his thick, ramming cock. I laugh and cry at the same time as I feel the magical energy flowing between the two of us. And as the full moon drowns us in its light, he releases once more, roaring mightily through the countryside as lightning flashes below us

I hadn't felt so swollen in a long time, but the feeling was incredible. However, there was something wrong. I was breathing heavily, and my eyes were drooping, and soon, I found myself drifting off to darkness.

When I finally awoke, I was in my bed. I was still a mess so this couldn't have been a dream. Outside, I could hear the growl and grumble of deep breaths, and when I threw the curtain open, there was Tamati, laying against my bedroom wall, breathing deeply in his sleep. I giggled at the sight. I may not have been able to hold the magic in me that night, but I certainly had a lot of fun with my new guardian dragon.

Tam--that's what I'm calling Tamati now--has been quite the addition to my wizard's study. While I have not been left wanting in regards to my collection of dragon reagents, he also provides me with various entertainments and has become quite the set piece and source of further research. Take, for example, my work on the sexuality of hybrid beings. This was expounded upon one time with the arrival of a friend of mine from far away.

I had not been expecting anyone when there came a knocking at my window. Groggy, I awoke, rubbing the sleepiness from my eyes. It was barely even dusk, and the sun still shone in the sky, making me grumpy as I hopped down and scurried over to the window. But, as soon as I saw her there, I couldn't help myself but throw open the windows. "Beasra!" I chirped.

Tamati Chapter 2

I gave the dragon my own brand of full-body cock loving, but he soon sighed and leaned back, reaching forward and pinching at my tail. With little trouble, he lifted me up, leaving me dangling and powerless. "Ah, you are a little fire spirit, aren't...

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Tamati Chapter 1

My journeys take me to many exotic locations, from the bustling metropolises to the dark holds of evil powers, but there is nothing quite like climbing through the unexplored and wild places, discovering new creatures and documenting their magic and...

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Slime Study: An Alchemist's Undoing

Surely, any mortal would be stunned to be so milked at the hands of a powerful demon like me. But, we were not done here. He had requested an heir, and I had given it to him, though obviously not how he intended. I pulled my fingers from my lips,...

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