Slime Study: An Alchemist's Undoing

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#11 of Tik Tik in the Big City

While hiding out from the Judicators of Anteronia, Tik Tik has decided to do some studying on the nature of slimes and slime-like beings. Her unwelcome guest, the Demon named Zelb continues to tell her story about an alchemist who got more than what he bargained for.

"The Adventures of Tik Tik," is a fantasy erotica series staring a kobold woman seeking to learn more about the sexual nature of different cultures and creatures of the fantasy world she lives in. In this series, I like to delve into interesting characters and mix storytelling, character analysis, and sexy scenes to make an interesting read for all involved, and its all made possible by the support of my generous patrons. If you'd like to see more Tik Tik, please consider funding me at any level. Different tiers grant you more content and more input on the creation process of these stories, but I'm always looking for feedback on my work, so please, also consider joining my discord server.



Cover by Heckabun:

Surely, any mortal would be stunned to be so milked at the hands of a powerful demon like me. But, we were not done here. He had requested an heir, and I had given it to him, though obviously not how he intended.

I pulled my fingers from my lips, having cleaned them of the alchemist's copious secretions. With a loud gulp, I had finished my meal of delicious semen.

"Ah, there we go, 'master," I taunted him. "I see now why you've found it so hard for women to bear your seed."

"Wh... what is the reason...?" He groaned, curling up on the ground, weakened by my work pumping him dry of reserves he most certainly didn't know he had.

"It's funny..." I said, floating on over towards his work table. There vials and flasks bubble with mixtures of all sorts. "For someone whose whole life is about the creation of new things, to be the host of dead seed is a cosmic joke of the gods."

"Dead... seed...?"

"Oh, yes," I said, picking up one of his concoctions. I shrugged and downed it in a single gulp. Oh, how it burned, but with a satisfied belch, I tossed the flask aside, letting it shatter upon the ground. "You've no doubt produced volumes of the stuff for your experiments, and I've no doubt the ladies were satisfied your potency, but for all your attempts, you lacked that most fundamental part within you. Sorry, pal, but you have no swimmers. And none of those little guys means none of them to burrow their way into the woman's eggs."

I loomed over him now, my smile wide and sparkling in the dim light of the work chamber. "It's all quite simple, Doctor Stalish--you may never have a human heir. Not even my power can grant you that. Perhaps the sleeping goddess of fertility may have helped you there, but you chose me, staunch atheist that you are. Now, let me show you the true form of your child."

With that, I snapped my fingers, and the pool of semi-coagulated jism worbled, and then it gurbled, and soon, it coalesced together into a small mound right by the alchemist's face. "There you are, prof," I said, kneeling down before him. "Your very own little jizz baby." I placed my hand upon the sticky ooze, petting its dome. "Feed it enough, and it should start to be even smarter than you one day. In fact, I think you'll find it quite mature right after it's done with its first meal."

Stalish gasped, but a moment later, the little splooge latched onto his face. I just sat back, admiring my nails as the creature oozed over his body, covering his nude form until he was in a spunk cocoon. He struggled, for a little bit, his screams muffled by the cum he gargled, but he was quiet soon enough.

"Well, 'master,' with your ascension, it's time for me to go. So, I will bid you adieu. Make sure you make better decisions than your daddy did, okay little cum stain?"

I patted the slime once more, but the more massive creature snapped at my hand, forming the face of the consumed scientist. "Yes, yes, be careful what you wish for, Mr. Alchemist," I said, purring as I flicked my tail across his slimy face. "It might just come true."

I must admit I was quite surprised by the loin-spawn slime that grew up from the puddle, taking the form of a man, now fully consumed by his own ambition. I swelled with pride, just a little bit as he grew with lust where his pelvis would be.

Oh, and did he take his new form to heart. Yes, technically, the alchemist's soul was off in the afterlife at that point, but the mind of the man I had dominated remained here as an echo inside the child he so desperately wanted. He reached out for me, grabbing my neck and slamming me against the table. Glass shattered, and wood crackled and hissed as acids ate away at it, but the look of anger, of desire, in the slime's eyes, makes gives me a ghost of the excitement I felt back then.

He invaded me with the soft, yet filling slime-cock, and he expanded. I couldn't help myself but let out a squeal of delight. I had created this monster out of some man's selfish ambition, and now he sought to be selfish with me as if he thought this was punishment. HA mortals, so full of themselves. The giving and taking of pleasure are eternal in the pit. What was once torment became a pastime to demons who lived their entire existence in the darkness. What was once hated becomes embraced, and even as pain worked against my physical form, I wrapped my legs around his body, pulling him in closer, hissing in pained delight as he consumed me, just as he did his father.

The thing tingled as it touched my body. Those fingers that wrapped around me melded together in a solid mass, choking out my airway. My scant few breaths in this physical form stopped as the slime closed the pipe.

Do you know what it's like, to go to sleep just after climax hits you? To let a larger, more powerful form overwhelm all of your body, and then only for blackness to remain? Then, to wake up in the underworld, refreshed from that new experience?

Haha... of course you don't You're mortal, bitch! That shit will kill you dead. For me, the loss of a physical body only means I need to wait for a new one.

Wait, are you saying that if we found a way to kill you back before you were sealed in my body, then-

Then, you wouldn't have to deal with me now. Isn't that wonderful?

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