Magi Fight

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#51 of Tik Tik into the Wildlands

I once had a tier on my patreon known as "Dark Royal," where users could get highly discounted commissions every month from me, but they would be patreon-exclusive for a time. I now use a different system of commissions for my patrons, but I still have plenty of these old stories to upload. This is one of them.


Tik Tik is a wizard practicing eromancy. Gonz is a cleric of the goddess Xasandra. Crossover obligation states they must see who would win in a magical duel. But seeing their fields of expertise, things are going to be sexy!


I write plenty of stories that go up monthly on my Patreon: you like to chat with me? Consider joining my discord server: am accepting commissions. Please, get in contact.



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I write plenty of stories that go up monthly on my Patreon: you like to chat with me? Consider joining my discord server: am accepting commissions. Please, get in contact.

"Well, Miss Tik, that certainly has been an enlightening experience, but I'm sure you're eager to see what actual magic I have to share with you."

Gonz parts the cover to her sorcery arena, which is a large chamber within the warrens. She and Tik Tik had fully dressed since their scissoring in the springs, but the heat from that last encounter is still fresh in her mind and body. "Impressed? This was carved out in a day's work, thanks to our boys in the mining division."

Tik Tik shrugs as she surveys the chamber. "Not many books. Lots of space for explosions. Looks like sorceress room. Not a wizard's study."

"You think sorcery isn't as legitimate as wizardry?" the chubby sorceress says, hands upon her hips. "Well, perhaps you'd like a demonstration of my magic... against your own?"

Tik Tik gasps. "An arcane duel? With just the two of us? That certainly will not do. Magic is best when shared with others."

Gonz snickers and shrugs. "Sure, why not?" Gonz points her finger into the air, and shoots a spark into a bell hanging from the ceiling.t

Many kobolds fill into the room at the summons, and Tik Tik whistles. "At your call? I'm impressed."

"What can I say? When a sexy sorceress commands, they listen. Now, then. The rules?"

Tik Tik flips through her book, placing her finger upon one of the pages the page. "Standard wizard's exhibition duel rules: Nonlethal magic only. This is a display of power. When we finish, the people will vote."

Gonz snickers and cracks her knuckles. "Sounds good to me. Alright, let's go!"

And so begins the contest of the magi. Swirling colors of power fill the room in a display of arcane might. Giant dragon likenesses and conjured creatures appear and disappear in the blink of an eye, and the two both hold the rapt attention of Gonz's people as they raise their hands to the air and summon forth effects of their arcane mastery.

Seeing that both hers and Tik Tik's spells were captivating the audience, Gonz feels it's time to pull out the big guns. She curls two fingers inward, focusing her mind upon the wizard across from her as she mutters the word of the mage's telepathic hand.

Through her leggings, Tik Tik feels ghostly fingers wriggle up into her slit. She gasps and falls to her knees, dropping her book and reaching down. With one eye open, she hisses at Gonz, who just uses her fingers to direct a sparkle of light across the room, whistling in a poor attempt to feign innocence.

Tik Tik responds by thrusting her hands out, squeezing fingers together, and snickering under her breath.

Gonz yelps and covers up her breasts instinctively, dropping the sparkle down between the two of them. "H... hey, no fair!" she coughs, but Tik Tik doesn't relent, wiggling her tongue inside of her mouth.

Gonz gasps, feeling it deep up inside of her slit. She shoves her hands upward and spreads her fingers apart. This makes Tik Tik fall forward and groan, her fingers rubbing between her legs as if that would alleviate the teasing and stretching within.

The wizard nips down between her teeth, and Gonz cups her breasts as she feels a pinch past her palms at her sensitive flesh. Gonz falls back on her rump, groaning as she finds the phantom tongue and fingers fluttering and pinching at her. "H.a... haa... I need... m.. My secret technique" she says, her hands now holding an invisible kobold by the waist. With a glint in her eye, she says "I just wish I could feel this!" she shouts over at Tik Tik with a thrust of her hips.

TIk Tik's body pushes forward, the fingers replaced with what could only be described as a mage's cock! She scratches at the ground, which translates to the sorcerer's body. Though there are no marks, the rough scratches make Gonz growl and hump the air with a more renewed vigor.

Tik Tik huffs, her tongue rolling out as her tail lifts up, her pants stained with her want, while Gonz, meanwhile, grunts, finding herself filled by that phantom tongue as it lashes around in the throes of Tik Tik's passion.

Soon, the arcane connection between the two break as their concentration dissolves in the throes of their orgasms. Tik Tik and Gonz lay sprawled out, the wizard on her stomach, and the sorceress on her back, the two of them both breathlessmesses of stained clothing and bruised egos.

The silence in the room is thick, but breaks quickly by one voice. A lone male kobold coughs and stands, saying. "Uh... think maybe you two could go into sudden death?"

The two females snap their attention at him, then look to each other, sinister smirks on both of their faces.

Minutes pass, and their display of magical prowess against the stripped and blindfolded malebold leaves the entire audience stunned as he releases once more, spraying high into the air before he finally collapses into a drooling mess. The two females stand on either side of the spent male and bow, performing to a standing ovation. When they stand back up, Tik Tik pats Gonz on the shoulder and pulls her in. "You know what? Sorceresses may be big flashy dummies, but big and flashy has its place."

Gonz shakes her head and nudges the pink kobold, "and wizards are stuffy blowhards who lord their superiority over others, but... when they know their stuff, they know their stuff."



They shake on it and leave, arms around each other as they walk out of Gonz's presentation, and the audience disperses soon after, leaving a whimpering male, his hands tied behind his back and his eyes still blindfolded. "H... hey, guys? I need to get back to work now. Ladies...? Anyone...?" he sighs and shakes his head, chuckling and saying "Worth all the trouble."

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