Tunnels 1

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#5 of Tik Tik into the Wildlands

Stuck in a cave with a stubborn Dig Boss and a new book on sex, Tik Tik is willing to do some experimentation, and while Prakibak enjoyed what was happening so far, he's about to enter a whole new world.

"The Adventures of Tik Tik," is a fantasy erotica series staring a kobold woman seeking to learn more about the sexual nature of different cultures and creatures of the fantasy world she lives in. In this series, I like to delve into interesting characters and mix storytelling, character analysis, and sexy scenes to make an interesting read for all involved, and its all made possible by the support of my generous patrons. If you'd like to see more Tik Tik, please consider funding me at any level. Different tiers grant you more content and more input on the creation process of these stories, but I'm always looking for feedback on my work, so please, also consider joining my discord server.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tiktikkobold

Discord: https://discord.gg/fA2NeqZ

Art by Disgraceful: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/disgracefull/

"It's alright. I've read up on it. It should be very simple. Besides, you aren't doing anything with this. I am!" Tik Tik chirps happily, sitting at the foot of the dig boss, her scaled pink body on full display as she sat upon her knees, hands resting right on top of them. "I'll be careful. Don't you worry about that."

"It's not that I'm worried about," he says. "This can't possibly be something a male should do."

"Males do it all the time." she says, leaning forward. Her fingers brushed over his ankles, making sure to keep away from his injured foot. Her claws brushed up along his scales, making her boss shudder from her touch.

"You're... you're reading that right, aren't you?" He asks."Shh..." the female kobold hushes him, sliding up closer onto him, her hands moving to the inside of his legs and spreading him at the knee. She hooks her hand under his injured leg, making sure to lift it, ever so carefully, as she sets it aside, giving him a less pained reception to the motion. Despite this, he does groan slightly, yet the semi-hard mast in front of her face shows her that he is not entirely turned off to the idea. Soon, her face is right there, nose right in front of his burgeoning hardon. The curious kobold sniffs, taking in the natural musk of the dig boss, a mix of kobold sweat and the dust of the earth. Her heart is all aflutter. Only the most active of workers would have the smell of the earth suffused to their very beings. "You smell wonderful, Prakibak," she coos.

"Uh, th-thanks, so... so now you're gonna...?"

She lifts her head slightly, her blue eyes half-lidded as she looks at him, nodding and giving him a delighted "mmmm-hmmm..."

He gulps.

She lifts one hand, bringing up away from him. Her mouth opens, and her tongue rolls out. She presses her finger to it and, with the precision of a trap maker, coats the digit with a thin layer of her saliva, making sure her tongue wraps around the length of her finger, and pushing the thing up into her mouth. She keeps her eyes upon the dig boss, who, according to their agreement, would keep his hands behind his head for the duration of this procedure. She closes her maw around it to get the finger nice and wet, then pulls it out with a "pop" and looks at the film-covered digit. She wiggles it in front of him and says. "I've put this finger in such tiny places, Dig Boss. If this diagram is to be believed, once I put this in the right spot, then you're going to forget all of your troubles."

Prakibak looks upwards, away from the cute kobold in front of him. She lifts her tail, wiggling it back and forth as she hums the worker's tune.

"H... hey!" he says, looking down to her. "This ain't no tunnel dig!" he says.

Her finger presses against him, up against the ring that is his tail hole. "Isn't it?"

He grits his teeth, closing his eyes and hisses. "B... be gentle."

"You're such a hatchling," she coos, swirling her finger over that ring. "Don't worry. This may be my first time, but I'm a quick learner."

"Tell that to the wall you were hacking at!" he teased, but immediately regretted it as he feels the finger penetrate inside of him. His mouth opens wide, and the slightest of gasps escapes from his throat.

"There you go," she whispers, leaning in, puffing out hot air from her nose onto his length. It twitches to attention. "And it looks like you're enjoying it, too."

"I... Is this what it feels like?" he asks, his arms trembling "when I breed a f-female?"

"I doubt that," she says. "According to the book, there's no natural lubrication in the tail hole." She pushes her finger deeper, wriggling it. "Please try to relax, as I could possibly tear it."

He sniffles and whines, "Why didn't you warn me about that sooner?" He asks.

She reaches over with her free hand and turns the page on the book. "I said I was a quick learner, not that I learned everything at once. Oooh, this looks promising."

"W... what does?" Prakibak asks, but he finds himself gasping as she pushes further in. "Nnngh... ho-how deep are you going to go!"

"Just a bit further, but perhaps this will ease your mind?" She says this and rolls out her tongue, letting the tip flick at the head of his kobold cock.

Prakibak hisses in a breath, not in discomfort or strangeness, but in actual delight.

"Ah, I knew you'd like that one. You big strong men, always thinking with this digging tool." She swirls the tongue around the tip and he begins to relax in her actions.

"Wh... what was that...?" he asks, his eyes half-lidded in his stupor.

"Another thing I learned from the book," Tik Tik replies. "I learned so much in such a short time. Imagine how powerful its magic must be."

He blinks, then frowns. "No, wait. That sounds extremely dangero-ooooh!"

She slides the pole up along her tongue, keeping that muscle inside of her snout. She lowers her head down, his tip pressing the roof of her mouth, effectively wrapping it around her draconic maw. She lowers her head more over him, pushing his meat between the more rigid roof and the softer, wet tongue. She pulls back just as his length gets to her throat, keeping herself from choking on it, but pulling back with the same slow intensity as when she pushes down.

Meanwhile, her fingers probe within him, feeling the strange tight cavern, wriggling her finger around within. There had to be something there, something for Tik Tik to find. His groans tell her that he likes what she is doing, yet she doesn't quite feel what the book describes. But then her finger probes at just the right spot at just the right instance and...

Prakibak Chapter 2

Her eyes widened, her very core shook at the sight. She pressed her finger against the illustration and swallowed the saliva that had formed in her mouth. There, written in the plainest of draconic, was a guide entitled "Seducing the Dragons."...

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Prakibak Chapter 1

Tik Tik scurried from the old abandoned campsite. Prakibak had called for her, and she couldn't leave the injured dig boss alone. After all, it is a kobold's duty to see after the well-being of their tribe, and those above a kobold in rank needed to be...

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The Book 2

Tik Tik awoke, her pink scales caked in dust and dirt, and her working clothes torn, with droplets of dried blood on her arms and legs. She groaned and got on her knees, shaking off loose rubble from her head. She poked at her frills and traced a...

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