Prakibak Chapter 2

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#4 of Tik Tik into the Wildlands

This is where it all began. In these classic Tik Tik stories, see the origins of the characters. Some events in these are no longer considered canon, but they can still be interesting to read.

These are some of my earliest works, so they are pretty rough.

The Dragon's Heir Kobold Tribe has always lived society for the betterment of the tribe, even if that meant sacrificing the needs of the individual for the entire unit. But Tik Tik is an individual. Punished for a trap that didn't go off correctly, she now finds herself working under the eye of Prakibak the dig boss, and the male kobold is a lusty as he is aggressive.

"The Adventures of Tik Tik," is a fantasy erotica series staring a kobold woman seeking to learn more about the sexual nature of different cultures and creatures of the fantasy world she lives in. In this series, I like to delve into interesting characters and mix storytelling, character analysis, and sexy scenes to make an interesting read for all involved, and its all made possible by the support of my generous patrons. If you'd like to see more Tik Tik, please consider funding me at any level. Different tiers grant you more content and more input on the creation process of these stories, but I'm always looking for feedback on my work, so please, also consider joining my discord server.



Art by Disgraceful:

Her eyes widened, her very core shook at the sight. She pressed her finger against the illustration and swallowed the saliva that had formed in her mouth. There, written in the plainest of draconic, was a guide entitled "Seducing the Dragons."

Prakibak grumbled and groaned, then sat up straight. Tik Tik slammed her book closed, crossing her legs and groaning in annoyance. She shot him a heated glance, but frowned at the sight.

The dig boss panted, cold sweats glistening on his scales. He looked around, his chest rising and falling at an alarming rate. When he saw Tik Tik, he relaxed slightly, and grumbled an apology.

"No need," Tik Tik said. "Is something wrong?"

"Just..." he ran a hand through his frills. "No, it's nothing."

"You're worried, right?" she asked, closing her book. She bit her lip and looked over her shoulder. In the time they spent down here, there had been no sign of predators or uninvited guests. They were well and truly alone. "Maybe I can help you relax," she asked.

He jumped. "What? I'm perfectly fine, I- What are you doing!?"

Tik Tik pulled her ripped work clothes free, exposing her body to him. She folded them neatly and placed them aside, crawling up before him, and placing a hand upon his thigh. "Isn't this what you wanted?" she asked "For me to be useful to the tribe?"

He inhaled deeply through his nose and shook his head. "Tik Tik, this isn't the time. This isn't the breeding grounds-"

"Shh..." she stopped him with a finger pressed to his mouth. She lifted one leg and placed it down on the other side of him, straddling his lap. Her hands ran down along his frills and rested upon his shoulders. "This isn't for breeding. This is for saving my life."

"Saving your life?" He laughed. "What are you talking about?"

"When we fell," she said, narrowing her gaze, leaning in, pressing their foreheads together, "you sought to protect me. I saw it in your eyes, the real you..."

He gulped, his hands twitching on the ground. "Tik Tik, I was just doing my job, my duty."

"Do you ever wonder what it's like to do something for yourself?" she asked "or for someone else, and not for everyone?"

"What you're talking about... it's not something we do, not in the tribe."

She pulled herself up against him, her underbelly pressing against his still clothed chest. She hissed into his ear and whispered "The tribe isn't here. It's just us, and we need to help each other."

A growl rose from the back of his throat, and he grabbed her wrists. Her eyes opened to look at his and he snarled, saying "You're teasing me, Tik Tik. I can't mount you like this."

"I know you want to," Tik Tik said, and she pushed up against him, her hips grinding against his body, against that bulge in his leggings.

He tilted his head back and groaned. "I know I want to, but I'm telling you, I can't!"

"I'm telling you," she breathed out, her hand moving down to his sides, gripping at his tunic. "You don't have to."

"I... what? What are you talking about?" he asked as she lifted his top off.

"Arms up," she commanded, and without really knowing why, he did as he was told. She lifted his shirt off him and tossed it aside, her hand brushing over his underbelly.

He chittered, digging his hand back into the ground, shaking his head "W... what is this? What are you-?"

"Feels good?" she asked, leaning in now. She huffed a breath of hot air through her nostrils, sending shivers up along his spine.

"Aah... I don't... I don't under... wha!?"

Her tongue rolled out, pressing up along his flesh. She tasted the salty brine of sweat and musk, her eyes rolling back as she continued the lick up along him, remembering the diagrams she saw and applying them to her knowledge of kobold anatomy. The erogenous zones of a humanoid tended to fill certain areas of sensitivity; the sensitive underbelly of a Kobold should prove to be a source of pleasure for their kind. By Prakibak's twitching and wide-mouthed state, she could tell her hypothesis was correct. So fascinating!

She licked up to his chin and pulled her tongue back, meeting his eyes once more. "You want more?" she asked.

He stared at her, dumbfounded. "W... what even was that!?"

"Just something I picked up," she admitted, her fingers following the trail of her tongue as her other arm draped over his shoulder. She moved those fingers back down along the path, this time, going down beneath his underbelly to his leggings. The whole while, he shuddered under her, a soft growl emerging from his lips, but he didn't nip her, didn't chastise her. "I'll show you much more of I learned, if you ask."

"If I... I'm your boss!' he gasped. "You can't barter with me!"

Her fingers stopped, and she sighed. "Yes, sorry. Will leave now..." she said, lifting her leg to roll off him

"N-no, wait!" he gasped, his chest heaving, his body slick. He squeezed his eyes shut and grit his teeth, cursing under his breath at the thing he was about to say. She waited, holding her breath, her own eyes widen at the indecisive mess he had become, and all from some simple touch!

He gasped and grabbed her hand, yanking her back against him, the two slapping underbellies together. Their noses touched, and Tik Tik gasped, waiting to see what he meant by this gesture, until...!

He rocked his head back and forth and Tik Tik's eyes welled up. This gruff, mean, horny kobold, who had threatened her previously, was now rubbing noses with her; the ultimate gesture, the most forbidden of things, signs of camaraderie, appreciation, and care. There was no word for it in the Kobold's language, but the meaning was crystal clear.

She wiped her eyes clean, and yipped, saying "Then... let's continue!"

Prakibak Chapter 1

Tik Tik scurried from the old abandoned campsite. Prakibak had called for her, and she couldn't leave the injured dig boss alone. After all, it is a kobold's duty to see after the well-being of their tribe, and those above a kobold in rank needed to be...

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The Book 2

Tik Tik awoke, her pink scales caked in dust and dirt, and her working clothes torn, with droplets of dried blood on her arms and legs. She groaned and got on her knees, shaking off loose rubble from her head. She poked at her frills and traced a...

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The Book 1

"Dig, dig, dig. Dig down deep. Find the ore, and dig it out. Swing the pick, tooth and claw, keep on digging down!" The chants of the kobold mining crew repeated over and over again in the dark depths of the Crimson Claw Cavern. All down the line,...

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