The Book 1

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#1 of Tik Tik into the Wildlands

This is where it all began. In these classic Tik Tik stories, see the origins of the characters. Some events in these are no longer considered canon, but they can still be interesting to read.

These are some of my earliest works, so they are pretty rough.

The Dragon's Heir Kobold Tribe has always lived society for the betterment of the tribe, even if that meant sacrificing the needs of the individual for the entire unit. But Tik Tik is an individual. Punished for a trap that didn't go off correctly, she now finds herself working under the eye of Prakibak the dig boss, and the male kobold is a lusty as he is aggressive.

"The Adventures of Tik Tik," is a fantasy erotica series staring a kobold woman seeking to learn more about the sexual nature of different cultures and creatures of the fantasy world she lives in. In this series, I like to delve into interesting characters and mix storytelling, character analysis, and sexy scenes to make an interesting read for all involved, and its all made possible by the support of my generous patrons. If you'd like to see more Tik Tik, please consider funding me at any level. Different tiers grant you more content and more input on the creation process of these stories, but I'm always looking for feedback on my work, so please, also consider joining my discord server.



"Dig, dig, dig. Dig down deep. Find the ore, and dig it out. Swing the pick, tooth and claw, keep on digging down!" The chants of the kobold mining crew repeated over and over again in the dark depths of the Crimson Claw Cavern. All down the line, soot-covered kobolds dressed only in threadbare protection swung in unison as they expanded their warren further down into the depths, in search of new secrets and treasures to claim as their own.

Boss Prakibak scowled as he paced back and forth along the digging crew, his yellow teeth exposed in his snarls. He is a tall, deep-red scaled kobold, with sinuous muscle and imposing frills. Though his horns are small, he makes up for their lack in his sharpened claws and his gnashing teeth "Keep it up, keep it up. You diggers need to move faster. Uplanders are coming down. They trampled our hatchery. Our young, the future of the tribe, damaged beyond repair. We must dig deeper, to escape their greed. All that is hidden from the burning sky fire is ours by right, and now is the time to claim what is ours. We are dragons, the true rulers of this world! Dig, as befits your heritage!"

One of the diggers, a young girl named Tik Tik, struck the earth with her scrawny arms. She lifts the pick, panting heavily before swinging it down again, striking the rock with a pathetic ting.

Prakibak stomped forward and scowled down at Tik Tik. "You call that a swing? What kind of kobold are you if you can't dig!"

Tik Tik held up a finger and replied. "I worked as a trapper's apprentice. I am no brute laborer."

Prakibak snarled, "So, you're responsible for the uplanders getting to our eggs..."

Tik Tik gasped. "Absolutely not! All of my traps were unsprung! They came in from the other side, where Lishnash worked. I was protecting the south by the fairy forest, and-"

Prakibak's claw slammed the wall right beside Tik Tik's face. The pink kobold winced and backed up against the wall.

The larger Kobold leered at her, his teeth filling his muzzle. He snorted, hot air passing over Tik Tik's own heart-shaped nose, causing it to wrinkle up. "Well, if you were any good at yer job, you would have checked all the entrances, wouldn't you have?"

Tik Tik opened one of her blue eyes, her teeth gritted together not in a display of dominance, but in abject fear. "T-that w-was Quiquan's job," she objected.

His other hand slammed on the wall on the other side of her face, effectively pinning her against the rock. "Doesn't matter! We have an egg shortage now because of poor trappers! The breeders are working shroomglow to mushdim adding to the tribe. And what are you all doing? Making ineffective traps and swinging your pathetic, weak, arms at the rock. Maybe I'll have the queen put you on breeder duty, instead. How does that sound, eh? Bet you'd do real good at that. In fact, I'd be happy to give you your first egg."

Tik Tik's face burned as he talked on about that, and as his clawed hand moved from the rock to her cheek, she hissed, grabbing his hand and staring him down. "Do not treat me like a slave! We are working together, Prakibak! And it was the queen who put me here!"

Prakibrak pulled his hand free, an easy task against the smaller, tired, and weakened kobold. He held his arm aloft, hand clenched in a fist, staring down at her with his bright orange eyes filled with fury. His chest rose. His nostrils flared, and he snarled, slamming his fist on the rock wall, right by her head!

Tik Tik sensed it first--a rumble beneath her feet. She curled her toes and whimpered, looking up to Prakibak. His own eyes widened, and, for that moment, she didn't see the stubborn and angry dig boss, but a fellow kobold, one worried about the safety of his people. He turned around and shouted. "Quake! Get out of the tunnel! Go, now!" He grabbed Tik Tik's arm and pulled her away from the wall, her hands resting on his firm, yet soft-scaled chest as he wrapped his arms around her body. The very ground beneath their feet gave way, and she yipped in surprise, holding tighter onto him as the two found themselves slipping off of their feet and falling down the new hole. Suddenly, a loose bit of stone struck the dig boss, causing him to let go of her. She shrieked and he gasped, reaching out to try and grab her again, but he misses, and the two tumble separately down, with the screams of their fellows ringing through their ears.

The Book 2

Tik Tik awoke, her pink scales caked in dust and dirt, and her working clothes torn, with droplets of dried blood on her arms and legs. She groaned and got on her knees, shaking off loose rubble from her head. She poked at her frills and traced a...

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Eshere Chapter 2

Yes, knowing the context of the situation would surely have made me more aware of the possible dangers that were before me. Had you told me about the mimicry, I probably would have been more wary. When my awareness returned, it was blurry at first,...

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Eshere Chapter 1

The perils of Anteronia continue to astonish me. It has been three days since I had lost my companions in the riot that broke out in the temple district, and while I tried to make the most of my situation by experiencing some of the joys that are to be...

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