Eshere Chapter 1

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#7 of Tik Tik in the Big City

Tik Tik has run into a lot of trouble lately. First, she was possessed by a demon, and then, on a quest to find a demonologist to help free her of its control, she ran into the wrong side of the law. Without her friends and without knowing anyone in the city, she is a lone kobold on the run from the law. But fate seems to have other things in store for her in a slime-caked alleyway.

"The Adventures of Tik Tik," is a fantasy erotica series staring a kobold woman seeking to learn more about the sexual nature of different cultures and creatures of the fantasy world she lives in. In this series, I like to delve into interesting characters and mix storytelling, character analysis, and sexy scenes to make an interesting read for all involved, and its all made possible by the support of my generous patrons. If you'd like to see more Tik Tik, please consider funding me at any level. Different tiers grant you more content and more input on the creation process of these stories, but I'm always looking for feedback on my work, so please, also consider joining my discord server.



Cover art by Crimson Rave Party:

The perils of Anteronia continue to astonish me. It has been three days since I had lost my companions in the riot that broke out in the temple district, and while I tried to make the most of my situation by experiencing some of the joys that are to be had here, I have had little luck in either securing housing or finding a demonologist

Yeah, well, maybe you shouldn't give all the traveling money to the bug guy next time and spend the rest on charlatans? You shouldn't be so quick to trust strangers, no matter how nice they seem.

I admit I have been quick to accept friendly faces here in the city. In the past days, such confidence in other sapients has been beneficial, and other times, it led to disaster.

Beneficial to you, maybe. Most of those quacks tried to get rid of me. But tell them about your new friend, hm?

There's an art to the narrative structure here. I may be a student of scientific theory, but I cannot explain matters of passion with just a cold researcher's style. To do that would lose all meaning in the acts.

I guess you gotta be a weirdo to get off to lab notes. But yeah, Tell them about Eshere!

Eshere, yes, that was an exciting and enlightening story. It began when I was rudely awakened one morning at the park. A soldier in the service of Judicator tapped me on the head with her club. Though I could not see the frown upon her face, the burning disdain in her eyes was there. "I found you, disruptor of the peace," she growled. "Now, you will come with me and face justice."

The Judicators, as I have come to know, are those who feel they should impose their rules of chastity and order upon the land. I wasn't ready to listen to those who would jeopardize the freedom of expression this city holds so dear, so I used one of my emergency reserves of spells to cast a slippery oil under the officer's boots. She slipped on it, falling upon her back. The scene of her scrambling back up would have been comical, but I took the opportunity to flee posthaste.

My exit led me out of the park towards a housing district. The buildings there showed the signs of neglect, and their style was entirely different from the clean and new constructions of the marketplace and temple districts.

Yeah, I told Tik all about the boring details she loves about stuff like this. It's an old-ass city, and people here are all about pleasing themselves, one way or the other, which means taking the little guy and squishing them under their heels, sometimes literally. It can be a fun time, or not. Depends on who you ask, really.

A sad state, indeed, but despite that, the people in the district seemed to make do, sitting on their corners, dressing in old, but revealing, outfits or peddling their wares as I passed by.

But, once the whistle of the officer blared down the street, everyone slipped away. I tried to make my own way to one of the houses, but the door had been locked. With no time to attempt to pick it, I hopped into the nearest alleyway, a cramped space, even for someone of my size, that eventually widened out to something more comfortable for a human.

The officer, slicked up by my oil, slipped through the crack more easily than I had, and she shouted at me to cease and to submit. That was not something I was planning on doing, so I continued my hasty retreat, only to trip upon something, falling down onto the ground and hitting my snout upon hard cobblestone.

The accumulated slime of the street was thick, and taking in a big whiff of it, along with falling into the stuff, disoriented me. I wasn't quite sure what happened, but there was a shout, a shuffle, and a moan.

Yeah, It was all fascinating. You were out of it, sure, but I got to see the whole thing.

So, I blacked out, and you didn't think to tell me about this until now?

I can't reveal all my secrets, can I? But, if you'd like, I'll give you the tour of that missing time of yours. Just let me control the pen for a little while.

Ah, so where were we? Tik Tik had fallen face-first into the sludge, getting a whiff of the stank of accumulated city waste. Luckily for her, I was able to take the driver's seat and flip over onto our back. That officer loomed over us. Too bad I couldn't fully manifest. I would have taken her out with the power of my perversion, and she would have loved it. Sadly, all I could do was make kobold goo-goo eyes at her.

She took one look at that adorable, baby-buzzard dragon face, and lifted her club, ready to put an end to that ugly thing and-

That is no way to treat your host, Zelb. I am not ugly, and you know it.

Relax, Tik, I'm just testing the waters, here. You're adorable. I'd fuck ya if I weren't stuck in your head.

Anywho, that's when that disgusting slime we had found ourselves in had slipped away from us, pooling around the officer's feet. Captain Tightass stepped back, praying to her stick-in-the-mud deity as the slime mass crawled up along her body. "No, by Judicator, stop! You're impeding the law!" So karmic for her to get her comeuppance.

The slime made its way up to the officer's knees before a mass loomed up behind her, taking on a vaguely humanoid form. Then, as its arms wrapped around the officer's chest, it took on more definition. As it held her down, it smiled at her, like a catfolk child playing with a mouse. Soon enough, it took on all of her colors, becoming a total copy of the woman.

The officer tried to fight it off, at first, but soon, her eyes rolled back, and she let out a loud, sighing moan. At that, she fell, the slime creature dropping her to the ground. Then, it looked to us, approached, and you woke up.

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