Sweet Sugah Talk

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#40 of Sonic the Hedgehog

Antoine and Bunnie have been married for over a dozen years, and their life has been filled with both excitement and peaceful happiness. Sometimes, a couple needs to just sit back and enjoy what they have, even when their life is filled with excitement and new adventures.

This was written as a part of a contest for the Sonic Porn General over on /trash/. The prompt was to do sweet talking, so I decided a little time between Antoine and Bunnie was the perfect opportunity for it.

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The sun sets on the small farmhouse on the outskirts of Mobotropolis. The rustic structure is a simple shack compared to the gleaming gold of the big city and the old-world charm of the plantations within the Southern Baronies, but the vibrant colors of its walls and the idyllic sway of the grass around it show the care its owners have for their home. As a long day of work has concluded, the two lovers find themselves sitting in their rocking chairs, letting the creaking of the boards add to the blissful calls of birds and other twilight creatures send them to the evening's calming embrace.

A gloved hand clasps a metal one, the two swaying in sync as their owners peer over the rolling hills beyond their porch. The coyote looks over towards the rabbit, who stares with intensity at the world beyond. He shakes his head and brings her robotic hand to his mouth, placing a full kiss upon it.

His kiss urges her out of her distant musings, and she smiles down at him, his eyes now set those adorable puppy dog look he gives to her and no one else. "Aw shucks, what's that look fer, Sugah-Twan?" To him, her drawl is smoother than even the most high quality butter melting into a pan for crepe Suzette.

He responds in his own subdued accent, holding much less of the laughable mannerisms and keeping all of the sophistication. Years of being married to her has tamed much of his youthful arrogance, yet tempered all of his passionate charm. "I cannot stand to let the most beautiful woman worry herself away from this exquisite evening. Is something the matter?"

The two stop rocking their chairs and Bunnie leans her cheek upon the palm of her furred hand. "Oh, nothing. Just thinkin' 'bout things.

"Such as?"

"It's been over a dozen years, and we ain't never moved on after all the hustle 'n bustle ended with Eggman's defeat and restorin' peace an' all that."

"And why would we? We built this place with our own hands..." he says, slipping himself off of the chair. He stands behind his wife, sliding his fingers up along both of her arms. "We have had the most trying childhoods, no? The world almost ended every day, and our lives were so hectic."

Bunnie rolls her neck into the ministrations of his expert fingers, his voice whispering sweet and husky romance into her very being. "Mmm... yeah, feels like it. But that was so long ago..."

Snickering just slightly, he whispers into her ear. "Besides, I thought you like to take things slow. It is what warms you up." His furred fingers rub at her shoulder and back, paying extra attention to the slightly scarred region where her muscle meets her robotic joints.

Bunnie rolls her neck, sighing. "But ah'm no spring chicken no more..."

"We are barely over thirty now, my cherie... are you saying I should not find you attractive? Or that you simply wish to add some of the oo la la to our marriage?"

She giggles, clasping his massaging hand. She pulls it away and kisses, rubbing his palm against her cheek. "Oh, yer funny. Ah just don't want to feel like ahm standin' still."

He walks out from behind, holding on and kneeling before her. "Oh, even Sonic has slowed his running recently. Are you saying you wish to go on a new adventure?"

She smirks and pats him on the head, running her fingers over his blond locks. "Oh, Twan, ah know its fun to try new things, like enjoyin' them threesomes and swingers parties, but..." she sighs. "Something seems missing."

"Whatever it may be, I shall grant it to you, my love, my life, my flower."

Bunnie smirks and slips herself off the chair. She straddles her husband, draping her arms over his shoulders.

He embraces his wife, leaning in so their noses touch. "You have some things on your mind. It would please me to hear them."

She nuzzles his nose, hot breath brushing against his fur. "Maybe after a bit of cuddling."

He holds her tight as he leans in, placing sweet kisses along her cheek. "Oh, but my dear, if we cuddled for too long, we would lose this relaxing moment and give in to our animal passions."

"Sho' nuff," she responds, wrapping her legs around his waist and resting her chin upon his shoulder. "Mmm... I really do love what we have here... our house, our land, our peace."

"Oui, it is all so perfect to spend all our life together, not afraid of losing you. Not afraid of war, and not afraid to speak when something bothers us."

Bunnie shifts on top of Antoine, and the coyote whimpers as metal joins catch on his fur.

"O... oh, careful!"

"So-sorry!" Bunnie gasps.

"No worries. I have plenty of the fur down there still." He sniffles, rubbing his nose to cover it up. "But you really must tell me exactly what is the matter!"

"Ah think," she pets his thigh, scratching where she tugged. "We might have to make some room to change again."

He pulls away, tilting his head like a curious puppy. "Ah, are you suggesting we perhaps expand our circle of intimate friends?"

"Oh you, thinkin' with yer dick, Sugah. No, no... we already got ourselves a new playmate, now that Cream's all grown up, now. 'Sides, ah think I wanna just stick with you for a little bit. Ah'm thinking somethin' with a bit more substance."

"Oh? And what is it that I can provide for you, my Southern Belle?"

"Shucks, Twan, you already did."

"I'm afraid I'm not following." He frowns.

Bunnie smiles and shifts back a bit, pulling Antoine's arm away from her. She presses the ungloved hand to her cheek, nuzzling it a moment. All the while, Antoine watches in silence, appreciating every murr and every coo. She then brushes his fingers down over her neck, past her collar, and over her breasts. He attempts a little squeeze, but she pulls it away, giving him a chastising, yet teasing, tut.

Then, she places his hand against her stomach, holding it there a moment. Antoine frowns, sniffing to break the silence. Bunnie stares into his eyes, and he glances back up at her, brows furrowed in slight confusion. "I don't think I am understanding your meaning."

Bunnie rolls her eyes and leans in, pecking him on the cheek before she whispers, "Sugah, ah love ya, but you need to use a bit more common sense if yer gonna be a daddy."

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