Tik Tik's Lactation Journey Part 2

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#5 of Assorted Tik Tik Setting Stories

Among one of Tik Tik's journeys, the kobold finds herself at an inn, but with no way to pay for her stay. Luckily for her, the innkeeper has a little problem that the kobold can help her with. Plus, this gives Tik Tik an oppurtunity to try out what a motherly dragon tastes like!

This is a commissioned piece. Marcine belongs to https://www.furaffinity.net/user/markusmccloud

Art used for the cover is made by: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/boyinthebubble/

Check out my Patreon for my series "The Adventures of Tik Tik" Those who give at 10 dollars a month get to add a poll option for deciding the theme for my patreon bonus stories!: https://www.patreon.com/tiktikkobold

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I must admit, that being in the arms of a mother dragon, laying upon her pregnant belly, and being asked to relieve her of the milk swelling her breast was not something I was expecting to be doing, yet that is what the journey of life is all about, learning and experiencing new things. I licked at my mouth and brought it down up around one of her rounded scaled breasts. We kobolds were not built for nursing, a strange and wonderful sensation though it may be, I have learned various techniques to achieve suction, particularly a simple spell that makes the tip of our snouts much more malleable and flexible. I cast it upon my self and wrap my lips around her nipple. Drawing in the air, I suckled upon the tit, letting my tongue flick at the nipple as well.

Marcine sighed and laid back, just spreading out over the bed. Her body is nice, softly-scaled, and warm, oh so warm. Almost immediately, the creamy liquid splashes up into my tongue, spraying in tiny little spurts that hit various parts of my mouth. I must say that the taste was just wonderful, and I would be lying if I said I did not suckle harder to take more of the fluid that I coveted.

Marcine shuddered underneath of me, her draconic hand holding on the back of my own, gripping my skull, but with an air of kindness and care to it. She squeezed slightly, letting me know that she would never let me go, and I just melted into her body upon her.

Soon, I broke my mouth free, some of her milk dribbling down from my chin. I licked it up eagerly, first from my jaw, and then from her breast, pressing my tongue upon her and giving a thick, quick, lick. "Oh, my, you're having fun," Marcine cooed, and I snickered, placing a hand upon my chest. "Tik Tik like have fun. Make sure 'mommy' does too." Marcine smiled at that, though her nostrils wavered in a slight, embarrassed snort. "Mommy? Well, not yet, but soon." "Marcine be good!" I replied, patting her large tummy. "Going to have good life, this one. Tasty milk, too. "Oh, why, thank you very mu-ah!" she gasped as I locked my malleable mouth around her other breast. "Oh-oh, my Tik, you've already drunk so much."

I giggled, my other hand moving to her first breast. IN my tiny paw I held the soft and squishy breast, and I eagerly squeezed upon it, letting some of the milk run down along those mounds and her curves. "Ah... I... I could have... just squirted them out myself!" she gasped. "Who said Tik Tik wants waste milk?" I asked, turning the magic off of my snout and then lowering myself over towards those beautiful rivulets of milk. I pressed my tongue upon her body, lapping her up clean so that the only liquid left on her was from my own mouth.

Marcine bit her mouth, tilting her head back as she held me in close towards the breast that had the lesser attention. I held my mouth to it, and though I no longer could suckle, I knew I could use my kobold ingenuity to improvise to get that sweet, sweet drink. Both hands hold onto her breast as if it were a waterskin. I pressed my palms together, and the milk splashed out upon my wanting tongue. I lapped it up as if drinking from a river of the most savory gravies, making sure to only squeeze enough to get what I could handle. Of course, the best-laid plans are always ruined, and I was left with milk stains upon my body. Quickly, I curled myself up in her arms, lapping against my chest and arms wherever I could. All the while, the relieved Marcine watched me with loving eyes.

I must have made some cute sound, as she laughed as I found myself drifting away into sleep, a belly full, and warm enough, despite no covers or no clothes. All I needed was this dragoness's beautiful body and a stomach full of her milk.

One last thing before I disappeared into the sweet oblivion of sleep, was the squirming kick underneath of me. It would seem that someone was a bit jealous of the attention I was getting.

By the time I awoke, I had a fresh white nightgown on while laying upon new sheets, tucked in all cozy in a warmth that could not compare to a living body, save for how inadequate it was. I suspect that Marcine had placed me there and changed the bed, but as I unsettled myself from that unexpected situation, I found that my scales had become quite sticky. The price, I suppose, of having to pay with services, rather than coin.

An interesting turn of events has just occurred. For as I was finishing up my account of the night before, Marcine knocked upon the door and instructed me to get a bath. Interestingly, she also announced that she would be waiting for the other part of my payment. It seems I have come across quite an intriguing situation. I can only hope that it will yield more fortuitous, and delicious, results!

I will be off now. I mustn't keep "mommy" waiting!

Tik Tik's Lactation Journey Part 1

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