Tik Tik's Lactation Journey Part 1

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#4 of Assorted Tik Tik Setting Stories

Among one of Tik Tik's journeys, the kobold finds herself at an inn, but with no way to pay for her stay. Luckily for her, the innkeeper has a little problem that the kobold can help her with. Plus, this gives Tik Tik an oppurtunity to try out what a motherly dragon tastes like!

This is a commissioned piece. Marcine belongs to https://www.furaffinity.net/user/markusmccloud

Art used for the cover is made by: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/boyinthebubble/

Check out my Patreon for my series "The Adventures of Tik Tik" One more dollar before I can hit 4k words a month on my main series!: https://www.patreon.com/tiktikkobold

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The life of a traveling mage and a student is one filled with many rest stops. There are times where I do not sleep in the same bed for more than a single night, and others when I use the services for a limited few hours of "intense study." It becomes difficult, then, to recall each and everyone that I have needed to go to, considering I feel no need to write "the service was nice, and the food was good."

What follows is my account of my time spent at The Dragon's Nest Inn, which has become one of my favorite establishments, not necessarily for the rest, but the service. When I first entered, I was greeted by the usual trappings of the common hall, and I was ready to put on my eager, happy barking in the common tongue for a room, but the first syllable came out as only a garbled choke at the sight of sublime beauty.

Her name, as I came to learn, is Marcine, and I had only ever seen someone quite like her in my journey to the forgotten temple of Xasandra. Here at the Dragon's Nest was an actual dragon, dressed in the trappings of humanoid clothing, but with the massive breasts and belly of pregnancy.

She smiled when she saw me and waved. "Welcome, Welcome, little one. Are you in need of a room or some other service?"

It took me a moment to realize she was speaking in the common language. I approached her to the table and fell to my knees, my head bowed low, talking in my native tongue. "Oh, great dragon mother. I am but a lowly kobold, and would not ask you to serve me, especially when you are already so burdened."

She looked at me a moment, tilting her head, before giggling a little, resting her hand upon her cheek. "Oh, that's cute," she said in the common voice again, "But I"m a businesswoman first, and a dragon second. So, serving you is no problem at all. And please, you can speak the common tongue, yes? I'd rather you do that for my other guests' sake." "Ah, sorry, sorry!" I kowtowed to her, but she placed a large hand upon my head, patting me gently. "There, there, no need to be sorry. My, I didn't think I'd see a kobold all the way out here. I got a room you can use, but I'm out of rooms for smaller races." "Anything you give Tik Tik, she'll like!" I insisted. "Well, then, for the night, that will be five silver pieces!" I eagerly reached into my pouch, only to feel my hand move through a hole cut through it. I gasped, both in shock and in complete shame.

"Oh, my, run afoul of some cutpurses, did you, little one?" Marcine frowned. "That's no good..." I lowered my head. "Tik Tik sorry. Tik Tik have no money!" She mulled over that a bit, flipping her key in her hand back and forth. "Alright, then... follow me." She snapped her finger, urging one of the other workers to take the desk for her. I hopped up, following her immediately. It was perhaps a mixture both of my fascination with her anatomy and my respect for all dragons that made me so eager to listen to her orders. But regardless of the cause, I followed her up to the room she had designated for me.

She sighed, plopping herself on the bed and leaning back. "Ah... so glad to get off my feet." I nodded in agreement. "Alright, so, I know you kobolds like to do all sorts of things for dragons... anything at all, right?" I nodded She scratched at her magnificent mane as if she was thinking something over. "You see, little one, I have a bit of a problem, myself." I tilted my head "I'm near the term, and my little wyrmling is going to be a beautiful baby, I'm sure." "You seem like good mommy!" I yipped quickly. She giggled at that. "Oh, but you hardly know me, and I haven't finished talking." "S... sorry much," I drew my hood up over my head, resolving to be quiet. There came a shuffle of fabric, and I chanced a glance, only to catch a full look at her large, swollen breasts. She leans back, unbuttoning her pants. Taking the initiative, I ran up and helped her out of them, only then to marvel at the nude form sitting in front of me.

Marcine lifted her hands, running them under her breasts. "Being a woman who enjoys working, having these so filled with milk... it's just so troublesome. Tik Tik... if it wouldn't bother you, could you..."

"Tik Tik suck titty milk!" I gasped out. "Do it for Marcine, yes, yes!" She sighed and smiled, patting her knee. "Oh, I'm so glad you're so eager. I was afraid I'd be... asking too much." I threw off my cloak and soon disrobed from my other clothes as well. All the while, Marcine watched, biting her lip as I wiggled out of my last bits. "My, my, you're making this quite intimate, aren't you?" "Tik Tik no get clothes messy!" I said proudly, hands upon my hips. "Oh, yes, indeed. Laundry is so terrible. Now, then... how about you come up here and get comfortable?" She fluttered her eyes, ending in a half-lidded gaze. I hopped up immediately, landing on her lap and scurrying up that magnificent body of hers. She tried to hold it back, but she let out a loud laugh. "He-hey, that tickles. Wait!" she wrapped her arms around me, holding me up close, cradling me in her arms. "Hey, this is going to be good practice, don't you think?" She asked, smiling down at me, curled up in her arms. Now, then, go ahead... why don't you try a taste?"

Tik Tik's Lactation Journey Part 2

I must admit, that being in the arms of a mother dragon, laying upon her pregnant belly, and being asked to relieve her of the milk swelling her breast was not something I was expecting to be doing, yet that is what the journey of life is all about,...

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Lynx's Life 2

"Such a shame that the Councilwoman didn't stick around," The nude rabbit said, sitting on the edge of the bed with one leg crossed over the other. "She seemed like she would have been a fun ride." Nicole stepped into the sterile bedchamber, sighing...

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Fairy in the Moonlight

The sliver of a crescent moon brings scant light to the forest floor. Two men in hooded leather armor with their mouths covered in bandit masks make their way silently through the darkened woods. Their bows are ready to be drawn at a moment's notice....

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