Eshere Chapter 2

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#8 of Tik Tik in the Big City

Friends are hard to find when running from the law, and Tik Tik is in desperate need for those friends. So when a green kobold shows up and offers her a way out, she eagerly takes it, but who is this Eshere and what does she want with Tik Tik? And why is she so... slimey?

"The Adventures of Tik Tik," is a fantasy erotica series staring a kobold woman seeking to learn more about the sexual nature of different cultures and creatures of the fantasy world she lives in. In this series, I like to delve into interesting characters and mix storytelling, character analysis, and sexy scenes to make an interesting read for all involved, and its all made possible by the support of my generous patrons. If you'd like to see more Tik Tik, please consider funding me at any level. Different tiers grant you more content and more input on the creation process of these stories, but I'm always looking for feedback on my work, so please, also consider joining my discord server.



Cover art by Crimson Rave Party:

Yes, knowing the context of the situation would surely have made me more aware of the possible dangers that were before me. Had you told me about the mimicry, I probably would have been more wary. When my awareness returned, it was blurry at first, tainted violet from your cursed existence. But, when I got a real look at the rescuer, it was not a slime monster. It was a kobold. Green, and perhaps a little slimy, but a kobold, nonetheless.

"Hey, miss, we really need to get going!" she said to me in the common tongue. I tried to speak to her in our native Draconic to ask her what was going on, but she frowned and said. "I, uh... I don't understand."

I grabbed hold of her outstretched hand and squeaked when I saw the officer, curled up and groaning in what I thought was a pained expression, but now I know better.

"We can't stick around for her to wake up," the kobold said, tugging at me, but too weak to let me go.

"Where... what... happen?" I asked "Name?"

The kobold frowned, but quickly barked, "Eshere. Now please, follow me."

Seeing no alternative, I agreed to Eshere's plea and took the kobold's hand as she led me through various alleyways. If I wasn't lost already in the sprawling slums of the lower side of Anteronia, I had become so at that point, but strangely, I felt no fear of the stranger. Perhaps it was the kobold familiarity, or maybe how this person seemingly rescued me, but mostly, it was a super sexy demon interested in seeing why the slime monster dropped the guard after starting to have such a good time. It was me, after all, who put those next words in your mouth.

"I should thank you," I had thought I had said that, but apparently, those weren't even my own words. Such is the curse of being possessed.

Eshere stopped at the back entrance of one of the many houses that line the street. Blushing, the kobold slipped us both inside, and I found ourselves in the muggy, hot room. "I'm sorry, I... I can't."

"Aw, why not? Tik Tik think Eshere cute. Want see what Tik Tik can do?"

Eshere took a few steps away from me, bumping into a coffee table. Strange, that a kobold would live in a house seemingly designed for humans.

"Look, you don't understand, Miss. I'm not..."

I purred as I pressed myself up against Eshere's body, rolling my tongue out and licking over the slimy kobold's face. Eshere's whole form shuddered at the touch, and then the kobold pushed me away. "I said 'no!'"

I stumbled back in my possessed stupor, falling onto a cushiony bag. Had that been there a moment before?

Eshere's gasp alerted me to some danger, but I could not react quick enough. How was I supposed to know that my body would stick to the cushion? Was I supposed to know that furniture could come alive, sprout eyes and mouths, and make tentacles that wrapped around my body?

"S... Siiis!" Eshere groaned, running fingers over her face. "No, this is a friend, not food!"

"Food!?" I yelp. I had experience with larger creatures seeing me as a snack. And this appeared to be another tally in that regard. The hot and muggy air circulated around me as the walls and the furniture distorted into fleshy pseudopods and chuckling teeth. Between my legs, a long tongue emerged, rubbing up against my slit as fingers and tentacles and lips caressed over my body.

Eshere shook her head, covering her eyes. She called this creature, this house, its sister. It was then that I realized the slimy form looked remarkably like myself, even down to the faint outline of the colored snout indicative of a kobold of the Dragon's Heir tribe--impossible this far from home, unless Eshere was like me, perhaps even just like me--a copy, created by some form of slime creature.

Eshere's form melted away, and I was at the mercy of the tentacled horror as its tendrils found their way deep down into both my slit and my mouth. I groaned, the feeling strange, yet not that unpleasant. I could have seen myself wishing to experiment with this "Sis," but as it stood then and there, I was in danger.

That is when a clear green jelly splashed from the puddle in which Eshere disappeared. It wrapped around me, sealing my body away from Eshere's house-sized sister. I was pulled away by a slick "pop," something that made me gasp and take in the green goo as I breathed in to scream. It was then I realized that the slime that grabbed me was Eshere itself!

Eshere's taste is not unpleasant, something of the plant "mint" mixed with other sweets. I must admit that the flavor of such things does not suit a kobold's palette, yet the taste here made me realize just what the humans liked in their sugary treats.

Eshere pulled me free, leaving me in a rolling bubble of jelly as it slides out the door. Soon, we made it outside, and Eshere spat me out, taking on my form once more as it lay on the ground, coughing and sputtering. Ach... gross!" the slime creature grimaced. "Did you... did you enjoy Sis doing that to you?"

I was quite perplexed at first at Eshere's reaction, but for the moment, I was grateful for the rescue. For it is from that I could be sure that this was a friend and not a foe, but above that, Eshere appears to be quite an interesting subject of study while I figure out how to get back on track with my mission. Surely, I have more to report on her, and Sis, soon.

Eshere Chapter 1

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Sweet Sugah Talk

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