Prakibak Chapter 1

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#3 of Tik Tik into the Wildlands

This is where it all began. In these classic Tik Tik stories, see the origins of the characters. Some events in these are no longer considered canon, but they can still be interesting to read.

These are some of my earliest works, so they are pretty rough.

The Dragon's Heir Kobold Tribe has always lived society for the betterment of the tribe, even if that meant sacrificing the needs of the individual for the entire unit. But Tik Tik is an individual. Punished for a trap that didn't go off correctly, she now finds herself working under the eye of Prakibak the dig boss, and the male kobold is a lusty as he is aggressive.

"The Adventures of Tik Tik," is a fantasy erotica series staring a kobold woman seeking to learn more about the sexual nature of different cultures and creatures of the fantasy world she lives in. In this series, I like to delve into interesting characters and mix storytelling, character analysis, and sexy scenes to make an interesting read for all involved, and its all made possible by the support of my generous patrons. If you'd like to see more Tik Tik, please consider funding me at any level. Different tiers grant you more content and more input on the creation process of these stories, but I'm always looking for feedback on my work, so please, also consider joining my discord server.



Tik Tik scurried from the old abandoned campsite. Prakibak had called for her, and she couldn't leave the injured dig boss alone. After all, it is a kobold's duty to see after the well-being of their tribe, and those above a kobold in rank needed to be protected for the good of them all. She arrived at the site and panted, dropping down to her knees beside the injured foreman and looked him over with a frantic concern. "What? What is wrong?"

Prakibak, laying on his back, with the collapsed stone on his leg and tail, looked up to Tik Tik with his once powerful orange eyes. "You... you were taking too long," he admited. "I need a report more often."

Tik Tik blinked, but a smile ran across her face. "Boss... are you scared?"

"No!" he snapped, sneering and showing off his impressive teeth.

"It's alright if you are," Tik Tik said. She reached out, and placed a hand upon one of his impressive frills. The dig boss flinched at her touch, and she frowned. "Dig crew will come to save us," she said. "We can't get out with you like this. Even if I free you, you'll be too hurt to move. So, I'll stay beside you." She sat back, placing the book she found at the campsite upon her lap.

"What's that?" he asked, unable to shift to a comfortable position to properly see it.

She flipped through the pages and stuck to the words she could recognize. "It's a book I found at an abandoned uplander camp"

"Book? Pah. Waste of space. Sheets are much better, and are easy to carry only what you need. No wonder that uplander camp was abandoned if they carried around something so heavy and useless."

"Not useless!" Tik Tik said, stopping on a certain page. "Magic! I think I can ease your pain, Dig Boss!" She stood up, facing the rocks. "If this is correct, all I need to do is speak in dragon tongue to you." She brushed her finger along the page, and recited the incantation that promised the freedom of movement.

"How are you supposed to touch me if you're busy holding that carcass-covered weight?" Prakibak scoffed. You shouldn't waste your ti-"

Tik Tik pressed the sole of her foot upon the Dig Boss's cheek, applying pressure enough to shut him up as she scanned over the page. Prakibak growled at the indignity of it, but as her words filled the air, they both felt the transfer of power issuing out from the book, coursing through Tik Tik's body, and then entering into Prakibak.

With renewed vigor and a sudden feeling of fleet-footedness, Prakibak dug his hands into the dirt floor. Surprisingly, he slid right out from under the rock with a loud "pop." With tail and claw out from under the rocks, the remains of the cave-in settled down, kicking up even more dust around them.

Prakibak growled, sitting up and feeling around his swollen appendage. "Need healer for this," he muttered. "No healing spells in your book, are there?"

Tik Tik shook her head. "Not from what I can read," she said "but you are safe now. We'll wait here for rescue, then see the healer." She sat down next to him this time. "Read with me, to make the time go faster?"

He rolled his eyes. "What else am I going to do?" he asked, leaning back on his hands, draping the tip of his poor, swollen tail over the ankle of his good leg.

Tik Tik flipped the page to the diagram she had left off on, with the burrower mounted upon the strange fleshy creature. Prakibak's eyes grew wide at the sight, and he shut the book, right over Tik Tik's hand. She yelped, and pulled it free, shaking it off.

"Ow! What the hells?"

"That's no good!" he barked. "Throw it away, Tik Tik."

"What's the matter with you?" she asked, scooting away. He grabbed her arm, keeping her from leaving.

"Kobolds should not see such things," he said, his eyes angered, yet his hand trembled.

She placed her hand on his and tilted her head. "What's the matter? What's wrong with the book?"

He licked over his teeth, his lips twitching. "It's... against the need of the tribe," he said. "Relations outside of the tribe, outside of kobold kind, they are no good."

She considered the book once more, and then said "I won't pay attention to that. I'll see if there's anything that can help us, that's all."

He hissed, yet he let go of her. "This will only lead to trouble. I'm only trying to help,"

She held a hand up in front of his face and opened the book once more, scanning page after page as he grumbled quietly to himself.

Some time passed, and Prakibak fell asleep, laying face up on the ground, so as not to roll over onto his injured foot. Tik Tik, meanwhile, kept up her studies. Surely, the fleshy creature under the burrower was a "human," as the book made many references to them. Obviously, a human wrote it, which made some of the entries rather frustrating to decipher. Of course, once the diagrams showed humans interacting with other humans, she finally figured out what the purpose of the tome was. She had walked by the breeding grounds on her way to trap passages before, seeing as the men of the tribe loomed over unclothed females, their legs spread, tails raised, hooking over the male's shoulders. She noticed their expressions, the men forceful and angered, the females bored, squirming masses. Where was the fun in such work? Yet here, as she read about the humans and the forms they took in their rituals, gazing upon the art depicting the faces, strange as they were, in obvious signs of happiness. She leaned in, taking in as much as she could from the work, and, as she did, she felt something rise from within the pit of her being, and a tingle of excitement arose from her mind. These creatures, they were having fun, so much fun, and they could have this fun not just with themselves, but with other beings. Burrowers, creatures like the humans with pointy ears, or shorter ones with furry faces, larger ones twice their size, and...

Prakibak Chapter 2

Her eyes widened, her very core shook at the sight. She pressed her finger against the illustration and swallowed the saliva that had formed in her mouth. There, written in the plainest of draconic, was a guide entitled "Seducing the Dragons."...

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The Book 2

Tik Tik awoke, her pink scales caked in dust and dirt, and her working clothes torn, with droplets of dried blood on her arms and legs. She groaned and got on her knees, shaking off loose rubble from her head. She poked at her frills and traced a...

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The Book 1

"Dig, dig, dig. Dig down deep. Find the ore, and dig it out. Swing the pick, tooth and claw, keep on digging down!" The chants of the kobold mining crew repeated over and over again in the dark depths of the Crimson Claw Cavern. All down the line,...

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